
Is the relationship drying up? These performances help you judge

author:Good wishes to you

Hey friends, let's talk a little bit today. Sometimes, feelings are like a glass of water, which is full and clear at the beginning, but after a long time, it may slowly evaporate or even dry up. How do you know if your emotional glass is about to empty? Don't worry, let's talk slowly.

Is the relationship drying up? These performances help you judge

First of all, you find that you are chatting less and less, not because you don't have time, but because you don't feel like there's anything to say. In the past, even a roadside kitten could chat for a long time, but now, I don't even bother to share the weather forecast. This shows that your psychological distance is widening, and the emotional connection is beginning to loosen.

Then, when you look back on the past, those beautiful moments seem to be covered with a layer of dust, and they are no longer so radiant. You begin to wonder if those happy times really existed. It's like you're standing in a garden that used to be full of flowers, but now, it's just dead leaves.

Furthermore, you find that you expect less or less from the other person, or even no expectations. In the past, every meeting was full of surprises, but now, meeting is like completing a task, without that excitement and desire. It's like a marathon, you start running happily, but then you run slower and slower, until finally, you don't even want to walk.

Also, you start to think about the days when you were alone, and the feeling of freedom makes you nostalgic. Before, you were afraid of being alone, but now, you long for that peace. It's like a person who has been living in the middle of the city and suddenly yearns for the silence in the mountains and forests.

Is the relationship drying up? These performances help you judge

Eventually, you find that your quarrels are no longer a way to solve problems, but a tool that consumes each other. In the past, you could quickly reconcile after a quarrel, but now, a small dispute can make you cold for days. It's like a stone thrown into a calm lake, and the ripples can't be calmed down for a long time.

If you have experienced all of the above signs to a greater or lesser extent, then it is possible that your relationship does need some attention and repair. But this is not necessarily a bad thing, every relationship will go through ups and downs, the key is whether you are willing to face it together, work together, and find that original heartbeat.

Remember, feelings need to be managed, just like a garden needs to be watered and fertilized. If you find that your love is slowly withering, you may want to stop and give each other some space, but also be brave enough to express your inner feelings and find solutions to problems together. After all, true love can stand the test of time, and as long as you are willing to work together, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

Is the relationship drying up? These performances help you judge

Well, that's all for today, and I hope my words can give you some inspiration. Remember, no matter when, you must cherish the person in front of you, feel it with your heart, and prove it with your actions that love is there, waiting for you to discover. Good night, friends, may your emotional path always bloom undefeated.