
Obviously, he was the one who snubbed his wife after getting married, and he was ambiguous with his first love.

author:Zhizhi excerpt
Obviously, he was the one who snubbed his wife after getting married, and he was ambiguous with his first love.

The picture comes from the Internet



There was movement in the ward, thinking that Fan Xingyun had woken up, and the doctor said that he was asleep at the moment, and he hadn't had a good rest for too long.

It won't be long before he wakes up.

Wu Youyou ran back to the ward in three or two steps, stood at the door, and saw that Fan Xingyun had already sat up.

He glanced to the door, then to his parents.

"Mom and Dad, what's going on?"

He raised his hand to touch his head, and moved his feet again, the pain made him frown, "Why am I hurt?" ”

This question was asked stupidly by the people present.

Wu Youyou slowly approached the hospital bed, Fan Xingyun is this amnesia?

Why did he wake up with such a big accident yesterday and not remember?

Father Van reached out and touched his forehead, and then touched his own forehead, "It's not burning, what's the matter...... Son, don't you remember how you got into a car accident? ”

Van Xingyun looked dazed.

Father Fan raised his head and asked with a questioning face, "Xiaobing, what did the doctor say?" Will this be? ”

His hand quietly pointed to his head, "Here, are you alright?" ”

After all, it hurts the head, and if something really goes wrong, won't the two couples live in a nursing home in the future with a stupid son?

Just thinking about it, I feel that there is no hope for this day!

Sun Xiaobing shook his head slightly, he patted Fan Xingyun's shoulder, pointed at himself and asked tentatively, "Mr. Fan, do you know who I am?" ”

Fan Xingyun looked disgusted, and actually raised his foot to kick him, but his foot was tied by a plaster cast and he couldn't use his strength, "Sun Xiaobing, are you going to be a fool for me?" ”

This temper is still so short-tempered, Sun Xiaobing finally took off his bitter gourd face and laughed fascinated.

Mother Fan held her son's hand and burst into laughter.

Jiang Meiqi handed over a cup of hot water, "Xingyun, I've been lying down for a day and a night, I'm thirsty, drink a glass of water first." ”

"Thank you."

Fan Xingyun took the water and looked at her with a rare tenderness in his eyes.

Jiang Meiqi was flattered, Fan Xingyun saw her well, is she willing to accept her again?

In this way, the spring that belongs to her is coming!

She was happy in her heart, took the empty water cup from Fan Xingyun's hand, and looked at people, and the autumn waves were frequent.

Fan Xingyun was still in the quilt, only to find Wu Youyou standing behind Sun Xiaobing with an inquiring face.

He glanced at the person dissatisfied, and his tone was indifferent, "Why are you here?" ”

As far as the question is concerned, it seems that he is not happy to see her.

Wu Youyou didn't know how to answer, she grabbed her skirt with both hands, and her eyes scanned his face uneasily.

"Wu Youyou, ask you!"

This sudden increase in volume frightened the people present, and they were at a loss, and everyone couldn't figure out what he meant.

Wu Youyou also frowned and looked him up and down.

Father Fan believes that no matter what Wu Youyou did wrong, at least Fan Xingyun's injury was not caused by her, and she can't be blamed for this.

"Nebula, if something happened to you, it's normal for Yoyo to worry about you, regardless of her ......"

Fan Xingyun interrupted his father's words, "Dad, Yoyo has been busy for this event for a month, and I can't let my previous efforts be in vain because of me......"

"Sun Xiaobing, you send Yoyo back to school, I just hurt my leg, and I can't afford to have so many people present.

You and Meiqi also hurried back to the construction site, and Lao Hu hurriedly signed the contract, it was nothing more than spending a few more money, don't delay the progress of the project......"

The Van Xingyun horn was output, and everyone was confused.


Mother Fan held his hand and called him carefully, for fear that he would break like a bubble if he was not careful.

Sun Xiaobing took out his mobile phone and deliberately glanced at the time, "Mr. Fan, did you say that today is the Year of the Monkey?" ”

Fan Xingyun frowned, "You're too confused, don't you have a movie exhibition today, what are you still doing standing, quickly escort her back!" ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone knew what was going on.

Fan Xingyun's memory stayed in three years ago, a month before he and Wu Youyou got married.

Therefore, he doesn't remember anything about the marriage of the two, Wu Youyou's study abroad, and the children, or even the divorce of the two.

"Okay, I'll go."

Sun Xiaobing pushed Wu Youyou to walk out the door.

As soon as the two of them left the ward, they bumped into Fan Xingyun's attending doctor.

The doctor rubbed his chin and listened carefully to what the two men had to say.

"Although this situation is rare, it is not impossible, it may be the patient's active selective amnesia, his brain automatically filters out some bad things, which is not necessarily a bad thing for the patient."

In order not to irritate Fan Xingyun, everyone unanimously decided to hide all the things about Wu Youyou in the past three years, and only told him that he had lost his memories for three years, as if the marriage and divorce had not happened.

Van Xingyun quickly accepted the facts.

When he was discharged from the hospital, Wu Youyou did not appear, which was what Fan's mother meant.

Roughly speaking, in the future, the two will be separated from each other, and each will be happy.

In the car, Fan Xingyun frequently picked up his mobile phone, and then put it down again.

Because he didn't want to show off his bald head, he deliberately brought a white cap, his eyes were hidden under the brim, and his mood looked a little low.

I don't know if I'm looking at the time, or if I'm waiting for someone's news.

He looked sideways out the window, and the direction of the car was leading to his parents' home.

After marrying Wu Youyou, he rarely returned to his parents' house, because the two elders wandered abroad all year round.

For three years, he has been guarding the marriage room alone, and he thinks that after Wu Youyou returns to China, he will be able to change this status quo.

Unexpectedly, it changed in this way.

Back at home, the Van couple had already prepared a table of meals, and Van Xingyun's clothes and office supplies had also been taken back by them.

Completely restored to the way he was three years ago, as if he had never left.

At home, all the photos, tokens, etc. about Wu Youyou were hidden.

They worked hard to erase any trace of Wu Youyo.

During the meal, Fan's mother kept serving vegetables to her son, and Fan's bowl was full of dishes.

"Mom, enough is enough, you take care of Sun Xiaobing, it's hard for people to get a meal at home, what do you eat like Sun Xiaobing?"

He hugged and dodged, but turned his head to find that the dishes in Sun Xiaobing's bowl were piled higher.

And his whole head was almost buried in the bowl.

Hearing Fan Xingyun mention himself, he raised his head and stuffed his mouth full.

In the past few days, he has been really tired, because he is worried and busy, and his stomach is not full.

It's just that many of his dishes are sandwiched by himself, and some are sandwiched by Father Van .

has known Fan Xingyun for so many years, and he has become a family with them.

Fan Xingyun's face was full of disgust, "Sun Xiaobing, you came to my house to improve the food?" ”

He pondered, he didn't treat each other badly on weekdays, how could he live like a starving ghost.

This kind of image makes outsiders look at it, and they think that he is the president of Guanren Real Estate and abuses his assistant.

This is rumored to be the company's stock must not dive continuously.

Sun Xiaobing raised his hand and wiped the corners of his mouth, smiling particularly embarrassed, "Hehe, it's all because my aunt's cooking is so delicious, which reminds me of my mother's taste." ”

"If it's delicious, you can eat more."

Fan Xingyun sandwiched some of the dishes in his bowl to Sun Xiaobing.

At night, Van Xingyun stood alone in front of the window, looking at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

The heavy rain beat the windows, and the trees kept swaying, bringing a touch of coolness to the boring summer day.

Mr. and Mrs. Van slept peacefully and peacefully, the most restful they had since returning home.

On the desk, there is a bunch of keys, which are the car keys of Van Xingyun.

He picked up the key and quietly went out of the house.

On a dark night, with heavy rain, he braved the rain to drive to their wedding room.

Once inside, I went straight to the master bedroom.

In the closet, Wu Youyou's clothes were still there, he opened the clothes and found the storage box hidden under the clothes.

The box was opened, and I saw the clothes Wu Youyou wore that night, as well as the bloodshot sheets.

He held everything in his arms and buried his head low, the only thing that allowed him to feel the breath of the other party.

In the morning, the sun was shining, and Su Jingyi was playing in a kindergarten with Xiao Niannian.

The large open-air plaza is equipped with a wide range of children's play facilities: swings, single parallel bars, climbing walls, seesaws, slides, sand piles, etc.

Xiao Niannian was chasing a few older children, and a few people were running around the slide.

Su Jingyi followed the example of a child, climbed into the rainbow house below, and a group of little penguin-like milk balls immediately surrounded her and laughed.

"Got you, got you."

She quickly turned into an eagle again, stretching out her claws to catch the chickens.

The gnocchi were a mess.

Xiao Niannian grabbed the handrail and reminded everyone in a milky voice to climb to the top of the slide and hide first.

After hearing this, a few children swarmed up the stairs, and the sound of screams and laughter filled the entire kindergarten.

Looking at the cheerful figures of the children, Su Jingyi decided to let herself go and play with them.

He threw aside his foot-obstructing high heels, and the moment he turned around, he saw Sun Xiaobing standing outside the fence, thinking about it across the fence.

Regarding Fan Xingyun's amnesia after waking up, Su Jingyi had already heard about it.

Now the entire Fanjia believes that Wu Youyou is a child conceived after going abroad, and has nothing to do with their Fanjia.

It stands to reason that there is no such thing as fighting for custody of the child.

But the moment she saw Sun Xiaobing, she was still on guard.

She walked under the fence and looked condescendingly at the people outside the wall, "Why are you here?" ”

Sun Xiaobing pointed to Wu Youyou's car, "I saw the car and thought that Miss Wu should be around here, so I came over to take a look." ”

Su Jingyi turned around, and Wu Youyou was consulting with the director about entering the park.

After all, Xiao Niannian is only in her early two years old, she has no diapers, and she will find a pacifier when she sleeps.

Suddenly put her in kindergarten, with a group of three to six year old children, I was still a little worried, worried that she was not enough to take care of herself and express herself.

I was wronged in kindergarten.

"Now that you see it, you can go."

Regarding Sun Xiaobing, Su Jingyi has no prejudices.

But for Fan Xingyun, she has a big opinion, and she doesn't treat Sun Xiaobing so much.

Youyo is such a good wife, just don't know how to cherish it.

Something happened in the divorce, and he forgot all about people, and he made himself the big injustice of the century.

And Yoyo's stupid woman not only took all the responsibility for the child herself, but also scolded her for not abiding by women's morals because she was poked in the back by others.

Sun Xiaobing didn't know where her anger came from, but in order not to cause disputes, he had to explain his intentions.

"I'm looking for her, something is wrong."

"Just tell me anything, although I protect my shortcomings, I can't kill anyone."

A few days ago, when Fan Xingyun's mother called Wu Youyou, she had already made it clear that she hoped that the two could keep their distance in the future.

also said that she was wrong in the past, and she should not go against her son's wishes and match them.

Now, she has suffered retribution, and she only hopes that the two of them will be well in the future.

Listening to these words made Su Jingyi particularly uncomfortable.

It's like Fan Xingyun's misfortune was caused by Wu Youyou, obviously he was driving over the speed limit.

Obviously, he was the one who snubbed his wife after getting married.

Obviously, he recruited his first love to the company and arranged to do things by his side.

Obviously, he is the one who eats a box of lunch with his first love.

The person he brought home was also him.

Why did he always have the image of a victim, but let the real victim suffer the pressure of public opinion.

Su Jingyi said that she was going to drive people away.


Wu Youyou walked over from behind and smiled at Sun Xiaobing, "I'm looking for you, why don't you find a place to sit down and talk?" ”

The four of them came to a Jiangnan-style tea restaurant called Jiangnan Xiaoyuan.

When you enter the gate, you will see a rockery, with fountains, flowing water, green plants and small fish.

On the side of the corridor, under the glazed tiles, a thin layer of water vapor is sprayed, sprinkled on people, cool and cool.

The heat brought by the scorching summer disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The little guy broke free from Wu Youyou's arms, and he was stained with flowers and grass along the way.

I accidentally plucked a flower.

Wu Youyou hurriedly stepped forward to stop her, and carried her to the service desk, explained the situation, and said that he was willing to compensate according to the price.

The waiters were undecided, and said they were going to ask their manager.

At this time, a man in his early thirties walked over, with a tall figure and a gray tunic.

Elegant temperament.

He claimed to be the owner of the restaurant, with a surname of Ru and a single name.

"Wu Youyou, solo Wu."

Ru Nian said that today is his birthday, and everyone who comes to the restaurant to eat can get a small cake for free.

As he spoke, the waiter brought over two boxes of small cakes.

The little guy unceremoniously picked up one of them and handed it to Wu Youyou, "Mommy, open it, open it." ”

Ru Nian had already predicted her movements, he reached out and grabbed the other one, opened it, and then handed it to Xiao Niannian, "Little friend, uncle will open it for you." ”

The little guy looked at Wu Youyou and hesitated whether to turn it out, after all, she was still holding one in her hand.

Mommy often said that she couldn't eat what strangers gave, but what she had in her arms was her own, not what strangers gave her.

"Thank you, baby said, thank you uncle."

"Thank you, rat."

The cake in the little guy's arms was put down, and then he took the cake handed over by Ru Nian with both hands.

Wu Youyou pointed to Sun Xiaobing and Su Jingyi, "Thank you for the cake, my friend has already found a seat, I'll go over first." ”

Ru Nian nodded slightly.

Wu Youyou returned to his seat, and the little guy couldn't wait to show off her cake to the two.

The small spoon picked up a big lump and handed it to Su Jingyi's mouth, "Godmother, eat, eat." ”

Su Jingyi unceremoniously took a bite.

Then, the little guy took out another big lump, and then used his strength to feed, and held the table and handed it to the person opposite, "Rat, eat, creamy." ”

Sun Xiaobing was just about to refuse, but the little guy's hand shook, and he saw that the whole person was about to fall off the table.

He opened his mouth wide, "Be careful! His hands immediately supported her little arms.

The cake didn't fall at all, and it was stuffed into his mouth.

Before she could react to what was going on, she listened to the little guy tilt his head, but the cute and loving question:

"Rat rat, is it delicious?"


Sun Xiaobing licked his tongue unsatisfactorily, and the next second he remembered that Su Jingyi had used this spoon just now.

There is still a faint lipstick mark on the milky white spoon.

Isn't it the same as indirect kissing when a man and a woman share a spoon?

Sun Xiaobing's face turned red instantly.

His sudden discomfort also attracted Su Jingyi's attention.

When Xiao Niannian handed the spoon over again, Su Jingyi ruthlessly rejected her.

"Godmother won't eat, and the baby won't be allowed to eat, so keep your stomach to eat."

The little guy immediately picked up the cake and turned sideways, "But the baby hasn't eaten yet." ”

This expression is aggrieved, with a pair of big eyes like black grapes, and pearl-like tears in the corners of his eyes.

Wu Youyou reached out and pressed it back into the high chair.

She has never liked sweets, so she usually takes her children to eat ice cream, chocolate, cakes, etc.

Su Jingyi's most common sentence on her lips, eat and drink well, cute to old age.

This is also cultivated, the little guy has a little delicious food in his hands, and she is the first to feed it.

It's no wonder that since Xiao Niannian can share food like a girlfriend, Su Jingyi's weight has never fallen below 100.

The whole person looks round and cute.

But Wu Youyou, who is a few months younger, looks more mature and stable.

Maybe it's because of motherhood, or maybe it's the past experience that makes her think more.

The waiter used a small cart to push the food over, and as soon as the waiter left, Wu Youyou asked.

"What are you looking for me?"

Could it be that Mother Fan asked him to convey what to herself on her behalf?

Maybe something happened to the Van Nebula.

Sun Xiaobing looked at the child and hesitated for a moment before asking.

"I take the liberty of asking, the child's biological father is Mr. Fan, right?"

He didn't believe that Wu Youyou would have children with other men during the marriage.

And from the child's birthday, the child must also be Brahma Nebula.

Wu Youyou put down his chopsticks and was silent for a moment before responding with a smile.

"Sun Xiaobing, the result is no longer important, the important thing is that Fan Xingyun and I have divorced, he forgot everything, you and I should forget, it's good for him, for me, and even for you!"

Sun Xiaobing looked melancholy, he understood what Wu Youyou meant, this was to keep it secret.

It's hard for him, this kind of thing is not human inside and out, no matter what he does, it will offend people.

In the future, if Fan Xingyun asked, how should he quibble.

Su Jingyi didn't hear his answer, picked up the chopsticks and knocked them the back of his hand.

"You're not going to turn your head and just talk to the family surnamed Fan, right? I can tell you, if I am separated from Niannian's mother and daughter because of you, I can't spare you! ”

After speaking, he kicked someone under the table, and his coquettish appearance really stunned Sun Xiaobing.

A trace of concern flashed in Wu Youyou's heart, are these two people so familiar.

She tried so hard to draw a clear line with Fan Xingyun, but Su Jingyi and Sun Xiaobing got closer and closer.

She doesn't have to interfere in the private life of her good friends, especially her love life, if you change someone, good or bad is an experience.

It's just that what she cares about is that their way of getting along will definitely affect her and Fan Xingyun.

So, she gritted her teeth and decided to speak.

"Jingyi, Sun Xiaobing, I'll discuss something with you."

"What's the matter?"

Wu Youyou looked at them silently, feeling guilty in his heart.

"Sun Xiaobing, Jing Yi and Nian Nian took the advertisement before, let's withdraw it, if it is on the big screen, Fan Xingyun can see it every day at work, but it is not conducive to his recovery, this time the economic loss, I will compensate in full."

Su Jingyi couldn't believe her ears.

The advertisement was filmed for more than ten days, not to mention the manpower and financial resources spent in the early stage of shooting.

The cost of post-editing, dubbing, special effects, etc., alone cannot be estimated.

Su Jingyi is not afraid of blocking her star path, after all, filming an advertisement once may be famous, and it is possible that there is no such person.

She received more than 10,000 yuan for a shooting, but she didn't want Wu Youyou to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to fill this hole.

She grabbed Wu Youyou's cuffs and motioned to her, don't be in a hurry to say this.

In case Sun Xiaobing and they think about Fan Xingyun, the company decides not to use her film.

Wu Youyou thought that Su Jingyi was reluctant to make her screen debut this time.

She took the opportunity to hold Su Jingyi's hand, revealing deep self-blame.

"Jingyi, I'm sorry I made this decision without consulting you."

She thought of a way to make up for Su Jingyi, which was to open a company by herself and then fulfill her dream of being a big heroine.

Anyway, both of them are unemployed, and once Xiao Niannian is sent to kindergarten in the future, then the two of them can start the company's business.

"Wu Youyou, you have a lot of money? Is this what I care about!! ”

That's right, Wu Youyou does have a lot of money.

Before returning to China, Su Jingyi knew that her family had a little money, but she couldn't imagine how rich she was.

Because Wu Youyou is low-key and rarely wears expensive clothes, the two usually go to the mall together to buy some clothes at affordable prices.

After returning to China, I learned that their family not only enjoyed a huge amount of demolition money, but also dividends from the village.

The old man also started real estate with the Fans, although he only got dark shares, and had no naming rights and management rights.

But it's also a great asset.

Funing Village is a concentration camp for local tyrants, although it is a little old, but it can't stand the high price of housing.

Again, it is also 100,000 units, and all of them are large apartments of more than 300 square meters.

Any set starts at 30 million, which is a place where rich people can't live.

In the garage, you can see million-level luxury cars everywhere.

The gate was as grand as a palace, and every time I went back, the young and handsome security personnel stood straight, and people walked over to salute.

It was as if the queen had entered the temple.

Su Jingyi's self-familiar personality is familiar with the security guard at the gate once she goes.

So much so that later, the security personnel saw her from a distance and took the initiative to open the door for her.

Sun Xiaobing felt that what she said was reasonable, but considering Su Jingyi's wishes and the company's position, he did not answer directly.

Besides, he can't call the shots alone.

"I can't make a decision on this matter alone, I'll give you an answer after I go back to discuss it."

Wu Youyou nodded politely.

Several people ate quietly, and after a meal, almost all of them started the topic around Xiao Niannian.

Thinking that she was Fan Xingyun's kinsman, Sun Xiaobing's interaction with her was much closer.

The little guy livened up the whole meal by himself, and the four of them talked and laughed.

In the other corner of the restaurant, Van Xingyun wears a white T-shirt, light-colored jeans, and a black peaked cap.

The brim of his hat was pressed low, and he sat quietly in the corner.

He couldn't hear what they were talking about, but the harmonious atmosphere of the scene made him can't help but hook the corners of his mouth.

At night, after Wu Youyou put Xiao Niannian to sleep, he quietly turned on the computer, and then clicked on the email.

The screen is full of scenes of Jiang Meiqi and another man: they kiss, eat, go shopping, quarrel, splash and pull on the street.

There is even Jiang Meiqi's medical record in the hospital, what time period, and how many times the tire slipped.

At the bottom, there is also a photo of a man and another woman, as well as a boy.

Even if Wu Youyou doesn't read the text, he basically understands the situation.

It's well spent!

A sly smile tugged at the corners of her lips, and her knuckles creaked as she pressed her fingers down.

The old town, deep narrow alleys, low houses.

On either side is a snack street, where many migrant workers live because the rent is cheap and the consumption is lower.

The citizens are more enthusiastic among themselves, and there is more crowds on weekends or in the evening.

Qian Duoduo sat on a small bench and yelled at a busy woman.

"Boss, are you still doing this business? I've been waiting for a long time, why haven't I eaten yet? Why, are you afraid that I won't pay? ”

The woman put down the dishes and chopsticks in her hand with her back and wiped her hands on the brown scarf, "I'm sorry big brother, I'm a little busy today, I'll give you a rush." ”

"Hurry up, don't delay Lao Tzu's dinner!"

Qian Duoduo spit out a toothpick and slapped the table and ordered.

The woman walked into the kitchen, pointed to Qian Duoduo and urged the man to cook his meal first, for fear that the customer would make a fuss and it would not end well.

The man nodded in response.

After a while, the woman brought out a plate of food, and he stepped on the leg of another stool to start the storm sucking method.

It didn't take a few minutes to sweep it clean, he casually pushed away the plate, went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of drink, and the refrigerator door was "clanged" by him.

attracted a few customers who dined in the store, casting disgusted eyes.

Qian Duoduo ignored others and walked straight outside.

The woman put down the plate and chased out, "Big brother, yet?" I didn't pay for it. ”

He turned around and picked up his phone, "How much?" ”

"Rice fifteen, drink four yuan five, a total of nineteen yuan five." The woman replied with a smile.

"Why don't you rob?"

Qian Duoduo took back his mobile phone, this is an urban village in Yongzhou, and the people who live here are basically workers at the bottom of society.

"Big brother, you ordered this fifteen-yuan set meal yourself, two meat and one vegetable, one soup, and rice for free."

The customers in the store raised their hands to look at him, and there was a kind of rush to help him when the road was uneven.

Qian Duoduo reluctantly took out his mobile phone again and looked at the wallet balance: 0.18.

This is a fraction, let alone eating, eating is not enough.

I begged his father for food early in the morning, but Qian Fugui scolded him on the phone, and he disappeared from the world.

He pretended to scan the QR code on the refrigerator, and then entered the amount of twenty, "5 cents more for you." ”

Hold up your phone to show each other, and the next second you will run.

"Hey! Ay! ”

Qian Duoduo ran out for more than 200 meters, and there were two people chasing him behind him, turning onto a bow bridge.

When he ran up the steps, he turned around and fell, and the two people behind him hurriedly pressed him down and broke his hands behind him.

"Don't move!"

One of the men shouted loudly, and passers-by retreated.

Qian Duoduo raised his head, his face was very aggrieved.

"Why don't you just eat a bully meal? Do you want to do this for a dozen dollars? ”

He complained and struggled, "I'll pay, can't I give you the money?" ”

"I told you not to move!" One of them took out his handcuffs and handcuffed his hands.

Qian Duoduo realized the seriousness of the problem, and immediately cried bitterly and begged to be let go.

As soon as Sun Xiaobing hung up the phone, he turned around and saw Fan Xingyun standing behind him, his eyes staring at his computer all the time.

On the screen, an advertisement taken a while ago is playing.

The baby bottle in the little guy's hand was held in the arms of the so-called "traffickers", and he bared his two front teeth at the camera.

Laughing, his eyes are like a crooked crescent moon.

Sun Xiaobing was worried that he would be stimulated, so he hurriedly withdrew from the video, "Mr. Fan, there is news from the police station that Qian Fugui and his son have been arrested." ”

Fan Xingyun nodded slightly, "Well, you follow up on this matter, no matter what conditions the other party offers, don't let go." ”


Sun Xiaobing followed into the office, and when he watched the film just now, the more he watched it, the more he liked it.

Su Jingyi and Xiao Niannian are in front of the camera, without the slightest performance component, whether it is parent-child interaction or grief when they are forced to separate.

Or maybe it's the combination of joy and sorrow after the reunion.

The entire performance process of the two leading actors is quite natural and smooth.

Fan Xingyun turned his head and asked with a frown, "If you have something, just say it." ”

Sun Xiaobing turned around and closed the door of the office, "Mr. Fan, do you want to reshoot the advertisement you shot a few days ago?" ”

Although the time is pressing, it is still possible to catch it out in a hurry.

"Why change?"

Of course, Fan Xingyun knew Sun Xiaobing's thoughts, but just after seeing the smiling face of the little actor, instead of repulsing it, a wave of joy rose in his heart.

Anyway, I won't be able to see it in the future, so let's keep a thought.

"Mr. Fan, do you know who the actor is this time?"

"It doesn't matter who she is, as long as there is no problem with her conduct, if you can't find her to have any behavior, it is against public order and good customs, and it is a waste of other people's labor results, but it is even more detrimental to the company's image."

Fan Xingyun raised his hand and touched the short stubble-like hair on the top of his head to hide his weakness.

Sun Xiaobing nodded, Mr. Fan had forgotten about the past three years, so Su Jingyi and Xiao Niannian should have no impression of him.

Since he is unwilling to change, his starting point is the interests of the company.

At this time, Jiang Meiqi pushed open the door from the outside and came in, and called out sweetly, "Xingyun, I brought you my favorite fruit." ”

She was holding a transparent box with all kinds of fruits, watermelon, mango, grapes, cherries, lychees, longans, etc.

There are a few forks on it, arranged in the shape of a heart, which shows that it is quite careful.

She placed the fruit on the coffee table, a tight-fitting bandeau skirt, which set off her body with a bumpy shape.

"I won't eat it, you can take it."

Fan Xingyun said lightly, after being discharged from the hospital, he changed his previous suit and leather shoes into casual and comfortable clothes.

It looks more approachable on the outside, but it is cold in its attitude towards people.

"I went to a few places to buy them for you, these are the freshest ones on the market, but they are sweet, can you taste one."

Of course, Maggie Jiang will not back down easily.

There used to be a fierce rival like Wu Youyou, and she was defeated without a fight.

Now that the two have divorced, Fan Xingyun has forgotten all about the emotional entanglements between them.

But there were no other women around him.

This is clearly the opportunity God has created for her, a chance to enter the upper class society and become a master for generations.

How could she give up?

She held the box and walked gracefully towards Fan Xingyun.

Fan Xingyun stared at her tightly and slowly stretched out his hand.

Sun Xiaobing walked away with a knowing face, walked to the door, and was called back by Fan Xingyun.

He handed the fruit box to Sun Xiaobing, "Take it and share it with my colleagues, just say that it is Miss Jiang's guest." ”

The two people present were stunned, no one expected him to come to this show, so blatantly refuting people's faces.

Sun Xiaobing hesitated, not knowing whether to take it or not.

Looking at Jiang Meiqi's face that collapsed in an instant, she was in a dilemma.

"Take it, what are you still doing?"

He stuffed the fruit box directly into Sun Xiaobing's arms, turned his head and said to Jiang Meiqi, "You can go out too, don't run to me if you have nothing to do, and do anything directly with Xiaobing." ”

Sun Xiaobing hurriedly fled first with the fruit box in his arms, this kind of offending people, he was most afraid.

"Then, I'll step back first."

Jiang Meiqi retreated stupidly, and the moment she turned around, her eyes were cold.

The company "Youman Media" was established.

Wu Youyou and Su Jingyi stood at the door of the company, looking at the four big characters and smiling brightly.

The newly established company is located in the International Trade Building near Funing Village.

Although the appearance and scale are not as high-end as the leisurely cloud mansion of the Fanxing Nebula, it is magnanimous.

But the advantage is that the geographical location is superior, even if the rich gather, there is no shortage of fireworks.

You can see people of all ages everywhere, from the elderly in their nineties to newborn babies.

There are also talents in various industries, including financial tycoons, business tycoons, returnees studying abroad, and young entrepreneurs who start businesses.

Even in large shopping malls, there are nannies with excellent cooking skills and rich wives who buy groceries and shop.

And leisurely Yunfu, the main focus is modernization, futuristic, basically young people gather together, rarely see young children, let alone the elderly.

Wu Youyou put his arm around Su Jingyi and pointed to the scenery outside the window, "Jingyi, this is the cradle of our business, in the future, we will be famous, and the men in the world will be you to choose." ”

"Mr. Wu is so loud, aren't you afraid that I will take it seriously?"

"I'm afraid you're not serious!"

Su Jingyi held her face with both hands, looking nymphomaniac, "I am looking for a handsome person to fall in love, I will make people happy, and I am looking for a capable and reliable when I get married."

She covered her face and made a shy, "God, they won't line up to show me muscles, wait for me to subtly rule them one by one, then my kidneys ......"

Just thinking about it makes my legs weak.

Su Jingyi wrapped her hands around Wu Youyou's neck, and the whole person hung on the other party, pouting red lips and blurred eyes.

Wu Youyou poked her temples and gritted her teeth, "Stop, put away your fancy intestines, people who shouldn't move, don't move, I don't want my reputation to be ruined under your skirt." ”

"Isn't that a man in the world at my disposal?"

I regretted it so quickly, and I farted and disappeared so quickly.

"Those who rely on the second half of their lives to get to the top are considered men?"

Wu Youyou broke her arms, "Remember, you have me, and you are not allowed to rely on men!" ”

Hearing this, Su Jingyi looked at her with squinting eyes, and smiled with a rippling face, "Yoyo, if you are a man, I will give you seven gourd babies." ”

"Get out!"

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the two went to the kindergarten to pick up Xiao Niannian.

The kind and kind principal is standing at the school gate to see the children off.

Wu Youyou stepped forward and greeted people eagerly, "Good afternoon, Mother Principal." ”

"Good afternoon, Nian Nian, Mom."

The director of the park is a native of Funing Village, and the two had a good conversation last time.

Wu Youyou revealed to her that he started a company, and said that when he opened a company, he would shoot a promotional video for their kindergarten for free as the first one.

Prepare for the next semester of admissions.

In the kindergarten of Funing Village, students don't have to worry about the source, after all, the people who can come in are also the locals of Funing who live nearby.

Even though tuition fees are expensive, most people still squeeze their heads in.

As parents, they all know the importance of circles and knowledge, and they know that no one can make money beyond their own knowledge.

Although there is no worry about the source of students, the popularity of the school should be launched and played beautifully.

Therefore, kindergartens will shoot a promotional video almost every year, which is also a large expense, but it is all about showing the students' style and campus style.

I learned that Wu Youyou came back from studying in the United States, majored in this course, and also participated in some big productions in the United States.

The principal of the kindergarten planned to let her give it a try, and emphasized that there is an event in the city to select the top ten kindergartens, and he hoped that this promotional video would help them rank up.

A lot of money.

The two shook hands warmly.

After receiving the thought, the mother of the director led them around, and under her detailed introduction, Su Jingyi took the notebook and took notes carefully, while Wu Youyou held the camera and took pictures of every corner of the park.

In the evening, the sunset traveled thousands of miles, and the whole sky was full of red fire.

As the sun sets, the afterglow spreads over the entire campus, as if draped in a gentle veil.

It exudes a gentle and warm mystery.

Wu Youyou climbed to the high city wall and fixed this scene forever under the camera.

Xiao Niannian raised her head, raised her hands, and said in an eager tone, "Mommy, be careful, don't fall." ”

Su Jingyi held the notebook while writing, while teasing her, "Mommy can't fall, Mommy is a panty superman, she can fly!" ”

The director picked up Xiao Niannian and rubbed her fleshy neck affectionately.

"It's good to have a daughter, I've been so caring since I was a child, but it's a pity that I gave birth to three people with handles, and the youngest is in high school, and as soon as I enter the door, my shoes are thrown on the ceiling, and I take my popularity to half a life every day."

"Mother of the principal, I can't see it, you are so young, the children are so old, how do you maintain it?"

Wu Youyou looked at each other with an exaggerated expression, and then jumped down from the high wall.

The little guy opened his mouth wide in surprise, "Wow~ Mommy can fly, Look, Mommy, Mommy, she is really a panty superman, she can fly." ”

The director smiled on his face, "Don't lie to me, I'm almost fifty people, and it's more than enough to be your mother." ”

Women, the most happy are others to praise themselves for being young and beautiful, even if the other party is talking nonsense with their eyes open.

Anyway, bad words don't go into the ears, and good words don't go into the brain.

"I didn't lie to you, the three of us walked together, pure sisters."

Su Jingyi hugged the principal and came to assist.

"And me......"

The little guy raised his hand in protest, obviously there were four people present, how could he ignore her alone.

The laughter continued.

In court.

Qian Fugui shouted at Sun Xiaobing, asking him to withdraw the lawsuit, and said that he was willing to give the other party financial compensation.

Sun Xiaobing asked him with a smile, your son has escaped the bill for a meal, are you sure you can afford it?

"I still have an old mansion, don't you want my land, I'll give it to you, I don't want 50 million, just 30 million, 30 million? As long as you withdraw the lawsuit, let our father and son go. ”

Sun Xiaobing squinted his eyes and looked at the other party, let alone 30 million, now it is 3 million, and the company will not accept it.

Anyway, this piece of land has been drying for three years, and they will not pay attention to him until the construction plan is restarted.

"You just keep the fish!"

Seeing that there was no hope of withdrawing the complaint, the father and son changed their posture of begging for mercy just now.

Even though his hands were handcuffed, his shoulders were escorted by two policemen.

They were still like grasshoppers ready to get out of the pan, bouncing and cursing.

During the struggle, Qian Duoduo spat at the policeman beside him.

In exchange for a fist from the other party, hit him in the face.

Blood flowed from the nostrils instantly.

Qian Duoduo couldn't cover his nose, so he could only tilt his head to prevent the nosebleed from flowing down.

"Be honest!"

Two policemen grabbed him by the hair and pressed his head down.

The judge ruled in court that Qian Fugui and Qian Duoduo destroyed public roads because of personal grievances, causing an accident involving passing vehicles and injuring one person.

has constituted a crime of endangering public safety and is sentenced to five years' imprisonment.

As soon as the verdict came down, the father and son immediately stopped, and they couldn't stand steadily.

Sun Xiaobing walked out of the courtroom surrounded by everyone.

Several reporters immediately gathered around him, and they held microphones.

Ask him if he is satisfied with the verdict this time.

What kind of injuries did Van Xingyun cause in this accident?

How is the recovery now?

Sun Xiaobing is like a big star, surrounded by people, and it is difficult to move an inch.

Room 808, 8th Floor, International Trade Building.

Wu Youyou has created a job advertisement that lists the job positions and needs, including photographers, designers, assistants, etc.

In the early days of the company, in order to control operating costs, she and Su Jingyi needed to wear multiple hats.

However, considering that the kindergarten has more than 10 days to go before the school dismissal ceremony, it is particularly urgent to recruit photographers.

"Photographing children is the hardest and easiest.

Difficult people, children are too young, and execution is low, and there will be many unexpected things during the filming process.

Simple, children's happiness is the purest, they don't need to act, it's very natural and infectious.

It's just that there are only two of us at the moment, so if you can't do it, you will hire a male photographer first, otherwise just carrying props will make you and me tired enough, not to mention running after a group of children with a camera. ”

Wu Youyou had a bitter face, it was not easy to find a satisfactory photographer in such a short time.

Unless you are willing to spend your money.

Su Jingyi was originally still docking with the personnel of the garment factory, and when she heard that Wu Youyou was going to recruit a male photographer, she became interested.

"Man, I'm good at picking men, leave this matter to me, and promise to complete the task!"

She looked confident, but unexpectedly she was slapped by Wu Youyou

"Do you think that recruiting male models, I want technical talents, and photographers who are willing to grow with us, even if they make money, we will share shares together."

"Who do you look down on?"

Su Jingyi turned her face sideways and muttered quietly.

"How's the talk about custom-made clothes?"

Wu Youyou stood behind her, looking at the computer screen chat history.

Su Jingyi explained the situation roughly.

If the existing fabric of the garment factory is used, as long as the version is determined, more than 400 sets of clothing can be driven out in about four or five days.

If you add the packing and shipping time, it will arrive in seven or eight days.

However, the factory has to add money to receive urgent orders, otherwise it can only arrange orders in order of orders, about a month.

Wu Youyou silently calculated, five or six days to get the goods, this time is not too late, but she hopes to be sooner.

"Where's the factory?"

"Guancheng, at the junction with Yongzhou."

Wu Youyou searched the address, less than 200 kilometers, and it only took two hours to drive.

The costumes for the dismissal ceremony were proposed by Wu Youyou to the principal, saying that they were sponsored free of charge, provided that the company's logo was allowed to be printed.

The design has been shown to the principal, and the logo is hidden at the edge of the neckline in an art form, like the lace that comes with the clothes.

It will not rob the brand style of kindergartens at all.

Such a big child has no concept of clothing brands, but these children are the richest people in Yongzhou.

Their parents are upper-class people from all walks of life.

These people may not care so much about the version of the clothing, but the safety of the material must be the most important.

Therefore, the choice of fabric must be the best.

If the children wear their customized clothes to take a group of photos at the end of school ceremony, it will also play a positive role in the company's publicity.

On the other hand, if the material of the clothes is not good, it is not only the reputation of the company that will be ruined.

"Tell me about it, let's go immediately, the child's skin is immature, and there is no room for any mistakes in the fabric."

Two hours later, the car followed the navigation instructions and drove into an industrial park.

The industrial park looks neat and clean, and you can see the signboards of several companies in the distance.

Wu Youyou pushed the snoring woman in the co-pilot, "Sleepy worm, it's time to wake up." ”

Su Jingyi yawned and stretched.

I stayed up late last night chasing dramas and slept too late, and today I have a nap party, and the whole person is more energetic.

She stuck her head out of the window and saw several big red fonts on the roof of a three-story building, "Fenghua Clothing".

Excited, "That's it, I'll talk to the other party." ”

Wu Youyou had just parked the car when a young woman and a middle-aged man came down from upstairs.

The man's face and arms were covered with hideous scars, like those burned by a fire.

The two were walking in their direction.

The woman snorted uncertainly, "Is it Miss Su?" ”

"Yes! Are you Miss Lee? ”

Su Jingyi put away her mobile phone, and the two shook hands warmly.

"Yes, hello Miss Su, welcome from afar, this is our Fenghua's boss, Mr. Guo."

Simply said hello, Su Jingyi also introduced Wu Youyou to the other party, "This is our President Wu of Youman Media." ”

"Mr. Wu?"

Mr. Guo looked at Wu Youyou, turning from doubt to appreciation, "I didn't expect you to be so young, it's really terrifying!" ”

Wu Youyou was praised as a little weak-hearted.

At the beginning of the company, except for the two of them, there were no employees.

"Mr. Guo has won the award, Youman is a new company that has just been established, and it is difficult to say how it will develop in the future.

However, Fenghua has been established for more than 20 years, but it has really paid taxes for the local government, provided so many jobs, and fed many families. ”

After a period of greetings, the two went to visit the production line under the guidance of Mr. Guo.

The three-story building, with a total of more than 800 square meters, has less than 50 employees.

This scale is very small in China.

The machines look old, and the employees are basically in their thirties and forties.

In between hard work, everyone occasionally chatted a few words, and the overall atmosphere looked harmonious, like old friends who have known each other for many years.

To be honest, neither of them was very satisfied.

With such a scale, it is not so easy to come by if you want to deliver ahead of schedule.

In recent years, the global economic environment has not been good, and many domestic manufacturing industries have encountered great challenges.

If it doesn't run well, it can go out of business at any time.

"The general situation of Fenghua has also been understood by the two of you, let me take the liberty of asking, do you have any questions or concerns?"

Wu Youyou and Su Jingyi glanced at each other, and both could feel that the other had something in their hearts.

Of course, Mr. Guo, a veteran of the shopping mall, also saw it.

He decided to put his old face out of his old face and fight for it again.

"I heard that the two of you are from Yongzhou?"

Wu Youyou nodded slightly, "Yes, I am a native of Yongzhou. ”

The boss recalled:

"Our Fenghua was also established in Yongzhou, which once had a factory of more than 10,000 square meters, and the largest number of employees was as high as more than 600 people.

Later, in order to develop, Yongzhou slowly removed our low-end industries.

More than ten years ago, when we moved here, there were only more than 200 people who came with us, and basically the husband and wife worked in the factory for a long time.

Over the years, the garment industry has encountered a cold winter, orders have decreased, employees have not made money, and slowly these people are left, and we have changed to smaller places. ”

Wu Youyou felt a trace of pity in his heart.

In the past, my family had a large factory for rent, and the tenants were also engaged in garment production.

The boss is kind, and Wu Youyou kindly called him "Uncle Long".

Every time, there is a large-scale event in the factory, or a New Year's holiday dinner, Uncle Long will invite them to join the whole family.

In the past, her parents rarely attended because they were busy with work, but her grandfather took her to appointments a few times.

The uncles and aunts in the factory all like her very much, a good-looking and well-behaved city girl.

When the factory receives an order for children's clothing, Uncle Long will also pick out some styles she likes and give them to her.

Every time she tries on new clothes in the factory, she happily turns around in front of people, and everyone laughs and says that she is a small model in the factory, a live signboard.

Later, when they moved out, Wu Youyou cried a lot.

When his parents had an accident, his grandfather couldn't help but be hospitalized.

After Uncle Long heard about it, he made a special trip to the hospital to greet him, and hugged Xiao Youyou and cried into tears.

Grandpa often said that Uncle Long is a person who values love and righteousness.

After Su Jingyi heard this, she was also touched in her heart.

It reminded her of the time when her parents were running around industrial parks to talk to others about recovering steel scrap.

She pulled the corners of her clothes, with anticipation in her eyes.

Wu Youyou understands what she means, she has always been a person with a kind heart and strong empathy ability.

This is the reason why the two can make friends.

She must be thinking that if orders continue to decrease, then dozens of people in the factory, that is, dozens of families, will be cut off from their sources of income.

After all, the rest of the employees are middle-aged and elderly, except for a small number of parking spaces that are considered skilled workers, the rest are manual work, and they may not be able to find a job when they go out from here.

But Wu Youyou thought more practically, this order could not make this factory last for a few days.

The key is for them to save themselves.

"Mr. Guo, is it convenient to introduce your fabrics? The ready-made fabrics in the factory, whether there are high-quality ones, can make more than 400 sets of clothes at one time. ”

The boss thought about it for a moment, stood up and said to the two.

"The high-quality fabrics are, in the past, we did processing for some international brands, but the market was not good in the past two years, and the other party owed us more than half a year's payment, and the fabrics were deducted by us.

We have the material, the inspection report, and even the export license, if you don't mind, I'll take you to the warehouse to take a look. ”

After entering the warehouse, the boss opened several bags of fabrics, all of which were fine wool fabrics, and the colors were also complete, with white being the most.

This piece is waterproof and moisture-proof very well, and there is no pilling, mildew, yellowing and other phenomena.

Children wear it close to the body, no problem at all.

So the question is, such a good fabric, will the other party open a sky-high price in terms of price?

After all, ready-to-wear garments made of this material are a thousand dollars a set with a brand.

Four hundred dollars is a lot of money.

Seeing that the other party hesitated, the boss took the lead in mentioning, "The clothes made of good materials are expensive in the cost of the materials, and the processing fees are actually about the same, but the process is a little more demanding." ”

Wu Youyou nodded, more than 400 sets is just a small order for the clothing industry, and he is not a long-term customer, so it is not good to make too many requests.

"We brought the drawings here, and it is decided today, can your company rush out in three days?"

"Three days?"

Miss Li counted her fingers and counted, "Make a board, make a sample for a day, and then the next thing is tailoring, ironing, and packaging."

It's okay to catch up, but we still have urgent orders on hand, although not much, but the delivery date is in these two days, unless it is processed. ”

"Then when processing, there are few orders recently, and everyone doesn't have much salary, and it's about to be summer vacation, and there are many places to use money."

"What about the unit price?"

Wu Youyou finally asked the most critical part.

In front of the two of them, Miss Li calculated the cost, and the total payment was more than 70,000 yuan.

Converted, the cost of each set is about 160 yuan.

Wu Youyou paid 50% of the deposit on the spot, and Miss Li seemed more excited than the boss herself, her hand holding the contract trembled slightly.

Later, I learned that she was the first order she talked about in Fenghua.

When signing the contract, seeing the three big characters of Guo Qilong, Wu Youyou asked the other party's ancestral home again.

"Are you Uncle Long?"

Mr. Guo raised his head and looked at the girl in front of him carefully, "Are you Yoyo?" ”

Wu Youyou replied firmly, "Uncle Long, I'm Youyou." ”

She looked his face up and down, "Uncle Long, why are you ......?"

How did it hurt?

What has happened all these years?

Why does he look so old?

Uncle Long lowered his head in shame.

The story takes place thirteen years ago, when workers bring their children out of their hometown for the summer vacation.

The child was stubborn, and set fire to the pile of fabric.

The workers fled.

When fighting the fire, he found that a child was missing, and Uncle Long rushed into the flames to rescue the child despite everyone's obstruction.

The child was wrapped in an overcoat by Uncle Long, and only the exposed foot suffered a skin trauma.

However, Uncle Long suffered extensive burns on his body, and his eyesight was also affected.

After more than a month of treatment in the hospital, the employees left and the orders were lost, and the business plummeted from then on.

Miss Li couldn't help crying, "I was the child, because my mother didn't have time to take me to the playground, I was angry and broke the lighter in my hand, which caused the fire." ”

When she grew up, she entered Fenghua, in order to repay her kindness, to atone for her sins, and to revive Fenghua.

However, reality is often much more difficult than the ideal.

Therefore, today's order is extremely important to her.

After Su Jingyi heard this, she also sobbed with a handful of snot and tears.

The makeup she put on before going out couldn't stop her from waking up so loudly.

Miss Li handed her a pack of tissues, and the two of them cried like a game.

Uncle Long knew that Miss Li was out of guilt, and he comforted, "Don't mention the past, we live in the present and look to the future." ”

Then he turned his head to look at Wu Youyou, "The moment you said your surname was Wu, I recognized you." ”

Wu Youyou was slightly surprised, "Uncle Long, it's been fifteen years since you and I last met, how did you recognize it, since you recognized it, why didn't you recognize me?" ”

In the years when he was cut off from Uncle Long, his grandfather was always chattering, saying that there was no banquet in the world?

If he had revealed his identity earlier, Wu Youyou would not have talked so much nonsense with him, and he would definitely sign the contract directly, without haggling.

Uncle Long put away the contract, "A woman surnamed Wu who is of the same age and comes from Yongzhou, can you not think about it?" Besides, you haven't changed much from when you were a child, and you're exactly like your mother when you grow up. ”

"As for why you didn't reveal your identity, I was just afraid that you signed the contract out of sympathy, not that you really wanted to cooperate with Fenghua."

"Jingle Bell ......"

The familiar bell rang, and the employees left their workstations and headed downstairs.

Uncle Long raised his hand and looked at his watch, said that it was time to eat, and invited the two to have a meal together.

Wu Youyou readily agreed.

"Xiaowan, you call to order food first, and ask Youyou and Miss Su if they want to eat?"

"Okay, Mr. Guo."

Yoyo took the hand of the small bowl and said that he would prefer to eat with everyone in the company canteen.

Because she knew that Uncle Long had always eaten with employees, he didn't want Uncle Long to treat her like a customer.

Uncle Long took the two of them into the canteen, and after a while, Xiaowan led a worker and pulled a cart of drinks and fruits.

Everyone lined up in an orderly manner to receive it.

Uncle Long clapped his hands, and his excitement was overflowing.

"I believe that everyone must miss our days in Yongzhou, because there, from time to time, a little cutie broke into everyone's life, and she brought us infinite joy."

The people present didn't react to who he was talking about, and Wu Youyou was pushed out.

"Today, I solemnly introduce to you that she is Wu Youyou!"

Wu Youyou shyly beckoned to everyone, "Uncles and aunts, long time no see, I'm Youyou." ”

"Yoyo? Wu Ye's family? ”

"Yes, it's still as well-behaved and good-looking as when I was a child."

"I heard that her parents and grandmother passed away shortly after we left, poor child."

Everyone gathered around Youyou and actively offered the food in their hands, and some people took out their mobile phones to click and take a few photos.

Su Jingyi and Li Xiaowan looked envious.

Some people, really, are the protagonists wherever they go.


Continued from the next article;

After the divorce, his mood was not as good as day by day, and his mind was full of her figure and her voice

If it is invaded and deleted