
High blood pressure is a self-help for the body, and blindly lowering blood pressure is harmful! (Medium)

author:Mr. Zhang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

So what is the cause of high blood pressure? Let's start with the role of blood pressure. The role of blood pressure is nothing more than to maintain a certain blood flow, the tissues and organs of the human body need a certain amount of blood to feed, and there needs to be a blood supply per minute or second per unit volume, and the metabolism can be guaranteed when this amount is reached. The blood supply per unit volume is generally relatively constant, but it will vary to a certain extent with the change of various factors, so there is a normal allowable value for the change of blood pressure. For example, a low pressure of 60-90 mmHg and a high pressure of 90-120 mmHg are considered normal blood pressure. And now that the blood pressure has risen and is much higher than normal, what is the reason for this? The fundamental reason is that the blood supply per unit volume has changed, and the blood supply is insufficient, and it cannot reach the original normal amount, what should I do at this time? At this time, the body only activates the regulatory mechanism of blood pressure, and maintains the original blood perfusion by raising blood pressure.

High blood pressure is a self-help for the body, and blindly lowering blood pressure is harmful! (Medium)

And with normal blood pressure, why does the blood supply per unit volume decrease? Why can't I reach the value I needed? Obviously, there must be an obstacle in the road of blood transportation, the blood vessel wall has become thicker, the blood vessel has narrowed, or some other reason has blocked the process of circulation, the resistance of the circulation road has increased, and the pressure remains the same, the blood flow per unit area must be reduced, and the blood supply must be insufficient. How to solve this contradiction? Under the premise that it is impossible to remove this blockage in the process of blood circulation, and it is necessary to ensure the blood supply to tissues and organs, the body has no choice but to choose the method of raising blood pressure, and it is this helpless choice that makes the body fall into the vicious circle of hypertension.

Hypertension is a self-help, a self-protection mechanism of the body, and the body accelerates the formation of qi, blood and fluid through pressure to meet all the needs of life activities.

Therefore, high blood pressure should never be treated by taking antihypertensive drugs.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, there are two main reasons for the formation of hypertension: one is insufficient, and the other is redundant.

Let's start with the shortcomings.

Where are the shortcomings? The liver and kidney are insufficient, because the liver and kidney are insufficient, the lower plate is unstable, there is always a feeling of lightheadedness, and after walking for a while, I feel fluttery and dizzy. Because the liver and kidney are insufficient, that is, the liver and kidney are deficient in yin, and if yin is insufficient, yin and yang are unbalanced.

High blood pressure is a self-help for the body, and blindly lowering blood pressure is harmful! (Medium)

People with high blood pressure are usually thinner, short-tempered, and most of them are middle-aged and elderly, because middle-aged and elderly people have used it for too long, and it is normal for them to be insufficient. There are more and more young people with insufficient hypertension, because they consume too much: staying up late, indulging, eating nonsense, working hard, thinking about the whole thing, etc., all of which are consuming the liver and kidneys.

Why does deficiency trigger high blood pressure? Because you are insufficient, but your body needs it, you have no choice but to supply qi and blood to all parts of your body, especially the brain, through pressure, which needs a lot of qi and blood nourishment.

For example, those from rural areas know that every household has a well, and when the water in the well is insufficient, it needs to be used as a primer, and it needs to be pressed several times the usual strength before the water can come up. And when the well water is sufficient, you only need to press the water lightly and it will come out.

If you understand the principle of the water press, you will understand that high blood pressure is not as terrible as you think, it is actually protecting you, and it is also reminding you that you are insufficient, you don't need to consume anymore, you should rest. Instead of simply and brutally lowering blood pressure, fight against the body.

The second type of high blood pressure is redundant.

Superfluous, that is, there is too much garbage in the body, which is not discharged, and the whole body is blocked, and the blood vessels are the most blocked.

Such people are usually fat, usually pampered, eat well, all kinds of nutrients, big fish and meat, just don't exercise, slowly the body is in a congested pattern, so that your body is congested with a kind of thing called phlegm dampness.

People with phlegm-damp constitution go to the hospital for blood tests, and the blood drawn out is greasy and greasy, with a lot of fat, which is called hyperlipidemia in Western medicine. This is because phlegm dampness slowly penetrates into your blood vessels, and phlegm dampness is a yin and evil force, a hindering force, which will make the blood flow in your veins slower and slower.

High blood pressure is a self-help for the body, and blindly lowering blood pressure is harmful! (Medium)

The blood flow is not smooth, but every part of our body, especially the head and face, needs qi and blood nourishment, what should we do? The heart only accelerates and jumps, so that the blood will rise, so that high blood pressure is formed.

At this time, our blood is already like the water in the Yellow River is muddy, and there is more and more silt, if we don't clean it up properly, it will form a blockage, and once it is blocked, the garbage in the body will become more and more unable to be discharged, and there will be more and more.

These excess garbage will hinder the flow of our qi and blood, the body is wise, where there is a stasis, it will regulate the qi and blood to flush away this stasis, so it forms high blood pressure.

It's like a ditch that is clogged with silt and needs more water to wash it out, and if there is no more water flow, the water won't reach the field.

High blood pressure is a self-help for the body, and blindly lowering blood pressure is harmful! (Medium)

There is also hypertension caused by blood stasis, this type of hypertension has a great risk, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, and all those diagnosed with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, atherosis, all belong to blood stasis type hypertension.

This type of hypertension will often cause headaches, chest pain, pain like pins and needles, the pain does not move, there are many ecchymoses on the tongue coating, and the principle of stasis hypertension is the same as that of phlegm and dampness hypertension, which is that the body is trying to break through this stasis and transport qi and blood to the whole body, and instinctively raise blood pressure.