
Cosmonaut of the former Soviet Union: Refuse the temptation of the United States and wander in space for 311 days, what is the ending?

author:Henk's loneliness

In late 1991, Soviet cosmonaut Krikalev got bogged down on the Mir space station.

In desperation, the United States reached out and put forward a condition: as long as they became American citizens, they would immediately carry out the rescue.

Faced with this tempting offer, Krikalev resolutely refused. He chose to remain in space and wait for the rescue of his homeland.

Why did Krikalev make such a choice? How did he end up?

Cosmonaut of the former Soviet Union: Refuse the temptation of the United States and wander in space for 311 days, what is the ending?
The source in this article comes from the official media [The Paper China Xiaokang Network] (the link is attached at the end of the article), but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!

311 days of survival in space

In 1991, the historic event of the collapse of the Soviet Union took place on Earth, and the two cosmonauts, Krikalev and Volkov, who were far away in space, did not know anything about it.

What was supposed to be a five-month conventional space mission was unexpectedly stranded in space for nearly a year due to the drastic changes on the ground.

Cosmonaut of the former Soviet Union: Refuse the temptation of the United States and wander in space for 311 days, what is the ending?

The two astronauts continued their daily work and scientific experiments on the Mir space station, and at first did not notice anything unusual.

However, over time, they gradually found that the connection with the ground control center became less and less.

The usual frequent communications and instructions were gradually reduced and eventually almost completely interrupted.

Cosmonaut of the former Soviet Union: Refuse the temptation of the United States and wander in space for 311 days, what is the ending?

On the ground, the Soviet Union was going through a process of intense political upheaval and disintegration. The union republics declared their independence, and government institutions fell into disarray.

In this upheaval, the department in charge of space missions has not been spared. Personnel turnover, shortage of funds, unclear handover of responsibilities and many other problems have led to the negligence of astronauts in space.

Cosmonaut of the former Soviet Union: Refuse the temptation of the United States and wander in space for 311 days, what is the ending?

Krikalev and Volkov were thus "forgotten" in the vastness of the universe.

They face unprecedented challenges: food and supplies are running out, prolonged weightlessness is taking a toll on their bodies, and more importantly, the psychological stress of losing contact with the outside world.

Cosmonaut of the former Soviet Union: Refuse the temptation of the United States and wander in space for 311 days, what is the ending?

The two astronauts had to make their own decisions. Volkov ultimately decided to return to Earth using an emergency capsule, while Krikalev chose to stay on the station and continue to maintain the priceless scientific research facility.

He faced unprecedented challenges such as running out of food, physical effects, and immense psychological stress.

Cosmonaut of the former Soviet Union: Refuse the temptation of the United States and wander in space for 311 days, what is the ending?

At this critical moment, NASA got in touch with Krikalev through a special channel.

The American side said it was aware of their plight and made a surprising offer: if Krikalev was willing to become an American citizen, they would immediately organize a rescue operation.

After a fierce inner struggle, Krikalev finally rejected the American proposal.

Cosmonaut of the former Soviet Union: Refuse the temptation of the United States and wander in space for 311 days, what is the ending?

Return to the surface and learn of the upheaval

After 311 long and lonely days in space, Krikalev finally waited for the opportunity to return to Earth. However, the arrival of this opportunity was not an easy one.

The newly formed Russian Federation, although it inherited most of the space assets of the USSR, faced serious economic difficulties.

Cosmonaut of the former Soviet Union: Refuse the temptation of the United States and wander in space for 311 days, what is the ending?

In order to raise funds to bring Krikalev back to Earth, the Russian Space Agency had to take extraordinary measures and sell the Mir space station for duty.

This innovative decision has attracted the attention of the international community. Eventually, Germany bought the right to use the Mir space station for $24 million, which provided the necessary financial support for Krikalev's return operation.

Cosmonaut of the former Soviet Union: Refuse the temptation of the United States and wander in space for 311 days, what is the ending?

On March 25, 1992, Krikalev finally embarked on a journey back to Earth. When his capsule landed on the Kazakh steppe, Krikalev ushered in a whole new world.

He left Earth as a citizen of the Soviet Union, and now, his homeland, the Soviet Union, no longer exists.

Cosmonaut of the former Soviet Union: Refuse the temptation of the United States and wander in space for 311 days, what is the ending?

During his time in space, the former superpower underwent drastic political changes, culminating in its official dissolution on December 26, 1991, splitting into 15 independent states.

Krikalev found that everything he was familiar with had changed dramatically. His hometown of Leningrad has been renamed St. Petersburg, and the Soviet government to which he was once loyal no longer exists, replaced by the newly formed Russian Federation.

Cosmonaut of the former Soviet Union: Refuse the temptation of the United States and wander in space for 311 days, what is the ending?

Continue the aerospace industry

When Krikalev returned from space, he found that the world had been turned upside down. However, his love and professionalism for the aerospace industry did not diminish in the slightest.

Despite changing his status from a Soviet cosmonaut to a Russian cosmonaut, Krikalev quickly adapted to his new role and continued his space career.

Cosmonaut of the former Soviet Union: Refuse the temptation of the United States and wander in space for 311 days, what is the ending?

Recalling the days when he was "forgotten" in space, Krikalev once resolutely refused the solicitation of the United States. However, the wheels of history are always full of drama.

With the end of the Cold War, former rivals the United States and Russia began to seek cooperation in the field of space.

Cosmonaut of the former Soviet Union: Refuse the temptation of the United States and wander in space for 311 days, what is the ending?

Krikalev, the cosmonaut who once refused an invitation from the United States, became a key figure in U.S.-Russian space cooperation. His vast experience and ability to demonstrate excellence in crises make him an indispensable player in this collaboration.

In 1994, Krikalev took part in the historic Space Shuttle-Mir project.

Cosmonaut of the former Soviet Union: Refuse the temptation of the United States and wander in space for 311 days, what is the ending?

The mission marked the beginning of a new chapter in the cooperation between the two former rival nations in the field of space exploration.

In 1995, Krikalev went to space again aboard the American space shuttle Atlantis. This time, he became the first Russian cosmonaut to fly on the American space shuttle.

Cosmonaut of the former Soviet Union: Refuse the temptation of the United States and wander in space for 311 days, what is the ending?

In addition, he actively participated in technical exchanges and training programs between the two countries, and became an important bridge between the space communities of the United States and Russia.


Krikalev's space career is a legendary epic that spans the ages, and he spent a total of 803 days, 9 hours and 39 minutes in space, a staggering number that not only set a world record, but also an important milestone in human exploration of space.

Cosmonaut of the former Soviet Union: Refuse the temptation of the United States and wander in space for 311 days, what is the ending?

Behind this record is Krikalev's boundless love and perseverance for the space industry.

Each of his space missions is a challenge and breakthrough to the limits of human beings, and he has experienced many tests such as long-term weightlessness, isolation from the earth, and psychological pressure, but he has always maintained a calm and professional attitude.

Cosmonaut of the former Soviet Union: Refuse the temptation of the United States and wander in space for 311 days, what is the ending?

Krikalev's world record is not only a number, but also a symbol of human courage and the spirit of exploration, which tells us that with perseverance and hard work, humanity can push its limits and reach unprecedented heights.

It was this loyalty and professionalism to the cause that earned Krikalev widespread respect and recognition.

Cosmonaut of the former Soviet Union: Refuse the temptation of the United States and wander in space for 311 days, what is the ending?

His contribution was recognized by the Soviet Union and Russia, and he was awarded two supreme honorary titles, "Hero of the Soviet Union" and "Hero of the Russian Federation".

Krikalev's title of double hero is not only a personal tribute to him, but also a collective tribute to those who have stood firm in their beliefs and fulfilled their duties in an era.


The Paper The Last Soviet Citizen
"The last Soviet man", an astronaut who landed in space on a mission, returned home and became a Russian citizen

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