
Is Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge? Half a million people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and Moon Jae-in lost his voice

author:Ome Samurai


South Korea caught in the president's "impeachment curse"?

It seems that every South Korean president can't escape the fate of being impeached, and according to CCTV news reports on the 29th, the South Korean National Assembly and the people voluntarily launched a petition to impeach President Yoon Suk-yeol on the website.

This can't help but remind people of Park Geun-hye's impeachment and imprisonment, and how will Yoon Suk-yeol respond this time?

Half a million citizens of South Korea impeached the president

According to South Korea's Mainichi Shimbun, South Koreans have launched a petition on their website called "Immediately launch the impeachment case of Yoon Suk-yeol."

As of the evening of the 28th, 500,000 South Koreans have signed up for the event.

Is Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge? Half a million people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and Moon Jae-in lost his voice

According to South Korea's legal regulations, if a petition has more than 50,000 signatures within a month, it will be submitted to the Standing Committee, and South Korea's JoongAng Ilbo also issued a statement saying that the Korean Judicial Commission has received a petition to impeach the president a few days ago.

The reason for the impeachment of President Yoon Suk-yeol by 500,000 South Korean citizens is that since Yoon Suk-yeol took office, South Korea has fallen into a full-scale crisis in various fields such as economy, security, diplomacy, democracy, and people's livelihood, and will face collapse.

Is Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge? Half a million people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and Moon Jae-in lost his voice

At the end of the petition, the South Korean people jointly issued a statement that they could no longer tolerate Yoon Suk-yeol pushing South Korea into a bigger abyss without introspection, and this move was to correct the wrong path that South Korea is taking, and this request of the South Korean people will be formally accepted by the Standing Committee if nothing else.

It is understood that South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol began to run for president, there were a series of scandals, before the election, Yoon Suk-yeol's wife Kim Jian-hee's phone recording with reporters was exposed, in the recording Kim Jian-hee naked bribing reporters to pull votes for Yoon Suk-yeol.

Is Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge? Half a million people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and Moon Jae-in lost his voice

In addition, Jin Jianxi was also reported for plagiarism and academic fraud, and there are many rumors about Jin Jianxi than Yin Xiyue.

According to the revelations of the South Korean people, Jin Jianxi's mother was only a small industrial and commercial business before, and then made a fortune through real estate, and Jin Jianxi used money to get into a relationship with some chaebols.

Kim Jianxi and Yoon Suk-yeol met at a dinner, when Yoon Suk-yeol was just a prosecutor and was still relatively greasy-looking, more than ten years older than Kim Jianxi.

Jin Jianxi took a fancy to his potential, so after marriage, the ambitions of the two were shown, and they directly focused on the position of president.

Is Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge? Half a million people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and Moon Jae-in lost his voice

But if you have ambition but no strength, you can't do it, after Yoon Suk-yeol came to power, Kim Jian-hee made a series of riotous operations to directly send Yoon Suk-yeol to prison.

Kim Keon-hee's mother was prosecuted and arrested for forging bank balance certificates, and the amount involved in the case was as high as 100 billion won after investigation, and Yoon Suk-yeol was also prosecuted for perjury for his mother-in-law.

After this incident, the South Korean public's trust in Yoon Suk-yeol plummeted, and it is reported that after the arrest of his mother-in-law, Yoon Suk-yeol was not affected at all and still took Kim Jianxi to visit various countries.

This also makes the South Korean people think that Kim Jianxi has participated in politics, and former South Korean President Park Geun-hye was arrested and imprisoned for his cronies' participation in politics.

Is Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge? Half a million people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and Moon Jae-in lost his voice

What's even more ridiculous is that among the previous presidents of South Korea, several of them were sent to prison by Yoon Suk-yeol, who was a prosecutor at the time, and now it is Yoon Suk-yeol's turn, it seems that the South Korean president can't escape the fate of being impeached, but the difference is that this time Yoon Suk-yeol's situation looks more serious.

Yoon Suk-yeol is likely to be more serious than Park Geun-hye

A closer look at South Korea's history shows that every president has not escaped the tragic end, with Chun Doo-hwan and Roh Tae-woo being sentenced to life in prison and 17 years in prison for raising and embezzling government funds, and Roh Moo-hyun committing suicide because he was overwhelmed by bribery.

Is Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge? Half a million people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and Moon Jae-in lost his voice

On August 24, 2018, former South Korean President Park Geun-hye was also sentenced to 25 years in prison and paid a fine of 20 billion won for meddling in politics by her cronies.

According to statistics, there have been a total of 12 presidents in South Korean history, except for Moon Jae-in, the rest of the ending is either imprisonment or assassination, so some netizens ridiculed that the South Korean president has become one of the most dangerous professions in the world, this is because South Korea is mired in brutal political struggle.

Is Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge? Half a million people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and Moon Jae-in lost his voice

In addition, the Korean chaebols have also participated in South Korean politics, and the conflict of interests between the chaebols has deeply influenced Korean politics, but on the other hand, South Korean politicians also need the support of chaebol interests.

It is understood that South Korea has a total of 18 standing committees, and the chairmen of these committees are allocated according to political forces, and in April this year, in the 22nd South Korean parliamentary election, South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol's National Power Party was defeated.

Is Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge? Half a million people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and Moon Jae-in lost his voice

This means that the Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) now has a majority in South Korea's Legislative and Judicial Committee, and the petition for impeachment of Yoon Suk-yeol will be submitted to the Standing Committee for judgment, which is very bad for Yoon Suk-yeol, and the DPJ lawmakers will do their best to submit the petition to the National Assembly for plenary discussion.

Next, according to the procedure in South Korea, if the petition for impeachment of the president is submitted to the plenary session of the National Assembly, a vote will be held after that, and if two-thirds of the members of the parliament agree, then the process of impeaching the president will be officially initiated, and the impeached person can continue to exercise his powers in the meantime.

Is Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge? Half a million people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and Moon Jae-in lost his voice

The final hearing of the impeachment statement will be conducted by the Constitutional Court of South Korea, which consists of nine judges, and if six of the nine judges are in favor, the impeachment will take effect and the impeached person will have to step down.

Yoon Suk-yeol did not respond to this for the time being

Now that the impeachment statement is stuck in the hands of the Judiciary Committee, the Democratic Party of Korea will do its best to get the bill forward, but the Judiciary Committee is still under the control of the Yoon Suk-yeol government, which means that the Yoon Suk-yeol government has some right to make recommendations.

Is Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge? Half a million people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and Moon Jae-in lost his voice

The Judiciary Committee is now faced with a dilemma between the two sides and has chosen to remain silent, because the Judiciary Committee also clearly knows that if the bill rises to the level of Congress, Yoon Suk-yeol's future may repeat the mistakes of Park Geun-hye.

At that time, the case of Park Geun-hye's imprisonment was also followed up by prosecutor Yoon Suk-yeol, who was praised for his selflessness at that time, and finally Yoon Suk-yeol apologized for the incident, but it failed to resolve the contradiction with Park Geun-hye, and now is also a good time for Park Geun-hye to fight back.

Is Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge? Half a million people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and Moon Jae-in lost his voice

But it is unclear whether Park Geun-hye will choose to do so in this case, and Park Geun-hye has not said anything on the matter, while the previous president, Moon Jae-in, who had been under investigation until his next office, was also silent.

It can be said that South Korean presidents are entangled before the end of their terms, and now that he is distracted by Yoon Suk-yeol's case, Moon Jae-in has lightened some of his burden, and the current situation is that former South Korean President Moon Jae-in does not seem to want to be involved in Yoon Suk-yeol's case.

Is Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge? Half a million people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and Moon Jae-in lost his voice

Now Yoon Suk-yeol has a very bad reputation in South Korean public opinion, and he is degraded for nothing, and South Korean netizens say that the South Korean government is too tolerant of the relationship between Japan and the United States, and continues to regress on the labor issue, even ignoring the issue of nuclear sewage discharge involving South Korean interests.


The impeachment of President Yoon Suk-yeol by the South Korean people this time is large-scale, but the final result depends on the decision of the Judiciary Committee on July 20, and whether the Judiciary Committee will hand over Yoon Suk-yeol to the National Assembly is full of uncertainty, but silence will definitely not solve the problem, and it depends on how it develops.

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