
Spending 30 billion and not hesitating to go to war with Vietnam, is Fiery Cross Island so important?

author:Autumn of gentle rain

Fiery Cross Island is strategically located in the heart of the South China Sea, a sea route connecting the Pacific Ocean with the Indian Ocean. This geographical location is not only of great importance for maritime trade and shipping security, but also key to maintaining regional stability and peace. Control of Fiery Cross Island is essential to protect the security of sea lanes, ensure the economic interests of regional countries, and address maritime security challenges.

Spending 30 billion and not hesitating to go to war with Vietnam, is Fiery Cross Island so important?

Historically, Fiery Cross Island was once a traditional fishing ground for Chinese fishermen, who fished, dried their nets, and rested, leaving traces of their lives and cultural imprints on the island. The use and exploitation of Fiery Cross Island by these fishermen is further proof of China's sovereignty over the land. Over time, Fiery Cross Island has grown from a small island where fishermen rested to a strategically important island.

In modern times, the strategic value of Fiery Cross Island has become more and more prominent. In 1988, a Chinese expedition stumbled upon the vast reef, which was not marked on a nautical chart, and in 1988 it came into direct conflict with the Vietnamese navy, an event that underscored the geopolitical importance of Fiery Cross. Subsequently, China established a UNESCO Oceanographic Observatory on Fiery Cross Island, which provided reliable navigational hydrometeorological support for Chinese and foreign ships passing through the South China Sea.

Spending 30 billion and not hesitating to go to war with Vietnam, is Fiery Cross Island so important?

Between 2014 and 2015, China completed a sand-blowing reclamation operation on the southwest land area of Fiery Cross Reef, bringing the total land area to 2.8 square kilometers. The island has built airports, hospitals and other infrastructure, and has become an important material distribution center in the Nansha Islands. The construction and development of Fiery Cross Island has not only enhanced China's administrative capacity in the South China Sea, but also strengthened its effective jurisdiction over the South China Sea.

The construction of Fiery Cross Island is a manifestation of the improvement of China's comprehensive national strength. From a small island of 8,000 square meters to a modern island with an area of 2.8 square kilometers, the transformation of Fiery Cross Island has witnessed the development and progress of China in the maritime field. The construction and facilities on the island, as well as the enhancement of military defense capabilities, demonstrate China's determination to safeguard its territorial integrity and maritime rights and interests.

Spending 30 billion and not hesitating to go to war with Vietnam, is Fiery Cross Island so important?

In addition, Fiery Cross Island is also home to valuable freshwater resources, which are extremely rare for islands in the South China Sea. The discovery of this resource has not only improved the living conditions of Fiery Cross Island, but also increased its strategic value. According to experts, the formation of Fiery Cross Island's freshwater resources is related to the tropical climate and high temperatures, with a large amount of rainwater penetrating into the ground through the porous structure of the coral island, and seawater being distilled to form fresh water and stored underground.

Fiery Cross Island's strategic position is reflected not only in its geographical location, but also in its ability to radiate to the surrounding area. Fiery Cross Island and other important islands and reefs in the Spratlys, such as Mischief Island and Subi Island, have formed a favorable triangular defense posture and strengthened regional control capabilities. The island's long-range warning radar, anti-aircraft missiles, and other weapons and equipment ensure the island's security and stability.

Spending 30 billion and not hesitating to go to war with Vietnam, is Fiery Cross Island so important?

With the continuous development of Fiery Cross Island, its role in the South China Sea has become increasingly prominent. In the future, Fiery Cross Island is expected to become the most important transit and supply base in the South China Sea, further consolidating China's sovereignty and rights and interests in the South China Sea. The story of Fiery Cross Island is a microcosm of China's deep historical ties with the South China Sea and a manifestation of China's firm stance on safeguarding national territorial integrity.

In 1987, in response to the call of UNESCO, the State Oceanic Administration of China sent an expedition to the Nansha Islands to select a site for an oceanographic observatory. During this mission, the expedition team accidentally discovered Fiery Cross Reef, a huge island that was not marked on the nautical charts, and its geographical location was very special and had important strategic value. The discovery of Fiery Cross Reef not only fills in the gaps on the map, but also provides a valuable platform for China's marine observation and research in the South China Sea.

Spending 30 billion and not hesitating to go to war with Vietnam, is Fiery Cross Island so important?

In 1988, China decided to build an ocean observatory on Fiery Cross Reef, not only to fulfill its international obligations, but also to safeguard its sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea. However, the construction of Fiery Cross Reef was not an easy task, and it needed to overcome extreme challenges of the natural environment and numerous engineering difficulties. The expedition team members set up camp on the reef and began more than four months of investigation and construction work. With tenacious perseverance and superb engineering skills, they began the arduous land reclamation project.

In less than half a year, Fiery Cross Reef has grown from a small barren island reef to nearly 8,000 square meters of land. In the process, Chinese engineers have demonstrated outstanding expertise and determination, and they have accomplished this feat in a harsh environment of high temperatures, high salt, rain and wind. The construction of Fiery Cross Island not only provided a solid foundation for ocean observation, but also laid the cornerstone for the subsequent construction of military and administrative facilities.

Spending 30 billion and not hesitating to go to war with Vietnam, is Fiery Cross Island so important?

Over time, the construction of Fiery Cross Island has been expanded and improved. The Chinese government made a bold decision to build a modern island with a massive "sand reclamation" project on Fiery Cross Reef. The project uses a new land-building technology to dredge the seabed sand and gravel around Fiery Cross Reef using special dredgers, and then transport the sand and gravel to the designated area through high-pressure pumps and pipelines. In just eight months, Fiery Cross Island has expanded its land area to 2.8 square kilometers and has become an important island in the Spratly Islands.

The construction of Fiery Cross Island was not only geographically strategic, it also served as China's administrative and military command center in the South China Sea. A 3,000-meter-long airport runway has been built on the island, which can meet the take-off and landing needs of various large transport aircraft, and can even accommodate strategic transport aircraft. In addition, there is a 50,000-ton deep-water military port on the island, which can meet the berthing and replenishment needs of large ships. The construction of these facilities has greatly enhanced the military and administrative capabilities of Fiery Cross Island, making it an important fulcrum in the South China Sea.

Spending 30 billion and not hesitating to go to war with Vietnam, is Fiery Cross Island so important?

The development of Fiery Cross Island has also boosted the economy and tourism of the surrounding area. The island's abundant fishery resources attract a large number of fishermen to work and promote the development of local fisheries. At the same time, Fiery Cross Island has a pleasant climate and beautiful environment, and has the potential to develop an international tourism island. With the improvement of infrastructure and living conditions, Fiery Cross Island has gradually become a vibrant new city on the sea.

The construction of Fiery Cross Island is a manifestation of the improvement of China's comprehensive national strength, and also a demonstration of the Chinese people's unremitting self-improvement and courage to pioneer. From a small reef to a strategically important island, Fiery Cross's transformation is a testament to China's firm stance and unremitting efforts in the South China Sea. With the continuous development and improvement of Fiery Cross Island, it is bound to play a more important role in safeguarding the territorial integrity of the country and promoting regional peace and stability.

Spending 30 billion and not hesitating to go to war with Vietnam, is Fiery Cross Island so important?

The construction of Fiery Cross Island is an important measure for China to safeguard national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea. At the request of UNESCO, the State Oceanic Administration of China decided to establish an oceanographic observatory on Fiery Cross Reef in the Spratly Islands. This decision not only reflects China's commitment to international obligations, but also demonstrates China's firm position on the sovereignty of Nanhai Zhudao.

In 1988, the construction of Fiery Cross Island was officially launched. On March 14 of that year, the Chinese Navy engaged in an armed conflict with the Vietnamese Navy in the waters near Chigua Reef, known as the Battle of March 14 or the Battle of Chigua Reef. In this battle, the Chinese Navy showed decisive strength and strong determination, successfully repelled foreign aggression, and defended the country's territorial integrity and maritime rights and interests. This victory was not only a military victory, but also a major political and diplomatic victory, and it declared to the world that China's sovereignty in the South China Sea cannot be challenged.

Spending 30 billion and not hesitating to go to war with Vietnam, is Fiery Cross Island so important?

The construction process of Fiery Cross Island was full of hardships and challenges. In that era of limited technology, Chinese engineers and naval officers overcame the extreme natural environment and complex geopolitical situation to build Fiery Cross Reef from a humble coral reef into a strategically important island. In the process, China has not only physically expanded the area of Fiery Cross Reef, but also strategically strengthened its control and influence over the South China Sea.

With the continuous progress of the construction of Fiery Cross Island, the infrastructure of the island is becoming more and more perfect. A 3,000-meter-long runway has been built on the island, which can take off and land a variety of large military and civilian aircraft. In addition, the island has a deep-water port, hospitals, residential areas, and other domestic and military facilities, which have greatly improved Fiery Cross's living conditions and military defense capabilities.

Spending 30 billion and not hesitating to go to war with Vietnam, is Fiery Cross Island so important?

The construction of Fiery Cross Island also reflects China's rational use and development of resources in the South China Sea. The facilities on the island not only serve military purposes, but also provide important navigational and meteorological services for passing ships, ensuring the safety and smooth passage of the South China Sea route. At the same time, the construction of the island also takes into account the protection of the ecological environment, and strives to find a balance between development and protection.

The construction and development of Fiery Cross Island is an important part of China's maritime strategy. It not only strengthens China's military presence in the South China Sea, but also contributes to regional peace and stability. Fiery Cross Island's strategic location makes it an important fulcrum for China in the South China Sea, which is of great significance for maintaining regional maritime order and promoting maritime cooperation and common development.

Spending 30 billion and not hesitating to go to war with Vietnam, is Fiery Cross Island so important?

In short, the construction of Fiery Cross Island is a microcosm of China's efforts to safeguard national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea. It has witnessed the growth of China's navy and the enhancement of its comprehensive national strength, and also demonstrated China's firm determination and practical actions to safeguard national interests and promote regional peace and stability in the international arena.

Fiery Cross Island, the shining pearl of the South China Sea, has attracted much attention not only because of its strategic position, but also because of its rich natural resources, which has become a valuable asset for economic development. Fiery Cross Island and its surrounding waters are extremely rich in fishery resources, with a large number of coral reef fish and tropical oceanic fish of up to 364 species, making it an important fishing base in China. These fishery resources not only provide a livelihood for local fishermen, but also contribute a large number of high-quality seafood products to the global seafood market.

Spending 30 billion and not hesitating to go to war with Vietnam, is Fiery Cross Island so important?

In addition to fishery resources, the seabed around Fiery Cross Island is also rich in mineral resources. According to detection, there are dozens of metal elements including iron, manganese, copper, nickel, cobalt, lead, zinc and other metal elements, as well as non-metallic minerals such as zeolite and coral shell limestone. The development and utilization of these mineral resources is of great significance for promoting regional economic development and ensuring national resource security.

Fiery Cross Island has also made remarkable achievements in infrastructure construction. A 3,000-meter-long runway was built on the island, which not only facilitated military transportation, but also laid the foundation for the development of tourism. It is foreseeable that with the further improvement of the island's facilities, Fiery Cross Island will become an important aviation hub connecting China with Southeast Asia and even the rest of the world.

Spending 30 billion and not hesitating to go to war with Vietnam, is Fiery Cross Island so important?

There are also a number of hotels and tourist facilities on the island, which provide a comfortable accommodation and leisure environment for tourists. With the gradual opening up of tourism, Fiery Cross Island is expected to become an emerging tourist destination in the South China Sea, attracting domestic and foreign tourists to come for sightseeing and vacation. The natural beauty, marine ecology and unique cultural experiences here will make visitors unforgettable.

In addition, Fiery Cross Island is also home to extremely valuable freshwater resources. Geological surveys have revealed fresh water in 11 of the 27 exploratory wells drilled on the island. This discovery is of great significance for solving the drinking water problem of the island's residents and tourists, and also provides a water source for the island's agricultural and fishery production.

Spending 30 billion and not hesitating to go to war with Vietnam, is Fiery Cross Island so important?

The construction and development of Fiery Cross Island is a manifestation of China's comprehensive national strength and China's contribution to the peace, stability, prosperity and development of the South China Sea. With the continuous improvement of infrastructure and the rational development and utilization of natural resources, Fiery Cross Island will show more vigorous vitality and vitality, and become a dazzling pearl in the South China Sea.

Fiery Cross Island, an island located in the middle of the Spratly Islands, is gradually emerging as an important tourism and economic center in the South China Sea due to its unique geographical location and natural resources. Not only does it occupy the heart of the South China Sea geographically, but it also plays a pivotal role politically and militarily. The strategic location of Fiery Cross Island makes it a bridge connecting China with Southeast Asia and the world, which is of great significance for maintaining regional stability and promoting economic development.

Spending 30 billion and not hesitating to go to war with Vietnam, is Fiery Cross Island so important?

Fiery Cross Island is rich in natural resources, which provides a solid foundation for economic development. The fishery resources here are extremely rich, and there are many kinds of coral reef fish and tropical oceanic fish, which provide a rich material basis for the development of local fisheries and tourism. In addition, the waters around Fiery Cross Island are also rich in oil and gas resources and mineral resources, including iron, manganese, copper, nickel, cobalt, lead, zinc and other metal elements, as well as non-metallic minerals such as zeolite and coral shell limestone. The development and utilization of these resources will provide a powerful impetus for the economic development of Fiery Cross Island and the entire South China Sea region.

Fiery Cross Island's infrastructure is also changing with each passing day. A 3,000-metre-long runway has been built on the island, providing easy air access to the island's connection with the outside world. With the continuous improvement of the island's other infrastructure, such as hotels, hospitals, commercial centers, etc., Fiery Cross Island's tourism reception capacity and service level will be significantly improved, attracting more tourists to experience the natural beauty and unique culture of the South China Sea.

Spending 30 billion and not hesitating to go to war with Vietnam, is Fiery Cross Island so important?

The development of tourism will further drive the economic growth of Fiery Cross Island. Fiery Cross Island has unique natural landscapes and ecological environments, such as crystal clear waters, beautiful coral reefs, abundant marine life, etc., which are all important resources to attract tourists. Through the development of eco-tourism, island tourism and other projects, Fiery Cross Island is expected to become a well-known tourist destination in the South China Sea and even internationally.

Spending 30 billion and not hesitating to go to war with Vietnam, is Fiery Cross Island so important?

In short, with its unique geographical location, abundant resources and constantly improving infrastructure, Fiery Cross Island is gradually developing into a tourism and economic center in the South China Sea, and at the same time playing an irreplaceable role in politics and military. With the further development and construction of Fiery Cross Island, it will make greater contributions to the peace and development of China and the world.

Spending 30 billion and not hesitating to go to war with Vietnam, is Fiery Cross Island so important?

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