
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download

author:Intelligence Ape Industry Report Library

Foreword to the report

"This is an era of turbulence, sudden change, and uncertainty, and in the context of such an era, "good test" is the preliminaries, and "good results" is the finals."

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education, the number of applicants for the national college entrance examination in 2024 will be 13.42 million, an increase of 510,000 over last year, which is the first time since the founding of the People's Republic of China that the number of college entrance examinations has exceeded 13 million, a record high, close to the population of some European countries. With the adjustment of policies, the competition for this year's college entrance examination will become more and more fierce, and some media predict that about 6 million candidates will not be able to enter undergraduate schools, which makes 2024 candidates more and more uncertain:

How to fill in the volunteer reasonably according to your college entrance examination results and ranking?

How to know the cut-off scores and admission rules of different universities?

How to choose the right major according to your interests and future career plans?

How can I increase my landing rate for admission to the university and major of my choice?

If the score does not meet expectations, do you choose to repeat or accept the adjustment?

How can I find out the job prospects and salary levels of my major?

If you don't get accepted into the university or major of your choice, how should you plan your studies and future next?

According to the latest survey by a well-known website, in a survey of 3,646 people covering candidates, parents, college students and college graduates, 61.5% of them believe that they do not know much about colleges and majors when they volunteer to fill in the college entrance examination; 70.7% of people don't know what major is right for them. It is common for college students to be dissatisfied or uninterested in their majors, and some students feel disappointed after entering college. Many people reported that after entering the university, they found that they were not interested in their major or felt that it was difficult for their major to meet the needs of their own development. Here's why:

First, they don't know about their majors.

Second, many candidates do not have the autonomy to fill in the voluntary form.

Third, volunteers have no choice but to be adjusted, so that students learn majors that they are not interested in or are not good at.

To sum up, if the voluntary filling is not good, the candidate cannot treat it correctly, and will be passive and lazy, and abandon his studies. Students and parents must realize that filling in the volunteer is a huge system project, involving the candidate's future development plan, and they should start to pay attention to, understand and learn relevant knowledge as soon as possible.

In order to help students better fill in the college entrance examination and choose majors, Gordon has released the "White Paper on University Majors" based on years of practice, research and analysis in the field of college student training and education, as well as the current professional development trend.

The White Paper on University Majors mainly focuses on the two dimensions of major interpretation and career planning, starting from the current hot spots of voluntary filling in the college entrance examination, and using the huge discipline database as evidence, and discusses the professional introduction, college recommendation, and development direction of different disciplines from a global perspective. In addition, in the "White Paper", Gordon also starts from the popular majors in 2024 and invites the seniors of prestigious schools to give an exclusive interpretation of the popular majors, giving the 2024 graduates more dimensional references.

Table of Contents of Reports

1. Guide to Voluntary Filling in the College Entrance Examination

(1) Volunteer planning and positioning

(2) Volunteer strategy and filling in

2. High School Disciplines & University Majors Link Illustrated Book

(1) The influence of high school disciplines on the choice of college majors

(2) The connection between high school disciplines and university majors

(3) The impact of high school disciplines on the professional development of universities

3. Overview and interpretation of professional panoramas

(1) Natural sciences

(2) Social sciences

(3) Humanities

4. Professional development path and career prospects

(1) The "Seven Lists" reveal the employment prospects of college students

(2) A complete list of 792 undergraduate majors and employment directions

5. Seniors from prestigious schools interpret popular majors

(1) Computer: Is it a sinkhole or the golden road?

(2) English: How to choose a road for English colleges that are taking a "downhill road" every year?

(3) Economics: Where should we go under the gorgeous coat of "shining professional"?

(4) Software Engineering: Only C? Am I still going to choose a computer?

6. Multiple tests unlock career development tendencies

(1) Holland Career Interest Test

(2) MBTI Occupational Personality Test

(3) Belbin team role test

VII. Appendix Catalogue of Undergraduate Majors in Colleges and Universities (2024)

[See the end of the article for how to receive the report]

【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download
【University Majors】2024 University Majors White Paper - 462 pages with download

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