

author:66 Science and Technology Information

On June 30, Beijing time, according to the official micro of Beijing Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tianbing Technology"), on the afternoon of June 30, the company carried out a hot test run of a sub-stage nine-machine parallel power system of a rocket in the comprehensive test center of Gongyi City, Henan Province.


Beijing Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd. official WeChat

Tianbing Technology said in the statement that during the test run, a sub-stage rocket ignited normally, and the engine thrust reached 820 tons. After liftoff, the computer on the arrow actively shuts down, and the arrow body falls into the mountain and disintegrates. Tianbing Technology said that the test site is far away from Gongyi City, and before the test, it worked with the local government to improve safety and security measures and organize the evacuation of surrounding personnel in advance.

The rocket involved this time is the Tianlong-3 liquid launch vehicle independently developed by Tianbing Technology, and the product performance is comparable to SpaceX's Falcon 9. On June 6, Tianbing Technology said on its official Weibo that its self-developed 110-ton thrust liquid oxygen kerosene rocket engine "Tianhuo 12", as the main power system of Tianlong 3, has successfully completed dozens of delivery tests; The Tianlong-3 rocket has also completed the final assembly and general test, and will complete the hot test of the whole system of nine parallel units of a sub-stage rocket at the end of June, and then go to the launch site to carry out the first flight test.

After the incident, Tianbing Technology intended to understand the follow-up test and launch arrangements of Tianlong-3, but they could not be connected. According to the description of Tianbing Technology, the company will complete the fault zeroing as soon as possible and organize the production and testing of new products.

According to the official website of the Gongyi Municipal Government, Tianbing Technology established Gongyi Tianbing Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. in 2020, and planned to build a comprehensive test center of Tianbing Science and Technology in Gongyi City, put into use the test bench of Tianbing Tianxiao series with a thrust of more than four hundred tons, and undertook all the development and test projects of Tianbing Science and Technology liquid rockets. In 2022, the Tianbing Technology Tianlong-2 liquid launch vehicle also underwent a first-stage power system test run at the Tianbing Gongyi Comprehensive Test Center, and achieved complete success.

The above question is a little, simple chat.

Again, with the changes of the current situation, if there are any inaccuracies, please forgive me.

Well, the rocket test was successful, but the wagon broke. From a security point of view, they must have made a major mistake. But by the standard of Space X, valuable data can be obtained even if the rocket explodes.


If we criticize the Space X rocket for blowing up so much, and on the other hand, criticize the Tianbing Technology test bench for being well maintained, and the rocket thrust is too large, and it will go directly to the sky, it will still be logical and self-consistent.

The Celestial Soldiers, their rocket engines are doing a good job. The safety accident of this test bench has caused a very serious safety hazard, and even if the result is only part of the forest land and transmission lines, it still has to face very serious review and rectification, which will obviously lead to the delay of the test flight mission of this type of rocket in September.

The background of Tianbing Technology is very good, and it is the head of the private rocket industry in China.

Whether it is capital or talent, it is very strong in China, and it is obviously supported by national policy protection.

Several core leading enterprises have talent delivery in the aerospace system, and have state-owned bank loans and investments.

Their progress is very good, together with the hands of the four-meter rocket, which can be directly used to deliver a large number of loads in low earth orbit.

The timeline of Tianbing Technology is to fly the rocket into the sky this year, and the rocket will be able to fall back from the sky next year.

Except for last week's cold arrow recovery experiment of a 3.8-meter first-stage rocket body, all other recoverable rockets either use a reduced proportion of the rocket body or fly at a relatively low altitude.


Tianjin Technology basically localized the fifth-generation Merlin engine with a very simple structure, especially the very simple combustion chamber design of the waste recombustion, and then the fuel and accelerant used are all exactly the same as Space X's Falcon 9.

Now the rocket has three directions, in parallel The first is the recyclable design. Recyclable design is divided into two schools: those that use grilles and those that rely solely on vector nozzles. At present, the test ship that the domestic aerospace group tested a few days ago is of the vector nozzle type, and then the second stage of the starship tested by the United States is of the vector nozzle type. While several other companies are using designs with steering rudders, that is, grilles, including SpaceX's Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy.

The second direction is the shift in fuel selection to methane liquid oxygen. There are two private enterprises and aerospace science and industry in China, and the United States has Starship. The availability of methane is relatively good, the refueling process is safe, and the gap between rocket recovery and relaunch can be shortened. Of course, it also costs less than liquid hydrogen, has more thrust than kerosene, burns cleaner and is less polluting to rocket engines.

The third is the large-scale rocket, that is, a rocket can carry more tons and more loads to the sky. Just as Space X uses the Heavy Falcon, which can launch hundreds of small satellites at a time, being able to send more satellites into space at one time can reduce the number of launches for the same number of satellites, and naturally reduce the cost of networking.

At present, the task of developing this rocket is personally led by aerospace science and industry on the mainland. Tianbing Technology did not stand on the advanced side of these three. They used a design with an air grille, a kerosene liquid oxygen engine, and the rocket itself was miniaturized to a diameter of 3.8 meters.

Because this company wants to achieve recycling as soon as possible, rather than overcoming some key technical difficulties while recycling like several other private companies.

Therefore, Tianming Technology attaches great importance to the timing of successful recycling, and it must be earlier than others. In this way, we will be able to persuade us to continue to invest more.

And this safety accident directly makes the first flight in September and next year's recovery all possible.

The test data of flight tests, the thrust of the first stage of the rocket reached 820 tons, was clearly mentioned in the news. The thrust of the first stage of the rocket reached 820 tons, and the thrust of the first stage of the rocket reached 820 tons. We were able to find that the engine was only more than 600 kilograms on the Internet. Each engine is capable of producing 90 tons of thrust at a net weight of more than 600 kilograms, which is already a thrust-to-weight ratio of more than 160.

The two leading models of Space x's kerosene liquid oxygen engines are the Merlin 1D+ and Merlin 1D, the Merlin 1D+ has a thrust of less than 90 tons, but a thrust-to-weight ratio of 200. An older model, the Merlin 1D has less thrust and a thrust-to-weight ratio of only 160.

In other words, Tianbing Technology has been able to at least compare with Space X in 2016 in terms of first-stage rocket engines. This is a very bragging record for the whole world, especially since this is the first rocket engine that the company has ever made.

From the actual situation, Tianbing Technology, they do not pursue the advancement of technology and the strength of parameters. They chose the thrust-to-weight ratio and only achieved more than 160, indicating that they thought this was a relatively safe data, and perhaps they were more concerned about the control software after multiple engines were connected in parallel.

That also means that our country is actually in the recoverable kerosene liquid oxygen engine, and the technical reserve is far beyond the 160 thrust-to-weight ratio. Even if this company finally goes bankrupt, just the technical reserves of this rocket can be sold at a good price in the industry.

Moreover, this 820 tons is the measured parallel output, which certainly does not reach the full load power of each engine.

Therefore, the start of private rockets in our country is already very good, and the foundation is relatively solid.

That's all for today, I'm a 66 tech person, we'll see you next time.