
Nicholas Tse for 3 years, Jacky Cheung for 8 years, 2 superstars join forces, and the revival of Hong Kong films is expected?

author:Constant Entertainment

Hello everyone! And guess what? Nicholas Tse, who used to be so handsome in "Crazy Boy", and Jacky Cheung, who sang "Kiss Goodbye" until the whole country would hum, these two bigwigs actually teamed up to make a super explosive Hong Kong film!

Speaking of which, Nicholas Tse's buddy has disappeared for 3 years! The last time I saw him on the big screen, it was in "Rage: A Serious Case". What has he been doing in the past 3 years? It is said that this master is preparing for this new film!

Nicholas Tse for 3 years, Jacky Cheung for 8 years, 2 superstars join forces, and the revival of Hong Kong films is expected?

And what about Jacky Cheung? Oh my god, this singer hasn't made a movie for 8 years! 8 years! It's almost time for two Olympic Games! Everyone thought he was going to concentrate on singing and stop filming. The result? This return has brought us such a super explosive Hong Kong film, it's heavenly!

This movie is called "Customs Front", and when you hear the name, you feel unusual, right? Nicholas Tse's "disappearance" in the past 3 years is to devote himself to the preparation of this movie. From the script to the casting, from the special effects to the action design, this guy does everything himself! is not only the leading actor, but also serves as the action director, it's just a desperate job!

Nicholas Tse for 3 years, Jacky Cheung for 8 years, 2 superstars join forces, and the revival of Hong Kong films is expected?

And what about Jacky Cheung? It is said that it was Nicholas Tse who was soft and hard to bubble before agreeing to return to the big screen. This really excites the fans! Some netizens commented: "This is simply a strong team! The anticipation is overwhelming! "

When it comes to the cast, this movie is simply too luxurious to want! In addition to Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung, the golden pair, there are also Wu Zhenyu, Lin Jiaxin, Liu Yase... This lineup is simply heavenly! Each actor contributed a wonderful performance. Especially Jacky Cheung, it is said that he plays a high-functioning bipolar patient in the film, and his acting skills are simply explosive, and the audience is addicted to it! Who has ever heard of a customs-themed movie before? This is a new frontier! The film involves hot topics such as international arms smuggling and transnational crimes, which simply brings the audience into a mysterious and exciting world. This novel subject matter is definitely a magic weapon for the success of this movie!

Nicholas Tse for 3 years, Jacky Cheung for 8 years, 2 superstars join forces, and the revival of Hong Kong films is expected?

Guys, guess what? This movie is a real hardcore shooting! It is said that in order to pursue real effects, Nicholas Tse insists that all action scenes do not use stand-ins, and even the explosion scenes are filmed realistically! Is this guy dying?

There is a scene where Nicholas Tse is about to fall from a seven-story building, and it is still raining! This kind of professionalism is simply awe-inspiring! Netizens are sighing: "This is the real spirit of Hong Kong films!" Their spirit of desperate Saburo is really moving!

Nicholas Tse for 3 years, Jacky Cheung for 8 years, 2 superstars join forces, and the revival of Hong Kong films is expected?

However, to be honest, the Hong Kong film market has been sluggish in recent years. Many people feel that Hong Kong films have come to an end. But the appearance of "Customs Front" is like a shot in the arm! It not only continues the traditional advantages of Hong Kong films - action scenes, but also has a great breakthrough in plot depth and theme discussion. This combination is definitely a direction for the future development of Hong Kong films!

An industry insider commented: "This movie is likely to become a landmark work for the revival of Hong Kong films." Are we really about to usher in the second golden age of Hong Kong films?

Nicholas Tse for 3 years, Jacky Cheung for 8 years, 2 superstars join forces, and the revival of Hong Kong films is expected?

Since the trailer came out, the whole network has been boiling! "Finally waited for Nicholas Tse to return! "Jacky Cheung's acting skills exploded, and the expectation is full of points! "This is the Hong Kong film in my mind! "These comments have simply blown up my circle of friends!

Moreover, it is said that the premiere of the Far East Film Festival received a super enthusiastic response, and the audience shouted the slogan "The rise of Hong Kong films". This kind of heat is simply exciting! Fans, are you ready? This may be the most anticipated Hong Kong film in recent years! Let's look forward to the official release of "Customs Front"! Welcome back, the future of Hong Kong films depends on you! What do you think? Let me know in the comments section!

Nicholas Tse for 3 years, Jacky Cheung for 8 years, 2 superstars join forces, and the revival of Hong Kong films is expected?

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