
In just 3 sentences, it woke up countless people

author:Yu Chengcheng
In just 3 sentences, it woke up countless people

Never trust anyone easily

Keigo Higashino wrote in "White Night Walking": "There are two things in the world that cannot be looked at, one is the sun, and the other is the human heart. ”

You never know if the other party is sincere, or if they are cheating on you, when you don't know someone, it's best to keep your distance and don't believe it easily.

Because in this world, the person who can hurt you has always been the one you believe in the most, only he knows your weakness, and only he knows your details best.

On the contrary, those friends and acquaintances who are lacklustre never want to hurt you, but are polite and respectful to you.

Therefore, the more you believe in a person, the easier it is to be hurt, and you will be caught off guard when the time comes.

is like Concubine Shu in "The Legend of Ruyi", she has true love for Qianlong and has never had any doubts, but she was jealous and calculated by Qianlong, and sent fetal protection pills to Concubine Shu every day, but in fact it was an abortion pill, and she drank too much and had no heirs.

But Concubine Shu didn't know the truth at all, and she still really loved Qianlong. Later, she learned the truth from others, and only then did she know that over the years, what Qianlong gave her was not a fetal pill, but an abortion pill.

As a result, he felt heartbroken, made a mistake, and finally set himself on fire. This is the fate of unreservedly believing that a person will really be hurt all over the body.

In just 3 sentences, it woke up countless people

The company of family is better than earning more money

Home is always one's home, and one can live without money, but not without one.

I once watched a short video about a mother looking forward to the Mid-Autumn Festival and being able to see her son, so she lied that she was sick and hoped that her son would come back

Then the son got the news and went back, but he didn't expect his mother to lie to him.

So he lost his temper with his mother, saying that he was very busy, and it was worth wasting time to come back.

When the mother heard her son's words, she blamed herself very much, but the next second she cried, she said, "Son, Mom just misses you too much, Mom is not too old, I don't know how many times I can see you." ”‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

The son saw his mother choking up while talking, so he knelt in front of his mother with self-blame, slapped himself, and tears flowed out unconsciously.

Then he immediately took out his mobile phone and called his assistant to inform the company that the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday was closed, and all employees went back to accompany their parents

Although this is only a short play. But it is also the status quo in life . .

Nowadays, in order to earn money, many people neglect to accompany their families, and all their time is dedicated to work, preferring to serve in front of the boss rather than take the time to go homeI always thought that the future would be long, but in a flash, it was most of my life, to get married and have children, to have grandchildren, and I never took the time to accompany my parents.

Even if you earn money, life lacks a lot of beauty and warmth, and there is no meaning.

In just 3 sentences, it woke up countless people

Life is a journey, and you don't have to take it too seriously

A person's life is just a journey, you will go through many stations, you will meet many people, and many interesting things will happen

No matter what happens, there is no need to dwell on and be serious, because he is a passerby, today he is a colleague, tomorrow he may be a stranger, and he may not see each other again in his life.

For a passerby, to entangle for most of the day is really internal friction.

People live, compete with themselves for irrelevant people, and in the end it is themselves who are angry

What is really worth caring about is only your salary, and your body, one is your job, and the other is your health

Only when you are healthy will everything go smoothly and have the energy to do more things you want to do.

Only when the salary is right, can you ensure that you have no worries about food and clothing.

As for other things, they are not a matter, and they are not worth your attention and internal friction.

Life is short for decades, and if you are confused, you will live a little easier. The more serious the person, the older he looks, and the more he can't let go of himself

There is such a saying: "What you can't do is broken; Those who have no fate in life should be given up; The heart is troubled and obsessed, and it should be left; As far as the eye can see, there are memories; Everything you think is the past, let go of your obsession, and only then can you return to peace. ”‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

Let go of some things, let go of obsessions, don't get entangled, don't take it seriously, and live a life of renunciation, so that there will be no troubles in life and a lot of burdens will be reduced