
A woman with a big temper is actually very kind

author:Yu Chengcheng

There are always people who say that a woman with a big temper is arrogant and domineering, loves to raise the bar in everything, and is frizzy every day.

As everyone knows, a woman with a big temper is actually very kind.

Although the appearance gives people a sense of domineering, in fact, in the bones, it is very kind and straightforward.

In the eyes of men, such a wife is like a tigress, and there are endless fights every day.

In the eyes of children, such mothers are too strict and impulsive, and have never been reproachful and inconsiderate.

is obviously very kind, but in front of her husband and children, she is so disgusted and incomprehensible.

As for the temperamental woman, why she is kind is often because of these points.

A woman with a big temper is actually very kind

A woman with a big temper and no scheming

A woman with a big temper likes to write her emotions on her face, she is happy when she is happy, she is not happy if she is not happy, and she is never good at disguise.

Men, they all like women who are gentle like water, their mouths are not only sweet, but also very petite and cute, just like confidants, who have nothing to say.

Such a woman really makes men love it. But often such a woman is not suitable for life, she can only amaze men, but she cannot accompany men through life.

On the contrary, a woman with a big temper, although she looks like a tigress, can't be coquettish, and doesn't know how to be gentle, but they treat men sincerely, and they live a peaceful life.

They never watery poplars, never dress themselves, dedicate their time and energy to their families, from a girl to a shrew, which is forced by life.

The reason why they have a big temper is because they have too many grievances, and they are suddenly released, and they are all accumulated little by little, and they are just eager to be understood by men.

treats men with the most authentic side, and never plays tricks like women outside.

treats her children even more lovingly, but the burden of life makes her impatient, so she can't play a gentle and considerate mother.

But when he treats his children, he is absolutely sincere, and even loves his children more than anything else.

Such a real woman, although she has a big temper, is very kind.

A woman with a big temper is actually very kind

A woman with a big temper and a clear grudge

A woman with a big temper not only has no scheming, but also has a clear sense of grievances.

Whoever is good to her, she is ten times better to her, and who is not good to her, she also knows it very well in her heart.

Always keep the kindness of others in mind, and then secretly look for opportunities to repay each other, or even dig out your heart and lungs.

In the same way, those who have hurt themselves will also remember it fiercely, fight back when they find an opportunity, and do not tolerate the provocation of others, but they will not hurt others.

If a man is good to himself, he will secretly remember it in his heart, and as long as he takes a fancy to the other party, he will be desperate to be with him and promise him.

Once you fall in love, just like a silly woman with zero IQ, she pays with her heart and lungs, and identifies a person, she will be together without scruples, that is, brave and sincere.

is like Concubine Hua in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", who seems to be arrogant and domineering, and has done a lot of things that hurt others, but she has true love for Yongzheng and always believes in each other.

It wasn't until the last moment that I realized that I had been calculated, and I realized that I had been deceived very bitterly.

Such a woman is the most scheming, and when she loves someone, she always believes in the other person.

But once you find out that the other party has cheated on you, or cheated on yourself, you will break up immediately without a minute of delay.

Desperate love is their nature, but it is also their courage to start all over again.

Those who have loved themselves will think in their hearts, and those who have hurt themselves will mercilessly cut off their kindness.

A woman with a big temper is actually very kind

A woman with a big temper just looks arrogant and domineering on the outside, unlikable, and incomprehensible.

But such a woman is very sincere and kind.

can't talk about love, let alone coquettish, she can't be a little woman in this life, but under her strong appearance, she has a weak heart and is eager to be understood by the people she cares about.

On the contrary, a woman who has never had a temper, although she seems to be gentle like water, but it is all pretended on the surface, and she is actually very ruthless.

A woman's temper is not a temper after all, but a stomach full of grievances.