
The gardener in the county town wrote another article to answer the three questions that Xiang Yi cried about, which was sincere and reasonable

author:Blue sky north

The gardener in the county town wrote articles continuously, answering the three questions that Xiang Yi cried about, and the feelings were sincere and reasonable

The gardener in the county town wrote another article to answer the three questions that Xiang Yi cried about, which was sincere and reasonable

(The pictures in this article are all video screenshots)

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are magnificent, and the current affairs are hot

【Northern Vision】

(Don't follow the trend, don't follow the crowd, different perspectives, don't tempt likes)

(082 of the Appropriate Series Review)

Xiangyi went thousands of miles to Gansu to teach and was frustrated, and the pear blossoms brought rain in the live broadcast room, not only did not receive sympathy from fans, but was criticized badly: Xianglin's sister-in-law is the same, she is very annoying.

Why do fans resent her crying, resenting her complaints, and resenting her chatter?

The gardener in the county town wrote another article to answer the three questions that Xiang Yi cried about, which was sincere and reasonable

"The Gardener in the County" writes in succession, combined with his own . experienced, answered the three questions of Xiang Yi's crying, the feelings were sincere, and every sentence was reasonable.

.* So many teachers on the Internet are doing live broadcasts, making short videos, and some even have the titles of master's and doctor's degrees, you don't attack them, but come to slander me, why?

When the "gardener in the county town" was bullied and attacked by the Internet, he also fought back so angrily: There are so many teachers in the headlines today who are writing articles, why are you holding me every day?

If you keep worrying about this problem, it will not help, and it will even backfire. After reflection, the "gardener in the county" came to the conclusion that finding a solution was the best policy.

Is it because I'm the most popular on Douyin that I deserve to be scolded? This is the second question.

"The gardener in the county" said that every penny you make from the traffic contains the money that has been scolded.

You are the hottest, you earn the most, and it is inevitable that you will be scolded more. If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight! It is necessary to have a strong psychological endurance and be able to pass by with a smile.

*Which law in the country prohibits university teachers from doing live webcasts? Didn't you?

"The gardener in the county" said that there is indeed no, except for a few industries, other industries can open live broadcasts after work, which is not illegal or violates community norms.

Your university did not prohibit you from doing live webcasts, did you choose to resign, and still ask this question, is it really necessary to ask it repeatedly?

I think the three answers of "the gardener in the county" are reasonable, well-founded and warm, and as a person who has been cyberbullied, even now there is no peace, and he is even more outspoken.

Objectively speaking, in today's situation, the responsibility is mainly on yourself, and the resignation is proposed by yourself. Including this volunteer teaching, I knew that I couldn't do it, so I had to stubbornly move forward.

These things have already passed, what's the use of dwelling on them every day? It's best never to mention it again in the future.

In real life, we often hear complaints:

Parents complain about their children: feed and clothe you, provide you with education, you are not reckless, and you don't know how to be grateful.

Children complain to their parents: give you money to spend, give you food, you don't appreciate it, and people's hearts are really useless.

Are these complaints useful? Since you have done it, it means that you have these abilities, and it is also your responsibility and obligation.

Xiangyi complained about her family of origin many times, commented on her mother and brother, and said that she took on the responsibility of changing the family.

The gardener in the county town wrote another article to answer the three questions that Xiang Yi cried about, which was sincere and reasonable
The gardener in the county town wrote another article to answer the three questions that Xiang Yi cried about, which was sincere and reasonable

(Blacksmith, please remind my sister to take a look at this article)

Just ask, when you have the ability, you can do it. But what will happen to them if you don't?

The last thing you should do is crying and complaining in the live broadcast room, and your recipient is the fans. Why don't you put yourself in the shoes of an irrelevant person crying or complaining, will you sympathize? Even if you sympathize, what's the use?

Besides, the live broadcast room is not an occasion for you to talk at all. Fans are not interested in these things, and can only increase their disgust and disappointment.

Someone who is disgusted with these contents has already taken you out directly.

The gardener in the county town wrote another article to answer the three questions that Xiang Yi cried about, which was sincere and reasonable

Today, a fellow from Liaoning Province living in Jiangsu sent me a private message, she said:

The gardener in the county town wrote another article to answer the three questions that Xiang Yi cried about, which was sincere and reasonable

To be honest, everyone hopes to get better, a healthy, sunny and happy life, after all, it is a very small number of people who are cyberbullying.

But even if an emotional expert or a psychologist saves a person, he must first cooperate with himself. To solve the bell, you must tie the bell, this bell is tied by yourself, and you must solve it yourself.

Listen to everyone's opinions and suggestions, stop dwelling on those past pasts, stop complaining about those past history, and stop digging into the horns.

Change some of your behavior right away, from now on, don't use your mom to make videos anymore, you're too selfish to do that. If you can't find an assistant, don't shoot a video yet.

Dad is 70 years old, and his health is not good, and he needs women more in his life.

The gardener in the county town wrote another article to answer the three questions that Xiang Yi cried about, which was sincere and reasonable
The gardener in the county town wrote another article to answer the three questions that Xiang Yi cried about, which was sincere and reasonable

(Your classmates and children will run away)

Talk about a love in a down-to-earth way, and truly awaken the desire for love between men and women from the heart. Lower the standard of courtship and solve the urgent marriage matter. For example, the classmate who went on a blind date last time, you can promise to give up the Internet and see how he reacts? Everything makes way for marriage.

To do public welfare, we must be based on the local area, be realistic, and practice it, not blindly. Live streaming is generous, and there is no need to pave the way.


Life is too short, so why bother to fight harder?

I hope Xiang Yi and the blacksmith will read this article

The gardener in the county town wrote another article to answer the three questions that Xiang Yi cried about, which was sincere and reasonable

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【Northern Vision】

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(Note: Some of the materials in the article come from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact the author to delete)