
People live for a lifetime, half-dreaming, half-awake, half-hazy, half-truth, half-false and half-confused

author:Su Xin warms y
People live for a lifetime, half-dreaming, half-awake, half-hazy, half-truth, half-false and half-confused

There is no expectation of the most peaceful life, the heart returns to every moment, peace with the days, slow the present, both fireworks warm the heart, but also happy into the heart.

People live for a lifetime, half-dreaming, half-awake, half-hazy, half-truth, half-false, half-nothing.

The life that is not clear is as hazy as a dream, and living a life is like a dream, living ignorantly, living in a daze, looking at the past is blurry, looking at the future is hazy, only loneliness is so clear and poignant.

Live in the light of the day, taste the light time, and write about the light life. Life is tasteless, and everyone lives their lives in plainness.

People live for a lifetime, half-dreaming, half-awake, half-hazy, half-truth, half-false and half-confused

Plain is the background color of life, and plain is also a portrayal of life.

Joy and sorrow are just the episodes of life, plain is the main theme of life, the older you are, the less joys and sorrows, time will take away our joys and sorrows, people can not always be immersed in joy and sorrow, joy and sorrow are like a hurried passer-by in life, plain is the normal state of life.

Joys and sorrows are life, chicken feathers are life, whose life is not chicken feathers, and whose past is not mixed. No one has to envy anyone, happiness is not comparable, but realized.

Don't live in the eyes of others, don't put your happiness in the hands of others, happiness can only be comprehended by yourself, only if you want to open will you be happy, and only after experiencing will you grow.

People live for a lifetime, half-dreaming, half-awake, half-hazy, half-truth, half-false and half-confused

People who give happiness to others will not be happy, people must first learn to please themselves in life, people who will only please others will not be happy, only by pleasing others and pleasing themselves can they rejoice each other, be a person who pleases themselves, do not live in the eyes of others, live in their own world, be loyal to their own feelings, do not deceive, do not live up to themselves.

Be your true self is the most calm, live a dull life is the safest, life is calm because of truth, life is clear because of truth, truth is the most precious, not pretending is a kind of beauty, calm is a kind of happiness.

Live calmly, face everything with a normal heart, live a life that is at ease with what happens, get rid of all expectations, and live in every moment.

There are dreams in my heart, the years are dyed with incense, there is love in the world, and the days are warm.

People live for a lifetime, half-dreaming, half-awake, half-hazy, half-truth, half-false and half-confused

Dreams dress up the future, vicissitudes dress up the years, fireworks dress up the world, and the four seasons dress up the earth.

It is the dream that lights up the future, the vicissitudes of life that make the years, the fireworks that warm the world, and the four seasons that enrich the earth.

Pursue dreams, go to the future in your heart, people live for something, there is always a persistence with us, everyone has their own attachments, time will take away some attachments, will also bring some attachments, perseverance will run through everyone's life, there is always something for us to live, there is always an attachment in our hearts.