
The fewer friends, the better the day

author:Yu Chengcheng

Some people say that one more friend is one more way to live.

It's like you can't go out without friends, otherwise you will be very lonely, with no one to play with, no one to help, and you have to rely on yourself for everything.

In fact, it really doesn't matter if you have friends or not, after all, any relationship in the end is just an acquaintance, having friends is the icing on the cake, and not having friends is also the norm.

The more friends, the more stumbling blocks on the road, the more stumbling blocks, and the fewer friends, the more spacious the road will be.

People don't have to be gregarious, because on the road to success, you are often lonely, and when you can face everything alone, it doesn't matter if you have friends or not.

The fewer friends, the better the day

One day you will understand that the fewer friends you have, the better your life will be.

The fewer friends, the less worries there are

Some people have a large group of friends around them.

Every day is either a party or singing, eating, drinking, and spending money lavishly.

If you don't go out to play, you will be said that you are not enough friends, you will have no face, and in the end you can only cater to each other, spend all kinds of money every day, and do meaningless things.

It is said that having more friends is a good thing, but having more friends is counterproductive.

There are also people who have lived most of their lives, have no friends, and the circle is very clean.

Do whatever you want, travel alone when you have time, invest your energy and time in yourself, don't need to cater to others, and don't have any mental internal friction.

It seems to be a lonely life, but it's not a norm.

It's like there is a saying, "I prefer a life where no one cares about me to a life where people control my emotions." ”

There are no friends, no girlfriends, no interruptions and interference, you are in charge of your own life, and you can spend your free time traveling and spending time with your family, doing what you want, which is a rare freedom.

Such a day is envied by many people.

People live for a lifetime, they don't come to make friends, they come how to be comfortable, and what they pursue in life is comfort, not how many friends they have.

The fewer friends, the better the day

Friends are the stumbling block on your way to success

Why do you say that friends are a stumbling block on the road to success?

Because, except for your parents, no one in this world wants you to live well.

Your parents will be happy when you have a chance. But friends, will be the first to be jealous of you, and even join forces to isolate you.

In this world, there has long been no pure friendship, it is just an exchange of values. Even if you are your best friend on weekdays, when you are down, the other party may not help you.

They will only tie you down and drag you down.

When you're surrounded by poker players, they'll just urge you to play; When you are surrounded by people who are not doing their jobs, then eventually, you will also fall into it; When your friends are addicted to the game, you will also be spoiled;

Once you're out of the loop, start getting into the groove and go for a big business. Then they will definitely try their best to stop you, and they will not support and encourage you.

So, are friends really kind?

It is not difficult to find that there are many big entrepreneurs and many excellent civil servants, but they actually have no friends. In addition to work, I spend time with my family every day, and there is never any drinking and entertainment.

So their lives, as always, are stable and ordinary.

The fewer friends, the better the day

Any relationship, in the end, is just an acquaintance

Whether it's a friend or a colleague.

In the end, they were just passers-by, just acquaintances.

In the world, there is no banquet that will not be dispersed, some people will disperse when they walk, and the sky will be different when they walk.

A person's life is short. Rather than low-quality friendships, it is better to be alone with high quality, and people who call each other brothers at the drinking party today may be strangers tomorrow.

When you are worthless, the other party may not even be a friend with you.

In a limited time, do what you want to do, if you have the fate to know one or two confidants, you are lucky, if not, then you are content.