
The woman took the initiative to have a relationship with the "set", but later called the police and said that she was sexually assaulted, and the man was sentenced to three years

author:Pudding operation trivia

The man wanted to have sex with the woman in the hotel, and the woman brought a condom to the man for safety.

Afterwards, the woman called the police and said that the man had assaulted him.

The man argued that the condom was worn by the woman on his own initiative and was not considered an assault. (Material adapted from the Judgment Network)

The woman took the initiative to have a relationship with the "set", but later called the police and said that she was sexually assaulted, and the man was sentenced to three years

Case probably

One night in Luliang, Shanxi Province, the man Hui returned from work, and in the face of the empty rental cabin, a sense of loneliness came to his heart like a tide. So, he habitually strolls alone through the brightly lit streets after dinner, hoping to find some solace in the hustle and bustle of the city.

Just as Hui was immersed in his thoughts, he happened to meet Xu, a woman who was also walking. Xu was new to the city and was full of curiosity and anticipation for the city, and she told Hui that she was currently living in a hotel and had not yet found a suitable place to live.

Hui saw that Xu was also walking alone, so he took the initiative to talk to her.

The woman took the initiative to have a relationship with the "set", but later called the police and said that she was sexually assaulted, and the man was sentenced to three years

"Are you also out for a walk alone?" Hui asked.

"yes, I've just been in this city for a short time, so I'm not familiar with this place yet." Xu replied.

Hui saw that Xu was very talkative, so he chatted with Xu. Soon after, Xu felt that it was too late to leave, so Hui proposed to send Xu back to the hotel. Xu saw that Hui was sincere, so he gladly accepted it.

After arriving at the hotel room, the loneliness and impulse in Hui's heart began to swell. He tried to close the distance between him and Xu, but Xu was obviously uncomfortable, but he didn't show much resistance.

The woman took the initiative to have a relationship with the "set", but later called the police and said that she was sexually assaulted, and the man was sentenced to three years

In this way, Hui's actions became more and more bold, trying to forcibly have a relationship with Xu.

At this critical moment, Xu took out a "set" from his bag, calmly handed it to Hui, and then acquiesced to his behavior. Hui looked at the "set" in front of him and mistakenly thought that Xu had acquiesced to the relationship, so he obeyed Xu's request.

Afterwards, a trace of uneasiness suddenly swelled in Hui's heart. He thought of the rumors about "fairy jumping" on the Internet, and many women used themselves as bait, suspecting that Xu might use this to blackmail him. So, he hurriedly left 100 yuan in cash and wanted to leave.

The woman took the initiative to have a relationship with the "set", but later called the police and said that she was sexually assaulted, and the man was sentenced to three years

However, just as Hui was about to leave, Xu suddenly shouted for help. The others downstairs rushed to hear the cries for help and tried to stop Hui from leaving. Hui broke free in panic and fled the scene.

After Xu saw Hui escape, he immediately called the police. She told the police about what happened to her: "I never had any communication with Hui, and it was he who forcibly broke into my room. The reason why I didn't resist violently was because I was afraid that he would hurt me. In order to reduce the harm, I took the initiative to put on a 'condom' for him and had a relationship with him. ”

After Hui was arrested, he always insisted that he was innocent, and he believed that Xu's behavior of taking the initiative to put on a "condom" for him was enough to prove that she was voluntary, and he did not threaten or use violent means to force Xu to compromise during the whole process.

After trial, the court held that Xu wore a "condom" for Hui, but it could not prove that she was voluntary. Therefore, the court finally found that Hui's actions constituted the crime of rape. In the end, Hui was sentenced to three years in prison with a four-year probation.

Comments from netizens

Some netizens laughed and said that this must be because the price has not been negotiated.

Some netizens said that men must stay sober when they are outside, and they must know how to protect themselves anytime and anywhere to avoid falling into various traps.

Some netizens also felt that the court's sentence was decent, and the sentence was 3 years of probation and 4 years, indicating that the law enforcement officers also felt that this matter was a little strange, although sympathetic to the man's experience, the man may have been "jumped by the immortal", but according to the procedure, the victim must be given an explanation, and the man does have illegal acts.

The woman took the initiative to have a relationship with the "set", but later called the police and said that she was sexually assaulted, and the man was sentenced to three years
The woman took the initiative to have a relationship with the "set", but later called the police and said that she was sexually assaulted, and the man was sentenced to three years
The woman took the initiative to have a relationship with the "set", but later called the police and said that she was sexually assaulted, and the man was sentenced to three years

Write at the end

Beforehand, men are strong on this side.

In hindsight, men are a vulnerable group in this regard.

As long as something happens, it's all the man's fault.

For men, no matter where they are or what age they are, they must try their best to control their desires.