
Surely you will repay! Rely on the balance of accounts after the autumn, reduce media influence to attract "fellow travelers"

author:Europe respects Taiwan

Wen-Ou reverence

The host of the TV show was liquidated by Lai Qingde. However, Lai Qingde will not liquidate himself, he will call the DPP to liquidate, the DPP will not come out to liquidate, and he will also call the media to come out to liquidate, who is the media?

The most famous media are their own media, such as the "Liberty Times," Sanli Television, or Mintv, but the DPP does not only control these channels, and the DPP does not only control these newspapers.

Surely you will repay! Rely on the balance of accounts after the autumn, reduce media influence to attract "fellow travelers"

This "Liberty Times" first appeared on a certain TV station, and the result was actually a specific host surnamed Liu of a specific program of Eastern Sen TV, which is troublesome, which means that this person was directly and differently named and criticized, and the reason why this person was named and criticized is that from May 2023 to January 2024, this host supported Hou Youyi, he did not support Lai Qingde, they came back and prepared to settle accounts with this person, and this host is the highest rated in Taiwan.

The ratings of this host are so high that his salary alone can represent it, and the salary he receives should be the highest among the more than two dozen hosts of this type of program. It's been more than 18 years since such a high salary, in other words, this show has a lot of influence, even if many people may have some opinions about this show, thinking that this show is actually not very scientific, and even very different from knowledge, or to some extent distorted, but there are many people who watch it, and they will return to political issues from time to time to have some influence, but I didn't expect that in 2023, this host is not the same as the mainstream of Dongsen, and most of Dongsen is still on the green side, But this time he stood on Lan's side and also supported Hou Youyi, and this account was remembered by Lai Qingde.

Surely you will repay! Rely on the balance of accounts after the autumn, reduce media influence to attract "fellow travelers"

Lai Qingde waited until after the election, after he came to power, only after "5.20", only a month to start counting the account on his head, a key program of Eastern Television was really remembered, of course, the host he pointed to did not talk about the chairman of Eastern Television Station, nor did he talk about their general manager, nor did he talk about the person in charge of their program department, he directly pointed to this host, and when he did this, everyone felt that he was deliberately pointing to a single media person, There are at least 50 media people like this or well-known media people in Taiwan, because at that time, there were clear blue and green barriers, and there were many people who were dissatisfied with the green camp, but he may not have the opportunity, and there may not be such a key program as this key program to stand on a platform and speak loudly.

So he first picked the highest ratings to do the liquidation, so will he continue to liquidate other program hosts later? Because there are many hosts who oppose Lai Qingde, such as Tang Xianglong and Chen Fengxin in Lanying, they all oppose Lai Qingde, or some well-known celebrities, whether it is a professor or some hosts, there are many people who oppose him, do they also have to liquidate? This is the question that everyone wants to ask, but now probably all the celebrities and academic professors in Taiwan do not doubt it, because they think that it is inevitable that Lai Qingde will liquidate these things one by one, but in addition to naming and criticizing, what methods will he use?

Surely you will repay! Rely on the balance of accounts after the autumn, reduce media influence to attract "fellow travelers"

The answer is that he will use the method of drawing the budget or using the media to launch a "land, sea and air attack" to discredit this person, or directly force the TV station to try to remove this person, that is, let him have no food or no platform, this is what they often do, for example, now I see most of the celebrities, if they continue to oppose the green camp and Lai Qingde, almost 90% of the programs will not get a place, only TVBS and Zhongtiantai are left, and TVBS and Zhongtiantai, Zhongtiantai is completely on YouTube, Only TVBS is still on the channel, so it can be inferred that he will continue to liquidate later, so which programs will be in the future?

There are political programs, he will start to enter the scene to liquidate, and he must be influential, and he must also have a scendiary force for young people, because in this way, it is very difficult for Zhongtian TV to resume its channel on cable television, and he has to work hard to suppress the DPP, even if it can be restored, you can't remember that it has disappeared from 49 to 59, why, they have already occupied it, and the DPP let the restoration put 89 or 109 channels, doesn't it mean that it has not been restored? Therefore, this method is either frozen, criticized, or struggled, or let society die, which is very close to killing people.

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