
Why are there more and more divorces? This is the truth, and the reality is heart-piercing

author:Cheerful and generous, I'm Amin


In recent years, with the continuous development and progress of society, people's living standards have been significantly improved, and subtle changes have been quietly taking place in values. In such a pluralistic, open and inclusive era, the ancient and sacred institution of marriage has also undergone earth-shaking changes. Today's marriages are more equal and respectful than ever before, and the emotional needs and personal wishes of both spouses are being given more attention and care.

Just when people thought that the marriage problem would be better solved because of these changes, some new phenomena appeared one after another, causing heated discussions and heated discussions from all walks of life. For example, in recent times, the news about divorce can almost be said to be endless, and there are some celebrities or celebrities among them. What is even more remarkable is that in more and more divorce cases, the divorce is often filed by a woman.

Why are there more and more divorces? This is the truth, and the reality is heart-piercing

First, the phenomenon of women filing for divorce is increasing

Why are there more and more divorces? This is the truth, and the reality is heart-piercing

With the continuous progress and development of society, today's women have made great progress and development in all aspects, not only in the workplace, but also through their own efforts and wisdom, to live the life they yearn for. Compared with the past, women are now more independent, have more say and choice, and have higher expectations and requirements for marriage.

Why are there more and more divorces? This is the truth, and the reality is heart-piercing

In the face of an unhappy marriage, they no longer choose to compromise or swallow their anger as they did in the past, but will bravely choose to leave and find a better life. As is the case now, more and more women will take the initiative to file for divorce, and their reasons for divorce are often very firm and clear, and they no longer tolerate unhappiness and grievances in marriage.

Why are there more and more divorces? This is the truth, and the reality is heart-piercing
Why are there more and more divorces? This is the truth, and the reality is heart-piercing

Second, women are more independent and self-reliant, and they can't tolerate grievances in marriage

Why are there more and more divorces? This is the truth, and the reality is heart-piercing

I believe many people have heard the saying, "Once a woman really makes up her mind to divorce, even persuasion from all over the world is useless." "The reason why women have such determination and courage is inseparable from their current life conditions and inner changes. Today's women not only have financial independence, but also have more social circles and spiritual pursuits, and their world does not only revolve around family and children.

Why are there more and more divorces? This is the truth, and the reality is heart-piercing

When faced with marital problems, they will not put all the blame on themselves as they did in the past, or feel that this is a family scandal and should be tolerant and patient. On the contrary, they will be more rational in conjecturing and analyzing the root cause of the problem, and at the same time, they will be more determined to defend their rights and happiness. They can't tolerate the unhappiness and grievances in their marriage, because they know that such a marriage will not give them the happiness and satisfaction they need.

Why are there more and more divorces? This is the truth, and the reality is heart-piercing

3. Some problems and suggestions for women in marriage

Although women nowadays have shown more independence and courage in marriage, it cannot ignore some of the problems they may have in their marriage. For example, some women may be spoiled and protected by their parents for a long time, and they cannot bear some pressure and setbacks in life after marriage, and they are easy to choose to avoid and complain.

There are also some women who may be affected by the external environment, have a comparison psychology and unrealistic fantasies, and have a one-sided and wrong understanding of marriage and life, so that they feel lost and dissatisfied in real life. In view of such a situation, in fact, the society and the family can give them more care and understanding, and can also help them re-establish a correct outlook on marriage and life through some appropriate ways and means, so that they can learn to be brave and strong to face various difficulties and challenges in life.

For all marriages, whether men or women, they need to have a tolerant and understanding heart, know how to understand and support each other in marriage, and jointly manage and protect the relationship. Especially women, they can have their own pursuits and dreams, they can persist and resist, but they also need to learn to tolerate and tolerate, know how to face all kinds of marriage with a peaceful heart, and live every day in a down-to-earth manner.

Why are there more and more divorces? This is the truth, and the reality is heart-piercing

Fourth, how to view the phenomenon of women filing for divorce

Everyone can have their own different views and understandings of the current phenomenon, but the most important thing is that we should respect everyone's choices and decisions, whether male or female. For women, they have the right to pursue their own happiness and a better life, and they also have the ability to determine the trajectory of their own life, whether they choose to divorce or start over, they should be understood and supported.

For the society, more and more attention should be paid to the maintenance of marriage and family, to provide more help and support for both husband and wife, so that they can have more communication and understanding when facing problems, and can get professional psychological counseling and marriage education, so as to better resolve conflicts, regain feelings, and move towards a happy future together.

Why are there more and more divorces? This is the truth, and the reality is heart-piercing


No matter who you are, it will not be an easy thing to face when facing marital problems, but I believe that as long as both husband and wife can face each other with a tolerant and grateful heart, and resolve conflicts with understanding and tolerance, then even in the face of big storms, they will definitely be able to walk together and usher in a better tomorrow. I hope that every marriage can be shrouded in warmth and happiness, and I also hope that everyone can bravely pursue their own happiness and dreams, no matter what difficulties and challenges will be encountered in the future, they must be bravely faced, because happiness will definitely be quietly approached after hard work.