
If the U.S. military dares to take risks, China will dare to do it! The Ministry of Defense's statement this time is very unusual

author:Lu Zhe has something to say

The United States is aggressive towards China, and China is domineering! If the US military dares to take risks, China will dare to take action, and a statement by the Ministry of Defense this time is very unusual.

If the U.S. military dares to take risks, China will dare to do it! The Ministry of Defense's statement this time is very unusual

Recently, the United States has gone too far in its provocative moves against China. Knowing that the friction between China and the Philippines was caused by the unprovoked provocation of the Manila government, the United States also tried its best to exaggerate the situation and support the Philippines in disregard of the facts. In addition, on the Ukraine issue, the United States has also forcibly dragged China into the water and unreasonably sanctioned Chinese companies on the grounds of Russia-related issues. We all know that China's position on the Russia-Ukraine conflict has always been resolute and clear, and it is neither a party nor a party to the fire, let alone a party to seek personal interests through regional conflicts, and that trade and cooperation with Russia is a normal right of a sovereign state and should not be interfered with by any country. However, the United States is accustomed to hegemony, and it has even beaten China up against its hegemonic and bullying behavior, which is so aggressive that China resolutely cannot tolerate it.

If the U.S. military dares to take risks, China will dare to do it! The Ministry of Defense's statement this time is very unusual

However, just when China was about to take measures to counterattack, the US military intensified its provocations against China. Not long ago, the commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific headquarters clamored that the U.S. military would implement a plan called "Hell Landscape", that is, through the large-scale use of drones, unmanned ships and unmanned underwater vehicles and other equipment, the Taiwan Strait will become a "no one's hell" to deal with attacks from Chinese mainland. At the same time, U.S. Marine Corps Commander Smith also said that in the future, the "Marine Corps Littoral Combat Group" will be deployed in Guam to counter China, and this force will become a deterrent to Japan, South Korea and the Philippines. It is not difficult to see from this that the US military is really not pretending at all, and it is only confronting China with its mouth and mouth, as if everything it is doing now is to prepare for a war with China in the future.

If the U.S. military dares to take risks, China will dare to do it! The Ministry of Defense's statement this time is very unusual

In this case, the mainland obviously can't be more merciful, the enemy is already armed to the teeth and throws out the challenge book, so aggressive, don't blame China for its domineering sword. According to China's military network, Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, recently said, "Those who clamore for turning other people's homes into hell must first be prepared to go to hell themselves." Chinese do not cause trouble but are never afraid of it, we have always been "people do not offend me, I do not offend people, if people offend me, I will offend others". In my opinion, the Ministry of Defense's statement this time is very unusual, and China has responded strongly and precisely to the behavior of the US military in inciting confrontation. To put it bluntly, this is a warning to the United States that if the US military dares to take risks, then the Chinese side will dare to take action, and don't think that China is still the old China, and the era when the Western powers relied on artillery to bombard China's gate is long gone.

If the U.S. military dares to take risks, China will dare to do it! The Ministry of Defense's statement this time is very unusual

In addition, the Ministry of National Defense's statement this time also reflects a general trend, and the change from not naming names in the past to naming names, as well as the toughness of the attitude and tone, all show that China is gradually adapting to the rhythm of the struggle with the United States and will no longer save face for the United States. After all, China's goodwill has limits, and the United States is aggressive towards China, and no matter how good-tempered China is, it will not always allow others to provoke and remain silent. Next, the United States needs to understand that if it wants to talk about cooperation with China, it should put on a correct posture, and if it still wants to engage in military deterrence with China, then the mainland will definitely accompany it to the end.