
Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?

author:Li Lu in accordance with the law


Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?
Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?
Sources: All information stated in this article is based on reliable information, and is summarized at the end of this article

"Zhen Yuandao and his family are exiled to Ningguta!"

"The concubine's parents are old, how can they endure such suffering!"

Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?

The emperor's resoluteness, Zhen Huan's plea, and this Ningguta is nothing else, it is the famous "penal colony".

The environment is difficult as you can imagine, and it is known as the four "exile" places in ancient times along with Danzhou, Fangling and Lingnan.

So where are the four famous "penal colonies" now?

Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?

Qing court drama penal colony - Ningguta

We can often see in all kinds of costume dramas that the emperor degraded and exiled the prisoners to Ningguta in a fit of rage, and some were even given armor as slaves.

The so-called Ningguta is actually located in Gucheng Village, Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, and on the entire map of China, Ningguta is located on the border of the far north.

Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?

Everyone knows the severe cold in the Northeast, and the natural environment of Ningguta was the worst in the entire Northeast environment at that time, so the emperor's exile of prisoners here was also an extremely severe punishment.

After all, in such a cold situation, even if it was just exile, the harsh environment could kill them.

Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?

The armor men in the emperor's mouth were the troops specially sent by the Manchu royal family to guard the border, they were not Manchus, most of them were prisoners of war left behind by the Ming Dynasty.

In order to make them loyal to the Qing Dynasty, the emperor usually exiled some of the guilty prisoners to Ningguta and gave them as slaves, so as to appease them on the one hand, and monitor them on the other.

Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?

But for those who were exiled, it was almost devastating. Just imagine, a group of former dynasties were placed in such a bitter cold place, and most of the armored people were full of resentment, and these slaves sent by the Qing government were the best punching bag for them.

Therefore, during the Qing Dynasty, the punishment of exile in Ningguta was no less severe than direct execution.

Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?

Exiled to the ends of the earth - Danzhou

For today's people, Hainan is almost a tourist resort, every winter there will be a large number of people to Hainan Island to escape the cold, for them, Hainan Island can be described as a paradise like spring all year round.

But it is also based on the continuous development of the economy and science and technology today. Around the time of the Song Dynasty, Danzhou was still a land where no grass grows, and the local environment was so harsh that almost people could imagine.

Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?

It is precisely for this reason that Danzhou was called the "Southern Wasteland" at that time. As Hainan is located in a tropical region, it is often infested with various snakes, insects, rats and ants, and if people are not careful, they may die.

In addition, due to the lack of fresh water resources near the sea, the normal life of local people is almost affected.

Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?

Especially in the case of undeveloped transportation facilities in ancient times, "the end of the earth" is not synonymous with romance, but a cruel reality.

For most people, if anyone is exiled here, they say goodbye to almost all their relatives and declare that they will live alone in the world for the rest of their lives.

Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?

Su Shi, a famous poet in the mainland, has experienced several denigrations, and Danzhou is a place of exile he has visited. It's just that the optimistic Su Shi is lucky, he not only changed the living conditions of local residents with his talents, but even returned to the Central Plains again in just three years.

But even so, it is not difficult for us to see the harsh local environment in some of Su Shi's lyrics.

Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?

A penal colony for the nobility - Fangling

Compared with the remoteness of the first two, the location of Fangling is relatively closer to the center of all dynasties. Fangling is located in present-day Hubei Province, and it is only a small county town.

Although the area of Fangling is not large, it is such a small place, and a total of more than a dozen emperors have been ushered in in history. But what is the same is that these emperors were all exiled here because of their failed political struggles.

Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?

Compared to the first two places of exile, Fangling has a much longer history. According to historical records, during the Qin Dynasty, Fangling had already become a place of exile designated by the central government.

It is said that after the state of Zhao was destroyed by the state of Qin, its last king was sent by the state of Qin to the mountains of Fangling. Even Qin Shi Huang's famous prime minister Lü Buwei's final retirement place is also in Fangling.

Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?

Fangling was not as harsh as other penal colonies, and its location in the mountains made it easy for the new emperor to monitor those in power in the past, so it became the first choice of most emperors at that time.

Moreover, putting these former monarchs in Fangling can also give the new emperor a reputation as a virtuous and virtuous monarch, which can be described as fame and fortune for these monarchs.

Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?

It is precisely because of this that Fang Ling can have the opportunity to be one of the major penal colonies in ancient times alongside these penal colonies.

Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?

The first choice for the Tang Dynasty was Lingnan

Nowadays, Lingnan, the place of exile in the fire of film and television dramas, actually does not simply refer to one place, but refers to all the areas south of Wuling, which is basically part of today's Guangdong and Guangxi provinces.

For feudal China, most of the population was located in the Central Plains, and places like Hainan or Liangguang were almost inaccessible, and agricultural development was relatively backward.

Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?

In other words, in the eyes of people at that time, coastal areas were not synonymous with "developed areas" or even backward areas.

In addition, Lingnan is located between mountains and seas, almost has little contact with the outside world, and has had many wars in history, its economic development can be said to be very lagging behind, and the local people almost live a primitive life.

Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?

Under such circumstances, the Lingnan region became the best place to settle those officials who were wrong. And here we have to mention the famous poet Su Shi, who was exiled several times, and during his life, he went back and forth to Chaozhou, Lianzhou, Huizhou and so on in the Lingnan region.

It can be seen from this that the prejudice of the ancient dynasty against the Lingnan region was great, and Lingnan at that time seemed to have become a huge prison for criminals.

Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?

Under the rule of the feudal dynasty, the economy, science and technology have not been developed, which can only lead to the advantages of these places cannot be used in the end, and they have become the "abandoned children" of the development of the whole country.

Nowadays, these once barren and wild places have become homes for people to live and work in peace and contentment, and some have even become the economically developed areas of the country today.

Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?

And all of this is thanks to the development of the country today, and we should be glad that we are all living in such a beautiful new era!


What does the "exile of Ningguta" in the Qing Dynasty mean? -- The Paper

Danzhou: Zi Youqi's peerless life - Sanlian Life Weekly

In ancient times, it was a place of exile, and now it is a folk song township, and you need to know where it is. Click ...... - Fang County Media

A brief description of the historical and geographical characteristics of Lingnan - literature and history of Guangdong

Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?
Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?
Where are the four "exiles" in ancient times? See if there's one in your hometown?