
The gardener in the county town wrote an appropriate comment, which is the most sincere, rational and valuable commentary

author:Blue sky north

The gardener in the county town wrote a good comment, which is the most sincere, the most sensible and the most valuable to read

The gardener in the county town wrote an appropriate comment, which is the most sincere, rational and valuable commentary

(The pictures in this article are all video screenshots)

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are magnificent, and the current affairs are hot

【Northern Vision】

(Don't follow the trend, don't follow the crowd, different perspectives, don't tempt likes)

(081 of the Appropriate Series Review)

After reading the comments on the Internet about Xiangyi, almost all of them are negative comments.

When I wrote the serial number 081 of this review, I unknowingly used my spare time to pay attention to Xiangyi, and made objective comments on the occurrence and development and ending of each of her events, and I have already written 80 articles.

There is support, criticism, and suggestions, and more of it is a whipping and condemnation of the phenomenon of cyberviolence.

I'm not a fan of Xiangyi, and if I continue to pay attention to an event, I may not be able to find a colleague. I try to bring some lessons and meaningful things to people and society through objective analysis and commentary on each event.

This time alone, I have published three reviews in a row. I've already said what I want to say, and repetition is nonsense.

The gardener in the county town wrote an appropriate comment, which is the most sincere, rational and valuable commentary

In the morning, I saw the "gardener in the county" who was close to each other, and posted a micro-headline comment on Xiangyi.

After reading it, I feel that it is at least the most sincere, rational and valuable article among the many comments on the Internet.

I immediately recommended forwarding: I hope netizens will take a look, and I hope that Xiangyi himself can see it.

"The gardener in the county" is an Internet celebrity with 120,000 followers, and he is a netizen who has been following recently. She is a high school teacher, not only knowledgeable, but also experienced, and what she writes is objective, rational and profound.

The gardener in the county town wrote an appropriate comment, which is the most sincere, rational and valuable commentary

This micro-article of hers is written frankly:

I know her from her phrase "we are Japan". At that time, the whole network was scolding her, and Qianfu pointed out. I didn't know her at all before, and I was influenced by public opinion, and I hated her very much.

I really don't understand what kind of Chinese can say the words "we Japan" in public. At that time, on the headlines, whenever I scolded her, I would click on it to read it and express my support.

Then one day, I asked myself, "Do you teach your students every day to learn to think independently and not follow the crowd?" You teach students every day to be objective and comprehensive in their view, whether they look at things or people, have you done it yourself? ”

(Just say what you think and do, don't hide it, isn't it open?) )

This micro-article of hers is written sincerely:

If she is a Japanese spy, as a well-known Internet celebrity, she has nowhere to hide. If she is not, a habit, a wrong word, will not be able to go on the line. The era of the literary prison has passed, because a word has been copied all over the house, and it was the pedantic Qing Dynasty.

Later, I happened to read that she was going to be a village library, and I immediately resonated with her. I once thought that one day I would be able to build a library in our village, so that the left-behind children in our village can have books to read and put down their mobile phones.

I also wrote this idea on the headline at that time, and many friends left messages against it, saying that there were no children to read the library after the library, and now children are obsessed with mobile phones.

(Is it sincere to say what you say about her from the heart?) )

This micro-article of hers is written sensibly:

Xiangyi said that when she went to teach, I denied her from the time. One is that it's almost summer vacation, and there is no one in the school to teach? One is that in terms of time, she can't stay for more than half a year.

Volunteer teaching is not "the spring breeze is proud, and you can see all the Chang'an flowers in one day", but it is really necessary to invest time and effort, dedication, altruism, and sinking a heart.

(Analyze with your own experience, is it objective and rational, teaching is not a matter of two or three days!) )

The gardener in the county town wrote an appropriate comment, which is the most sincere, rational and valuable commentary

The "gardener on campus" was also a mentally ill patient, but fortunately, through self-healing and the help of many people, she has been able to return to her normal work and life, and is slowly getting out of the disease, and has swam to the shore of recovery.

She suggested: There is a saying in the psyche that speaking out is healing. Being able to say it in the live broadcast room is actually a subconscious way of self-healing.

But the live broadcast room is not a good place to heal, because it is mixed, because not everyone understands this condition.

Limited to the headline rules, you can't quote too much, because too much application of the headline will sentence you to a violation and show your red card. If you are interested, you can move to her main business to have a look.

Her essay is short and she can't write headlines at school because of the nature of her job. Every day during her morning exercises, she uses the method of voice to text, and sends micro-headlines or small videos. I rarely write articles anymore, because writing articles is time-consuming and laborious, and I have to edit the pictures, which is very troublesome.

Just used the morning and evening time to post micro headlines, and some people were red-eyed, spraying her for not doing her job.

The gardener in the county town wrote an appropriate comment, which is the most sincere, rational and valuable commentary

After becoming close friends with her, I wrote several critical essays about her in a row. With his own cognition and mastery of psychology, he objectively affirmed and commented on her.

As a woman, she is pressured by factors such as marriage, family, work, etc., and is very prone to mental illness.

But the "gardener in the county" can successfully redeem herself and get out of the shadows, which is commendable, and writing headlines after work has become a channel for her to confide in herself and an outlet for her emotions, so she is very grateful to the headlines and the fans who support her.

Besides, he suffered cyberbullying and was forced to resign as a university teacher and return to his hometown. Let's put ourselves in her shoes and think about how painful her inner world is.

There are no friends, only to be with mom and dad. She doesn't trust anyone else, she is closed and exclusive.

The gardener in the county town wrote an appropriate comment, which is the most sincere, rational and valuable commentary

Without a job, all she can survive on is Douyin. But she went it alone, without a team, without copywriting planning for the event, and in her own words, "which page to read which page to read", lacking feasibility research and judgment.

This teaching support and the establishment of a suitable rural library are examples of serious failures.

Internet celebrities do public welfare, all of which are highly utilitarian, and there is no need to avoid them. That is to increase and maintain the popularity of the account, continuously improve the influence, and enhance the reputation of your own personality.

But if the planning is not good, it will often backfire, and this time the teaching failed, I found that some fans have been publicly closed.

The gardener in the county town wrote an appropriate comment, which is the most sincere, rational and valuable commentary

This time, Xiangyi went to Gansu to teach, and previously posted a video saying that the contact was good, but when he met the principal in Gansu, the situation reversed. In fact, with your mother, drones, and filming equipment, even if you are not a controversial Internet celebrity, there will be no school to accept it.

It shows that she has not yet understood the form, purpose and meaning of volunteer teaching, and volunteer teaching is by no means a casual view.

The gardener in the county town wrote an appropriate comment, which is the most sincere, rational and valuable commentary

What should I do if I encounter this situation, it just so happens that my cousin drove them there, and while he didn't return, he could immediately send a video to give fans an explanation, and try to say as little as possible. Because at this time everything is futile and will not help. Then, I and my cousin went back the same way as soon as possible.

This can reduce the secondary negative impact of this incident, at this time, the video of the alma mater of Hainan University was posted, and there was so much rhetoric, what is the point?

If you say that you praise your alma mater, it is better to say that you are using it to criticize and expose other schools.

The gardener in the county town wrote an appropriate comment, which is the most sincere, rational and valuable commentary

For Xiang Yi, the top priority is to reflect on himself again, stop asking why, and find the reason in himself.

Take the "gardener in the county" as an example, recognize the reality, do not complain, no longer dwell on the past, and repeat those pasts.

Everything is too late to be young, and what is so terrible about going down steadily?

The gardener in the county town wrote an appropriate comment, which is the most sincere, rational and valuable commentary

(The article quotes the content of the micro-article "Gardener in the County", without soliciting comments, only thanks)

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(Note: Some of the materials in the article come from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact the author to delete)