
The Kulishov effect



The Kulishov effect

The "Kulishov effect" got its name from the Soviet director Kulishov, from the montage technique in the film.

The Kulishov effect

One day, Kulishov filmed a set of close-ups of the famous actor Mozyushin without any facial expressions. Then, connect these identical close-ups with clips from other movies into three combinations:

The first combination is a close-up followed by a shot of a plate of soup. The second is a close-up, followed by a shot of a female corpse lying in a coffin. The third is a close-up followed by a shot of a little girl playing.

The Kulishov effect

Kulishov showed these three combinations to some of the audience and found that they had different viewing experiences. They said that Mozyushin's expression was contemplative and quiet as he looked at the plate of soup; When looking at the coffin, the expression is sad and painful; And when looking at the little girl, the expression is pleasant and relaxed. But, in fact, Mozyushin had no expression on his face throughout.

The Kulishov effect

The "Kulishov effect" refers to the viewer's projection of his own experience onto the things in front of him, and what he sees is more of his own inner association.