
The mother-in-law went to take care of her daughter-in-law during confinement, and the eldest sister's family of three came to eat every day, and the daughter-in-law was very angry

author:Late life

The spring breeze is warm, everything is recovering, and the small courtyard of the Wang family has also ushered in new vitality. Daughter-in-law Li Fang has just experienced a long and hard childbirth, and finally ushered in her little angel - a healthy and lively son. When her mother-in-law Liu Mei heard the good news, she immediately rushed from the countryside with full maternal love and a bag of home-grown fresh vegetables.

As soon as Liu Mei entered the house, she became busy. She first carefully boiled a pot of chicken soup for Li Fang, which was full of aroma and filled the whole room with a warm atmosphere. Then, she carefully picked up her grandson and coaxed him softly, and the child quieted down in her arms, showing a sweet smile.

"Mom, you've worked so hard." Li Fang lay on the bed, watching her mother-in-law busy with her heart, and a warm current surged in her heart.

"Silly boy, what's so hard about this, I will be satisfied to see that your mother and son are safe." Liu Mei smiled and waved her hand, the wrinkles in the corners of her eyes were full of love.

The mother-in-law went to take care of her daughter-in-law during confinement, and the eldest sister's family of three came to eat every day, and the daughter-in-law was very angry

As night fell, Liu Mei walked around the room lightly, and after making sure that everything was okay, she sat down on the edge of her bed and began to embroider her little grandson's clothes. The needletips shuttled on the fabric, making a subtle sound, but she was thinking about how to better take care of this new life, so that her daughter-in-law could sit in confinement with peace of mind.

As the spring gradually intensified, the eldest sister Zhang Li's family of three also began to appear frequently in front of the Wang family. Every time she visited, Zhang Li always reproached with a little intimacy: "Oh, Mom, you've been here for so long, we want to panic!" ”

Liu Mei always greeted with a smile, but she was a little helpless in her heart. She knew that her daughter's family was not easy, but she didn't expect them to come to eat so often. Zhang Li's husband Li Qiang is a simple man who doesn't speak much, but he can always see his satisfied smile when eating. Their child, Xiao Ming, is a mischievous little guy who scurries around as soon as he enters, looking for a corner to play with.

The mother-in-law went to take care of her daughter-in-law during confinement, and the eldest sister's family of three came to eat every day, and the daughter-in-law was very angry

Whenever a meal is served, Zhang Li is always the first to move her chopsticks, praising while eating: "Mom, your skills are really getting better and better, we Xiao Ming love to eat the dishes you make!" Liu Mei could only smile and nod, but the displeasure in her heart became heavier and heavier.

Li Fang lay on the bed, listening to the noise outside, and couldn't help frowning. She could feel the embarrassment and inconvenience of her mother-in-law, and she also felt sorry for her newborn child being woken up. She tried to get out of bed, but was gently held down by Liu Mei: "Fang'er, you have a good rest, don't worry about the outside business." ”

However, as time went on, the visit of Zhang Li's family became more and more natural, and sometimes they even brought some relatives and friends with them, and the Wang family's table was often full of people. Li Fang's mood also became heavier and heavier, and she began to worry about how long this life would last.

The mother-in-law went to take care of her daughter-in-law during confinement, and the eldest sister's family of three came to eat every day, and the daughter-in-law was very angry

As the pace of spring quietly faded away, the summer heat wave began to sweep in, and the sound of cicadas chirping in the courtyard of the Wang family seemed to tell the troubles of the heat. Li Fang's confinement period is halfway over, but her mood has not become lighter because of her body's gradual recovery. On the contrary, as the arrival of the eldest sister Zhang Li's family became more frequent, her dissatisfaction was also quietly accumulating.

Whenever Zhang Li's family arrived, the family would fall into chaos. Xiao Ming's screams, Li Qiang's loud talking and laughing, and Zhang Li's fingers at her mother-in-law all made the supposed peaceful confinement time noisy. Li Fang was lying on the bed, her ears were constantly noisy, and she felt tired and irritable like never before.

One afternoon, Zhang Li came to Wang's house with her family. As soon as she entered the door, she shouted loudly: "Mom, we are here to help cook today, you can rest!" Liu Mei smiled awkwardly, but she also knew that such "help" would only add to the chaos.

Li Fang couldn't bear it anymore, and finally on a sleepless night, she decided to have an in-depth conversation with her mother-in-law. She whispered, "Mom, I know you're kind and don't want to embarrass your sister, but I'm really uncomfortable going on like this." I need to recuperate, and my baby needs a quiet environment. ”

Liu Mei was silent for a while after hearing this, she knew that she was caught in the middle and was in a dilemma, but she didn't want her daughter-in-law to be wronged. She patted Li Fang's hand lightly: "Fang'er, I know you have worked hard, I will find a chance to talk to Lili and let her pay attention." ”

However, things did not go as smoothly as Liu Mei expected. Zhang Li didn't seem to realize how much trouble her behavior had caused Li Fang, she still brought her family to Wang's house every day, and she became more and more disproportionate. Li Fang's dissatisfaction is like the summer heat, which is getting heavier and heavier, and the atmosphere at home is becoming more and more tense.

The mother-in-law went to take care of her daughter-in-law during confinement, and the eldest sister's family of three came to eat every day, and the daughter-in-law was very angry

When the autumn breeze was cool, there was an indescribable tense atmosphere in the living room of the Wang family. The arrival of Zhang Li's family has changed from an occasional disturbance to a part of daily life, and their behavior has become more and more excessive, as if they have treated the Wang family as their own restaurant and playground.

One day at dinner, Zhang Li chewed the food and said casually: "Mom, you see how much our Xiao Ming likes it here, and he is clamoring to come every day." Do you think you should go home often? Liu Mei smiled awkwardly, not knowing how to respond.

Li Fang listened to the conversation outside in the room, and the anger in her heart was like a volcano about to erupt. She couldn't bear it anymore, and finally said to her mother-in-law emotionally after Zhang Li's family left: "Mom, I really can't stand it anymore!" My home has become their cafeteria and playroom, and neither my baby nor I have a moment of peace! ”

Liu Mei looked at her daughter-in-law's angry face, and her heart was mixed. She knew that Li Fang was telling the truth, but as a mother, she didn't want to hurt her daughter's heart. She tried to appease Li Fang: "Fang'er, I know you are bitter, I will talk to Lili again." ”

However, Zhang Li didn't seem to care about Liu Mei's advice, and she even openly said at a family gathering: "Mom, you see how good our family atmosphere is, we should get together more!" These words undoubtedly poured salt on Li Fang's wounds, and her face instantly turned pale.

That night, Li Fang sat alone in the dimly lit room, tears quietly falling down. She felt a deep sense of powerlessness and despair, not knowing what her future would hold. And Liu Mei was wandering outside the door, her heart was full of struggle and pain, and she didn't know what to do. The harmony of the family seems to be unraveling little by little, and there is nothing she can do about it.

The mother-in-law went to take care of her daughter-in-law during confinement, and the eldest sister's family of three came to eat every day, and the daughter-in-law was very angry

In the cold winter wind, there was a warm atmosphere in the living room of the Wang family. Zhang Li's family came to Wang's house again as usual, the difference is that today they also brought a few relatives. The living room was bustling with laughter and conversation.

Li Fang listened to the noise outside in the room, and the anger in her heart could no longer be suppressed. She decided not to be silent, but to stand up and express her displeasure. She took a deep breath and slowly walked out of the room, facing a room full of people, her voice firm and clear: "Everyone, I think we need to have a good talk. This home was my haven, but now it's become a meeting place for everyone. I need to recuperate, and my children need a quiet environment to grow up. ”

Zhang Li's face changed, she didn't expect that Li Fang, who had always been mild-mannered, would protest on such an occasion. She tried to argue: "Fang'er, we're just here to help, wouldn't it be better to be lively?" ”

But Li Fang did not flinch, her eyes revealed resoluteness: "Help? Your so-called help has only made my life more chaotic. I appreciate your kindness, but I would prefer to have my own space and time to recover and care for my child. ”

The atmosphere became awkward and tense for a while, and Liu Mei stood aside, with mixed feelings in her heart. She knew that her daughter-in-law was telling the truth, but at the same time, she was worried that such a conflict would hurt the harmony of the family. However, she also understood that Li Fang had reached the limit of patience.

In the end, in the face of Li Fang's firm attitude, Zhang Li had to leave the Wang family with her family. The room returned to its former tranquility, and Li Fang breathed a sigh of relief, but also knew that it was only a temporary calm. She and her mother-in-law also need to find a better solution to avoid similar conflicts in the future.

The mother-in-law went to take care of her daughter-in-law during confinement, and the eldest sister's family of three came to eat every day, and the daughter-in-law was very angry

Spring returned to the earth, everything recovered, and the living room of the Wang family also ushered in a new turnaround. After that fierce confrontation, the family finally returned to its former tranquility. After Zhang Li thought deeply in the days after leaving, she began to realize that her behavior was inappropriate and the distress it had caused Li Fang.

One morning, Zhang Li came to Wang's house alone, she didn't bring any food and didn't bring her family. She knocked on the door with a hint of apology on her face: "Fang'er, Mom, I came to have a good talk with you." ”

Li Fang and Liu Mei glanced at each other, and they could see a trace of surprise in each other's eyes. They invited Zhang Li into the house, and the three of them sat on the sofa in the living room, although the atmosphere was a little dignified, but also full of expectations.

Zhang Li spoke, her tone sincere: "Fang'er, Mom, I know that I didn't do it right before, and I didn't take into account your feelings. I promise I won't bring people to my house like this again in the future. ”

When Li Fang heard these words, the anger in her heart gradually dissipated, and she responded softly: "Sister, I don't want to be unpleasant with you. We are all a family and should understand and support each other. ”

The mother-in-law went to take care of her daughter-in-law during confinement, and the eldest sister's family of three came to eat every day, and the daughter-in-law was very angry

Liu Mei watched as the two of her dearest women were able to reconcile, and the burden in her heart was also relieved. She said gently: "We are a family, if there is a problem, we have to speak up and solve it together." Lili, Fang'er, I hope we can all remember this lesson. ”

Since then, Zhang Li has indeed kept her promise and no longer comes frequently and uninvited. Even if there is an occasional visit, Li Fang's wishes will be notified in advance and respected. Li Fang also gradually let go of the mustard in her heart, and the home was once again filled with a warm and harmonious atmosphere.

Over time, the members of the Wang family have learned to better communicate and understand each other's needs. They understand the importance of family harmony and the value of mutual respect. The experience, while tortuous, ultimately made their relationship stronger.

In the spring season, the flowers in the Wang family's garden bloom one after another, exuding a charming fragrance. The atmosphere at home is just like the flowers in spring, full of life and harmony. Li Fang hugged her son, who was already giggling, and her face was filled with the gentle light unique to her mother.

Liu Mei is busy preparing lunch in the kitchen, her movements are skillful and full of love, and each dish is a transmission of love for her family. Zhang Li no longer visits as often as before, she has learned to respect and understand, and every time she comes, she asks in advance and brings some small gifts to show her concern for Li Fang and the baby.

The mother-in-law went to take care of her daughter-in-law during confinement, and the eldest sister's family of three came to eat every day, and the daughter-in-law was very angry

At lunchtime, the family sits around the table, and the air is filled with the aroma of food and laughter. Li Qiang and Xiao Ming also joined in, their faces also filled with happy smiles. Conversations at the dinner table are no longer one-sided demands, but are full of exchange and sharing.

"Mom, this braised pork is so delicious, your skills are getting better and better!" Zhang Li praised Liu Mei's cooking skills, and Liu Mei responded with a smile: "If you like to eat, just like it, home is to have the warmth of home." ”

Li Fang looked at all this, and her heart was full of gratitude. She knows that this family can be so harmonious and happy, and it is inseparable from everyone's efforts and changes. She said softly to her mother-in-law, "Mom, thank you for taking care of you all the time, it's so good that we are like this now." ”

After lunch, the family took a walk in the garden and enjoyed the warm spring sun. Xiao Ming frolicked and chased butterflies in front, while the adults chatted leisurely about family life. It's a home full of love, and everyone is contributing to this little world.