
Could it be that because of the divorce, he couldn't think about it, so he had a car accident?

author:Zhizhi excerpt
Could it be that because of the divorce, he couldn't think about it, so he had a car accident?

The picture comes from the Internet

Wu Youyou's eyes flashed with tears, "What if I don't agree?" Will you be the same as you were three years ago? ”

Fan Xingyun was shocked, looking at the weak little body of the person under him, Chu Chu's pitiful appearance.

He relented.

He let go of her calves and stepped back step by step, his eyes full of loneliness, and the dark circles under his eyes were particularly obvious.

"Let's go, see you at the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow."

Fan Xingyun sat back on the bed, picked up her mobile phone and threw it to her, since it was something that could not be kept, it was better to raise it.

He rubbed his temple, and at the moment, it was pounding and stopping.

It seemed to remind him that it was time for him to sleep.

Once the obsession is let go, sleepiness will sweep in, and he just wants to lock himself up in this world that belongs only to him and sleep well.

Anyway, when the sun rises, he still works as always, and he is still the official and benevolent boss who is admired by thousands of people.

Wu Youyou stood up cautiously, she put away her phone, and saw that Fan Xingyun looked tired.

Turning his head, he saw that the tie he had just untied was like a knot wrapped around them, and at this moment, it was untied.

She should be happy, but why can't she be happy?

She originally thought that the reason why Fan Xingyun dragged herself was just unwilling to be divorced.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Since she is reluctant to let go, why hasn't she seen her for three years, she has not looked forward to it, and she has not to leave him.

It's just that she can't accept any flawed love.

Wu Youyou picked up the tie on the windowsill, walked up to him, and then blindfolded him and tied a dead knot on the back of his head.

She grabbed her tie and forced Van Xingyun's head back.

Looking at his naturally ruddy, well-defined and smooth red lips, Wu Youyou's eyes also fell into confusion.

"Van Xingyun, I'll compensate you, but I hope you won't be late tomorrow."

She covered his lips, cold, moist, thin, tentatively, between his lips and teeth.

It's like a fawn that strays into a labyrinth, bumping here and there.

Fan Xingyun smelled the breath coming from the tip of her nose, and she was already in her heart, not to mention such a soft body, which directly crashed into her chest.

"You ......"

The words that Van Xingyun didn't spit out were drowned in the warm mouth of the other party.

He put his big hand on her back, then carried the man over himself, and finally fell on the bed.

You'd better not regret it.

The eyes were blindfolded, and in the darkness, the other party's expression could not be seen, and Fan Xingyun longed for the touch and smell of the people under him to be stronger and stronger.

He pulled Wu Youyou's clothes with one hand, and held her soft waist with the other, and when his hand touched her flat and warm lower abdomen, he thought that a little life had been conceived here.

His tone was sullen, "Child, the smooth is still dissected." ”

Wu Youyou was slightly stunned, not knowing why he asked such a ruinous word at this time.

But he still answered truthfully, "Section." ”

When she gave birth, she insisted on giving birth naturally, but the child's umbilical cord went around her neck, and there was a breech position near the birth, accompanied by hypoxia.

I was on oxygen in the hospital for two days, and I had pain for a day and a night, and finally for safety reasons, I was dissected.

When the baby was born, her skull was pointy, which made her feel guilty for a while, and the doctor said that it would recover in three or five months.

The anesthetic was overworked, and her stomach throbbed for a while.

Under the lower abdomen, an ugly scar was also left, and the back was sore and the incision was itchy for the first year.

Now, two years later, the scar is almost gone, but she still doesn't have the courage to wear a navel-baring dress or low-waisted pants.

Fan Xingyun felt sorry for her sin, and his hand slowly reached down, his fingers groping carefully.

Finally, at the edge of her little pants, I felt the faint line.

His fingertips rubbed the finger-length strip of flesh back and forth, and his voice was hoarse, "Does it hurt?" ”

Wu Youyou listened to this belated greeting, tears welled up, "It hurts." ”

That kind of pain pierces the heart and bones.

When feeding, she also experienced cracked nipples, and the child shivered on her as if drinking her blood.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry......"

Fan Xingyun felt guilty for no reason, he lay on top of her, kissed her earlobe, neck, and followed her jawline to find her moist and soft red lips......

Outside the window, the sun is abundant, shining through the glass, and the interior is bright.

Van Xingyun sat in a rotating chair, facing the window in a daze, his white shirt glowing and shining under the strong light.

It is as if it is coated with a layer of golden Buddha light.

Yesterday, after two rounds of fierce fighting, he finally couldn't resist the sleepiness, and finally hugged the person's waist and fell into a deep sleep.

Until I woke up today, there was no tenderness on the bedside as yesterday.

He took off the tie on his head and ran around the house barefoot, but he never saw Wu Youyou.

Van Xingyun walked back to the house and found that a set of clothes was missing from the closet, and he fell into a trance.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, there would be little skirts, knitted shirts, and milky white pants scattered on the ground.

He almost thought that he had a spring dream.

On the sheets, there were also the marks of her visit, with a trace of blood, like a broken rose.

Although it has long since dried up, it exudes an alluring fragrance.

This made him obsessed, almost crazy.

He remembered her jerky pandering, her rejection out of fear, her sobbing in pain.

Van Xingyun put the clothes scattered on the ground by the two of them, along with the sheets and bedding, into a storage box.

He didn't even want to take a shower before going out.

"Mr. Fan, do me a favor."

Sun Xiaobing hugged a pile of documents, like a monkey holding a big watermelon, and opened the door with his buttocks.

As soon as I entered, my eyes were stimulated by the bright light.

He squinted and piled the papers on the table, covering his forehead with one hand and pulling the curtains with the other.

"Mr. Fan, do you study the sun?"

For his words, Van Xingyun has always turned a deaf ear, still facing the sun, quiet as a thinker.

Sun Xiaobing noticed that there was a red book on his desk, wasn't this a marriage certificate?

What is Mr. Fan doing with a marriage certificate?

Is it preparing to divorce Miss Wu?

No wonder it's so unusual today!

In order to save his eyes, Sun Xiaobing quietly walked behind him, held the back of the chair with both hands, and turned him around.

Fan Xingyun looked back at him in a daze, "What are you doing here?" ”

He's not in a wheelchair, so he doesn't have any hands-on ability, right?

Sun Xiaobing lowered his head and smiled, "Mr. Fan, are you hungry, there is a new Xuemi Ice City downstairs, I'll give you two cups?" ”

Fan Xingyun pushed his head away, with a look of disgust, "What kind of snow honey ice city do you drink when you're hungry?" ”

"Sweet, aren't I afraid that you will be bitter in your heart?"

"Bitter your sister!"

Van Xingyun knocked on the door of his head.

Aunt Luo made breakfast early in the morning, knocked on the door of the guest room first, and Su Jingyi stood at the door with a toothbrush to stretch.

Aunt Luo smiled dotingly, told her to prepare breakfast, and asked her to wake up the big lazy worm Yoyo by the way.

Su Jingyi saluted Aunt Luo mischievously, "Obey!" ”

Amused Xiao Niannian to imitate.

Su Jingyi secretly opened Wu Youyou's door, the room was quiet, obviously not getting up.

She decided to play tricks on the person on the bed, so she crept in, and as soon as she got closer, she was frightened away.

Wu Youyou lay quietly on the bed, staring at the ceiling with empty eyes open.

An ominous word flashed through her mind, "Dead and blind."

Su Jingyi's screams spread outside the house, and the old man rushed in with Xiao Niannian in his arms, followed by Aunt Luo.

Wu Youyou was also awakened by this battle, she sat up, pulled her neckline, and looked at a room of men, women and children at a loss.

Su Jingyi walked up to her timidly, stretched out her index finger and probed under her nose, "It's okay, there's still breath." ”

She patted her chest with relief.

"You ...... What does this do? Wu Youyou muttered, his face full of doubts.

Xiao Niannian also exhaled, it's okay, it's okay, it exploded early in the morning, scared her almost incontinence.

Luckily, I got a diaper.

After the others left, Su Jingyi came up to her and stared at her lips, gossiping.

"Yoyo, are you hiding something from me?"

Wu Youyou covered her face with one palm, "Don't talk nonsense, what can I hide from you?" ”

For Su Jingyi, she can say everything, but she is reluctant to mention the three words Van Xingyun.

"And what's going on with your mouth?"

Wu Youyou was asked so weakly that she stretched out her tongue and licked it, it was a little stinging, and it was estimated that her skin was broken.

This wolfdog-like man will let her wear a color every time.

The bruises on the skin, the pain in the body, these can still be hidden.

But what about the wound on the lip, you can wear a mask when you go out, but not at home.

Even his throat has a foreign body sensation, Xu was tired last night, and his voice was hoarse.

She pinched her throat and swallowed, "I...... I probably have a cold..."

She pushed Su Jingyi away, "Stay away from me, don't be infected by me, you take care of your daughter today." ”

"Okay! Sure enough, if you have a stepfather, you will have a stepmother. ”

Wu Youyou grabbed her back and threatened, "Tell me clearly, what step-dad and step-mom?" ”

Su Jingyi stuck out her tongue mischievously, "Isn't Ryan a stepfather?" People come all the way to find a wife, no, as soon as the front foot leaves, your whole person is like losing your soul. ”

"Don't talk nonsense! Ryan has come to find his family, and it is a good thing that I have helped him find his family, and you must not tarnish my noble character. ”

Fan Xingyun waited for a long time, and finally waited for Wu Youyou's news, "Gather at eleven o'clock." ”

He picked up the red book on the table, frowned and walked out, just passing by Jiang Meiqi.

She turned her head and looked at the back of Fan Xingyun leaving, and muttered in her heart, "What are you holding in your hand?" ”

Sun Xiaobing received the film from the director, and he sat in front of the computer and checked it repeatedly.

Jiang Meiqi walked behind him and looked at the bright and moving woman on the screen, like pouring a bottle of old vinegar.

"Xiaobing, can't you just hand it over to the Propaganda Department for review, why do you still do everything yourself as an assistant?"

Sun Xiaobing didn't reply, "Mr. Fan attaches great importance to this publicity, and the actors and scripts are all temporarily set by the director, so naturally you should be cautious." ”

"Xiaobing, as the company's investor, the actor's conduct will also be linked to the interests of the company, Director Liao is so sloppy this time, I'm afraid that this woman has any origins?

Today's women, going abroad is like gilding, how can outsiders know whether this is the head or the body? ”

The implication is that Su Jingyi, a woman who came back from studying in the United States, didn't learn anything when she went abroad.

I have learned a lot about seducing men and selling my flesh for profit.

At least, that's how Jiang Meiqi came over in the first place.

There is no way, the family is poor, and she can't afford her tuition at all, plus her nature is debauched.

If there are men who are scrambling to pay for themselves, there is no reason not to take it.

Therefore, there is a history of the third sister's ascendancy.

Sun Xiaobing couldn't help frowning when he heard these mean words.

Jiang Meiqi has always been kind to people, and the employees in the company respect her.

Why is it that today, but to a person you don't know, speak ill of you?

"Sister Meiqi, be cautious, even if you don't believe in Director Liao, don't you believe in Mr. Fan, people are jointly set by Director Liao and Mr. Fan."

Jiang Meiqi rolled her eyes.

If she had been ten years younger, she would not have had this cheap skin.

Back then, Fan Xingyun, the president of the dignified Guanren, was also fascinated by her pomegranate skirt when he was young.

Speaking of Fanxing Nebula, he remembered the red book he was holding in his hand.

Jiang Meiqi couldn't help but ask, "Xiaobing, why did Mr. Fan go?" I just saw him with a red notebook in his hand. ”

Sun Xiaobing closed the computer and stood up nervously, "Did you see that?" ”


"Oh no, it's still coming, Miss Wu doesn't know what to think, if the president's wife doesn't do it, she has to divorce at this time."


It turns out that Fan Xingyun is holding a marriage certificate in his hand?

When I think of Fang Cai's red book, it is about to turn green.

Jiang Meiqi seemed to see the scene of Fan Xingyun holding a big diamond ring, kneeling down on one knee and proposing to her.

The heart is beautiful, and I can't help but laugh out loud with a "pig" sound.

Sun Xiaobing asked suspiciously, "What are you laughing at?" ”

"No, I'm choking."

"Mr. Fan has been in a bad mood lately, so you don't provoke him."

Sun Xiaobing had a warning tone.

Tea Restaurant.

Su Jingyi came as promised with the child in her arms, but Sun Xiaobing sat and waited early.

As soon as he saw the two beauties, one big and one small, he immediately stood up and pulled out seats for them.

After the two of them sat down, he first gave the little guy a small biscuit, and then pushed the menu in front of Su Jingyi.

Su Jingyi ordered two dishes at random.

"You don't eat spicy?"

Sun Xiaobing looked at the dishes she ordered were all light and fluffy dishes, and blindly guessed that she didn't like spicy food, bad speech and so on.

"Eat, but you have to consider whether the child can eat, and two adults and one child, you can't eat it if you order too much."

Her life and humanistic environment since she was a child have destined her, not the kind of extravagant and wasteful character.

Although, she will also save money to buy designer bags and clothing.

But in her view, extravagance and waste are two different things entirely.

This surprised Sun Xiaobing.

Usually when he treats guests, the girls are eager to be more expensive, and if they don't fill a table, they don't seem to be able to meet their vision.

"You godmother, you are doing it well, saying that you are your own mother, and everyone believes it."

Su Jingyi's heart fluttered when she heard this, she pinched the little guy's nose, "Did you hear me, you have to be filial to your godmother in the future." ”

The little guy stepped on the chair, stood up on the table, and stuffed the biscuits in her hand into Su Jingyi's mouth.

Su Jingyi raised her head to dodge, the makeup on her face was gone, and she had no choice but to ask Sun Xiaobing for help.

Sun Xiaobing stood up and took the little guy into his arms.

Such a soft and glutinous milk baby, the more I look at it, the more I like it.

"What's the child's last name?"

Su Jingyi patted the biscuit crumbs on her body, "The surname is Wu, and the single person is Wu." ”

Two days ago, the old man mentioned the matter of registering the little guy, but he only said that the mother's surname and the big name have not yet been finalized.

Sun Xiaobing was puzzled, why did he have the same surname as Miss Wu?

"Her father's surname is Wu?"

"Don't mention that bad guy, we only miss two mothers."

Seeing Sun Xiaobing's interested look, Su Jingyi poured out her mouth.

This had to be said three years ago.

Three years ago, Su Jingyi studied in the United States.

When she was shopping in the mall, she encountered a "zero-yuan purchase" incident by locals, when she was holding a dress in her hand and preparing to try it on, but was pulled by a masked man from behind.

The clothes were torn open, but the masked man disappeared without a trace.

The salesman deceived her as Asian, opened her eyes and told nonsense, pointed to her clothes and said that she had damaged them, and demanded that she pay compensation according to the price.

She argued on her grounds and demanded that they access surveillance and clear her name.

But the salesperson said that the monitoring was broken, and the human and physical evidence was there, and she couldn't deny it.

Su Jingyi glanced at the price of the clothes, more than 1,000 dollars, which was converted into more than 10,000 yuan.

She is a child from an ordinary family, and it is not easy for her parents to study abroad, but she can't afford it.

When he wanted to cry without tears, Wu Youyou came to the rescue.

Su Jingyi thought that she couldn't take advantage of the other party in vain, so she offered to work for her to pay off her debts.

Wu Youyou touched her stomach and asked her if she would be willing to take care of a pregnant woman and newborn when she gave birth, and she was willing to add money.


Speaking of the bits and pieces of the past between the two, Su Jingyi opened the conversation box and talked endlessly from beginning to end.

Sun Xiaobing fed the child while serving her vegetables, and urged her to eat it quickly from time to time, it was not delicious when it was cold.

"That is, you have never met the father of the child?"

Su Jingyi shook her head.

"Then her mother, has she revealed any information about the child's father?"

She frowned and thought about it, then shook her head.

Regarding that scumbag, Youyou didn't want to mention it, only said that the child's father didn't really marry her, and she didn't want to waste her life in a failed marriage.

Sun Xiaobing looked at the child in his arms, with long hands and feet, thinking that her father must be a tall man.

"Has the little one had his second birthday?"

"It's been a long time ago, it was all two months ago, why doesn't it look like it, she's not small."

Ten months pregnant, the child is two years old and two months old, so to speak, Miss Wu was two months pregnant before going abroad.

With this discovery, Sun Xiaobing was like discovering a new continent, and immediately called Fan Xingyun.

Today, Wu Youyou wore a white mid-neck top, a thin and soft fabric, slim and fit.

It makes her skin fairer and more delicate.

The curves of the upper body are also exquisitely outlined.

The lower body has a long black skirt, a green silk is tied at random behind the head, small earlobes, and two huge black earrings.

makes her palm-sized little face look more small and delicate.

Van Xingyun's eyes straightened when he saw it.

At this moment, if the two are on a sweet date, how good.

But such a beautiful encounter actually came to the divorce, but yesterday's lingering left a mark of joy.

If he remembered correctly, her chest, waist, back, and even her slender neck were covered in strawberry spots that he had sipped.

Wu Youyou was uncomfortable staring at him, she lowered her head and sat with her back to him.

In an instant, the heat rose, and his face was red.

Looking at her reddish ears, thinking of her moaning, Fan Xingyun looked at herself shyly.

Just as he wanted to join Fei Fei, the phone vibrate, he didn't even look at it, reached into his pocket, and cut off the phone.

The phone vibrates again.

Wu Youyou turned around and reminded him that he hadn't arrived at them so soon, and it wouldn't be in the way to answer the phone first.

Fan Xingyun had a pair of eyes, and he was reluctant to take away from her for a second, "It's okay, it's just a harassing call." ”

He was still thinking about what reason to refuse the divorce, but when he thought about her heroic dedication yesterday, the premise was divorce.

And his heart was empty.

They were greeted by a woman from three years ago, with the same uniform and the same hairstyle.

She held the information of the two in her hand and asked, "What is the reason for the divorce?" ”

Wu Youyou replied, "The relationship between the husband and wife has broken down and they have been separated for three years. ”

The staff looked at Fan Xingyun, "Does the man agree with the woman's statement?" ”

Fan Xingyun slowly turned his head and saw the persistence in Wu Youyou's eyes, he shook his head slightly, "I don't agree!" ”

Wu Youyouxiu's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and his eyes were slightly red, "Fan Xingyun, we said it yesterday!" ”

The staff, worried about the two fighting, slapped the table and reminded them to be quiet.

She remembered these two people, who had been here three years ago.

Unexpectedly, three years later, the two would meet here again, and if there was no consensus, the two would not have appeared here at the same time.

Thinking about this marriage, there is no need to repair it.

She asked Wu Youyou, how to prove that the two have been separated for three years?

Wu Youyou showed his study abroad materials, round-trip air tickets, as well as proof of residence for the past three years, payment of water and electricity bills, etc.

"Have you not been in contact for three years?"


Fan Xingyun just looked at her silently and did not refute.


(sound of stamping)

After coming out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Fan Xingyun drove all the way to no man's land.

The throttle is pressed to the maximum, and the window is also opened to the maximum.

The wind whistled past his ears, ruffled his hair, blew his eyes red, and shaved his cheeks with pain.

He thrashed the steering wheel, angry and annoyed.

"Wu Youyou! Wu Youyou!! Wu Youyou!! ”

He almost roared, shouting her name, and the picture of her teasing the child flashed in his mind, so warm and beautiful.

He asked himself, can he accept that Wu Youyou has had other men?

Whether she can accept the child she gave birth to with someone else.

The answer is no, but he covets her yesterday's warmth.

He couldn't find any trace of her having a time with others.

Now, his mind is full of Wu Youyou hugging him and whimpering.

He even suspected that Wu Youyou had tricked her, and she wanted to punish him and torture him in this way.

That's why in the name of reparating him, they used their flesh to bewitch him.

Otherwise, why did she take the initiative to kiss him on the lips the day before the divorce.

"Goblins! Sure enough, it's a goblin!! ”

Van Xingyun thumped the steering wheel again.


There was a loud bang, and the people in the car were dizzy and their ears were ringing.

He lay on the steering wheel, fumbled with one hand to find his phone, and then sent his location to Sun Xiaobing.

Sun Xiaobing received the message and immediately made a video call to him, and as soon as the phone was connected, he asked anxiously, where is the person?

At this moment, Fan Xingyun was almost fainting, and he bracked up his spirit and let Sun Xiaobing see his situation.

When two strands of blood rushed down from Fan Xingyun's forehead, Sun Xiaobing realized that he had been in a car accident.

He didn't dare to delay for a moment, and immediately dialed the 120 emergency number.

After explaining the situation and location clearly, he walked back to the table and said to Su Jingyi that Mr. Fan had a car accident, and he had to rush to the scene first.

I'm sorry I can't give her a ride today.

After leaving the restaurant, Su Jingyi called Wu Youyou and asked her to come and answer it.

Wu Youyou approached the restaurant and practiced smiling in the mirror, her recent emotional expression was a little obvious, and everyone in the family noticed it.

The old man and Aunt Luo were cautious when they talked to her.

Su Jingyi thought that she was so disappointed because she was reluctant to let Ryan leave.

After all, a woman has been single for a long time, and it is inevitable that she will be moved by having such an excellent and handsome man by her side.

After the two got in the car, Wu Youyou made love with the little guy for a while, and then asked, continue shopping or go home.

The big and small people in the car are all idle people, and they want to run out every day.

Su Jingyi looked depressed, "I'm not in the mood, let's go home." ”

"What's wrong, you're still in a bad mood after eating?"

It shouldn't be, a dry rice person like Su Jingyi, even if the sky falls, the bowl will not leave his hand.

Could it be that talking to Sun Xiaobing about work is not going well?

"Halfway through the meal, it doesn't matter if Director Liao doesn't show up, Sun Xiaobing's boss actually came out of the pot, so the matter was not negotiated......"

Sun Xiaobing's boss, isn't it Fan Xingyun?

"You mean, Van Xingyun had a car accident?"

Could it be because he couldn't think about the divorce, so he ......

When she left the Civil Affairs Bureau today, she also sighed that Fan Xingyun had finally figured it out.

The two major events have been completed, and in the future, she will live a good life with her children and accompany her family.

I didn't expect that after only half a day's effort, Fan Xingyun actually had this incident, how could she deal with herself?

"That's right, that's what Sun Xiaobing said, well, how do you know Fan...... you?"

Wu Youyou braked urgently, Su Jingyi was defenseless and crashed straight into the seat in front of her.

She covered her forehead and complained, "Yoyo, what are you doing?" ”

The little guy is okay, the child seat sits upside down quite steadily, but this inertia also stunned her.

Wu Youyou opened the car door, "I'm sorry Jingyi, I have something to do temporarily, you and Niannian go home by themselves first, and I'll explain to you when I get back." ”

After the two got out of the car, Wu Youyou immediately started the car and dialed Sun Xiaobing's phone by the way.

When Sun Xiaobing arrived at the scene, Fan Xingyun's car rolled over a few times, and finally buckled upside down on the mound of dirt on the side of the road.

The front of the car is badly deformed.

Judging from the scene, the car should have been punctured by a row of nails on the road, and the speed of the car was too fast, causing a rollover.

The rows of chain-like nails, a finger's length upright, lay across the road, and it was evident that someone had placed them here on purpose.

This piece of land is the land that Fanxing Cloud has harvested for three years, not only far away from the urban area, but also uninhabited around.

In the past, Qian Fugui father and son wanted to fight for more demolition funds and hinder the development of the construction site.

They moved here specifically and lived a primitive life of lighting kerosene lamps.

Sun Xiaobing saw through the car window that Fan Xingyun had already fallen into a coma.

"Mr. Fan, wake up, it's me, I'm a little soldier!"

He lay on the ground and called a few times, but Van Xingyun never responded.

He reached in and probed the snort of Van Xingyun, and his breath.

Sun Xiaobing tried to open the car door, but no matter how hard he tried, the car door still didn't move.

Helplessly, he could only climb in through the window on the other side.

He took off his T-shirt, pressed against the bleeding place of Van Xingyun, and pressed his calf against his shoulder, holding his head in one hand to prevent the gravity of his body from crushing his neck.

"Mr. Fan, wake up, I'm a soldier, Mr. Fan, please open your eyes and look at me, I'm Sun Xiaobing, I'm Sun Xiaobing, I'm here to save you, you ...... You hold on, and the doctor will come in a moment. ”

Sun Xiaobing cried, while shouting, his eyes looked at Fanyun Xingyun for a while, and then looked everywhere for a while.

He wanted to drag people out because he was afraid that the car would spontaneously combust and explode.

But Fan Xingyun's legs were stuck, he couldn't move, and he was sweating profusely.

After a while, the ambulance came, and the sound of the ambulance was heard from afar, Sun Xiaobing felt like a savior descending, and cried bitterly on the spot.

When he arrived at the hospital, Wu Youyou was already waiting at the door, and the doctor urgently pushed the person into the emergency room.

Seeing Fan Xingyun covered in blood and lying on the hospital bed, she was so frightened that she couldn't speak.

Suddenly, his limbs went limp, and he could only sit down slowly against the wall.

Fan's mother had not been discharged from the hospital, and she did not dare to tell them what happened, so she could only digest the pain caused by this incident and blame herself alone.

She vaguely felt that Fan Xingyun's car accident had a lot to do with her, and it was she who disturbed his mind.

Otherwise, there was no reason for Van Xingyun to go to that kind of deserted place.

There's no reason to drive so fast, he has always been steady, not that frizzy person.

He must be venting his pain and resentment.

Sun Xiaobing held his head in both hands, and the whole person squatted weakly in the corner.

I don't know how long it took, but the door to the rescue room finally opened.

"Who are the patient's family?"

"I am!"

Wu Youyou raised his hand and staggered to his feet against the wall.

The doctor said that the patient was injured in the head and calf, and because of excessive blood loss, he fell into a coma, and he did not know when he would wake up.

But he is out of danger.

She grabbed the doctor's hand and asked in a pleading tone, could she go in and see the patient?

Doctors said that the time for visits was limited, so they should hurry.

Van Xingyun was lying on the bed, his hair shaved, his head bandaged with gauze layer by layer, and his face was as white as ashes.

There is also a plaster cast tied to his calf, and the whole person is like a mummy, and the whole body in the ward is white, so white that it is dazzling, and it is so white that it makes people panic.

There was a cramping pain in my heart.

His hand was stroking his chest, his nose was so hot that his breathing hurt.

She walked to the side of the bed, cautiously reached out and touched him, feeling his fingertips, extremely cold,

She rubbed a finger against his palm, hoping he would feel her presence.

"Van Xingyun, I'm Yoyo, I... Can you hear me? ”

"I'm sorry, I didn't know things would turn out like this, you wake up, are you scolding me?"

"Van Xingyun, I have a lot to say to you, but I don't know how to speak, I'm afraid, afraid to face all the uncontrollable."


Wu Youyou lay on the edge of the bed, holding his hand and pressing it against his cheek.

She said with a dry mouth, but she never received the slightest response from Fan Xingyun.

When the visiting time was over, the doctor walked in and urged her to leave, and she had to wipe away her tears and say goodbye.

Walking out of the ward, several policemen were recording a confession for Sun Xiaobing.

It probably means that this accident of Fan Xingyun was not an accident, but someone deliberately did it.

The other party asked if Fan Xingyun had had any holidays with anyone recently, or economic disputes or the like.

Sun Xiaobing immediately thought of Qian Fugui and his son.

He told the beginning and end of the past three years of Qian Fugui.

"Qian Fugui also has a son named Qian Duoduo, and both father and son are greedy lords.

I often go downstairs to the company to block our general manager, and the security team has driven us away a few times, but it has stopped recently. ”

"A lot of money?"

Is it the golden toad that solicited people at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau three years ago?

Sun Xiaobing looked at her, "You also know Qian Duoduo?" ”

"I've had the pleasure of meeting him."

Wu Youyou told him what happened three years ago, and after Sun Xiaobing heard it, he hated it so much.

"It must be them, comrade police, please investigate this father and son strictly, they are the most suspicious."

The policeman put one hand on Sun Xiaobing's shoulder, "Don't worry, leave the matter to us, once the evidence is conclusive, none of them will be able to escape!" ”

After returning home, Xiao Niannian heard the sound of the door opening and broke in barefoot.

Wu Youyou was in a trance, he didn't stand firmly, and he fell backwards.

The little one thought that her mother was teasing her, and her little body nestled in the arms of the person, laughing heartily.

伍悠悠搂着她,bitter 涩一笑。

Su Jingyi ran out with a mask and pulled the two of them up, "Yoyo, did you go to see Fan Xingyun just now, how are the people?" ”

lowered his head and avoided her gaze, for fear that he couldn't help but burst into tears in the next second.

"I'm out of danger, but I'm still in a coma with head and calf injuries."

Aunt Luo was picking vegetables in the kitchen, and when she heard that Fan Xingyun was injured, she hurriedly ran out to ask.

"Yoyo, what's wrong with Mr., what's wrong?"

She asked eagerly.

The old man walked over on crutches, "Yoyo, what's wrong with Nebula?" ”

Wu Youyou walked up to the old man and comforted him.

"Grandpa, people are fine, you don't have to worry, just rest for a while."

Su Jingyi was deeply puzzled, it was enough to surprise her that Wu Youyou knew Fan Xingyun.

How can even an eighty-year-old man and even a live-in aunt know him?

What exactly is their relationship?

Why hadn't they mentioned this name before?

remembered that when Sun Xiaobing asked her to dinner, he deliberately asked Xiao Niannian about his father.

Also, the worry-free café where she shoots commercials.

Also, Wu Youyou's reaction when she heard the name of Van Xingyun from her mouth.

Su Jingyi suddenly realized, "Yoyo, tell you the truth, is Fan Xingyun Nian's biological father?" ”

In the hospital room, Father Van is folding clothes.

Mother Fan pointed to a light blue dress and said that she would wear that dress when she was discharged from the hospital tomorrow and asked Father Fan to hang it up for her.

Otherwise, there are traces of folding, and it is very downgrade to wear.

Father Fan pointed at her, shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly, "What age, still so stinky and beautiful." ”

"Beauty, does it have anything to do with age? Why do you dislike me for being old? ”

As she spoke, she picked up the small mirror at the head of the bed, patted her dry cheeks, and looked at the skin peeling off the tip of her nose, and Mother Fan's brows were furrowed.

"Old man, do you think my skin is a little dull yellow, and I don't know how to maintain it, so watery, I'll ask for some experience when I go back."

"Youyo that's young, you're over half a hundred years old, what do you compare to other little girls, who doesn't have a young time, besides, when you're young, you're more agile than Youyou."

Father Fan's words made his wife happy.

The laughter spread outside, and Jiang Meiqi heard the voice, took out her mobile phone and compared it with the people in the room, and then greeted the two with a smile.

"Good morning, uncle, auntie."

She carried a bunch of gifts and walked straight into the ward, "Auntie, I'm sorry, I only heard about Auntie's hospitalization last night." ”

The Van couple were confused by the strange woman in front of them.

The two looked at each other, making sure they didn't know the woman.

Mother Fan raised her hand and pushed away the gift, "Miss, did you recognize the wrong person?" ”

Jiang Meiqi pulled a chair, sat down by herself, and then held Mother Fan's hand with both hands, and sincerely introduced herself:

"Hello uncle, aunt, my name is Jiang Meiqi, I have known Xingyun since childhood, and I am currently working next to Xingyun, mainly responsible for interior design."

Mother Fan withdrew her hand, "You're a friend of Nebula?" ”

is a friend of his son, why haven't I heard him say it, and I know him since I was a child.

If you work in the company, you will work in the company, so why do you have to emphasize that you are working next to Nebula.

If you have to say that the relationship between the two is so extraordinary, isn't this digging a hole for her son?

"Yes, we are very good friends, and Nebula often mentions you to me, saying that you look younger than your peers, that you are kind, and that you love beauty.

That's why I've brought you a set of skincare products today, which I brought back from France. ”

Jiang Meiqi picked up a gift box and was about to open it.

Mother Fan stopped her, "Miss Jiang, you may not know me, I have traveled all these years, except for sunscreen, I only use moisturizing lotion around me, and I don't use anything else, please take it back." ”

The so-called reactive power is not reluctant, this woman is unknown, and she is not a fuel-efficient lamp when she looks at it.

Father Van echoed, "It's not good for you to break the bank, we are running all over the world, and we can't buy things in that country, and besides, we will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, and it will be cumbersome to bring so many things!" ”

Jiang Meiqi was a little embarrassed, "Otherwise, uncle and aunt, I'll drive you back tomorrow." ”

For this kind of person who can't hear what is good, Mother Fan really doesn't like it, she looks displeased, "Don't trouble you, Xingyun will come to pick us up." ”

Even if Nebula doesn't have time to come, it's a matter of minutes for them to take a taxi.

Why do you owe a favor!

She didn't like to bring strangers home, and no matter how busy they were, they didn't even think of hiring a babysitter all these years.

When Fan Xingyun was young, he basically lived with the old man.

When I have nothing to do, I accompany the old man to play chess, and occasionally tutor Yoyo with homework like a little adult.

"Nebula He ......"

Jiang Meiqi was hesitant, the corners of her mouth were choked, and tears were about to flow out.

It seems that the two old men still don't know about the car accident of Fan Xingyun.

A sense of foreboding flashed through Father Fan's heart, and he chased after him and asked, "What's wrong with Nebula?" ”

Jiang Meiqi turned her face away, wiped her tears, and her voice choked, "Xingyun is fine, he is busy during this time, so he entrusted me to pick up the second elder and discharge him from the hospital tomorrow." ”

Busy is busy, and they don't have to ask their son to pick them up before they can be discharged from the hospital.

Good manner, what is this woman crying about?

Even if his son wants to outsource his filial piety, he will let his assistant Sun Xiaobing come over.

What is the matter of sending a woman with a face to follow you back to your home?

Mother Fan pulled Jiang Meiqi's body and looked at her eyes, her eyes were sharp, "You tell me the truth, what's wrong with my son?" ”

Jiang Meiqi covered her mouth and cried.

Hearing this, the two of them felt irritated for a while.

What's the difference between this and telling them directly that their son is hanging?

"Stop crying, tell me what's going on?"

Jiang Meiqi pulled a few tissues from the table and said intermittently, "Yesterday, Xingyun had a car accident, and his head and calves were severely injured, and he is still unconscious. ”

She didn't know if she woke up today, anyway, when she left last night, Fan Xingyun hadn't woken up yet.

Only Sun Xiaobing was guarding outside the door of the hospital, and Wu Youyou was nowhere to be seen.

Jiang Meiqi lay on the table, crying and her shoulders shaking.

"What? You said Nebula had a car accident? ”

"Tell me what's going on!"

Mother Fan shook Jiang Meiqi's shoulder, and her voice was raised a little.

Jiang Meiqi snorted and cried, and poked out the divorce between Fan Xingyun and Wu Youyou yesterday, as well as the fact that Wu Youyou had given birth to a child.

"You mean, Yoyo went abroad to study for three years and had children with other men outside? Yesterday, I went through the divorce procedures with Nebula, and Nebula couldn't think about it, so it caused the car accident? ”

Jiang Meiqi nodded with red eyes, "You don't believe it, you ask Sun Xiaobing." ”

"I'm going to see my son."

Mother Fan immediately pulled out the needle in her hand, and ran out, but the two of them couldn't stop it.

"Sun Xiaobing......"

Sun Xiaobing sat on the bench outside the ward and took a nap, when he suddenly heard a familiar voice, and turned his head to see Fan Xingyun's parents appear in front of him.

followed by a Jiang Meiqi, who was aggrieved and quibbled:

"I'm sorry, I didn't say it on purpose, I was so sad that I couldn't bear to cry in front of my uncle and aunt, so under their questioning, I had to tell the truth."

"If Miss Jiang doesn't say it, how long are you going to hide it from us?"

Father Fan looked at Sun Xiaobing with a slightly angry expression, his son is now lying on the hospital bed, his life and death are unknown.

And his assistant, and their daughter-in-law, are planning to hide it from them?

How unreasonable!

"Uncle, aunt, Mr. Van is out of danger, don't worry."

Sun Xiaobing's hands were staggered together, and he himself was frightened all night.

Therefore, what he said couldn't even convince himself, let alone Mr. Fan's parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Van stood outside the hospital bed, looking at their son through the glass.

Tears couldn't stop flowing.

Mother Fan turned her head, "Sun Xiaobing, is what Miss Jiang said true?" Did Nebula really divorce Yoyo? Did Yoyo give birth to a child? ”

Sun Xiaobing was silent for a long time, not knowing how to speak, after all, he was only guessing about the child's life experience.

Before he was confirmed, he didn't dare to say that the child born by Wu Youyou was the flesh and blood of the Fanjia family.

Although, he was 100% sure in his heart.

But now that the two have divorced, if the parties don't want to mention it, he won't talk about it easily.

She was afraid that revealing the truth by herself would bring another disaster.

For example, separation of flesh and blood, custody battles, etc.

None of this is what he wants to see.

Sun Xiaobing's silence, but Fan's mother acquiesced to him.

When the elevator opened, Wu Youyou was followed by Fan Xingyun's attending doctor.

In front of the doctor, she was like a studious elementary school student, nodding frequently, saying that she knew.

It seems that the two have already communicated the patient's situation.

"Mother Fan, why are you here?"

Wu Youyou was very surprised by her arrival, after all, she would only be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, and she and Sun Xiaobing also had a tacit understanding, and did not inform them of Fan Xingyun's situation.

She ran to Mother Fan and reached out to help her, but she avoided her.

"Yoyo, you're divorced from Nebula?"

Mother Fan looked into her eyes and asked word by word, "You still gave birth to a child with Xingyun on your back?" ”

Her tone seemed so calm, but it was like a sharp knife, and the words scraped on Wu Youyou's heart.

The knife is bloody.

Sun Xiaobing knew that Wu Youyou would suspect him, suspecting that he had told him, so he shook his head slightly, saying that he didn't know either.

He didn't even know how much Jiang Meiqi knew about the whole thing and how much she revealed to the Fans.

Wu Youyou couldn't deny it, she said calmly, "Mother Fan, divorce is a consensus reached between me and Xingyun, as for the child, if there is a chance, I will explain it to everyone." ”

But right now, Van Xingyun is still in a coma.

If she wants to say it, she will choose to say it when Van Xingyun is awake.

I only hope that when the time comes, the Fanjia family will not snatch the child from her, which is the child she gave birth to at the expense of half her life.

The mother and daughter have been dependent on each other for more than two years, and they are inseparable from each other.

Mother Fan turned her face away, and her tone was quite unkind, "The marriage is divorced, and the child is born, so there is no need to say superfluous words, let's keep some decency." ”

Her loss was palpable.

This is the daughter-in-law she regards as her own daughter.

From fifteen years ago, the first time she saw Wu Youyou, she looked forward to her and one day becoming her daughter-in-law.

Unexpectedly, he messed with mandarin ducks, but he harmed his son and almost lost his life.

Father Fan pulled his wife's arm, "Shuyun, don't say a word." ”

Wu Youyou lowered his head in shame.

If Fan Xingyun can't wake up intact, let alone Fan's parents, even she can't forgive herself.

And Jiang Meiqi, who was standing behind the Fan's couple, was pursing her lips and snickering at this moment.

Being unfaithful, unfilial, and not abiding by women's morals are the seven deadly sins of being a daughter-in-law.

Wu Youyou wants to return to Mrs. Fan's position again, but I'm afraid it's impossible.

In the future, as long as the two elders are happy, the position of the wife of the president of Guanren Real Estate belongs to her!

"Come over here."

Wu Youyou and the Fan's couple stepped forward at the same time, and Jiang Meiqi took the opportunity to pull her away, "The doctor is talking about family members, what are you doing moving forward?" What kind of family are you? ”


An ex-wife who cheated in marriage?

Jiang Meiqi's malice angered Wu Youyou, three years ago, she intervened in their marriage, she provoked for no reason, and she deliberately separated.

Three years ago, Wu Youyou didn't bother with her, but three years later, she didn't know how to be honest and made a comeback?

The tiger doesn't wield, she really thinks she's a kitty.

Wu Youyou turned his head and scratched her, and that glance was sharp, staring at Jiang Meiqi trembling.

When she was a child, she had a lot of tricks, and she was known as the Yongcheng Overlord Flower.

In addition, under the call of money, there are many people who respond to her.

Fifteen years ago, Jiang Meiqi colluded with young people in society, and befriended bald old men, which Wu Youyou shook out.

This seemingly harmless little thing to humans and animals, if it competes with people, ordinary people really can't fight.

The doctor held the medical record book, and probably talked about the situation of Xia Fanxingyun, and then pointed to Wu Youyou and said.

"I've already told the patient's wife about the details, so you just need to follow the doctor's instructions."

After the doctor left, several people walked into the ward one after another.

When Mother Fan saw her son's pale face and bloodless, chapped lips, she couldn't help but throw herself into her husband's arms and weep bitterly.

Father Van patted her on the shoulder and motioned for her to be quieter and not to disturb her son.

Wu Youyou stood on the other side of the bed, she wanted to go up and touch his hand and feel his body temperature, whether it was cold or warm.

But she didn't dare, because the Van couple were present, and they must have rejected her now, and even hated her.

Mother Fan sat on a chair beside her with the support of her wife, she took her son's hand, put it to her lips, and rubbed it carefully.

I was afraid that if I didn't pay attention, my son's body temperature would be lost.

That's a bad omen.

She tugged at the quilt again, trying to cover her son's body.

"Nebula, I'm Mom, can you open your eyes and see Mom and Dad?

It's all my mother's bad, I just wanted you to start a family quickly, but I ignored your feelings, my mother can't stand you, in the future, my mother won't leave, just stay by your side, okay? ”

Wu Youyou knew in her heart that Fan's mother alluded to Fan's mother that after she married her, she was not happy.

They shouldn't have started, or rather, they shouldn't have met.

Now that it is like this, it is difficult for the relationship between the two families to return to the original harmony.

She crept out of the room and stood silently on the bench outside.

Sun Xiaobing also walked out and sat next to her, "I saw your divorce certificate in the car. ”

Wu Youyou looked ahead with empty eyes, and his eyes didn't blink.

Sun Xiaobing gave up communication, he originally wanted to ask Wu Youyou about the child's biological father, but now it seems that the bell must be tied to the bell.

He is an outsider, and he can only wait and see what happens.


Continued from the next part:

Obviously, he was the one who snubbed his wife after getting married, and he was ambiguous with his first love.

If it is invaded and deleted