
His little wife, who studied abroad for three years, brought back a two-year-old child, and a man

author:Zhizhi excerpt
His little wife, who studied abroad for three years, brought back a two-year-old child, and a man

The picture comes from the Internet

The staff of the coffee house began to clear the premises.

The waitress walked up to Su Jingyi and said politely, "I'm sorry, miss, we have a shooting task here, and now we are going to start clearing the scene, please move next door." ”

Su Jingyi looked at the coffee in the cup, and hadn't taken a few sips yet.

Look at the little guy again, there is not a drop of milk left, and he is holding the bottle to the front to join in the fun.

The small belly is bulging, and when viewed from the side, it looks like a big man.

"Is it okay for me to finish drinking?"

On such a hot day, there is such an air conditioner to blow and coffee to drink.

On top of that, she also wants to see how others shoot live, or take the opportunity to meet people in the industry.

The waiter looked at Sun Xiaobing helplessly, and when she saw that he nodded silently in agreement, she walked away.

The little guy saw a bearded middle-aged man fiddling with the camera, just like Wu Youyou usually did when he entered the working state.

She walked by curiously, pointed to the camera and said, "Cover." ”

What she wanted to say was that the lid was not opened, but the other party just pinched her little face, and got up to get everyone ready to enter the filming stage.

Sun Xiaobing walked over and picked her up, "Little friend, uncle will take you to find your mother." ”

The little guy looked around blankly, then shook his head and waved his hand, "Mommy isn't here, rat, Mommy isn't there." ”

Sun Xiaobing held her finger and said, "Mommy is there." ”

The little guy shook his head in denial, "It's not Mommy." ”

"Not Mommy?"

Su Jingyi hurriedly finished drinking coffee, and then took the child from his hand, "Alas, what are you shooting here?" ”

Her neck stretched out so long that her head was almost up to Sun Xiaobing's chest.

"A public service advertisement is an advertisement about caring for lost children, advocating people from all walks of life to help lost children return home."


Su Jingyi thought to herself, public service advertising actors don't have a salary.

I don't know if the popularity can be played, if it can be seen on several video platforms or some newspapers and magazines, it is so-called if you don't get a salary.

Fame and fortune, fame and fortune, either fame or fortune.

Sun Xiaobing saw that she was very interested, so he continued to tell her, "This is an advertisement funded by our Guanren Real Estate, and when the time comes, the advertisement will be broadcast on major video platforms, and it will continue to be played in nearby advertising spaces for three months." ”

Su Jingyi thought that when she walked in by herself, the large advertising space she saw occupied almost the entire wall.

There is so much traffic here, and they are all young consumers.

If she is watched by so many people for three months, even if she can't be a big star in the future, then being a small Internet celebrity with goods is better than collecting garbage at home, right?

Su Jingyi riveted her strength and drilled in, "Who is that actress?" ”

Sun Xiaobing was worried that she was being squeezed, so he hurriedly reached out to hold her arm.

"Of course, it is an experienced person in the industry, and fame is not within the scope of our consideration, but it is mainly OK to be successfully filmed, and it will not affect the reputation of our Guanren Real Estate."

After listening to this, Su Jingyi was overjoyed in her heart, saying this, she also had a chance.

"What about the shooting team?"

"We are outsourced, Guanren Real Estate only pays for it, and Director Liao will do the rest."

Sun Xiaobing pointed to the beard on the side.

"Come, come, come, everyone find their own position and get ready to shoot."

The bearded man raised his hands and applauded, and several actors rushed to hear the sound.

"Director Liao, Director Liao, the little actor just broke his lips and shed a lot of blood."

A woman ran over in a panic.

Director Liao slapped his head and scolded his mother angrily, "Damn, it's going to start filming soon, who watches the child, why can't you watch it?" ”

"It's the child's mother who is teaching the child to skateboard, fall, fall." The woman replied hesitantly, "Director Liao, what should I do?" ”

"What can I do, of course, I will stop the bleeding of the child first, take care of the wound, and bring it over to me first."

Soon, the woman led a young woman and a boy about five years old to Liao Dao.

The child had apparently just cried, red eyes, swollen lips.

The young woman was supposed to be the mother of the child, and in order to fight for this opportunity, she had been rehearsing at home with the child for several days.

Unexpectedly, this happened when filming started.

She begged Director Liao to continue filming, saying that the child's efforts should not be in vain, this injury is not in the way, and it will be covered up with some makeup.

The director was so angry that he rolled his eyes on the spot.

If this child continues to use it, when it is broadcast in the future, I don't know how many people will scold him, saying that he is skillful, and the child's lips are hurt and he will not be sent to the hospital in time.

But if you don't use him, and then find a young actor temporarily, I'm afraid it will be delayed for another week.

At that time, it affected the delivery again.

Once the delivery is not timely, it will delay the golden time to get on the file, but the customer blames it, and it will be difficult to cooperate later.

Although Guanren Real Estate only does real estate, they shoot advertisements in many categories, and the prices are high, and they never default on the final payment.

Director Liao waved his hand in disappointment, "Take the child to the hospital first." ”

The child's mother still wanted to fight for it, but he refused.

"Now hurry up and find a substitute actor, the sooner the better."

The people present were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

The female lead found the director and said that she had an important interview today, and she couldn't delay it, and hoped to shoot it as soon as possible.

But there is no substitute for the young actor, how to shoot?

The director advised her to wait, and the actress claimed that the person who interviewed her in the afternoon was an industry bigwig, and she didn't want to miss the opportunity.

Before leaving, he also reminded the director to remember to settle today's salary.

A crew, suddenly left two important roles, and the whole crew could only stop working.

Once the film cannot be delivered in time, not to mention the penalty penalty, the reputation will be damaged, which is a big taboo.

Director Liao held his head and sat aside in frustration.

The little guy struggled down, and before he put down the bottle in his hand, he walked to Director Liao's side, "Grandpa, what's wrong, what's wrong?" ”

When Director Liao heard this immature voice, he hurriedly raised his head and looked at this tiger-like little milk baby.

Another image flashed through my mind.

One sunny morning, the baby with a bottle in his hand was sneakily picked up from a mansion by a nanny, and then handed over to a vicious man.

The young and beautiful mother chased after her, saw the child being stuffed into the car, and chased her out crying all the way, and her shoes ran away.

At this time, a young policeman, in order to stop the car from moving forward, will jump onto the roof of the car head-on and fight the robbers.

The passing audience came to the rescue, and finally successfully rescued the child under the siege and interception of everyone.


When kindness is turned into action, the sand can also gather into an island, let us use love to arch the rainbow after the rain, and care for every lost child.

Guanren Real Estate, live up to your expectations!

Director Liao picked up the little guy and looked towards the crowd, "Whose is this kid?" ”

Su Jingyi thought that Director Liao was going to scold again, so she shrunk her head and raised her hand, "Mine." ”

Then, in the astonishment of everyone, he trotted all the way over and hugged Xiao Niannian from Director Liao's hand.

"I'm sorry, Director Liao, I was careless, I didn't look at the child for a while."

Director Liao looked Su Jingyi up and down, with a plump figure and a round face, she looked like a noble young woman.

Fang Cai, the young and beautiful mother in his mind, has also begun to be concretized.

This cheongsam doesn't need to be changed.

is very distinctive, the key is that this woman's eyes seem to be born for acting.

Su Jingyi was a little embarrassed to see him, thinking that it was his cheongsam, which was a bit unusual on this occasion.

She was about to flee the scene when she was suddenly stopped by Director Liao.

"Wait, what's your name?"

Sun Xiaobing stood aside, also waiting for her answer.

Su Jingyi turned around and hesitated for a while before saying, "Su Jingyi, quiet and quiet, comfortable and comfortable." ”

"Studying, or already working?"

"I studied acting in the United States, just graduated, and just returned to China a while ago."

Such a coincidence?

Since it was auctioned on the customer's site, it has just been cleared, so the people who stay ......

Although Director Liao doesn't like customers to meddle in the actor's affairs, and he doesn't like the actor to go through the back door, he can only conform to the customer's wishes at this juncture.

Besides, this mother and daughter look natural, and they must have more substance than the hard-made family affection.

"You wait a minute."

He picked up his mobile phone and was about to contact the customer, but the phone called, but Sun Xiaobing's phone rang at the scene.

"Director Liao, is there something?"

Director Liao embarrassedly put away his mobile phone and told all his thoughts.

It's not a good thing to change the plan at short notice, and even if the film is made in such a short time, the customer will feel that it is too hasty and the money is not well spent.

Sun Xiaobing couldn't make up his mind, so he called Fan Xingyun.

Not long after, Fan Xingyun came to the scene and saw Su Jingyi and the little thing in her arms at a glance.

He is tall and outstanding, standing out from the crowd and impossible to ignore.

Su Jingyi's head tilted towards Sun Xiaobing, "Alas, who is that?" ”

Isn't that the handsome guy she met in the hospital?

Why, he's also an actor?

No wonder, it looks so good, it is indeed the material for eating this bowl of rice.

It's just that he is not very enthusiastic about treating people, he has the dislike of throwing off big names, and he is not so red that he is purple and black, which is somewhat unpopular.

He walked over and shook hands with Director Liao, and when the two were talking, they turned their heads to look at Su Jingyi from time to time.

"He is our president of Fan, the president of Guanren Real Estate."

"So young?"

"It's also thirty, don't worry, our Fan is married."

Sun Xiaobing shrugged, he was only twenty-eight, why didn't this woman praise him for his youth?

Could it be that this man has to stand on money for his age to be ignored?

I didn't expect that the woman who drank foreign ink was also so realistic.

"Cut, a man of this color, who chases me a lot, who is rare!"

Director Liao beckoned Su Jingyi over.

Su Jingyi was ignorant, and sat between the two of them with Xiao Niannian in her arms.

Director Liao said, "This is the general manager of Guanren Real Estate, and he is also the customer of this shooting. ”

Su Jingyi greeted him politely, "Mr. Fan, my name is Su Jingyi." ”

She was so nervous that she trembled when she spoke, for fear that Fan Xingyun would remember the past, and veto her as soon as she opened her mouth, burying her acting career.


Van Xingyun didn't seem to recognize her, but the little guy recognized Fan, and her eyes lit up as she looked at people.

"Rat rat, rat rat."

The big plate was bared, and his eyes were smiling like crescents.

Van Xingyun was instantly infected by her smile.

He spread out his palm, and the little guy understood, so he grabbed the handle of the bottle with one hand, put the other hand in his palm, and smiled brightly with his little face.

This reminded him of the first time he met Wu Youyou.

At that time, not long after her parents died, she hid behind the old man with an indifferent expression.

The old man took her hand, pushed her in front of Fan Xingyun, and said, Say hello to my brother.

But she never spoke.

Later, Fan Xingyun noticed that she was holding a photo in her hand, which was a group photo of their family of five, and now there are only three people left.

He took out a pocket watch, trimmed the photo of Wu Youyou, and put it in the pocket watch.

"This pocket watch has been given to you, you can take them to heart in the future."

Fan Xingyun helped her put it on, and the moment Wu Youyou raised his head, his face bloomed like a flower.

Even the sunlight outside the window was eclipsed.

"What's your name, little thing?"

Su Jingyi hurriedly replied, "Nian nian." ”

"Niannian? Unforgettable? ”

"No, it's a thought."

Su Jingyi remembered that Wu Youyou introduced it like this, but she didn't realize for a while that these two were the same word.

"Baby, Niannian."

Fan Xingyun stretched out his hand to hug her, but she turned around and dodged her, and then turned around, looking at the person squinting and smiling, "Baby is so shy." ”


Van Xingyun thought he had misheard.

"I, I'm shy of you."

Such a little person actually knew that he was shy, which made everyone present laugh.

The DNA comparison between Ryan and Hu Youwei has not yet come out, but Hu Youwei is sure in his heart that the person in front of him is his long-lost son.

He took Ryan to the ancestral hall, and under the witness of the clansmen, they visited the ancestors of the Hu family together.

The uncles and aunts of the Hu family all surrounded him and asked for warmth, and when they talked about the hardships of the old Hu couple when they were looking for relatives, tears flowed down their eyes.

Hu Youwei held Ryan's hand tightly, leading wherever he went.

Before his son went missing, he couldn't speak Mandarin, so Hu Youwei used Yongzhou dialect to talk to him, trying to awaken his memories hidden deep in his heart.

Ryan was confused, and only thought that the language was familiar, but he didn't understand any meaning.

When Hu Youwei called his childhood name, "A-Yuan", in Yongzhou dialect, Lane's ears moved at this moment.

When he was a child, his grandparents, parents all called him that.

He looked at Hu Youwei and tears welled up in his eyes, "Abba." ”


The father and son hugged each other and cried, and Hu Youwei patted him on the back with one hand, as if he was reproaching.

"Ah Yuan, where have you gone for so many years, you let our family find it so hard, if you don't come back, Abba can't stand it, woo woo~"

Looking at this touching picture, Wu Youyou couldn't help but look away and secretly wiped the corners of his eyes.

"Abba, I'm back."

Although I forgot the Yongzhou dialect, Abba still spoke it very clearly.

"Ah Yuan, tell me, how did you and Miss Wu meet?" Hu Youwei took Ryan's hand, and the two sat side by side on the sofa.

"Speaking of which, thanks to ......"

Wu Youyou interrupted Ryan's words, "Uncle Hu, this is a long story, you father and son will have time to understand each other in the future, but it is about to get dark, and I have to go back first." ”

Just now, Su Jingyi has already called her a few times, but she hasn't received it, and it is estimated that she will bring the baby to dry.

If she doesn't go back, Su Jingyi will have to move out overnight.

"I'll go back with you!" Ryan grabbed her hand nervously.

The two just got into the car and left in reluctance.

When the car slowly walked away, Ryan breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Youyou turned his head to look at him, "What's the matter, nervous?" ”

Ryan nodded, can he not be nervous?

originally thought that there was only one Hu Youwei, but he didn't expect so many relatives to come at once, as well as those who claimed to be his playmates when he was a child.

All day, Ryan's ears were ringing, almost all in a language he didn't understand.

When eating, the box was full of people, everywhere was a voice, everyone was scrambling to serve him food, and he couldn't cope with the level of enthusiasm.

Hu Youwei invited him to live at home, but Ryan refused.

He couldn't get close to someone right away, and he was under a lot of pressure in his heart, so when Wu Youyou proposed to go back, he couldn't wait to come back.

At least in Wu Youyou's house, no one treats him as a guest, everyone's attention is focused on the little guy, and the whole atmosphere is relaxed and active.

Hu Youwei secretly stuffed him with a bank card, and Ryan forcibly returned it to him.

Not to mention that he hasn't determined whether he is Hu Jingyuan yet, even if the identification results confirm that they are father and son.

He won't take the money either.

He is a pediatrician and he has the ability to make money.

"Yu Yu."


Seeing Wu Youyou concentrating on driving, Ryan wanted to speak and stopped.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that he wanted to speak, Wu Youyou couldn't help but ask.

Ryan hesitated for a moment, then finally spoke, "You don't want people to know about the child?" Why? ”

Even if she is a single mother, there is no need to hide it, the child is so cute, why is it hidden.

"Because I secretly gave birth to the child, the father of the child did not know that she existed."

Wu Youyou picked up his mobile phone and dialed Su Jingyi.

In the video, Su Jingyi is holding Xiao Niannian in one hand and her mobile phone in the other, walking in a spacious and bright shopping mall.

The little guy was eating a lollipop in his mouth and pointed his finger at the phone, "Mommy, baby shopping." ”

Seeing the child, she was in a good mood, "I haven't gone home at this point, you've all been shopping for a day, and you haven't shopped enough." ”

Su Jingyi held up her mobile phone and took a picture of a row of clothes, "Don't talk nonsense, you can help me see, which one looks good?" ”

Looking at the dazzling clothes, Wu Youyou began to fall into the difficulty of choosing, she said perfunctorily, "You have a figure, you look good in anything." ”

Su Jingyi glanced at her dissatisfied.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? I'm really, why waste your tongue with you, I'll send you a location, hurry up and pick it up. ”

"Yes, Queen Mother!"

Seeing Su Jingyi and Xiao Niannian, the little guy flew straight to Wu Youyou's arms, and frantically expressed his thoughts about her, hugging her neck and kissing her again.

However, she had just eaten candy, and Wu Youyou avoided it because of the stickiness in her mouthful, so she had to divert the topic.

"Baby, tell Mommy, what fun did you play today?"

"Mommy, baby is filming."

She patted her chest, quite proud, making Wu Youyou and Ryan laugh from ear to ear.

Su Jingyi's face was serious, "Why, you don't believe it, let me tell you Wu Youyou, it's the future giant ~ star standing next to you." ”

Su Jingyi has always had a dream of stardom, and Wu Youyou knew it from the day she met her.

"Alright, got it."

Seeing that she looked indifferent, Su Jingyi slapped her hard and slapped her on the shoulder.

"What do you know? I haven't said it yet, you know? ”

This slap made Ryan dodge backwards, for fear of being harmed by the pond fish.

Wu Youyou knew that he was at a loss, so he raised his hand and surrendered, "Say it, my big star." ”

Su Jingyi told the ins and outs of the matter in a colorful voice, and when she talked about the excitement, she still held Wu Youyou's arm and shook it on the spot.

"Yoyo, it won't be long before you can see my screen debut with my daughter on the TV or on the big screen, how about it? Happy? ”

"If I make money in the future, I will support you and my daughter for the rest of my life!"

After listening to this, Wu Youyou was not moved to tears, but turned pale.

"You say, you went to Sanssouci today? Ran into the Brahma Nebula? At the end, there was an advertisement in passing? ”

There were three question marks in a row, which made Su Jingyi even more excited.

"Huh? Yes, yes, didn't I send you a picture? To be honest, if I hadn't known you, I would have thought it was your café. ”

"Guess how much money I took today?"

"A full 16,000 oceans~ just half a day's work, Director Liao also said that I have a good image and talent, we left each other's phone calls, and there will be suitable roles in the future, he is still looking for me, I am so happy to think about it, and I am one step closer to a big star."

Su Jingyi said to herself, not noticing Wu Youyou's expression at all.

She stood still, her eyes unblinking, as if she was frightened by something.

Seeing this, Ryan hurriedly took the child from her hand and supported her with one hand, his face full of worry.

"Yo-yo, what's wrong? What is wrong with you? ”

"I'm fine, maybe I'm too tired." Wu Youyou barely pulled out a smile.

Ryan stared at her, his eyes fixed on her dark pupils and her flickering eyelashes.

Her eyes were evasive, she was lying, but why was she lying?

"Shall we go home first, then?"

I ran a few places today, and I was still driving Wu Youyou, and I was really tired.

"But haven't I had enough?" Su Jingyi let out a wail.

"That's it," she took out a wad of money and handed it to Wu Youyou, "This is eight thousand, it's the money our daughter earned today, we will open it in half, you go back and I'll go shopping." ”

She had to buy herself two better clothes to prepare for her next trip.

Wu Youyou refused, "What she earns, not all of it is earned by you, you took it for a day, and you didn't ask me for hard work, so how can there be any reason to post money." ”

Su Jingyi knew that her family had money, and she didn't care about this little money, so she didn't bother to be polite to her, "Okay, just let my daughter honor me." ”

In the evening, Jiang Meiqi was packing her things and preparing to get off work, and since yesterday, she has been in a very good mood.

I have always wanted to find the right time to reveal Wu Youyou's affairs to Fan Xingyun.

She picked up her mobile phone and saw that a colleague in the company had posted a circle of friends, which was actually a photo of Su Jingyi holding Xiao Niannian listening to the director's speech.


The public service advertisements funded by the company, one big and one small, two actors, are beautiful!

There are also photos of Sun Xiaobing and Fan Xingyun holding the baby and taking a photo together!

They've met?

Jiang Meiqi picked up her bag and went straight to Fan Xingyun's office.

Sun Xiaobing held his mobile phone and looked through his colleagues' circle of friends, his arms trembling so much that he couldn't stop.

"What's wrong?"

Fan Xingyun glanced at him, what is so funny, he has been laughing for hours.

Sun Xiaobing held up the mobile phone in front of him, and it turned out to be a funny video of the little guy on the set.

She held the bottle and tugged at the nipple with her teeth, and the water from the bottle splashed all over her face.

The moment the water flew out, it seemed to shoot into her eyes, and the little guy's soul was scared out of his body.

The little white eyes were rolled, small appearance, owed and cheap.

Fan Xingyun couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"Isn't it funny? Hahahaha~ I'm laughing to death. ”

Sun Xiaobing patted his thigh and leaned back with laughter.

"Mr. Fan, Xiaobing, haven't gone home yet?"

Jiang Meiqi stood at the door and greeted the two with a sweet smile, "What's so funny?" ”

Sun Xiaobing offered his mobile phone to her as if offering a treasure again.

Jiang Meiqi squinted her eyes and took a closer look, why is this little thing again?

"This kid is so familiar, huh?"

Sun Xiaobing said, "You must have read her story on the Internet, right?" ”

"What's the story?"

Sun Xiaobing told the story of the hero's baby.

This is what Su Jingyi told him on the set, because it was too magical, in order to verify the authenticity, he also made a special trip to check it on the Internet.

Sure enough, this kid is a prodigy.

When acting, he also cried when he cried, and the tears soared, and the people present were distressed when they saw it.

Director Liao didn't have much hope for her at first.

I thought, it's okay to act in the true colors of such a young child, and I still want to see the acting skills in her, isn't that a joke?

Unexpectedly, this little guy really has acting skills, crying and laughing completely freely, even Fan Xingyun was shocked when he saw it.

That expression is really the same as Wu Youyou.

Jiang Meiqi smiled.

"I haven't heard the story of the hero baby, but I think this child is very much like a person, like a ...... Long. ”

Fan Xingyun turned his head when he heard this, and his expression seemed to say, you also think she looks like Youyou, right?

Sun Xiaobing glanced sideways at his phone, "Well, it's indeed a bit similar, especially the facial features, and that demeanor." ”

"Yes, I'll just say that Yoyo holds this child and gets rid of the mother and daughter."

Jiang Meiqi glanced at Fan Xingyun and began to sell Guanzi.

"That day, I saw Yoyo at the airport with his children to pick up a man, and the picture of the three of them traveling together was really like a family."

The more Fan Xingyun listened, the more wrong it became, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Jiang Meiqi, "What did you say?" ”

What to take a child to the airport?

What is the picture of three people traveling together?

Jiang Meiqi is hesitant, ostensibly to maintain Yu Youyou.

"Nebula, maybe I saw it wrong, I didn't even dare to admit it at the time, but I took a few photos, you can take a look."

She flipped through the photo album and displayed the photos she had secretly taken at the playground that day on the table.

Fan Xingyun looked through them one by one, his eyes were like ice, getting colder and colder, and the fist in his right hand was clenched tighter and tighter.

Knuckles creak.

He knew that there were so many coincidences in this world.

Fan Xingyun picked up the car keys on the desktop and hurried out of the office.

Sun Xiaobing was worried that something would happen to him, so he quickly collected his mobile phone and chased him out.

The silver-gray Rolls-Royce had just driven into the garage, only to find that his parking space had been occupied.

Because of the usual seldom, this parking space has been empty for a long time, and it is common for people to occupy it.

Sun Xiaobing picked up the phone and was about to make a call to the car owner, but saw Wu Youyou's red Porsche driving in.

The two sat in the car, and Wu Youyou drove the car and did not notice them.

Sun Xiaobing covered his mouth, for fear that he couldn't help but speak.

As soon as the car stopped, a man came down from the back seat, it was the man photographed by Jiang Meiqi, holding the baby on the set today in his arms.

The little baby held the man's face with both hands, very affectionate.

The man grimaced at her, and the two laughed happily, and the laughter spread through the garage, echoing them everywhere.

As soon as Wu Youyou closed the car door, the child reached out and begged, "Mommy, hug, hug." ”

Fan Xingyun heard it clearly, and his heart ached.

Just seeing her with his own eyes, he still didn't believe that it was her child.

But now, the child calls his little wife Mommy in front of him.

How else can he deceive himself?

The man grabbed her hand, "Baby, Mommy is tired, let Mommy rest for a while, let's play one, two, three, four, five......"

"One, two, three, four, five, go up the mountain to fight tigers, tigers don't eat people, they only eat little babies!!"

The man shoved her fleshy little hand into his mouth and made a gesture to eat her.

The little guy withdrew his hand behind his back, "Ahhh The baby is not delicious, eat Mommy, Mommy is delicious. ”

The little baby pointed at Wu Youyou and asked the man to eat her.

"Okay, eat Mommy!"


The man opened his mouth wide and stretched out to Wu Youxiu's long neck, "Whew, it's delicious!" ”

The three of them laughed.

Van Xingyun punched the seat, he unbuckled his seat belt, and opened the car door menacingly.

Seeing this, Sun Xiaobing immediately got out of the car and grabbed him, "Mr. Fan, don't be impulsive, maybe there is some misunderstanding." ”


Fan Xingyun sneered, but there was something bitter in his heart.

His little wife, who studied abroad for three years, brought back a two-year-old child, and a man.

It's all in the house, what other misunderstanding can there be?

No wonder, that night tried his best to prevent him from entering the house, it turned out that there was really a man hidden.

The three of them entered the elevator, and the little guy had to press it himself, and as soon as the elevator door was closed, he stuck in one foot.

Then turn it back on.

"Van Nebula?"

Wu Youyou looked frightened, how could he be here, what should he do?

Su Jingyi is not here, how can she explain the child's affairs?

Fan Xingyun looked at Ryan with an angry expression, and then at Wu Youyou, this will, she won't quibble.

"Kid, his?"

His tone was extremely indifferent, and the air in the entire elevator instantly entered the quick-freezing stage.

Sun Xiaobing couldn't help but shudder, he had never seen Mr. Fan so indifferent.

The whole person is like a piece of broken ice slag.

"Huh? Yes, yes, it's his. Wu Youyou nodded heavily.

The subtext is that the child belongs to this man, and it has nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do with you...... It doesn't matter even more.

Fan Xingyun didn't expect that she would admit it so quickly, why did she go to great lengths to hide it before.

Really, don't you care if he's alive or dead?

Their marriage is still in the survival stage, and she actually went behind his back to another man and gave birth to a daughter in a foreign country.

If it weren't for her grandfather's illness this time, she would not have been allowed to return to China, so would he have been kept in the dark all his life?

No wonder, every time I come back, I can't wait to go back, it turns out that there is someone guarding the door.

But ridiculous!

Van Xingyun's gratuitous laughter was particularly terrifying in this oppressive space.

It scared everyone present, including Xiao Niannian.

She put her arms around Ryan's neck, patted her chest with one hand, and comforted herself, "Baby don't be afraid, not afraid." ”

Ryan obviously understood, the man in front of him called Fan Xingyun was Xiao Niannian's biological father.

This scumbag!

He hugged Xiao Niannian tightly with one hand, put the other hand around Wu Youyou's shoulder, and almost gritted his teeth and said, "Please go out!" ”

This Mandarin was born, and Fan Xingyun could almost conclude that this man must have met Wu Youyou in the United States.

In other words, as soon as she went out, she fooled around with this man, otherwise, where would a two-year-old child come from?

looked at Wu Youyou in front of this man, looking like a little bird.

He clenched his fists tightly, and he really wanted to break people into pieces.

"Take your claws away!!"

Fan Xingyun broke the man's palm with one hand, grabbed Wu Youyou's wrist with the other, and pulled the person over with force.

Wu Youyou was caught off guard and fell into his solid chest.

Van Xingyun took the opportunity to pull her out of the elevator and turned her head to press the close button.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Niannian was so frightened that she cried, "Mommy, don't catch Mommy, don't catch Mommy." ”

"Don't cry, Mommy is fine, Mommy will come ...... in a while"

The child's sharp cry made Wu Youyou feel distressed for a while.

If you let the child know, the man in front of her who scares her and makes her cry is her biological father.

What should she think?

If you continue to entangle with Fan Xingyun, it will always be the child who will be injured.

"Yoyo, you let her go!"

Ryan wanted to chase out, but it was too late, and the moment the elevator closed, Wu Youyou's round eyes rolled down two lines of tears.

"Van Xingyun, what are you crazy about?"

Wu Youyou was dragged by him for a while before he got rid of his confinement.

"Am I crazy? I'm crazy?? ”

Fan Xingyun punched the roof of the car, "Hahahaha~Hahahaha~"

He laughed maniacally.

Even Sun Xiaobing was worried about his mental condition.

He stepped forward to help him, wanting to pull him back into the car first, otherwise he was really afraid that he would lose control and hurt himself and Wu Youyou.

He shook off Sun Xiaobing's hand, pointed at Wu Youyou and glared angrily, "Yes, I'm crazy!" I'm sick, so I'm stupid enough to wait for you, and I've been waiting for three years! ”

"You came back three years later, but you took the child you had with another man, and flaunted your might in front of me."

His eyes were glued to Wu Youyou, telling him his grievances and unwillingness.

Wu Youyou wanted to argue, she wanted to say: She is not such a person, the child is yours, you don't recognize it, and you broke off our marriage with your own hands.

But think about it, maybe that's fine, if you want to break it off, break it cleanly.

She and Fan Xingyun don't divorce for a day, and it is a trouble to register their children.

As long as the two are divorced, the child can be registered as a single parent and does not need the father's identity certificate.

In this way, the matter of the child's school is also solved.

As the saying goes, there are gains and losses.

What if you carry such an infamy for the sake of your children?

"Now that you know the truth, let's take the time to go through the divorce procedures, our union was caused by my mistake, and it should be ended by me."

"So, you chose to make a bigger mistake?"

Wu Youyou raised his hand to wipe away his tears, "I can compensate you, as long as you don't entangle yourself in the future, just because we have never met." ”


Fan Xingyun raised his head, tears blurring his eyes, "What kind of compensation?" ”


He is now the youngest richest man in Yongzhou, and he is not short of money.

But apart from this, what else can Wu Youyou do?

Her face, her figure?

"What do you want?"

Her eyes were firm, "As long as your conditions are reasonable, as long as I can do it, as long as you are willing to divorce and get married." ”

A few days later.

Fan Xingyun had just finished a meeting, and then called Sun Xiaobing to pick up people at the airport together.

Since he took over, his parents have started a life of global travel.

I haven't been back for a year or two, and I don't even make phone calls anymore.

When the husband and wife played, they completely forgot that there was a son at home who was holding the façade alone.

Occasionally call back, open your mouth and ask, is you pregnant, when will you hold your grandson and come back.

learned that Fan Xingyun had no plans to have children in three or five years, and the two old people who had no conscience started the next journey.

This time, I was finally willing to come back.

The reason is that the mother's abdominal pain is unbearable, and it is suspected that it is a stone, considering that there is no domestic convenience for medical treatment abroad, and it happens to be in Southeast Asia, it is convenient to return to China.

So, I took painkillers and stiffened for a day and a night.

Fan Xingyun contacted the hospital early in the morning, and when his mother got off the plane, a medical team escorted her.

Entering the airport, I saw Wu Youyou and Ryan walking side by side, and it seemed that they were sending Ryan on the plane.

There were also Hu Youwei and others next to him.

A group of people hugged Lane goodbye, Hu Youwei had a handful of snot and tears, and hugged Lane for a long time and was reluctant to let go.

When it was Wu Youyou's turn, the two looked at each other face to face for a while, and then Wu Youyou smiled and stretched out his hand, "Welcome to come next time." ”

"Thank you, Yoyo, I'll be back, say hello to the baby for me, just say I'll miss her."

I will miss you too.


Sun Xiaobing put on his glasses, "Mr. Fan, I'm not mistaken, isn't that Lao Hu?" How is Miss Wu with Lao Hu? Also, isn't that the man in the elevator? What does he have to do with Lao Hu?? ”

Fan Xingyun naturally saw it, but his attention was always on Wu Youyou.

Was she here to say goodbye to the man?

Where did this man go? United States?

Does this mean that Wu Youyou will leave soon?

A family of three will never live in two places, right?

Seeing that Fan Xingyun did not respond, Sun Xiaobing continued.

"Mr. Fan, why don't I ask Lao Hu clearly, Miss Wu and the man don't look like husband and wife."

In a word, wake up the dreamer.

That's right, how can lovers shake hands when they are separated, even if the occasion is not suitable for kissing, then hugging, or holding hands should always be.

is so polite, it's like a friend who hasn't known each other for a long time.

He didn't speak, so Sun Xiaobing took him as acquiescing.

When Ryan entered the waiting room, Sun Xiaobing walked towards them.

He greeted Wu Youyou first, "Miss Wu." ”

turned to Hu Youwei and stretched out his hand, "Hey, old Hu, long time no see!" Why are you here today? ”

Hu Youwei wiped away his tears with a smile, "Assistant Sun." As he spoke, he took his hand and knelt down.

Sun Xiaobing was frightened, "Old Hu, you... If you have something to say, it's good to say. ”

Lao Hu stood up straight with the support of his relatives, and he pointed to Ryan's back and said.

It was his son, Jing Yuan, who found his long-lost son thanks to Miss Wu.

He was happy, he cried bitterly, his son, who had been missing for more than 20 years, is now not only alive and well, but also an excellent pediatrician.

He died in this life without regrets!

He told Sun Xiaobing that in the future, his son's poster could be removed, and thanked them for their investment in the past three years.

Sun Xiaobing was happy for Lao Hu.

Notice that the Brahma Nebula is also coming.

Wu Youyou wanted to ask Sun Xiaobing, did Fan Xingyun figure it out, if he could, the two of them made an appointment to meet at the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Before the words could be asked, Sun Xiaobing knew her intentions.

"Miss Wu, Mr. Fan's mother is back today, and when we receive someone, we have to rush to the hospital, what's the matter, you can mention it later."

At least don't mention those unhappy things at this juncture, Mr. Van is sad enough.

For several days in a row, he didn't think about tea and food, drank wine at night, and lay directly on the floor of the office.

The next day, the whole office smelled of cigarettes and alcohol.

People have also lost a lot of weight.

This is the first time Sun Xiaobing has seen Fan Xingyun look so depressed in so many years.

But after he woke up, he still went to work as usual, and still met customers as usual, and outsiders couldn't see his state of mind at all.

It's just that he didn't sleep well, and the dark circles under his eyes are heavy again.

"Give him a buffer period and he'll figure it out."

Sun Xiaobing almost pleaded, this kind of thing, put on any man, may not be passable.

But he believed that Van Xingyun would definitely be able to, after all, there had been a rift in their marriage three years ago.

From the moment Wu Youyou decided to go abroad, he should have imagined such an ending.

"What's wrong with Mother Fan?" Wu Youyou asked.

Sun Xiaobing was about to answer, but saw Fan Xingyun running forward.

Not long after, Mother Fan was pushed out by several medical staff in white coats, followed by Father Fan.

"Trouble let go, everyone let go."

When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor first arranged for a B-ultrasound, but the B-ultrasound showed that the urine was not enough to determine whether there were stones.

But Mother Fan has not been relieved for a day, and her lower abdomen hurts so badly that she feels that her bladder is about to explode, how can there be no urine.

Now, the painkillers are no longer working, and because of the pain, she rolls herself into a small shrimp.

As a last resort, the doctor had to arrange for painkiller injections, and after a painkiller injection, the pain was relieved somewhat, and then other examination items were done.

watched the father and son of the Fanjia family follow the whole process, running up and down.

Back then, I went to the hospital for a prenatal check-up.

On the day of delivery, when Su Jingyi was the only one there, Wu Youyou's heart was sad.

Tears blurred his eyes.

Fan Xingyun walked out and stood three meters away from her, "My mother is much better, you go back, I'll let Sun Xiaobing send you." ”

Wu Youyou wanted to speak and stopped, she was all here, and it seemed unreasonable not to go in and take a look.

For more than ten years, Fan's mother has always loved her as her own daughter, even if they divorce, she should not cut off this mother-daughter relationship.

"I want to see Mother Fan."

"It's inconvenient today." Van Xingyun decisively rejected her.

Sensing his concerns, Wu Youyou immediately said that he promised not to talk nonsense and not to irritate Mother Fan.

Father Fan held a bowl of millet porridge, stirred it carefully, and fed it to Mother Fan's mouth one bite at a time.

Wu Youyou stood at the door, unable to bear to break such a harmonious and loving picture.

"Yoyo? What are you doing here? ”

Mother Fan sat up straight, her eyes full of surprise.

She knows about Wu Youyou's return to China, and she also knows that Wu Youyou lives with the old man these days.

But she didn't know the conflict between her son and daughter-in-law, thinking that her son was too busy, plus the old man was sick and needed people around him.

She beckoned Wu Youyou to come over, and reached out to grab the person's wrist, still as intimate as ever.

"What about Nebula, what are you doing standing out there?"


Wu Youyou couldn't answer, she lowered her head weakly, and she couldn't say a word to Mother Fan.

She was afraid that once the other party knew, she insisted on the divorce, and blamed her and didn't like her.

"Son, come in!"

Mother Fan shouted to the door, and Mother Fan was worried that she was overexerting force, so he made a special trip to the door and called someone in.

"Nebula, your mother is looking for you."

Fan Xingyun walked to Fan's father and stood across a bed from Wu Youyou.

Mother Fan blamed him one second, standing so far away, and the next second asked Wu Youyou when she would give her a child to play.

He also said that their husband and wife are old, and it is time to take care of them, and they will stay in China in the future, waiting to hold their grandchildren with peace of mind.

Let them give birth to one while they are still able to carry it.

"This woman has to give birth to a child, she has to recover her young body as soon as possible, you two can give birth, and the child's affairs will be handed over to me and your father."

Mother Fan's bitter words made Wu Youyou ashamed.

The child was born, but they did not dare to let them recognize each other, and in the future, if they knew that their granddaughter was by their side, they missed her growth in vain.

What do they think?

"Mom, I don't like children, and I don't plan to give birth, don't waste that heart in vain, you and my dad, just like before, go around wherever it's fun."

Van Xingyun interrupted his mother's words.

It's not that he doesn't like children, it's just that he doesn't like other people's children.

Even if it's Wu Youyousheng, he doesn't like it.

Father Fan glared at him, "What nonsense are you talking about, you want to cut off the incense, have you asked Youyou, have you asked the old man?" I can't help you in this matter!! ”

"That's it!"

Mother Van slapped him in the arm.

"You said that a beautiful daughter-in-law like Yoyo, if she gives birth to a girl, it will be rarer, don't be in the midst of blessings and don't know blessings!"

Fan Xingyun glanced at Wu Youyou, the child is indeed like her, and it is indeed rare.

On the set, she has a very high level of understanding, rich expressions, a strong desire to express, and she is not stage frightened.

The child who can make the director like it at a glance is indeed extraordinary.

Wu Youyou was flustered by him, she bent down and pulled the quilt for Mother Fan, and a far-fetched smile rose at the corner of her mouth.

"Mother Fan, don't just talk about me, talk about your body, what does the doctor say?"

"Oops, I'm fine."

"I also said that it was okay, morphine was used, such a big stone, stuck in the urethral tube, and it couldn't come down, and it bleed."

Speaking of this, Father Van had a heart palpitation.

Fortunately, I came back in time, otherwise it would have hurt to death.

Now I can only hang anti-inflammatory drugs and use urethral dilator to see if I can discharge it on my own.

After Mother Fan has eaten and drunk enough, it is time to rest.

The two walked out of the ward, Wu Youyou turned around to say goodbye to Fan Xingyun, and prepared to leave.

Watching her disappear into the corridor, the more Fan Xingyun thought about it, the more unwilling he became, and finally couldn't help but chase her out.

He had to get justice.

Otherwise, he will be sick.

Fan Xingyun grabbed her arm, stuffed it into his car, and then drove away before she could react.

Wu Youyou was dizzy.

She got up and looked out the window, twilight was approaching, where was Van Xingyun taking her?

"Fan, where are you taking me?"

"Go home!" He didn't look back.

This is the way home, this is clearly the way to the marriage room, Fan Xingyun wants to take her back to the villa where they got married.

"Van Xingyun, what the hell do you want?"

Fan Xingyun turned his head, his eyes gloomy, "You said that you would compensate me, and now the opportunity has come, I hope you will do what you say!" ”

Wu Youyou's heart was raised to his throat, what kind of compensation did he want?

Returning to the villa and looking at the familiar home in the past, Wu Youyou felt a sigh of emotion in his heart.

This is her wedding room, her dream home, and every object in it is personally selected by her.

Her vision of a better life and her yearning for a happy marriage all sprouted here and ended here.

Fan Xingyun pulled her into the house, and the floor had been replaced with new tiles, which was still the style of the year, which Wu Youyou liked.

In the closet, her clothes are still there, and the ornaments at home have not been moved, as if she has never left in the past three years.

She walked to the closet and reached out to stroke the clothes she had spent so much money on.

There are also several wedding dresses in it, which are specially tailored for her, and there are huge wedding photos of them hanging on the wall.

At that time, she smiled so happily.

Van Xingyun stood behind her, his eyes staring at her without blinking, like a wolf dormant in the forest, ready to catch his prey at any moment.

Just as he was looking at it, the mobile phone rang, which also alarmed the wolfdog behind him.

Wu Youyou turned his head and saw Fan Xingyun's alert eyes, so he walked to the windowsill.


"Is there a turnaround in between?"

"Me too, I'm fine, I'm ......"

The man's name is Ryan? People are gone and restless!

In his room, in front of him and other men, on the phone, I and me?

Fan Xingyun stepped forward in three or two steps, snatched her mobile phone, and then threw it on the bed.

Wu Youyou's phone call was hung up inexplicably, "Fan's nebula! Don't see me on the phone? ”

She tried to get her phone back, but her huge figure was forced against the windowsill, which was just as high as her hips, and a blanket was laid on it.

Three years ago, Wu Youyou always liked to sit on this windowsill in a loose nightdress after bathing.

Look out the window at the traffic, the neon lights flickering, and wait patiently for your sweetheart to return.

It's just that she often can't wait.

She often slept on the windowsill, and when she woke up, her lips, teeth, hands and feet were as cold as her heart.

Occasionally waking up in bed, the other side of the bed is icy.

Wu Youyou put one hand against his chest to stop him from approaching, and Fan Xingyun squeezed forward, and his body squeezed into her legs.

She was forced to sit on the windowsill, the soft blanket resisting the cold touch of the windowsill.

"Van Xingyun, what exactly do you want to do?"

Fan Xingyun untied his tie with one hand and replied without hesitation, "I want to make amends!" ”

"What compensation?"

"I want you!"

After pushing the person down, he clasped the back of her head with one hand to prevent her from bumping into it, and slid the other hand along her smooth and slender calf to her jade shoot-like footboard.

It is cool to the touch, smooth and soft like satin.

Van Xingyun's huge Adam's apple rolled, and his eyes locked on her face like a wolf and a tiger.

Wu Youyou sensed the danger signal, and was afraid for a while, this is the compensation he wants.

She struggled to her feet, speaking hurriedly, trying to awaken the sanity of the person in front of her.

"Van Nebula, anything but this can be done."

"Except for which?"

He asked knowingly, his wide palms kneading her little feet, and then sliding up inch by inch.

Wu Youyou grabbed his hand and stopped him from continuing to move, "You know, you can't bully me like this, I..."

"Then you tell me, who can? Ryan? Or the child's biological father? ”

Fan Xingyun approached her ear, and the distance was so close that the atmosphere that lingered between the two became more and more ambiguous.

"Yoyo, I only need this, you said, as long as my conditions are reasonable, as long as you can do it, as long as I am willing to divorce and marry.

Of course, if you insist on divorce, there are ways to do it, and I don't have to agree to it. ”

Wu Youyou didn't think about divorce through litigation.

But she didn't want to tear her face with the Fanjia family.

In the past ten years, the kindness and business contacts of the two families have involved too much, and they have become relatives with each other.

Especially when Fang Cai met with Fan's parents, they loved themselves as always, and Fan's mother returned home with illness, and she didn't forget to bring gifts to her and her grandfather.

Wu Youyou's eyes flashed with tears, "What if I don't agree?" Will you be the same as you were three years ago? ”

Fan Xingyun was shocked, looking at the weak little body of the person under him, Chu Chu's pitiful appearance.

He relented.

He let go of her calves and stepped back step by step, his eyes full of loneliness, and the dark circles under his eyes were particularly obvious.

"Let's go, see you at the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow."


Continued from the next part:

Could it be that because of the divorce, he couldn't think about it, so he had a car accident?

If it is invaded and deleted

Read on