
I followed him for ten years, and he still didn't love me, and after my family went bankrupt, he followed the wishes of his predecessors and married me

author:Little Plum pushes the book

I have been following Zhou Zechuan for ten years, and he still doesn't love me.

After my family went bankrupt, he had to follow the wishes of his predecessors and marry me.

He never touched me, only pampered the little white flowers outside.

He said, "Lin Shuyu is a poor woman, who would want her if she left me?"

But later, I really disappeared into his world, and he was in a hurry.

"Xiaoyu, I was sorry for you before, I changed it, I changed it, please give me a chance."

But I don't need it anymore.

I followed him for ten years, and he still didn't love me, and after my family went bankrupt, he followed the wishes of his predecessors and married me


The minute hand points to twelve.

The table was full of food, and it was already cold.

Today is the anniversary of my three-year marriage to Zhou Zechuan, and I have been waiting for him for a day.

I rubbed my sore leg and told Mama Wang to throw the food away.

In fact, I didn't expect him to come back, and in the past three years, Zhou Zechuan has rarely come back.

I know he doesn't want to face me.

He would rather sleep in the company than come back and see my face.

It's just because this marriage was not of his own volition, it was forced by my father.

I didn't want to wait any longer for him and went back to my room alone.

I'm used to living in this house alone.

In a daze, I felt a piece collapse around me.

Turning my head, I saw Zhou Zechuan, whose eyes were blurred and his face was abnormally red.

He tugged at his tie impatiently, his hands fumbling his way closer to my body under the covers.

His body was cold, and I shivered subconsciously.

"Sawakawa? Are you drunk?"

He took my hand and pulled it out, put it on his neckline, and commanded in a deep voice, "Untie it for me."

I was amazed at his proximity, and in the past, he hated my touch the most.

I swallowed the emotions in my heart and helped him untie his tie untiring untiring it not very skillfully.

His eyes were so dark that he stared straight at me, giving me the illusion that he was awake.

But he's probably going to push me away.

With bitterness in my heart, I was about to lie back, but I was dragged into my arms by Zhou Zechuan.

His movements were rude, and my nightdress was nearly torn.

He buried his head in my neck, his lips pressed against my skin, greedily sucking.

I was tickled, but I didn't want to push him away.

At this moment, it is a moment of warmth that I have only gained through the drunken him.

His hands were big and hot.

I was imprisoned by him and couldn't stop shaking.

He seemed to realize my fear and stubbornness in fighting with myself.

Zhou Zechuan bit my lip, grinding, and chuckled.

"Afraid of what? If you're afraid, don't do it, okay?"

Holding back my tears, I shook my head desperately, reached over his shoulder, and offered a kiss.

He seemed to be useful, the room was warm, and the stickiness of a rainy night spread into the house.

"Zhou Zechuan ......"

I shouted softly.

The man in front of me is someone I've liked for more than ten years.

I've called his name for more than ten years, but I've received very few responses.

I wanted to cry, but he mistook it for me.

He flipped me over, and I hit my head on the cabinet and screamed in pain.

He didn't care, he leaned over and wanted to kiss me.

"Why are you so well-behaved today? Xiaoyi."

Zhou Zechuan's face was close at hand, and the hot breath he exhaled sprinkled on my face.

I felt like I was falling into an ice cellar.

"What do you call me?"

Zhou Zechuan was dissatisfied with my blocking action, but he still cooperated to answer my questions.

The indulgence on his face made his heart palpitate: "Xiaoyi, my baby Xiaoyi, what's wrong?"


I jerked him away and pulled the covers over me.

The tears flowed uncontrollably, and it wasn't until this moment that it dawned on me.

Zhou Zechuan doesn't love me.

He treated me like someone else.

Otherwise, a woman who had a warm relationship with him, let him linger, and patiently coaxed.

Zhou Zechuan fell to the ground and sobered up a lot.

The moment he saw me, his face flashed with remorse and helplessness, and then immediately returned to a cold appearance.

He didn't have the slightest hint of explanation, calmly gathered himself up, and calmly prepared to leave.

"Get out! Zhou Zechuan, you're disgusting!"

I grabbed the wedding photo from the head of the bed and slammed it at him.

My voice was shaking, and the surging sadness and anger almost overwhelmed me.

How can he cheat? Even if he doesn't love me, how can he love other women?

I gave him everything, why did he leave me to love other women.

Zhou Zechuan silently packed up the photo frame and put it back on the head of the bed.

His silence made me angry, and I picked up the pillow and smashed it on top of him.

While smashing, scolding.

scolded him for being wolf-hearted and dog-hearted, and scolded him for not believing in his words.

"You obviously promised your father, Zhou Zechuan, you obviously promised, why did you cheat?

"If it weren't for our family's funding, you wouldn't be the way you are now, how dare you do this to me!"

Zhou Zechuan suddenly snatched the pillow, his muscles burst out, and the coldness in his eyes was as piercing as ice.

He grabbed my jaw and his voice sounded like ice.

"Lin Shuyu, do you know how much I hate you? Your dad is gone, who do you think your life depends on now? If you make any more trouble, I'll throw you out and let you taste what it's like to live on the streets."

My tears fell on his hands and were wiped away by him in disgust.

He stopped looking at me, turned around, and slammed the door shut.

The loud noise completely broke my already tense nerves, and I shuddered with my hands and felt for two sleeping pills.

Still can't stop palpitating.

I don't know how long it was, and I had to sleep on sleeping pills every night.

This cold room is more like a cage than home.

A cage that I was once willing to be trapped in.


When I first met Zhou Zechuan, I didn't like him.

He was dirty and out of place in the environment I had been exposed to since I was a child.

I thought he would be like the children my father had helped in the past, showing a disgusting humility and flattery.

I deliberately targeted him and refused to sit at the same table with him to eat, wanting to embarrass him.

But he just went back to his little room silently, and I was bored, and for several days I didn't ask anyone to keep his food.

He was already thin and always silent, and finally fainted from hunger.

When my father found out, he reprimanded me severely.

I was very aggrieved and thought it was Zhou Zechuan's complaint.

I ran to the ward in a rage, only to find him thinner than I thought.

Zhou Zechuan turned his head to look at the pear blossoms outside the window, and the exposed hand bones were clearly visible, as if they could be easily broken.

At that time, I learned that Zhou Zechuan had no family.

His parents were hastily buried in an accident at the construction site, and only 20,000 yuan was given to him.

And that construction site is my father's property.

For the first time, I felt helpless and remorseful for my childishness.

Thinking about it later, almost all of my first time was related to Zhou Zechuan.

He went to the same school as me, and many girls liked him, after all, he was already tall and handsome at that time, with excellent grades and a melancholy temperament, and no one liked him.

Including me.

I hated the love letters that the girls wrote to him and ordered him to throw them all away.

He will not refuse my words.

I have long regarded Zhou Zechuan as my thing, if someone covets it, I will drive him away, if someone bullies him, I will help him take revenge.

Almost everyone tacitly agreed that the two of us were a couple.

Zhou Zechuan never explained.

Zhou Zechuan slowly showed his talent for business, and his father was very satisfied and supported him to enter the company early.

Zhou Zechuan worked very hard, trying his best to climb up little by little.

My father had already seen my thoughts, and he didn't object, but just told me to put myself first, and if I was unhappy, I had to withdraw in time.

At that time, I firmly believed that Zhou Zechuan loved me, and he would never approach any woman except me, and his eyes would only focus on me.

I don't like finance, so I learned to paint despite my father's opposition, and I often secretly went to Zhou Zechuan's school to see him when I was separated from each other.

Gradually, I became the one who became a pleaser, and the person who followed me also became me.

I didn't notice it at all, and I decided that we liked each other.

Just when I thought everything was perfect, my father suddenly fell ill.

I felt like the sky was falling, and I spent the day in tears.

At that time, I couldn't get through to Zhou Zechuan's phone, and he refused all my communication.

I ran to his school and stood downstairs in his dorm room in the rain, and he refused to see me.

He could reject me, but he couldn't reject my father.

My father took my hand and warned Zhou Zechuan that as long as he was still in the Lin family's company for a day, he had to treat me well.

I thought I was in love with Zhou Zechuan, but when the person who loved me in the world was about to disappear, I found that nothing mattered.

My father gave me the shares and gave him the position.

The moment my father left, my heart followed suit.

I clearly realized that Zhou Zechuan didn't love me at all, and everything he did was just to enter the company.

The people in this world who really love me are gone.


Mr. Zhou hasn't been back since that night.

I no longer have to wait hopelessly in an empty house.

I drew up the divorce agreement and put it in the most conspicuous place to ensure that Zhou Zechuan could see it at a glance.

But Zhou Zechuan blocked me, and I couldn't contact him.

Finally, in the evening, his friend said he was drunk and asked me to pick him up.

I didn't refuse, I just made it clear to him face to face.

In the past three years, we have learned from each other, and it is enough.

I put on a cloak and drove in the cold wind.

Before I could enter the box, I heard voices inside.

The men's boast is endless, and the women's voices are charming.

I subconsciously frowned, Zhou Zechuan didn't look like he would participate in this kind of party.

Sure enough, he wasn't as drunk and unconscious as his friends had said.

I didn't want to go in and text his friend to call him out.

Tomoyu Death Society.

The discussion inside became more and more unbearable, all kinds of foul language, and the men talked about women with great interest, and even compared their wives and lovers.

I didn't bother to listen anymore and turned to leave.

But a sweet voice stopped me.

"Mr. Zhou, you can also tell me, it is said that you and your wife grew up together since childhood, and their relationship is very good."

Through the crack in the door, I saw Zhou Zechuan turning the wine glass in his hand expressionlessly.

He didn't speak, and the people around him naturally didn't dare to squeak.

The beautiful woman next to him looked bold, clinging to his arm and shaking it dissatisfiedly.

It seemed to hear the negative words from his mouth.

I realized in hindsight that she was probably Xiaoyi.

She looks young and looks beautiful without much makeup.

Zhou Zechuan didn't refuse, and let her lean in his arms.

Without Zhou Zechuan to speak, naturally someone can say something that makes her happy.

"Where is Miss Yi, in Mr. Zhou's heart, where can that woman compare with you? If we don't have you as our female companion at any banquet, we can't even take a look, baby!"

The echo of everyone made Xiaoyi very proud, as if she was already Zhou Zechuan's wife.

She boldly sat on Zhou Zechuan's lap, put her arms around his neck, and her tone was full of possession: "Ah Chuan, you divorce her, I want to marry you."

I tugged at the door tightly, letting the scene in front of me linger in my mind, and I was stunned over and over again.

Zhou Zechuan is a very conservative person, in the past, he never let me hold his hand in front of others.

And at this moment, in full view of everyone, he just held Xiaoyi's waist so that she would not fall.

But Xiaoyi was still dissatisfied, grabbing his hand and putting it on her chest: "Okay, okay? You don't hate that woman the most, divorce her, marry me, you said you loved me the most."

Many people made a lot of noise, and the atmosphere in the private room was particularly lively.

But Zhou Zechuan only sat quietly and did not speak.

I don't know what Zhou Zechuan is thinking, he pursed his lips, no matter how he looks at it, he wants to refuse.

But doesn't he hate me?


"Don't make a fuss, Lin Shuyu is just a poor woman, if you leave me, no one will want her."

Zhou Zechuan kissed Xiaoyi's face as if soothingly: "You know that I love you the most, that woman is mean and vicious, don't be angry because of her."

I stood there in a daze, silently listening to what my husband had to say about me.

It turns out that in his heart, I have always been a mean and vicious person.

There was a violent emotion in my chest, even though I had known Zhou Zechuan's dislike for me, I never thought that he would always look at me like this.

Obviously, he was bullied since he was a child, and I protected him behind me and told others that he was a member of the Lin family, so that others would no longer dare to provoke him.

Obviously, when he wanted to join the company, I assured my father over and over again that I believed that he would be competent.

Even now, after I got married, he never respected me, let me be made fun of, I never questioned him, and still kept his favorite dishes every night and waited for him to come back.

Why did he frame me like that?

I couldn't take it anymore and kicked the door open.

When everyone saw me, they were instantly silent.

Zhou Zechuan's expression was unnatural for a moment, and then quickly recovered.

"Did you hear it all?"

I didn't speak, my eyes rolling back and forth between him and Xiaoyi.

Xiaoyi was stared at unnaturally by me, and took the initiative to get off Zhou Zechuan.

I smiled at her, "It's okay, don't care about me, you go on, I'm not here to break you up."

Zhou Zechuan frowned, his eyes full of coldness.

"Lin Shuyu, what do you mean?"

"I mean, it doesn't matter to me how you love it."

I threw the divorce agreement in his face: "I came today to divorce you, and I dumped you, Zhou Zechuan."

Xiao Yi held the paper, her eyes glowing with hope.

But Zhou Zechuan didn't look at it: "I don't agree."

He looked straight at me, his eyes burning with anger: "I don't agree to the divorce, Lin Shuyu, you are good at your methods, do you think I will go back in this way?" In my dreams, I hate it when people threaten me."

Zhou Zechuan is still so self-righteous, he still feels that I am trying to capture him, and I want to use means to redeem him.

He thought that no matter how much he hurt me, I would never leave because I loved him so much.

"I'm not going to talk to you, I'm here to inform you."

I said lightly, "It's useless to tear it up, and there are copies. I will leave, you will have no loss, in the future, you want to be with Miss Yi or Miss Li, you can be above board, it has nothing to do with me."

Zhou Zechuan stared at me deadly, as if he wanted to see the evidence of lying in my eyes.

I'm going to let him down, I don't want him anymore.

As if seeing my seriousness, Zhou Zechuan's eyes were confused.

"Lin Shuyu, if you leave, don't think about going back."

I nodded, I had no intention of looking back.

Before leaving, I seemed to hear Zhou Zechuan's laughter.

"Okay, I've wanted to get rid of you for a long time, Lin Shuyu, you have oppressed me since I was a child, how much you like me, how much I hate you. You'd better go far and never regret it!"

He had a high pitch and a vented smile, as if he was very happy.

The people around him were afraid to speak.

It's not like him anymore.

The idea popped into me.

But I don't bother to argue that this marriage is a shackle for both of us.

It doesn't matter what happened before.


I exhaled a chilly breath and looked up, and there were only a few faint stars in the night sky.

Lonely, cold.

I suddenly didn't know where I was going.

It's like I don't have a home again.

I walked aimlessly, and I don't know how many trails I walked before I realized the footsteps I had been following behind me.

I jerked my head back, and the man was exposed, and his movements stiffened and he wanted to leave.


I was a little unsure, the man's face was a little hard to see in the night.

But that doesn't stop me from welcoming him.

Tonight, he called me here and told me to recognize Zhou Zechuan completely.

"You're here to see my jokes?"

Mu Chi looked up at me, and I found that his eyes were brighter than the stars.

There were mixed emotions in it that I couldn't tell the difference.

"Zhou Zechuan, he actually doesn't really like Yi Yi."

I chuckled, "What does it have to do with me? I don't care about him anymore."

I turned around and continued walking, and Mu Chi continued to follow.

I'm a little annoyed, in fact, Mu Chi has known me and Zhou Zechuan for a long time.

In the past, when we were going to get married, Mu Chi had strongly objected, he looked at me and always wanted to stop talking, after I married Zhou Zechuan, he went abroad, I didn't see him for a few years, I thought he didn't like me.

But now that Zhou Zechuan and I are about to divorce, he is chasing after him.

"What the hell are you going to do? Redeem me for Zhou Zechuan? I don't care if Zhou Zechuan likes that woman or not, it has nothing to do with me, I don't want to hear his name again!"

My tone is impulsive, I know.

I was aggrieved, sad, and I held it for a long time.

It's Mu Chi's bad luck and he has to hit me. was vented by me, he deserved it.

I glared at him fiercely and confided all the grievances of these years.

Mu Chi, who had always been flamboyant, obediently stood in place, motionless and listened to my hysteria.

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