
"Flowers" Mr. Bao and Miss Wang: The right person at the wrong time, going both ways, regretting missing it

author:Yichen whispered

Miss Wang and Po met in the pantry at No. 27 on the Bund, when Miss Wang had just graduated from college and had just joined the company.

Bao came to No. 27 on the Bund, he wanted to talk to the chief of Jinhua about a foreign trade business, and met Xiao Wang crying in the pantry because he couldn't take off the stamps, and Bao took the initiative to teach her how to take off the stamps, and the two met.

"Flowers" Mr. Bao and Miss Wang: The right person at the wrong time, going both ways, regretting missing it

01 Po has only one thought: business

With the help of Xiao Wang, Bao successfully negotiated with Jinhua to complete the order, and began the pace from Bao to Bao.

As Bao's business gets bigger and bigger, Xiao Wang also shines at No. 27 on the Bund and becomes the successor of Jinhua in everyone's eyes.

Because of Bao's rise on the Yellow River Road, Xiao Wang, who helped his career, also became the darling of the Yellow River Road - Miss Wang, the "Pearl of Puxi".

At this time, Miss Wang wanted to be as good as her master Jinhua and become another "golden flower" at No. 27 on the Bund. Po knew her wish and worked hard to help her improve her performance.

His help has made Miss Wang advanced for three consecutive years, earning 5 million US dollars in foreign exchange a year, and Miss Wang has grown from a "crying bag" to a team leader who is in charge of herself.

And Ah Bao only cared about helping Miss Wang, and even his uncle couldn't help but remind him: "The warehouse in Suzhou is almost out of stock, and Africa can't eat so many goods, you are doing business with all your might, not helping Xiao Wang wholeheartedly." ”

Uncle can see that Miss Wang likes Bao, he reminded Bao that the foreign trade company is a foreign affairs unit, there are strict regulations, if Mr. Bao really gets along with Miss Wang, Miss Wang will have to resign, or Bao will no longer do foreign trade business.

But Ah Bao defended that he was good to Miss Wang, and he sincerely hoped that she would have a successful career and become a section chief.

Since Ah Bao was abandoned by Bai Yueguang Xuezhi, he no longer dared to talk about love, but he was not like what he said to Miss Wang: "One of my red hearts has long been handed over to this hot market." ”

Ah Bao likes Miss Wang, but he is not willing to let Miss Wang give up her ideals and sell tea eggs with him because of her liking.

And his love for Miss Wang is not enough to make him give up his current achievements in exchange for the two of them staying together in the future.

At the beginning, Xuezhi disliked him for having no money to marry in Hong Kong, and this experience taught him a lesson, love without economic foundation is not long-lasting.

So Po can do his best to help Miss Wang and make her the successor of Jinhua, but he is not willing to lose everything he has gained in pursuit of love.

"Flowers" Mr. Bao and Miss Wang: The right person at the wrong time, going both ways, regretting missing it

02 Miss Wang just wants to chase love

As soon as Miss Wang worked, she met Bao, who had just started a business, and together with him, she created the golden boy and girl on the Yellow River Road - Mr. Bao and Miss Wang.

Miss Wang abides by the regulations of foreign trade, and she hands over the gifts that Bao gave her to express her gratitude to the unit as soon as possible.

At that time, she didn't want to have a relationship with Po other than customers, but she often reminded Po to pay attention to maintaining the relationship between them as salesmen and customers.

It's just that I don't know when it started, her eyes involuntarily chased Ah Bao, and the pork rib rice cake she ate with Ah Bao was also full of ambiguous taste.

When Miss Wang and Ah Bao teamed up to win the Sanyang brand order and make it a sensational domestic brand in Shanghai, at the celebration banquet, Ah Bao gave Miss Wang the pearl earrings selected by Lingzi.

It's just that Ah Bao didn't expect that Ling Hong sold this pair of earrings with a cost price of 200 yuan to Lingzi for 2,600 yuan, and Lingzi actually doubled the price by 10 times and asked Ah Bao to reimburse him for 26,000 yuan.

Miss Wang left pearl earrings under Mei Ping's prodding, because she felt that Po gave her earrings because she liked her.

However, she knew the discipline of foreign trade, so she paid 26,000 yuan to Lingzi, but the simple Miss Wang didn't know that Mei Ping asked her to leave her earrings, which was intentional.

Mei Ping has long been dissatisfied with Miss Wang stealing all the limelight, and she also wants to be the section chief, but Miss Wang's performance is good and is liked by everyone, and no one will see her at all.

So Mei Ping reported that Miss Wang had taken bribes and received a valuable pearl earring from Mr. Bao, and she wanted to take the opportunity to drive Miss Wang out of No. 27 on the Bund.

Although through the efforts of Ah Bao and everyone, Miss Wang's innocence was finally proved, but Miss Wang was still sent to the foreign trade factory because of this matter.

Miss Wang asked Ah Bao to meet at the pork rib rice cake shop, she wanted to make sure Ah Bao's feelings for her, if Ah Bao came, it means that Ah Bao also loves her, so she quit her foreign trade job and worked with Ah Bao.

But Miss Wang waited until 12 o'clock, and Po didn't come, and his choice was self-explanatory.

"Flowers" Mr. Bao and Miss Wang: The right person at the wrong time, going both ways, regretting missing it

03 The right person at the wrong time

Bao's love is given to his first love Xuezhi, his love for Xuezhi is very pure, Xuezhi also loves Bao, they often chat on the bus, talk about literature, appreciate stamps, although the two people in love have nothing, but still feel sweet and happy.

It's just that Xuezhi is a realistic woman, she wants a better life, and Ah Bao has no conditions to satisfy her, so she gave up Ah Bao and married to the paradise she thought - Hong Kong.

Ten years later, she divorced, returned to Shanghai to meet Bao, and saw Bao, just like before, her originally anxious heart was instantly balanced, and she felt that her original choice was right.

Po's self-esteem has been hit, and he must get ahead and use his success to tell Xuezhi that her choice is wrong.

He wanted to change his life, so he found the "old master" uncle, passed the test of the uncle, and successfully worshipped his uncle as a teacher.

Under the careful guidance of his uncle, Bao Xianyu turned over and became the leader "Bao Zong" on the Yellow River Road, but at this time, the most important thing in his eyes was no longer feelings, but business.

Mr. Bao, who no longer believes in love, met Miss Wang, who regards love as everything, and looked at Miss Wang, who was the same as himself back then, and he was timid.

He didn't want to give up everything he got now, and he also hoped that Miss Wang would continue to chase his dreams, he was afraid that Miss Wang, who had nothing, would become the Xuezhi she used to be.

Miss Wang asked him to meet at the pork rib rice cake shop, and he made a painful choice - he would only be Miss Wang's customer.

Ah Bao didn't go to the appointment that night, he played mahjong at Fa Xiao Taotao's house, he talked and laughed freely on the surface, but Tao Tao said to his wife: "I know him until now, he looks like this, I have seen him once." ”

And that time Ah Bao had an inner collapse and a calm appearance like this, it was when Xuezhi left him, and now he is the successful boss of Bao on the Yellow River, and he is no longer the teenager who is desperate for love.

It turns out that all he can give Xuezhi is love, but what Xuezhi wants is material life; Now he has a rich material foundation, but he doesn't dare to give love.

Maybe for a mature man, career is more important in his heart than love.

"Flowers" Mr. Bao and Miss Wang: The right person at the wrong time, going both ways, regretting missing it


Miss Wang met Ah Bao because of her work, and gradually developed a "revolutionary friendship" of pork ribs and rice cakes, but Miss Wang gradually deviated from their initial presupposition, and she fell in love with Ah Bao.

But Ah Bao always has a red line in his heart, that is, he will no longer touch love, so he sticks to the boundary of "friendship" and does not respond to Miss Wang's love.

Because he didn't dare to love anymore, and he didn't want Miss Wang to be hurt because of this, their end was doomed from the beginning.