
I picked up a husband at the foot of the fairy mountain. It's a pity that he was scorched black by the thunder, and he can no longer practice

author:Little Plum pushes the book

I picked up a husband at the foot of the fairy mountain.

He is a rare genius in the cultivation realm for a thousand years, but unfortunately he was scorched black by the thunderbolt and can no longer practice.

I leaned down the mountain to sell wine, and I raised him day by day for three years.

But when he didn't want to get married, he turned around and ran, almost out of the afterimage.

I looked at the stunning male vixen glued up behind me.

It's okay to go.

Who said I could only pick one.

I picked up a husband at the foot of the fairy mountain. It's a pity that he was scorched black by the thunder, and he can no longer practice


In the fifth year of selling wine at the foot of Xianshan, dumplings fell from the sky.


A crowd of men fell from the sky.

I went late that day, and the man was picked all over again, and in the end he only picked up the one that was blackened by lightning.

The villagers in Jiang's village were gossiping around the charred charcoal.

They all said that not only did I have a bad brain, but also a bad vision, and I actually picked up a bad one.

I blushed with annoyance, and was so anxious that I rubbed his face with the rag that wiped the wine bottle, revealing his fair and delicate face.

He was salted in my rag, and his face flushed with drunkenness.

You see, there is still a tone.

It's also good-looking.

The villagers rolled their eyes, took out the posture of buying vegetables, picked the fat and thin, and laughed out loud.

"It's just picking up a little white face, Jiang Meng is still a baby."

"This small body can't be seen at first glance, what if it can't be passed on to the next generation?"

They advised me to go back and rummage through it to see if there was anything left. Or take the old ox in the family and add some silver, and exchange it with the other sisters in the village for a sturdy one.

I wrinkled my face.

There is indeed one left.

The conditions at home do not allow it, and it is true that I can only settle.

And I just seem to be vaguely touching his abs.

I was about to tear open his pants and prove to the villagers that he was good, but he pulled at the end of his pants with his last breath and fell off the bed in anger.


Didn't see a mosaic.

The villagers left disappointed.

I forked his stiff body with a branch.

And the tone.

The old scalper at home can be regarded as saved.

He lay stiff on the ground, staring at his eyes and shedding tears.


It turns out that these immortals also shed tears.


The Xie Bi I picked up is a genius that is rare in the cultivation world for a hundred years.

On the day he ascended, he triggered nine days of thunder, and black thunder rang out for seven days.

The last thunder, he failed.

Together with the cultivators who wanted to rub his aura, they cleaved down the immortal mountain together.

They were not seriously injured, and when they returned to Xianmen, each of the girls in the village was moisturized with oily water.

Xie Bi didn't leave.

He was cut off by the Nine Heavens Thunder, and he couldn't practice again.

My family was poor, and I was reluctant to sell the old cattle to change the medicine for him, so I could only go up the mountain and pick a little for him to use.

He drank all the medicine in one gulp, with the residue on his mouth, and asked me in a deep voice what kind of medicine I was using.

It's all common herbs in the mountains.

It's just that I picked a lot today, and I added a little fresh hand-to-hand green.

When I was boiling the medicine, I smelled it, and it was very fragrant, but I didn't know if it was ripe.

Xie Bi's face was red and blue.

That night, Xie Bi and my old cattle of ten years tossed in the cowshed for a night.

Lao Huang has a docile temperament, but he screamed extraordinarily loudly that night.

Shame, excitement, and anticipation.

Emotions are extraordinarily complex.

When I woke up at night, I picked up the light to look, and saw Xie Bi with a red face, holding the old scalper's ass.

"Senior sister, junior sister."

Xie Bi pursed his lips.

Lao Huang let out a mournful scream and kicked Xie Bi's two legs.

This Xie Bi is too inappropriate, and he won't let go of even a bull.

When Xie Bi was sober, he lay in the cowshed with his eyes dejected.

I laughed out loud.

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't worry about it yet."

Xie Bi's eyes lit up, and two suspicious blushes appeared on his face excitedly.


He's in such a hurry.

"I know that the grace of saving lives is promised by me, but the old man said that men and women should not be in a hurry."

I sighed and reached out to undo his clothes.

"Well, just this once, you got your way."

Xie Bi was so anxious that his ears were red, his collarbones were flushed with pink, and he pulled the placket of his shirt with difficulty, and stared at me with a stumbling face.

"You're shameless, you're lewd, you're — you—

"Don't worry, my teeth are very good, and my saliva will never flow down when I kiss you."

Xie Bi cried again.


It turns out that these boys who cultivate the truth love to cry so much.


After the beginning of spring, Xie Bi's body and bones eased up.

I went to the village blacksmith shop and got a wheelchair for Xie Bi.

On the day he got into the wheelchair, Xie Bi's empty eyes had light, he didn't speak, but he still couldn't help but rub every rivet on the wheel with his hand.

His heart was about to rejoice.

was so happy that before it was dark, he pushed his wheelchair as a deserter.

It's a pity that the countryside is muddy and difficult to walk.

When I took Lao Huang to bathe by the stream in the early morning, I saw Xie Bi lying in the field.

The newly typed wheelchair fell apart and swirled quietly around his side, leaving only one wheel on one side.

The pride of the sky, I'm afraid this is the most difficult moment of his life.

Xie Bi struggled to get up and get up, but finally lay down weakly.

"Help me."

Xie Bi was desperate.

I squatted on the edge of the ridge and pinched my nose in disgust as I saw his head planted in the cow dung in the field.

I suspect that this is the lump of old Huang pulled yesterday.

It's still fresh, with a bit of undigested grass.

Xie Bi cried again.

"I am a disciple of the Nine Heavens True Person, and I am a Tianjiao who comes out of the cultivation realm once in a thousand years."

He couldn't go any longer, and finally whispered.

"Let me go back."

I pulled him out of the dung heap in disgust.

"When you're ready, you can go back."

Xie Bi's eyes were full of defeat.

He knew he wasn't going to get better.

Even if he is an immortal sect, his roots and bones are broken, which means that he will never have a chance to practice from now on.


When the morning light penetrated the jungle, I led the old ox carrying Xie Bi back home.

The grass was full of squirping insects.


Xie Bi looked up at the sky, there was a sword cloud left by immortals flying in the sky, and he raised his hand and pointed at it.

"I learned swords at the age of six, built a foundation at the age of ten, a long sword is vertical and horizontal, I am the first among my peers, and I am praised by real people for my outstanding talent, which is the hope of the cultivation realm."

I looked up at the thinning sword cloud.

I also learned to make wine at the age of six, but unfortunately I never studied seriously for a day, and a bowl of bitter wine made the old man blow his beard and stare at him every day.

"So what? No, one nose and two eyes."

"You don't understand."

Xie Bi paused.

"I'm going back."

Xie Bi looked at me sideways, his eyes shining faintly, like a lone wolf in the jungle.

"Ah Jiang girl is innocent and simple, it's okay if you don't understand."

He looked intently at me, his eyes were bright.

"What do you want? If Xie can do it in the future, he will be a girl......

I glanced with disgust at the messy cow dung on his head.

"Then can you help me not go back?"

Xie Bi shook his head.

"Then I will be full every day, happy every day, and a bridegroom every night."

Xie Bi blushed awkwardly.

"Where did Miss Jiang learn these tiger and wolf words?"

"Old man."

An old man who can only make bitter wine.

I raised my hand and patted the old scalper's buttocks, and the old yellow walked faster and farther.

The mountain road we walked on became the reflection of ink behind us.

The slightly reddened sunlight illuminated the monument of Jiangjia Village as if it had been plated with a layer of gold.

Xie Bitie's blue face was slightly stunned.

In the village with smoke in the distance, there is a vague figure of a woman returning from the lotus field.

Jiangjia Village is mostly filled with women and half-grown children.

Women farming, women weaving, except for the elderly, the village is still a man in the prime of life, only the lame blacksmith Zhang.

Xie Bi frowned.


I took a stick of grass in my mouth and counted it with my fingers.

"A few years ago, the Xiuzhen Immortal Family wanted to dig up the Spirit Stone Immortal Mine and took a batch with them.

"Later, the Immortal Family wanted to compete with the Demon King for the spirit stone vein, and they requisitioned another batch.

"The ...... of the Queen's Return"

There is no more later, the fingers are still there, but there are not enough people.

I clenched my palms and looked at Xie Bi steadily.

"So, can you stay here for me?

"Cultivation requires the use of spirit stones to induce qi into the body, the higher the cultivation, the more spirit stones are used, because of this spirit stone, so many people have died......

"Xie Bi, do you have to practice?"

Xie Bi tilted his head slightly.


I decided to take Xie Bi out to sell wine.

Men, they haven't passed the door yet, they always live in the cowshed, and it's normal to be a little small.

I pushed him to my little liquor stall in town.

I was selling wine in front of me, and he was basking in the sun at my side.

The sun was very good, and the sun was warm, and Xie Bi's pale face seemed to be plated with a layer of gold.

I sold wine all day and still didn't have a single customer.

Xie Bi became my first guest.

The wine is bitter.

He frowned.

He asked me why this wine was bitter with a wine glass, and I smiled and said that this wine is called gin, which is bitter.

He laughed at me as much as the townsfolk did.

I don't understand.

Indeed, this wine is bitter.

The old man said, "When I can make a sweet wine that is not bitter, this wine will be completed."

But the old man hasn't brewed it all his life, and now it's my turn.

I bit the dog's tail grass and leaned on Xie Bi's knee to watch the sky.

Bitterness is bitterness.

"Why does it have to be made into sweet wine?

"Cultivating together is also extremely hard, but one day peeking through the avenue and ascending through the tribulation is the sweetness of cultivating the truth."

Xie Bi rarely looked at me seriously, and his eyes were full of light that I couldn't understand.

"One day, you will understand that people are born, old, sick and die, and there is only the road that is the endless way back."

I didn't quite understand it, so I reached out and slapped a fly to death.


When the maple leaves were red, I pushed Xie Bi to the tailor's shop and pulled two red cloths.

It's a little more expensive, but it's always more decent to get married.

The silver is deducted from his dowry.

The setting sun shone on Xie Bi's face, his eyes were dark, and his eyes were full of emotions that I couldn't understand.

"Ah Jiang, I can't marry you."

I tilted my head and asked him why.

"Don't you have to repay the life-saving grace?"

Xie Bi's face flushed.

"It's different."

I looked at his handsome face and suddenly understood.

"You and my old cow are not fruitful, and next spring, he will go to breed with Chunniang's cow.

"There's something called species isolation, you know?"

Xie Bi's face was as green as a newly knotted gourd in the forest behind the mountain.


When the dress was ready, I asked Xie Bi to write an invitation for me.

I am not good at writing, when the old man picked me up, he wanted to teach me to read and write, I was stupid, only a brute force, and often made the old man angry.

The old man may have been by me, and when he left, his beard was still on his back.

But it doesn't matter, the old man said, the grace of saving my life is promised by myself, and I will have Xie Bi in the future, and I will have a companion in my life.

Xie Bi sat stiffly on the stool, looking at the red paper in a daze, and refused to pick up the pen.

I thought it was him who recognized his life.

"Zhang Aniu is the blacksmith who gave you a wheelchair.

"Hu Cuihua is the aunt next door who often gives us eggs.

"Li Xiuxiu, it's the one who gave you a flattering look at the village head, well, she looks better than me, so I still don't invite her."

I folded my fingers and counted our guests for him.

Xie Bi probably thought I was too noisy, staring at me with a pair of deep eyes, and his pale and slender fingertips clenched the pen tightly.

"Ah Jiang, I can't ......."

When Xie Bi spoke, his face was ugly for a while.

I understand.

He may have been in a wheelchair for a long time and had an itchy butt.

I'm going to crouch down and help him take off his pants.

I don't know what I thought, Xie Bi grabbed his pants with both hands in horror.

"Ah Jiang girl, don't, this is not appropriate——。

After he broke his leg, I helped him take a bath, helped him go to the toilet, and scratched his buttocks.

The pants snapped as the two of us scrambled.

Xie Bi blushed violently and reluctantly pulled back a piece of cloth to cover his shame.

"Someone, someone is watching."

I squatted in front of Xie Bi's knees, tilted my head slightly, and saw that the window was opened in a corner, and the old ox in the cowshed was looking into our house with big flickering eyes.


The grass on the old yellow head was shiny green.

Xie Bi pushed his wheelchair and escaped.

I looked at the stack of red paper on the table and frowned.

Damn it.

The invitation has not yet been written.


On the day we got married, Lao Huang fell in the cowshed and didn't think about eating.

I walked around the old man's grave in a bright red wedding dress, and the color was rare and bright.


I finally have company.

Once upon a time, the old man said that I would always be alone until I made sweet wine.

He's always been right, just like he counts his own death.

But this time he was a split.

I'm going to get married, and Xie Bi.

When I went home to worship the church, the small courtyard was full of people.

Li Xiuxiu, who often came to peek at Xie Bi's bath, also came.

Oops, I didn't have her wine.

Li Xiuxiu watched sympathetically as I squeezed into the courtyard.

Lao Huang, who hadn't eaten or drunk for seven days and seven nights, stood in the courtyard, mooing at Xie Bi, he was very irritable, like scolding a negative man.

I saw Xie Bi.

He stood in the ranks of cultivators in brocade clothes and fairy spirits.

Yes, he stood up.

It took me three years to heal my leg, but in a few moments, he was able to stand.

Those who are engaged in the business of repairing the truth are really different.

He didn't wear the dress I cut for him.

Xie Bi is dressed in white and wins snow, compared with me in red, I am like a marriage, and he is like a funeral.

I remembered the paper kite he released at the top of the mountain last night.

The paper kite swayed in the wind, but finally brought his news to the fairy gate.

After all, he was the cultivator who was most likely to ascend in the cultivation realm in the past thousand years.

Xianmen can't give up on him, he can't give up on himself, so only I give up.

I embarrassedly hid the red hijab behind my back.

"Xie Xianjun is good to go."

A fairy laughed and looked at me with compassion as if he were looking at a poor worm.

"Senior brother, look, she's shaking, she seems to be about to cry."

Xie Bi's face was still as cold.

It turned out that this was the junior sister in his dream.

She's so beautiful, so beautiful that she looks like she was carved out of a mural.

The fairy handed me a string of sugar gourds and patted me on the shoulder.

"Here you go, eat something sweet, and you won't want to cry."

Her tone was like coaxing a child who didn't understand her mind.

I showed off a bunch of sugar gourds in one go.

But my heart is still sore.


When Xie Bi left, the sword flew immortal and broke through the clouds.

Lao Huang screamed even more fiercely in the yard.

Live like a shrew.

I poured myself a bowl of bitter wine brewed by myself and shouted at Xie Bi's figure.

"Xie Bi, I'll let you go back!"

Xie Bi's figure staggered in the air for a moment, and disappeared faster, I hugged Lao Huang's neck, and ate the exhaust on the spot.

He left me a fairy note.

He said that as long as I have a wish and write it on the fairy note, he will know it and will help me realize it.

I quickly shoved the fairy note into the stove.

What a thing.

I stopped Li Xiuxiu, who had rubbed the table and was full of food and drink.

"Xiuxiu, your brother doesn't seem to be married yet, do you think I'll be your sister-in-law?"

Li Xiuxiu rudely picked her teeth and bared her teeth, revealing the leeks that had not been chewed on the root of her teeth.

"Phew, dream about you!"


The old man was right again.

He said I would be alone until I made liqueur.

I didn't understand it before, so Xie Bi ran away.

When I ran, I didn't pay back the life-saving grace.

It's all liars.

I poured ten pounds of sugar into the bitter wine.

That's sweet enough, isn't it?

I took a sip of it, and I shivered with bitterness.

It's even more bitter.

I was shaking in the moonlight.

If only the old man couldn't count accurately, even once.

I took advantage of the drunkenness to strengthen my courage and mixed with the team that went to Xianshan to dig dung.

I pushed the dung cart and met Xie Bi.

He is very good, he is strong-willed, even if his roots and bones are broken, he will re-embark on the path of cultivating true immortals.

I gave a thumbs up, worthy of being a man who holds the script of the male protagonist of Shuangwen.

The disciples of the Immortal Sect urged me to leave quickly.

As I was leaving, I saw the fairy, holding a clean handkerchief, wiping her sweat for Xie Bi.

Fairy heroes, it should be like them.

His companion can't be my turn.


I took out twenty taels of silver that I had hidden under the stove.

I have kept this silver for three years, and I originally kept it for Xie Bi to treat his legs, but now I can't use it.

I found Li Xiuxiu with the silver and pestered her to ask her where I could buy a husband.

Li Xiuxiu scoffed, let me go to the flower building to find a Lang Jun to be happy, and stop worrying about those negative people who cultivate truth.

I didn't understand, but I still found Hualou according to what Xiuxiu said.

The old bustard looked at my twenty taels of silver, and directly asked the four turtle males to fork it out for me with one hand and foot.

I was dumped in the garbage.

"You just have twenty taels of silver, and you want to buy a Lang Jun?

"In our Wanchun Building, even the oldest and ugliest are not only worth this value."

The bustard threw my money on my head.

"Get out of here, don't delay me in business."

I lay on the dirty ground and looked up at the sky, where there was a sword cloud of immortals galloping by, turning into a long rainbow and splitting the sky.

That's great.

I used to hear the old man brag that he always flew like this, but then he couldn't fly, and a bowl of gin drowned him in the wine jar for the rest of his life.

I want to just lie down like this.

It's a pity that when I opened my eyes again, I saw a delicate and handsome face in front of me, with the tails of my eyes slightly upturned, dotted with a drop of bewitching cinnabar.

He's so good-looking.

Xie Bi is like a piece of 10,000-year-old ice, he is like galloping lava.

His narrow phoenix eyes narrowed and he smiled.

"I heard you want to buy a Lang-kun?"

I nodded.

"What do you think of me?"

I shook my head.

"You're expensive, I can't afford it."

He laughed out loud, two rows of teeth, clean and neat.

"I don't want money, just give me your dreams."

And this kind of good thing.

The old man is right, girls who love to laugh will not have too bad luck.

I stood up again.

The old man said that pie does not fall from the sky.

If you drop it, rush it.

I clung twenty taels of silver in my bosom.

If you don't need money, it does smell good.

Damn, I'm right to this old man again.