
My dad was an honest corpse digger, and he fished up a nice man in the water by the river

author:Little Plum pushes the book

My dad was an honest corpse digger.

He picked up a good-looking man in the water by the river and took care of him for half a year.

When the man was sick and left, he wiped out my whole family.

Even my sister-in-law's daughter, who was just full-term, was strangled to death and thrown in a water tank.

It's just because my father said casually that he is a little similar to His Royal Highness the Prince.

Two years later, when the man was depressed in Jiangnan, he met me, a noble man.

"The prince and His Royal Highness the crown prince are twins, but the treatment is very different, do you want to change your life?"

My dad was an honest corpse digger, and he fished up a nice man in the water by the river


I spent a lot of money to follow Jiang Ying for two years.

He has a face exactly the same as that of the crown prince of the current dynasty, and never dares to go out of the bustling and lively places.

When you go out every day to find food, you must smear your face.

When the prince enjoyed the delicacies of the mountains and the sea every day, he was competing with wild dogs for food.

The prince pulled the beard of the old master of the country, and when he was fighting cocks and crickets all day long, he couldn't even afford a pen, and he didn't have the opportunity to study at all.

These are all deliberately passed on to Jiang Ying's ears.

He originally had some three-legged cat kung fu on him, and he could serve as a nursing home for a family.

Just because the old man looked at his face twice, he ran away overnight.

For the crown prince, Jiang Ying always wants to get close but is afraid to get closer.

Even though he knew the danger of being too close and being discovered, he kept wandering around the capital.

Even when the prince went to Jiangnan Weifu for a private visit, he followed him all the way.

Until that day, the prince stumbled and fell off a cliff, and his bones were gone.

The opportunity has finally arrived.

At that time, Jiang Ying didn't know the news of the prince's fall from the cliff, and was competing with wild dogs for food in the broken temple.

I descended from heaven and opened my mouth with seductive whispers:

"Childe should know in his heart that you and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince are twins. But Your Highness is clothed and fed, but you can't eat.

But now there's a chance to change your life, do you want to try?"

Jiang Ying has waited too long for this day.

Without much effort, I brought him back to the palace and introduced him to the tomb that I had carefully prepared for him.

On the day he entered the palace, Jiang Ying looked left and right excitedly.

I stood behind him, my eyelashes drooping to hide the hatred in my eyes.

Jiang Ying, welcome to the real purgatory.


This is Jiang Ying's first day as the crown prince.

It was also the first time Jiang Ying saw his mother, the queen mother, after returning from Jiangnan.

"My son! Did the fall hurt?"

The queen mother anxiously took Jiang Ying's hand and looked around, for fear that the prince would be tripped up.

A fine sweat broke out on Jiang Ying's forehead, and he looked at me casually.

When you raise your hand, you want to bow earnestly.

I glared at him fiercely, and then he suddenly remembered, shook off the queen's hand, and said indignantly:

"I said I wouldn't go to the water, but now it's okay, I almost fell to my death under the cliff, and I still have a large bruise on my knee."

The crown prince has always been an arrogant man, and this is in line with his personality.

The queen really didn't notice anything unusual.

"Yes, yes, it's all to blame on this palace, this palace thought that you liked to travel in the mountains and rivers, and wanted you to go out for a walk, who knew that something went wrong."

Her heart was about to break, and she gritted her teeth: "It must be Jiang Ying's little cub faction who wants to kill you."

"What the national teacher said at the beginning was really good, he was an ominous disaster, I should just strangle him to death."

"After twenty years, I didn't expect him to escape."

Jiang Ying's eyes were cold for a moment, and then returned to normal.

The queen appeased the "prince" and waved her hand casually, "The eunuchs and palace maids who accompanied the prince have all been killed."

As the confidant of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, I bear the brunt of it.

But I didn't panic at all, Jiang Ying couldn't do without me, and he would try his best to protect me.

Sure enough, when the queen and her party left the East Palace, Jiang Ying stopped scolding me.

I dragged him into the study with the thirty lashes.

"Don't think that you have helped Hongu, and you can ride on Hongu's head in the future."

"Where is Your Highness, the slave and maid are just your maidservants, how can you help."

I was very good at taking over a fake prince in my stomach, and I didn't coerce me to repay it, but let Jiang Yinggao take a look.

He enjoyed the treatment of the prince with peace of mind, and I wore bloodstained clothes, and secretly put a stick of incense on my family when the moon was dark and the wind was high.

Jiang Ying had long forgotten that today was their death day.


In the evening, the prince's fox friends would come to visit, and I deliberately decorated the East Palace with joy.

At the banquet, there was a singer with the most moving voice, a dancer with the softest waist, and even all kinds of delicacies at the banquet that Jiang Ying had never seen before.

He was not interested in the anecdotes of the fox friends and dog friends at all, and at first he echoed a few sentences, and during the banquet, he simply rolled up his sleeves and feasted.

When the dancer came up to feed him the grapes, she laughed so hard that her eyes were glazed.

"Your Highness, didn't you hate these vulgar fans the most?"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince went to Jiangnan for a trip, but it has changed a little."

This sentence frightened Jiang Ying to sober up instantly, quietly opened the distance from the dancer, and laughed haha:

"Hongu also changes its flavor once in a while, can't you?"

He changed his words and said, "But this dancer's behavior is inevitably too frivolous, and she doesn't distinguish between dignity and inferiority, and she dragged her out and chopped her hands."

During the banquet, several people looked at each other, silent.

Jiang Ying's move indirectly gave them a disadvantage.

The dancers wept outside the temple and begged for mercy.

I stood with my head down and watched it all with cold eyes.

I guess my parents, brother and sister-in-law begged him to do the same at the beginning.

When they died, they didn't know how much it hurt.

On the day of the accident, I finally got permission to go home to visit my family.

I never wanted to see only ruins and mutilated corpses.

The body of the little niece was soaked in the water tank, fluttering.

When I picked it up, even my body was soaked.

I moved the water tank, and there was a mechanism underneath it, which contained the dowry that my sister-in-law usually saved for me, as well as the letters we exchanged with each other.

After reading the letter, I realized who the enemy was.

My father and brother have been corpse diggers all their lives.

The only one who got a living, but it cost the life of a family because of it.

It's just that on the day when Jiang Ying was injured, his father praised him for being handsome, and he looked a bit like the prince of the dynasty.

A kind compliment became the fuse for the death of the whole family.

My sister-in-law said in the letter that had not yet been sent:

"Daddy rescued a boy who looked like the boy in your painting. Your brother said to leave him behind, and when you leave the palace, you will just recruit him as a son-in-law."

"When you leave the palace next year, Ming'er will be one year old, and our family will finally be reunited."

It's a pity that I can't wait for a family reunion anymore.

Jiang Ying was cheap, just killing him, how could he be worth the suffering of my family of five.

Murder and heart, I have to take my time step by step.

Let him stand on the highest and then fall to a pulp.


I have conducted all-round training for Jiang Ying, and he is becoming more and more like His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Sometimes even I get shook.

In this regard, Jiang Ying was a little fluttering, and was proud: "Lone is the blood of the royal family, and these are naturally learned quickly."

I walked ahead and nodded yes.

In the end, it was just a shape, and I was almost blinded.

Today is the prince's twenty-second birthday, and it is also Jiang Ying's.

He never had a birthday.

I warned him in advance that there are many people today, so he must be cautious in his words and deeds, and not to be in the limelight.

"You're just a stand-in, less talk and less wrong."

Jiang Ying looked at me with murderous intent and slapped me.

"Say one more word, beware of pulling out your tongue."

He is the protagonist of today, and most of the dishes arranged by the queen mother are liked by the prince.

It's all fish.

A wide variety of fish-based dishes.

The original crown prince ate fish and did not like the servant maids to serve.

Jiang Ying can't use a handmaid either, of course.

It's all hands-on.

But I know he hates fish the most, and he doesn't like to pluck thorns.

Sure enough, after swallowing a few mouthfuls of prickly fish roast, Jiang Ying couldn't help it after all, and said:

"It's better to roast a deer, a few days ago, Erchen hunted two fawns in the hunting ground, just to honor his father."

Jiang Ying wants to pat himself on the back and offer filial piety.

The emperor was slightly puzzled:

"I remember that Chen'er got lost in the hunting ground when she was young, and it was an elk that lured you back, and you haven't hunted a deer since, so how can you ...... today?"

Jiang Ying was suddenly frightened and looked back at me frequently.

He probably saw that there were many elk portraits and carvings in the East Palace, and he would have been mistaken.

I knew it, but I lowered my eyebrows, pretending not to know.

Fortunately, the prince's friend King Anjun arrived in time to break the deadlock.

It's just that......

For Jiang Ying, an impostor, it may not be a good thing.

"Your Highness, this is a treasure that I found only after searching all over the capital."

King Anjun strode over, holding a white snake with a thick arm in his hand.

As he spoke, he threw it on Jiang Ying.

The prince loves to tame snakes, is skillful, and can also command snake performances.

Jiang Ying almost took the snake with white lips, and the whole person trembled like chaff.

The snake's head showed an inverted triangle, and it was still spitting out the letter at the river.

This is a highly venomous snake.

"Your Royal Highness the Prince, how do you usually tame snakes, can you ask for advice?"

The third prince, who had never dealt with the crown prince, asked with a smile.

From my point of view, I could see that Jiang Ying couldn't hold back anymore, and he wanted to kill the snake.

He's almost exposed!

How does this work?

Seeing that the timing was about the same, I took out the bamboo flute from my bosom and blew it softly, attracting the attention of the white snake and attracting it to me.

Jiang Ying is also a bit of a brain, and immediately looked for the stairs to go down:

"The third brother wants to see He perform, so let the kite perform for you."

I skillfully controlled the snake and resolved this silent difficulty for Jiang Ying.

Jiang Ying sighed, and I bowed my head and was silent.

The third prince, on the other hand, glanced back and forth meaningfully at me and Jiang Ying.


Back in the East Palace, Jiang Yingping went to everyone and immediately treated me as a guest, and apologized in a good voice:

"Kite girl, why don't we make a deal."

"You will be twenty-five next year, and you will also reach the age of leaving the palace to reunite with your parents and relatives, at that time I will give you a thousand taels of gold, a thousand acres of fertile land, and a beautiful house, to keep you comfortable for the rest of your life, and you only need to help me sit firmly in the position of prince during this period, how about it?" I need the girl to be unreserved about me."

"If the girl is not at ease, I can make my promise first and settle the family for you."

Jiang Ying's calculation is too obvious, but it's a pity that this bit of Taoism is not enough in the deep palace where people eat people without blinking.

He deserves to settle my family under the Nine Springs.

I curled my lips slightly, pretending not to think about it.

Jiang Ying has always only paid attention to himself, since I officially appeared, he has never seriously investigated my background, how could he know that I have already been harmed by him.

On that day, Daddy's father made Jiang Ying vigilant, and immediately asked how they knew the prince.

Daddy wanted to say that I was on an errand in the palace.

But the sister-in-law felt that it was inappropriate, so she stopped her father, and used the excuse that the prince had taken a look from afar during his southern tour.

But it was this moment that made Jiang Ying suspicious.

He hung his sister-in-law and tortured her.

Later, I tied up my father and brother and bullied my sister-in-law in front of them.

The sister-in-law was unclothed and wanted to die of shame, but she stayed up for a long time for her little niece who had just finished her term.

The beast Jiang Ying used her little niece to make a fuss, pinching her throat and pressing her into the water tank.

The little niece cried, and the brother and sister-in-law were stunned and scolded the animals.

Even so, they didn't say a word about me.

Jiang Ying thought that she had cut the grass and eradicated the roots, but she didn't know that her sister-in-law had been hanging for a breath.

After Jiang Ying left, with blood and tears, he left me one last letter.


To deal with people like Jiang Ying, killing the body is the bottom, and the heart is the top.

If he wants to completely replace the crown prince and become Jiang Chen, then he can't have himself.

He spent the next few days learning how to control snakes.

Because the youngest daughter of the old general Zhennan is coming back soon.

"She is the green plum of Her Royal Highness, and she will definitely show her your performance at that time."

"If Your Highness wants to sit firmly in this position, you have to study carefully."

It's a pity that he really doesn't have the talent for it.

Every time those sticky snakes crawled up to his neck, he got goosebumps all over his body and was terrified.

For this reason, the backyard of the East Palace has added more than a dozen snake corpses.

The big white snake that King Anjun gave him smelled bloody and was extremely irritable.

Several times, he took advantage of Jiang Ying's deep sleep to crawl into the dormitory and lay straight beside him.

Jiang Ying was bruised under his eyes, and he couldn't sleep restlessly every night.

"Jiang Chen, look at the move!"

As soon as Jiang Ying came out of the hall, a woman in black on a horse slashed at him with a red tassel spear.

Jiang Ying blocked twice before he could stop.

Peiyu clanged on his waist.

"Kung Fu is a lot rusty, Jiang Chen."

The woman was very young, born with bright eyes and bright teeth, and her spirit was flying.

Jiang Ying frowned slightly, patted the dust on his body a little embarrassed, and held the jade pendant tightly.

Obviously, he didn't like such a reckless girl, but he immediately raised a smile.

"Huanhuan is still as naughty as she was back then."

This is General Zhennan's youngest daughter, Yu Suihuan.

Yu Suihuan dismounted, pulled Jiang Ying's sleeve, and the two reminisced affectionately.

Jiang Ying also smirked and responded.

I pursed my lips and smiled.

Jiang Ying once again disobeyed my "kind" advice.

I told him that Jiang Chen has been lukewarm to Yu Suihuan all these years.

He just had to play the crown prince the same.

Jiang Chen has the help of the queen's mother's family, and has gathered a large number of ministers, if he marries General Yu's mansion at this time, it will inevitably cause the jealousy of His Majesty and the three princes.

The tree is a big move.

It's not that Jiang Ying doesn't understand this truth.

It's just that his stolen identity is destined to make it impossible for him to fully trust the queen.

He needs to have a force that he can control.

"Jiang Chen, your jade pendant has been held all the way, is it so rare?"

Yu Suihuan suddenly pointed to his waist and teased, "Didn't a girl send it from any family?"

Jiang Ying immediately sank and let go of his hand unnaturally.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Of course, it was given by the girl.

That girl was still on this year's draft list.

We should see each other soon.

My other enemy.


General Yu Lao sent Yu Suihuan back to his home this time, and he did have the intention of choosing a son-in-law.

Yu Suihuan was sent to study in Guozijian and was a classmate with the children of the nobles of the family.

Jiang Chen also followed with his face crossed.

In the name of the emperor and queen, he said: "To break with the past, the sons and daughters are willing to change the past and learn more about the way of governing the country through the world."

But this became the beginning of Jiang Ying's pain.

Because of the news I handed over, in his heart, Jiang Chen should be a stubborn prince who can only fight cocks and snakes.

But as soon as Jiang Ying stepped into the Guozi Prison, several white-bearded old masters surrounded him.

"A few days ago, the old man made up some arithmetic methods that have not been recorded in history, and the prince can solve this problem?"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's last article was the finale of the Yuande three-year imperial examination, the discussion was clear, and the article was even more subtle than that of the champion Lang back then."

"The prince has figured it out, and it's always good if he's willing to go back to school."

I pretended to be a little scholar and followed him with a smile.

How could he have thought that Jiang Chen was actually excellent in his schoolwork, although he didn't like the Four Books and Five Classics, it didn't prevent him from being the best among them.

In order not to be exposed, Jiang Ying secretly studied hard by lighting the lamp every night, but it was still less than one ten-thousandth of Jiang Chen's.

Yu Suihuan sometimes asked him to solve his doubts, but he couldn't answer, so I answered quietly for him.

Sometimes he will accompany Yu Suihuan to compose poems for him.

Yu Suihuan wanted to watch the snake show, and it was the same me who called the big white snake and performed for her.

On the surface, it seems that I am relieving him, but in fact, I have my own plans.

Yu Suihuan gradually corresponded with me very closely, and paid a lot less attention to Jiang Ying.

"I didn't expect the kite girl to be so smart."

"Miss Yu's praise."

The Yu family is high and powerful, and Mu Xiu will destroy it in the forest wind.

The crown princess is not necessarily the best destination for Yu Suihuan.

But Jiang Ying had to try her best to hug Qingmei's thighs.

After all, this is his only chance to balance the queen.

It's a pity that under my intervention, this only thigh also seems to become ethereal.

Approaching the day of the academic assessment, Jiang Ying still couldn't keep up with the progress of the ordinary students of Guozijian.

He had to ask me to take leave for him and hide in the house alone.

Jiang Ying took leave, and King Anjun did not go to Guozijian in the name of visiting the prince.

He went into the house to pay a visit.

Jiang Ying was unusual, leaving her friend in the front hall.

A man lay on the bed in a daze.

This was the first time Jiang Ying had doubts about her abilities.

"Why did I live with him......

In the past few months since playing the crown prince, he has become more and more selfless.

In a trance, a white shadow appeared in front of his eyes.

The big white snake that usually liked to lie straight beside him wrapped around his neck and opened its bloody mouth......