
Flip the picture! The scorching summer heat disrupted Taiwan's green camp plan, and the "old birds" re-acted against the blue camp

author:Europe respects Taiwan

Wen-Ou reverence

"Operation Blue Bird" can't fly in the hot summer. It's only the end of June now, and the summer hasn't arrived yet, it's already so hot that it's not good, and on the last Saturday of June 2024, it's so hot that it's close to 40 degrees, which is still so hot in downtown Taipei, how hot it will be if you go to Kaohsiung and Tainan!

Flip the picture! The scorching summer heat disrupted Taiwan's green camp plan, and the "old birds" re-acted against the blue camp

Taiwan's latitude spans the Tropic of Cancer, so close to the Tropic of Cancer, it is actually very hot, let alone south of the Tropic of Cancer, some people say that there are only two kinds of weather in the south of Taiwan, one is called hot, the second is called very hot, there is no cool weather at all, this is basically true. Especially in the era of global warming and the greenhouse effect, the situation is even more serious, and now it is so hot that the "Blue Bird Operation" is even more immobile.

Now the entire legislature is still fighting, the most famous "Blue Bird Action" is on May 21, May 24, May 26, May 28, because the weather was still between 26 degrees and 30 degrees, so at that time they carried out the "Qingdao Action", and there would be a lot of people coming, because as long as they called for friends and companions, there would be a lot of people running out, and they didn't have to go to class, because at that time, Taiwan University had not yet reached the final exam, and the final exam week was probably the week between June 15 and June 22. If it was two or three weeks before that, the students said that they participated in the "Blue Bird Action", and the teachers basically did not dare to call the students too hard, nor did they dare to record the students' lessons, so they let the students participate in the action, and they turned a blind eye.

Flip the picture! The scorching summer heat disrupted Taiwan's green camp plan, and the "old birds" re-acted against the blue camp

So why did so many people go to Operation Blue Bird between May 21 and May 28? First, because they don't have to go to class, and secondly, because the weather was quite cool at that time, but only after a month, the "blue bird" couldn't fly, because the weather immediately increased by more than 10 degrees, the so-called more than 10 degrees may exceed 38 degrees, and no matter how low the low temperature is, it is almost difficult to fall below 33 degrees during the day, from 33 degrees to 40 degrees, shining on Qingdao East Road or Jinan Road, or Zhongshan South Road, or Zhongxiao East Road, or Hangzhou South Road, or Shaoxing North Street, or Beiping East Road, This area is a place where political parties are active, and of course Qingdao can't fly, so what should I do? The reason is that those who are basically DPP party workers or hosts of peripheral organizations for a long time do not dare to fly during the day, because there are no masses to come out to listen during the day, and it is too hot during the day, so they choose the night market that flows in various places at night.

These more than 300 towns and cities often have mobile night markets, how is the mobile night market mobile method? These night markets are not available every day, it may only appear once or twice a week, because many people who set up stalls take turns to set up stalls in these places to make money, so the people who set up stalls do not belong to this township and city, it may belong to other places, so the time of these stalls has become a concept that many people gather to promote. This time is often between 6 and 10 o'clock in the evening, because the night will be cooler, often dropped to about 28 degrees or 30 degrees, then these "old birds" will choose to do propaganda in the night market They want to do all kinds of recall actions, this is the DPP Party Central Committee through the "old birds", through the night market, through night activities, and have another connection with the voters, to some extent, you can also give some gifts, this is actually an alternative vote-buying behavior.

Flip the picture! The scorching summer heat disrupted Taiwan's green camp plan, and the "old birds" re-acted against the blue camp

There will be a lot of people going in this way, because you can get some giveaways, or you can get a little benefit, and even if he can't tell you when he can entertain the tour, because the hospitality tour is that you get on the tour bus, you can eat three meals, and you can go somewhere to play, which is very popular in the entire central and southern regions, and even in Shuangbei City, there are many people who are also invited by the mayor. The tour bus departs at 5 o'clock in the morning and comes back at 10 o'clock in the evening, so it will take about 5 hours to stay in the car, if you deduct the 5 hours of the car, he still has 12 hours to travel to various places, which of course he feels very happy, and the package of three meals, in the form of being said to be a bribe, he may charge a little fee.

For example, charge 300 yuan, but in fact, the cost of a single tour bus for more than two hours each has exceeded this price, not to mention that there are three meals, and water to drink, and you can also go to scenic spots, such as Taiping Mountain, such as Xueba Park, or Lishan, or Lushan, or Nantou, such as Renai Township, or Taichung Heping Township, etc., he went to a very relaxed and happy place, this method is also another kind of countryside. And over there, he has someone standing on top of the soapbox to give you a speech, and the action of the "old bird" is to use this method to help the pile buy votes, or to help the pile to build a new organization to carry out the recall of the Kuomintang, which can be regarded as another kind of pressure on the Kuomintang.

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