
How many girls have torn the ugly fig leaf of a marriage inspection, do you dare to marry a girl who doesn't do a marriage inspection?

author:Cheerful and generous, I'm Amin

Current Affairs Hotspot | From a blind date case, we can see the diversity and conflict of marriage and love concepts


How many girls have torn the ugly fig leaf of a marriage inspection, do you dare to marry a girl who doesn't do a marriage inspection?

With the continuous progress of society and the rapid development of science and technology, people's lifestyles and values are also undergoing earth-shaking changes. Especially on the sensitive topic of the concept of marriage and love, with the gradual maturity of the younger generation and the diversification of the marriage and love market, the traditional concept of marriage seems to be unable to fully adapt to the current social reality.

How many girls have torn the ugly fig leaf of a marriage inspection, do you dare to marry a girl who doesn't do a marriage inspection?

On the contrary, it often challenges the traditional concept of marriage to a certain extent, and even causes some social problems that cannot be ignored. For example, in the traditional way of marriage and love of blind dates, young people's concepts of marriage and family are often greatly tested, and various blind date cases have emerged in an endless stream, which has become the focus of heated discussions in society.

How many girls have torn the ugly fig leaf of a marriage inspection, do you dare to marry a girl who doesn't do a marriage inspection?

Recently, a blind date case about marriage inspection has aroused heated discussions among the majority of netizens, the man has requested a marriage inspection for some personal reasons, but the woman has felt humiliated and chose to leave, and there has been an irreparable rift in the entire blind date process. As soon as such a blind date case came out, it immediately sparked various speculations and discussions on the Internet, and many people began to discuss the diversity and conflict of marriage and love concepts from this incident, and some people began to reflect on whether there were some deviations in the current concept of marriage.

How many girls have torn the ugly fig leaf of a marriage inspection, do you dare to marry a girl who doesn't do a marriage inspection?

1. The diversification of modern marriage and love models has raised questions about the traditional concept of marriage

How many girls have torn the ugly fig leaf of a marriage inspection, do you dare to marry a girl who doesn't do a marriage inspection?

When it comes to the change of the concept of marriage and love, we have to mention the current marriage and love model, compared with the single blind date and arranged marriage in the past, today's young people are more courageous and open when choosing a marriage relationship, and various novel marriage and love models have also begun to be sought after by more and more people.

How many girls have torn the ugly fig leaf of a marriage inspection, do you dare to marry a girl who doesn't do a marriage inspection?

Various non-traditional forms of marriage, such as trial marriage, joint marriage, and only living together without obtaining a license, have become a new choice for young people to marry and love, and they are more willing to verify the marriage relationship through getting along and running-in, rather than binding themselves to the shackles of marriage from the beginning. This model of marriage and love undoubtedly gives young people more freedom and choice, and also makes them look at marriage and family more rationally.

This diversified marriage and love model has also challenged the traditional concept of marriage to a certain extent, and even caused widespread doubts in society. Some people believe that today's marriage and love model is too open and casual, and lacks commitment and responsibility for the marriage relationship, which is easy to make the family relationship unstable and easy to bring a certain negative impact on the growth of children.

Whether it is a traditional arranged marriage or today's trial marriage, what they want to convey behind them is the same, that is, the cherishing of feelings and family, and the seriousness and responsibility of the marriage relationship. The current diversified marriage and love model is not to completely deny the traditional concept of marriage, but to give young people more choices, and also hope that they can be more rational and mature when choosing a marriage relationship.

How many girls have torn the ugly fig leaf of a marriage inspection, do you dare to marry a girl who doesn't do a marriage inspection?

2. Family concepts and economic realities in blind dates

In addition to the diversification of marriage and love models, in the current blind date market, family concepts and economic realities have also become important factors affecting marriage choices. Compared to the past, today's young people seem to be more realistic when choosing a partner, they will consider the other person's family conditions and financial strength as important considerations, and sometimes even have doubts about a relationship because of these external conditions.

This phenomenon is particularly prominent in blind date programs, many men and women who participate in blind dates often show their family conditions and economic strength in an all-round way after getting to know each other, hoping to attract more people of the opposite sex in this way. This practice has also caused some controversy, some people believe that the blind date behavior that pays too much attention to external conditions has deviated from the original intention of the original blind date, and it is easy to let the real feelings be overwhelmed by utilitarian factors.

Whether it is a family concept or an economic reality, they are a part of the blind date process that cannot be ignored, and they are also the embodiment of the concept of marriage. When going on a blind date, of course, you can have a certain understanding of the other party's family and economic conditions, but more importantly, you must be able to see the inner quality and personality charm of the other party, which is the basis for establishing a stable marital relationship.

How many girls have torn the ugly fig leaf of a marriage inspection, do you dare to marry a girl who doesn't do a marriage inspection?

3. Conjecture caused by a blind date case

It is precisely because of the diversity of marriage concepts and the conflict of various concepts in the blind date process that there will be a variety of blind date cases, some of which make people smile, and some of which make people feel deeply embarrassed. For example, a recent blind date case about marriage inspection has sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

It turned out that in the process of this blind date, the man asked for a marriage examination for some personal reasons, and he hoped to understand his fertility through the marriage examination and ensure that he could bring a healthy family to the other party. When the man made such a request, the woman felt very humiliated, she thought it was a disrespect to herself and a suspicion of herself, so she resolutely left the scene.

As soon as such a blind date case came out, it immediately sparked various speculations and discussions on the Internet, and many people began to reflect on the two issues of marriage concept and marriage inspection from this incident. Some people believe that the man's request for marriage inspection is very correct and responsible, which can not only ensure the healthy development of the marriage, but also give the other party a sense of peace of mind and trust.

However, some people believe that the issue of marriage inspection is not suitable for blind dates, it is easy to give the other party a wrong hint, and it is easy to cause some unnecessary contradictions and conflicts in the initial stage of the relationship. Either way, such blind date cases have brought us some inspiration, and also made us more aware of the diversity and conflict of marriage concepts.

How many girls have torn the ugly fig leaf of a marriage inspection, do you dare to marry a girl who doesn't do a marriage inspection?


Whether it is a blind date case or other marital problems, they all reflect a variety of different marriage concepts and value orientations in the current society, and also make us more aware of the diversity and conflict of marriage concepts.

Of course, social progress and open-mindedness are inevitable trends, and we should not arbitrarily and deny this diverse concept of marriage, on the contrary, we should give it enough respect and understanding, and we should also draw some useful inspiration from it, so that our concept of marriage can be more mature and comprehensive.

Of course, no matter what kind of marriage concept, they should be based on respect and love, and it should also be a deliberate choice for both parties, so that they can have a stable and happy marriage relationship. I hope that every couple who enters marriage can cherish each other, and can also face all kinds of challenges in marriage with a tolerant and understanding heart, and create their own happiness together.