
I am the infamous eldest lady in the Beijing circle. Because of his arrogant temper, he was sent to the mountains by his parents to grind his temperament

author:Little Plum pushes the book

I am the infamous eldest lady in the Beijing circle.

Because of his arrogant temper, he was sent to the mountains by his parents to grind his temperament.

The man in charge of me has a bony face, so handsome that it makes people speechless.

"Let's go."

I stared at the face, "Where?"

He shoved a hoe and "planted."


The man carried me into the half-man-high cornfield with one hand, and coaxed me earnestly:


"Go farming."

I am the infamous eldest lady in the Beijing circle. Because of his arrogant temper, he was sent to the mountains by his parents to grind his temperament


"I'll take care of your diet for the next month."

"Who's in charge of you?"

I glared at him in annoyance.

Immersion dwelling.

I looked at it again.

The man had a bony face, and a black shirt outlined a thin waist.

But the gold wire frame adds a bit of Sven.

There is a sense of yuppie that does not belong to this barren mountain.

Fu Chen lit a cigarette and said in a deep and slow tone, "Mr. Li threw you to me, saying that you should sharpen your temperament."

"Miss Li, you don't have a choice."


My dad Li Ming is the big man in the Beijing circle in the mouth of others.

On the side of the shock outside, but at home she is a daughter slave who spoils me lawlessly.

Recently, the old man didn't know what kind of wind to smoke, so he had to send me to the mountains where this bird doesn't.

said that it was going to make me suffer a little and sharpen my temperament.

No, who wants this farmer to grind my temperament?

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became.

I spread my hands and said, "Cell phone, I'm going to call my dad."


"All communications equipment will be confiscated and returned in a month."

He glanced at his watch, "Let's go."


As I spoke, the man shoved a hoe into my hand.

"Go farming."


I looked at the yellow earth in front of me and frowned.

"Crazy, huh?"

"Let me farm for you, do you know how expensive my shoes are?"

Fu Chen swept his eyes, "A hundred?"


I was.

It's really unnecessary to ask this master.

Too lazy to talk nonsense with him again, I turned around and left.

There was no sound of chasing footsteps behind him.

What the?

Stop me, coax me.

He took a lot of money from the old man, so he wasn't really going to let me walk down the mountain, right?

Finally, Fu Chen's calm voice came from behind him.

"The road to the west is infested with wild wolves, and the road to the east is steep, and people just fell and died last month."

"To the south is a cliff, and there is no road."

"Miss Lai, please."

I gritted my teeth and turned back, "Please be big."

Pick up the hoe.

I paddled behind Fu Chen.

His eyes swept over the man's back with indignation, but he was inexplicably a little deflated.

Men with broad shoulders and narrow waists, standard inverted triangles.

Long legs and a straight back.

Even the hand holding the hoe is slender and beautiful.


The hoe dances so well.

Those hands look very flexible.

"See what?"

was suddenly caught by Fu Chen.

I withdrew my gaze from his hand and smiled.

"It's okay, I just think your hands are very useful......

"Oh no, it's pretty good."


It was noon, and the air was hot and stuffy.

I trembled and learned Fu Chen to swing his hoe, and my hands were sore in two clicks.

I complained to him, "My hand hurts."

The hands that passed it were spread out, and they were flushed red.

If you look closely, there are still hidden blisters grinding out.

I bit my lip, "That thing is thick and hard, too abrasive to the hand."

But I saw Fu Chen glancing at me, and his eyes were quite meaningful.

After a pause, "Just get used to it."

But his innocent eyes made me understand that this man definitely wanted to go astray.


I simply broke the jar and broke it, "Brother, you also hoeed my ground, okay?"

"People's hands are red, their feet hurt, and their waists are sore......


The man's eyebrows jumped, "Do it yourself."

I was so desperate that the hoe was stuffed back, "There's still half an hour."

"I can't finish it, I don't have anything to eat at night."

…… Dog man.


Finally called it a day.

I squatted on the side of the road, "I can't walk, my feet hurt."

"My hand hurts, too, and it hurts anywhere."

I thought that Fu Chen would treat it coldly again.


The man crouched down in front of me, "Come up."

I was stunned for two seconds.

Unceremoniously threw himself on the shoulder.

Fu Chen protected me with one hand, carried farming tools with the other, and walked very steadily on my back.

But from my point of view, only ......

His tight and powerful chest muscles are still vigorous through his shirt.

In the past, there were many male models.

As soon as his head twitched, he touched it.

"Lai Hao."

The man's voice gritting his teeth came, a little annoyed and angry, "Settle down."


I honestly lay on his shoulder.

Suddenly, I noticed that the roots of Fu Chen's ears were a little red.

No way.

Is this the root of the ear red?

With the face of this old cadre, he plays with innocence?


In the small courtyard, my face was ugly.

"That's what you call dinner?"


Fu Chen served me a bowl of porridge boiled with sweet potatoes, and there was only a plate of steamed buns and two small pickles on the table.

"Don't eat it!"

I was angry, "Dogs don't eat this thing."


Fu Chen responded.

He turned his head and poured my porridge into his bowl and ate it in three or two bites.

Don't forget to stuff me with an empty bowl.

"Miss Li remembered to brush the dishes."



Hungry and flustered.

I snuck out to eat.

However, after a turn -

Cold pot cold stove.

When the rats came, they had to run in tears.

I had two lines of tears.

I wanted to go to Fu Chen to order something to eat, but I couldn't lose face.

Thoughtful remembrance.

Between stealing food and being ashamed, I chose to steal people.

Thinking of Fu Chen's red ears when he was touched, I made a bold decision.

Seduce him.

And then get something to eat out of nowhere.

That kind of innocent hanging, it should be easy to handle, right?


Fu Chen's door was unlocked.

I sneaked open the door.


The wooden door was in disrepair, and the sound was particularly harsh at night.

Fortunately, the snoring in the house did not stop.

I climbed lightly onto the plank bed.

And then.

And then there became.

How to seduc?

When I was in Jingbei, sometimes I ordered two male models to drink with me on a whim, and they were all trying to seduce me.

But thinking about the tragic experience of the whole day, I gritted my teeth and straddled Fu Chen's waist.

The man's body was slightly stiff.

The next second.

The warm and powerful palm pressed on my shoulder, and when I came back to my senses, the person had been pressed under him.

Hands are tied.

The warm breath fell on my ears.

"Miss Lai, what is this?"

"Arithmetic ......"

I was so nervous that I almost bit my tongue, "Seduction?"

Fu Chen was stunned for two seconds and smiled.

It was the first time I'd ever seen him smile.

The original sharp silhouette was much softer because of this smile, and he glanced at me and let go, "Go back."


I'm a little unhappy with this man's flirtatious attitude.

"This is Miss Ben's first seduction."


I bit my lip, I couldn't tell what the psychology was, and I sat back unwillingly, "So you have to react!"


Fu Chen didn't speak.

There was some subtle awkwardness in the atmosphere.

Because, he did give me a reaction.

It seems to have gone too far.

I blushed and coerced again, but when I tried to escape, I was frightened back by the sudden ringing of my mobile phone.

Fu Chen took out his mobile phone and raised his eyebrows, "Your father."

Before I could react, he answered the phone.

"Mr. Lai."


I couldn't hear what my dad was saying on the phone.

I saw Fu Chen look at me, hook his lips, and hold my hand moving wildly, "I just came here today, and I'm not very rest."

"But ......"

Fu Chen circled me in the corner of the bed.

The body temperature penetrates the fabric and climbs layer by layer.

He curled his lips, "It's pretty good now."

"Well, it's time to sleep."


I hurriedly grabbed my phone, "Dad! I'm going back—"

Before the word "home" could be spoken, the opposite side hung up.

Call back again, the number is turned off.

The old man is determined to toss me.

I was so angry that I smashed my phone.

But even someone with a mobile phone was pulled back into Fu Chen's arms, "Crawling into my bed in the middle of the night, doing something wrong to me, and trying to smash my mobile phone?"

I retorted with a red face, "No sneaking up!"

"I knocked on the door, you didn't hear me......


Fu Chen raised his eyebrows.

I was still an unreasonable old cadre during the day, and this would suddenly crush me under me with lust in his eyes.

Breathe closer.

I stared nervously into his eyes, watching my reflection in the bottom of my eyes.

"Fu Chen!"

When I felt his weight, I panicked and hurriedly shouted, "Don't mess around, I have a fiancé!"

Fu Chen propped up the bed with one hand and looked at me.

There seems to be a smile in the bottom of the eye.


I searched my stomach and stomach, and I didn't remember the name of the fiancé I had never met, only one of his nicknames.

"Two uncles......"

"By the way, everyone in the circle calls him Second Uncle. He's fierce, and he's only covering the sky with one hand in Keihoku City."

Fu Chen raised his eyebrows, "Second uncle?"

He seemed to want to laugh, but he couldn't hold back the corners of his mouth.

"Well, that's a great sound."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Of course."

"So," I pushed Fu Chen away, poking the tips of my fingers into his arm, and said with a fake tiger, "Be kind to me in the next month, or I won't care if my fiancé comes to trouble you."

Fu Chen lowered his eyes, as if he was smiling.

"yes, okay."


Leave Fu Chen's room.

I hadn't taken two steps before I turned back and said, "That—"

I bit my lip, "I'm hungry."

Fu Chen was making the bed, and he didn't raise his head when he heard the words, "We are all coarse tea and light rice, and the dogs don't eat it."


Careful-eyed man.

After scolding him several times in my heart, I relented, "I'll eat."

Fu Chen then walked towards the kitchen.

I thought he was going to make me a supper.

Isn't there a lot of game in the mountains?

Wild birds, hares, pheasants?

I was full of anticipation until I saw Fu Chen dig out a bag of expiring ...... Braised beef noodles.

Endured and endured.

I still can't take it anymore.

"Fu Chen, I'...... Eat only imported noodles, and cook them in imported pots."

"And ...... The water for boiling noodles is Fijian water."

"To eat or not to eat?"

He asked me holding the bag of noodles.

"Don't eat it!"

I don't want to compromise.


Watching Fu Chen beat an egg after cooking the noodles, the egg whadding and the smooth noodles blended together, wrapped in a rich soup.

The aroma goes straight to the nose.

I couldn't sit still when I was hungry.

After serving the noodles, Fu Chen handed them to me, "Taste them?"

Seeing that I didn't speak, this person rarely continued to hand the steps.

"Don't waste it if it's cooked."

"It's a help."

That's when I took the bowl, "Okay."

"I'll just take a bite—"

This bite is finished.

Even the soup and noodles, not a drop is left.

The bowl is cleaner than a dog bowl.


Had a dream all night.

Fu Chen, who dreamed all night.

In the dream, the dog man didn't take a hoe, but a small leather whip, forcing me to recite the teacher's watch.

Memorize a wrong sentence and smoke it.

In my dream, I cried and recited the whole text.

Then he was woken up by Fu Chen's voice, "Li Hao."

"Give you a minute, I'll lift the quilt if I don't get up again."

I woke up from a dream.

I looked at him in amazement, "Where's the whip?"

"A little leather whip."

Before I could recover from my dream, I muttered, "The kind that smokes my ass."

Fu Chen was silent.


He looked at me meaningfully, "I'll go to the market tomorrow and buy it."

Drowsiness was instantly annihilated.

I hurriedly climbed on his wrist and said, "Don't ......."

"It was just a dream."

Fu Chen bent over, his gaze level with mine.

"So, Miss Li dreamed of me last night?"


"Dream I used a leather whip?"


I couldn't answer, and closed my eyes in shame.

It would be better for him to smoke me to death in his dream last night.


No matter how reluctant.

I was still dragged to the field by Fu Chen.

It's time to do farm work again.

Today is still a sunny day, and the dry sun burns people's skin painfully.

It's a hoe again.

When I was looking forward to the rain, Fu Chen suddenly received a phone call, saying that he had something to deal with work.

I looked at him with my hoe, "You are a farmer, isn't it your job to farm?"

Fu Chen was silent.

"There are also some part-time jobs."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and beckoned a boy not far away.

"Ding Mo, come here."

Fu Chen seemed to trust him very much, "I have something to go out, help me watch her."

"Don't let her be lazy, and don't let her run."

The boy gave me a look.

Eye contact, then quickly moving away.

I saw him nod.

After Fu Chen left.

I slowly tugged at my hoe and looked at the boy in front of me.

He looked like he was eighteen or nineteen years old, much taller than me, with a thin body and sun-tanned skin.

But it's hard to hide the delicate facial features.

If it's whiter, it's also a school grass seedling if you put it in Jingbei.

The boy seemed to notice my gaze, paused, and then walked towards me.

I quickly pretended to be busy.

The hoe was suddenly snatched away by him.

He didn't say a word, turned his head and hoeed silently, and I was a little confused.

"Brother," I tried to call him, "I didn't do it right?"

He shook his head.

Didn't speak.

But he gestured at me with his hand for a while.

It took me a few times before I could barely guess, "You're going to do it for me?"

He nodded.

He pointed to the only shaded spot on the side of the road and sat down.

"You told me to go over there...... Rest?"

Ding Mo nodded.


It wasn't until this time that I noticed that the boy had exceptionally clear eyes.

Like a spring in summer.

Warm and clear.

I sighed secretly.

It's different in this mountain, everything is all natural, like those male publicists in the clubhouse.

A pair of peach blossom eyes, specializing in hooking the money in people's pockets.

When I was sitting on the side of the road and enjoying the shade, I realized that Fu Chen had just called him-

Ding Mo.

Silent silence.


When I was drowsy, I felt like someone was pushing me.

Ding Mo gently pushed my arm and pulled me up.

Before I could come to my senses, a hoe slipped into my hand.

I was pushed to the ground by him with sleepy eyes.

A look up.

I saw Fu Chen's figure in the distance.

I wielded my hoe vigorously.

Until Fu Chen walked in front of him.

"You did it?"

This man will be skeptical.

I resisted the weakness of my heart, "yes."

The scrutinizing gaze wandered over me, and then at Ding Mo, "Is she lazy?"

Ding Mo shook his head.


He nodded again.

Fu Chen gave up, "Okay, let's go home."

"Dinner tonight."

Finally, I don't have to drink sweet potato porridge.

I swallowed.

didn't forget to drag Ding Mo home together.

Fu Chen didn't lie to me, the dinner was very rich, with all the fish, meat and shrimp.

There is also a roast chicken.

What used to be a meal that dogs didn't eat in my eyes has now become a hearty feast.

I ripped off a chicken leg and just handed it to my mouth—

Then he saw the little girl standing outside the gate.

Small double.

She belongs to Aunt Lin's family next door, and she seems to be thirteen years old.

Thin and small, his eyes are always timid.

I beckoned to her, "Xiaoshuang, come and eat chicken legs."

She shook her head, fingers clutching her trouser legs, a look of timidity.

Seeing that she turned around and wanted to leave, I hurriedly stopped.

Wrap the bone under the chicken leg with a tissue and stuff it into her hand, "Eat."

"No...... No need."

She carefully refused.


The chicken thighs were oily and slippery, and they accidentally fell to the ground during pushing.


Xiaoshuang exclaimed in surprise and went to pick it up with a distressed face.

I hurriedly stopped her, "It's okay, don't drop it on the ground."

"No," she said, biting her lip, picking up the chicken leg and carefully blowing away the dirt rubbing outside, "It's still edible."

"Our family won't kill a chicken until the Chinese New Year, and the chicken legs are ......," she paused, "It's all my brother's."

"Sister, don't throw it away, you can eat it by rinsing it with water."

She carefully handed it back to me.

It seems that he is holding some kind of treasure in his hand.


It's just a chicken leg.

When I was in Keihoku, my dog only ate imported beef.

Come back to your senses.

I whispered to her, "The one that fell on the ground is dirty, don't do it, there's still a chicken leg, I'll get it for you again, okay?"

"No need......

Xiaoshuang's voice was still timid.

She mustered up her courage and whispered to me, "Sister, can you give me this dirty one?"


My nose was sore, and I sighed, "Okay, here you go, but you have to wash it before eating."

The little girl immediately smiled.

I looked at her closely.

A small face the size of a palm, with a sickly yellowing of the face, a thin jaw with sharp hair, and the eyes that are inverted are exceptionally large.

I pushed her to the table and stuffed a pair of chopsticks, "There are other dishes, eat more."

Fu Chen looked at me expressionlessly and reminded, "There are not enough dishes."

"Then I'll eat less."

I glared at him, not understanding why he was so cold-blooded.

The little girl was so hungry that she couldn't eat meat all year round, and she was still a neighbor.

Fu Chen didn't speak again.

Xiaoshuang was very restrained, and he never moved his chopsticks, just nibbled on the chicken leg in his hand.


A small head poked out from the wall of the courtyard next door.

It's a tiger-headed little boy, who looks like he's seven or eight years old.

Seeing that he was cute, I was about to tease him if he wanted to eat chicken, but I saw him shouting at the top of his voice, "Mother, come on!" Lin Shuang secretly ate chicken legs!"

He was leaning on the wall, pointing to us with one hand, "She's stealing food, let's kill her!"

The immature children's voice, the word "killed" shouted sonorously and powerfully.

I was stunned.

Then, I saw my neighbor Aunt Lin running over with a rolling pin.

"It's really a long time to endure you, and you dare to go to other people's houses to steal food!"

"It's shameless to learn at such a young age, will a chicken cheat you away in two years?"

The rolling pin, a few fingers thick, landed on the girl's back, and the dull sound of hitting was mixed with the girl's hidden cry and the cheers of the boy on the wall.

Noisy and deafening.

"Stop fighting!"

I pushed Aunt Lin away, "Isn't she your daughter? How do you do it?"

"If you hit her again, I'll call the police right away."

"Call the police?"

Aunt Lin sneered, "Where this bird doesn't, the police won't come to take care of it at all."

"Besides, I want to be nice to her, but my family is poor. Why don't you fund her? Then we'll treat her well."

I protected the trembling little pairs.

Habitually speaking, "Tell me, how much does it cost?"

Aunt Lin looked me up and down and sneered, "I want 10,000 yuan!" Will you give?"

10,000 pieces.

I almost laughed at her.

I thought there would be more lions opening their mouths, but it turned out to be ......


I realized my situation at this time, let alone 10,000, I didn't even have a dollar in my pocket.

After two seconds of silence, I turned my head to look at Fu Chen.

"I'll borrow yours."

The man calmly sipped his tea, "No."

Aunt Lin watched from the sidelines and sneered, "No money?"

"If you don't have money, what kind of savior do you want to learn?"

After speaking, she snatched the chicken leg from her little hands, turned her head and handed it to the little boy lying on the wall, "Son, give, eat chicken legs!"

The little boy took it with a grin and took a big bite.

Aunt Lin snorted the oil rubbed on her fingers, and when she turned her head to look at Xiaoshuang, she looked gloomy again,

"Get out of here! Isn't that shameful enough?"


He also kicked his little ass in the ass.

Xiaoshuang was kicked and staggered a few steps before he could barely stand firm.

I couldn't see it, and I was about to get up, but I was dragged by Fu Chen.

He took my hand and looked down.

"You can save her, provided that you save people to the end, and you will be responsible for it in the future."

"Otherwise, don't meddle in your business."

I glared at him, "Cold-blooded!"


Fu Chen was not annoyed, he just took a sip of tea slowly,

"If you save her once in righteous indignation, you will only get her more beatings."

"After a month, you leave here and go back to Jingbei to be your eldest lady, but she still has to face the family that can't escape."

I frowned, "I can take her back to Jingbei."

"I'll raise it anyway."

Fu Chen was noncommittal, and only looked up at me, "But there are no less than dozens of girls in the same situation as her in this mountain."

"Can you take it with you?"

"Will they also be willing to break away from the bitterness of their original family and follow you to the strange and prosperous Jingbei?"

Fu Chen looked out of the courtyard, his eyes on the uneven mountains, and said slowly.

"Nine out of ten people here have never been able to get out of this mountain in their lifetime."

I was silent.

There was a faint sound of beating and scolding next door.

"Do you want to be shameless and run to someone's house to ask for chicken legs?"

"You don't think about your brother when you have delicious food, why are you so selfish?"

"And the face to cry!"



Another week has passed.

Fu Chen found out that Ding Mo worked for me every day.

This man reprimanded me and told me I didn't have anything to eat tonight.

There was no food in the evening.

However, there are still some noodles left in the pot, and they are warm and steaming.

I lifted the lid and took a look.


Dogs don't eat it.

I was so hungry that I couldn't sit still, so I simply went out for a walk.

Running and running.

I actually arrived at Ding Mo's house.

I heard people in the village mention that Ding Mo lived alone, his father died early, and the grandparents who raised him also died one after another.

On his tenth birthday, his mother went to the street to buy him a birthday cake.

He never came back.

Some people in the village said she died in a car accident.

Some people also say that they ran away with the wild men in the town.

In short, only Ding Mo was left in this dilapidated little mud house.

His life lives as its name suggests.

Lonely and silent.

"Ding Mo?"

I stood outside the door and shouted, but no one came out.

I pushed the door open and entered.

The yard was very clean, and there were no lights on in the house.

The boy sat quietly on the edge of the bed, clutching a worn-out music box in his hand.

There were tears on the face.

The boy could only cry silently.

"Ding Mo ......"

He looked up suddenly.

When he saw me, he stood up in a panic and gestured at me in sign language—

"Sister, are you coming for dinner?"

I can barely guess what he meant by his gesture now.

Shake your head.

Ask him, "Why are you crying?"

He was silent for a moment, then took out a pen and paper and wrote down a line.

Powerful handwriting pierces through the paper.

"It's my birthday, and I'm reminded of some things from my childhood."

I understood, "It's okay, wait for my sister for a while."

A small shop at the entrance of the village.

I bought some snacks and beer.

I didn't have any money when I remembered it.

"Auntie," I asked her with a sneer, "can we take credit for this?"

The aunt's face changed instantly, "No, we don't have this rule...... What are you doing?"

I took off the pendant and threw it to her.

"Kim, is this enough for you?"

She hurriedly caught it, "This ......"

"Auntie has to go to town tomorrow to check this for authenticity."

"Okay," I asked, "I'll take the wine first?"

The aunt is also a cheerful person, "Okay, aren't you a girl from the Fu family, you can't still run away."

I took the bag in my hand and smacked it.

The girl of the Fu family......

When I said this, I inexplicably felt that Fu Chen was like my father.


When he returned, Ding Mo had already cleaned up the house.

I put the wine and snacks on the table and asked him, "Are you an adult?"

Ding Mo was stunned, and then nodded.

"Have you ever drunk?"

Shake one’s head.

"Come, I'll pat the chair next to me, and my sister will drink two bottles with you, and you'll forget all your troubles."

"People, you have to look forward, don't you?"

As I spoke, I pulled the tab open and shoved a can of wine into his hand.


Ding Mo obediently took it.


He may not have expected that after two cans of beer, he would be safe and sound.

But I got drunk first.

I tugged at the corner of his clothes and scolded Fu Chen with a big tongue that he was not human.

scolded happily, and looked at Ding Mo dissatisfied, "You scold too!"

"Why don't you scold?"

Ding Mo looked at me helplessly.

Then he gestured with a sign language, "Sister, I'll send you back."

I was dazed and followed him towards the door.

Something suddenly came to mind.

He took out a sample from the bag and stuffed it into him, "Yours."

Ding Mo looked at the brand-new music box in his hand.

He looked stunned.

I just swapped the pendant at my aunt's.

I want to tell some truth to comfort this strange and distressing brother.

So he beckoned to him, "Come here, sister will give you a reason."

Ding Mo obediently leaned over.

Me: "Hiccup."


Ding Mo sent me home.

He stopped outside the courtyard and watched me enter the door before leaving.

However, what he didn't know was.

I went to the wrong door.

kicked open the door of Fu Chen's room, and I lifted the quilt and went straight in.

"Lai Hao."

Soon, I was dragged out of the covers, "Did you drink?"

"Shut up!"

I couldn't be sleepy, and frowned and scolded him, "Noise."

"With whom?"


This man just kept asking.

I was so annoyed by the noise that I simply rolled over and rode on his waist, holding that face and kissing it.

The world is finally quiet.

"Lai Hao."

Fu Chen's voice was hoarse, he didn't move, his lips were still against mine, and he whispered, "Go down."

I didn't move.

But I felt that the man under me was getting hotter and hotter.

Did this man carry a hand warmer in his arms?

After staring at him for a long time, I suddenly remembered something.

"Fu Chen, I'm ...... today. I saw it."

"What do you see?"

I bit my lip and said sourly, "Widow Liu in the east of the village...... Seduce you......"

"She shoved that into your arms, and ...... I even sewed your underwear with my own hands."

I tugged at his collar in dissatisfaction, "I saw it all."

Fu Chen was silent for a while.

"I confiscate."

"Then, she asked you to come to her house tonight to help her see a doctor."

I pouted, "Why did you come back so early......

"Fu Chen, are you so fast?"


Fu Chen squeezed my restless hand, "I didn't go."

"Why don't you go?"

"Don't you like her? Still don't dare?"

I rubbed over again and asked him.

Driven crazy by drinking.

The dim light shrouded his eyebrows, so that he could be speechless to see.

Fu Chen glanced at me.

The tone was calm, but the answer was crazier than mine.

"Because I don't lift it."

Me: "......"

I really can't take it.

When the atmosphere was deadlocked, Fu Chen's hand slid to my waist and loosened it, "Li Hao, I'll only give you one minute."

"Or go back to your room now."

I looked up at him, "What about the other one?"

The man's voice was hoarse.

"Or, don't go back tonight."

Fu Chen is not only hot on his body now, but his eyes are even hotter.

The eyes that were close to me were staring at me, and there was undisguised surging desire in them.

It's like the calm of the undercurrent before the tsunami.

I only hesitated for two seconds.

The wine dissipated a little.

Gray crawled out of bed.

"The wine seems to have woken up."

"Good night."

There was no response behind him.

But I could feel a gaze on my back.

It's hot and hot.


The next day, several luxury cars suddenly entered the village.

Full of pomp.

Everyone in the village gathered around, muttering that they had never seen such a magnificent car.

I originally wanted to watch the excitement, but Fu Chen didn't allow it.

I can only work honestly with a hoe.


The owner of the luxury car found the field, "Li Hao."

I looked up.

I got up, and I saw the dog.

It turned out to be my ex-boyfriend who broke up for a year, Song Yuzhe.

The man was still barking.

"Tsk, why did you leave me and live so depressed now?"

"It's not appropriate for a good lady, you have to come to farm."