
Yinchu was favored by Kangxi for 40 years, but was placed under house arrest for 26 years for taking the heir, and gave birth to 29 children in boredom

author:Jiazi unwinded
Yinchu was favored by Kangxi for 40 years, but was placed under house arrest for 26 years for taking the heir, and gave birth to 29 children in boredom


has been favored for 40 years, but it only took one day to fall out of favor, and he was imprisoned by Kangxi for 26 years, and he can only rely on crazy childbirth to relieve his boredom.

Gulai wanted to pay attention to the establishment of grandchildren, so in the matter of fighting for power and profit, the participation of the eldest son and son-in-law must be indispensable.

The most famous "Nine Sons Seize the Heir" in the Kangxi period can be known for its tragedy, except for those who stand on the side of the victor, the other princes are all dead, imprisoned and imprisoned, and none of them have a good end, and it really makes people see the ruthlessness of the emperor's family.

Yinchu was favored by Kangxi for 40 years, but was placed under house arrest for 26 years for taking the heir, and gave birth to 29 children in boredom

The status of a noble son oppresses his life

Among the nine princes, the most pitiful is probably the eldest son of the emperor, Yinchu, because he was ruined in Kangxi's eccentricity.

The Qing Dynasty valued the eldest son, the son-in-law, and the more noble son. Especially the harem concubines, they always feel that after the emperor ascended the throne, the first child born to him, regardless of his concubine, is more noble than others, and he has greater hope of inheriting the unification.

Yinchu was born under this circumstance, both the eldest son of Kangxi and the first child to survive after Kangxi ascended the throne. So his status is extraordinary, but this so-called "noble son" has become a curse that traps Yinchu for the rest of his life.

Yinchu was favored by Kangxi for 40 years, but was placed under house arrest for 26 years for taking the heir, and gave birth to 29 children in boredom

The first half of Yinchu's life can be said to be pampered. Although he has the identity of the eldest son of the emperor, he is not Kangxi's first child. Before Yinchu was born, there were already 4 princes in front of him, but they all died early, and Yinchu was left, so he became the eldest son of the emperor in the actual sense.

When Yinchu was just born, his biological mother, Wulanara, was only a palace personality with a low status, and it was not until Yinchu was six years old that he was canonized as a concubine and really had a name. Four years later, she was promoted to Concubine Hui, ranking first among the four concubines, and all this is because Yinchu is the eldest son of the emperor.

Yinchu was favored by Kangxi for 40 years, but was placed under house arrest for 26 years for taking the heir, and gave birth to 29 children in boredom

Yinchu has a nickname called Baoqing, mainly because Kangxi was worried that Yinchu would die early like other princes, so he gave him such a name. And this name also contains another layer of meaning, that is, to keep the Qing Dynasty, it can be seen that Kangxi does have high hopes for Yinchu.

The glory of Yinren's eldest son, Guizi, only lasted for two years, and the birth of the second prince Yinren broke his status, especially when Kangxi established Yinren as the crown prince who was still in infancy, and Yinren's situation was even more embarrassing.

After all, there is a difference between the ancient concubines, and the word "嫡" can resist all the aura on Yinchu's body.

Yinchu was favored by Kangxi for 40 years, but was placed under house arrest for 26 years for taking the heir, and gave birth to 29 children in boredom

However, Kangxi did not alienate Yinchu because he established the prince, but every time he went out for activities, he would bring Yinchu with him.

There was a missionary named Bai Jin in the Kangxi Dynasty, who wrote in his diary: Yinchu is a beautiful man, and his talent and martial arts are very outstanding. Kangxi also likes this son very much, so he often takes him out to inspect or go on expeditions.

Kangxi was also very concerned about Yinchu's marriage, and chose him the sister of the Empress Xiaochengren Hesheri clan. The status of the Hesheri clan in the court at that time was invincible, and it was not easy to marry a woman from the Hesheri clan.

Yinchu was favored by Kangxi for 40 years, but was placed under house arrest for 26 years for taking the heir, and gave birth to 29 children in boredom

Under the guidance of Kangxi, Yinchu soon grew into a good helper in Kangxi's government affairs. When he was nineteen years old, he was appointed as a deputy general by Kangxi, and followed Fuyuan's general Fuquan to conquer Galdan.

Kangxi thirty-five years, and followed the Kangxi Emperor to conquer Galdan, and Suo Etu together led the forward battalion, this year Kangxi successfully exterminated Galdan, put down the northwest rebellion, after returning to Beijing, Yinchu was named the king of Zhijun, and gave him countless treasures to express praise.

Because Yinchu can complete the task excellently every time, he has won unanimous praise from the court. His ambitions also emerged in the process.

Yinchu was favored by Kangxi for 40 years, but was placed under house arrest for 26 years for taking the heir, and gave birth to 29 children in boredom

Fighting with the crown prince hurt himself

It is said that both Shengyu and He Shengliang, and the same is true in the royal family, in the first half of Yinzhen's brilliant life, there is a person who has been pressing on him, that is, the prince Yinren.

If Kangxi is pampered with appreciation, then he is unconditional doting on Yinren.

Yinren grew up under Kangxi's care since he was a child, and the first thing he thought about was how many good things he had. Kangxi has high hopes for each son, but the person who hopes to become successful the most must be Yinren.

Yinchu was favored by Kangxi for 40 years, but was placed under house arrest for 26 years for taking the heir, and gave birth to 29 children in boredom

After all, Yinren is the prince chosen by Kangxi, if it weren't for Yinren doing wrong things three or four times, Kangxi would definitely not have the idea of abolishing him.

No matter how hard Yinren tries, he can't change his status as a concubine, Yinren is like a thorn in Yinzhen's heart, he desperately wants to pull him out.

Yinchu thought more than once that if the crown prince disappeared, would he be able to ascend to the throne. Therefore, Yinren often said all kinds of bad things about Yinren in front of Emperor Kangxi.

Yinchu was favored by Kangxi for 40 years, but was placed under house arrest for 26 years for taking the heir, and gave birth to 29 children in boredom

Although Emperor Kangxi dealt with Yinren on the face and deprived him of the position of prince, as a father, he still doesn't know his children? He had long seen Yinchu's wolf ambition clearly.

Even if the crown prince is deposed, Kangxi will never choose Yinchu as the prince, he once said to his cronies: "Yinchu has an impatient personality and a simple mind, how can he be the crown prince?" ”

It's just that Yinchu has never understood Kangxi's thoughts, but has been living in his dream of becoming a prince. After Yinren was deposed, Yinren was not completely at ease, after all, Kangxi had abolished the prince once, and later he did not forgive Yinren and restore his position as prince.

Yinchu was favored by Kangxi for 40 years, but was placed under house arrest for 26 years for taking the heir, and gave birth to 29 children in boredom

Cutting grass does not remove the roots, the spring breeze blows and grows, Yinren is alive, and he has always been a threat to Yinren, so he has already had a murderous intention towards Yinren. even privately approached the killer, wanting them to secretly solve the abolished prince, but the killer refused.

Yinren really didn't have a brain, so he went directly to Kangxi and said: "If my father wants to kill Yinren, I don't need you to do it at all." Kangxi was very angry when he heard this, and immediately scolded Yinchu.

Even if Yinren is not the prince, he is also Kangxi's favorite son, in front of Kangxi, he said that he wanted to get rid of his favorite child, so it is strange that Kangxi is angry. Seeing Kangxi so angry, Yinchu sat down on the ground in fright, and then he realized that Kangxi had never added himself to the selection of the prince.

Yinchu was favored by Kangxi for 40 years, but was placed under house arrest for 26 years for taking the heir, and gave birth to 29 children in boredom

The so-called disaster is not a single line, in order to harm the prince before, Yinchu chose to use the curse technique of the town of Weizhen, and it is taboo to practice witchcraft in the palace. However, when Yinchu was blamed by Kangxi for not thinking about sibling affection, the matter of witchcraft was also investigated by the third prince Yinzhi, and he found Emperor Kangxi with evidence.

Yinchu knew that he would not be able to escape this catastrophe no matter what. It's just that Kangxi couldn't bear it after all, and attacked his own flesh and blood, so he just removed his title and imprisoned him in the mansion for life.

Yinchu was favored by Kangxi for 40 years, but was placed under house arrest for 26 years for taking the heir, and gave birth to 29 children in boredom

He was imprisoned for 26 years and gave birth to 29 sons

This time, Yinchu completely lost the opportunity to win the heir, so he simply put it up and ignored what was going on outside the window. During the solitary confinement, Kangxi even suspected that Yinchu would rebel, and planted many forbidden troops around his mansion, but he never thought that Yinchu had already lost hope.

Away from the strife of the court, Yinfu will drink and have fun every day, play with his Fujin Gegege, and even take concubines in his small courtyard.

Yinchu was favored by Kangxi for 40 years, but was placed under house arrest for 26 years for taking the heir, and gave birth to 29 children in boredom

No matter whether the family background is good or bad, as long as he likes it, he will be included in the house, and the children will be born one after another. Although Yinchu said that he did not have the throne, Kangxi did not treat him harshly in life, even if Yongzheng ascended the throne later, he still treated this brother preferentially in terms of material.

In the time of Yinchu's life, there were a total of 29 children, until the twelfth year of Yongzheng, Yinchu came to the end of his life, and he finally gained complete freedom.

Yinchu was favored by Kangxi for 40 years, but was placed under house arrest for 26 years for taking the heir, and gave birth to 29 children in boredom


For the ending of Yinchu, we can never say exactly whether it is fortunate or unlucky, he lost his title, but did not lose his wealth, although he lost his freedom, but he became one of the nine sons who won the heir, and the end was better.

However, for a person who is so proud of Yinchu, losing his freedom may be more cruel than losing everything, so he will be willing to fall later, or this is Kangxi's biggest punishment for him.