
Biden faces two challenges, the American financier is ready to replace him, and Trump blasts Biden for incompetence


A few days ago, U.S. President Joe Biden faced two major challenges, and the Democratic Party and the Biden administration were under pressure. The first challenge is the tense situation in the Middle East, and the US aircraft carrier is out of the Middle East. A few days ago, the US Department of Defense announced that the "Eisenhower" would withdraw from the Middle East on the same day, and the "Roosevelt" aircraft carrier would go to the Middle East. Last year, the USS Eisenhower entered the Middle East to escort US cargo ships and was repeatedly attacked by the Houthis.

Biden faces two challenges, the American financier is ready to replace him, and Trump blasts Biden for incompetence

The Houthis are launching new attacks every day, U.S. ships are under threat every day, and although we are doing a very good job of protecting ourselves, they continue to attack, according to the top of the U.S. military. At present, Israel is preparing to launch a new round of attacks in the Middle East, and all countries in the Middle East are preparing to join hands to besiege Israel. The departure of the US aircraft carrier from the Middle East will further aggravate tension in the Middle East. For the Biden administration, how to protect Israel and maintain its Middle East strategy will be a challenge.

The second challenge is that 60% of Americans support the removal of Biden. According to the New York Times, patrons of the US Democratic Party were panicked after the first debate between Biden and Trump to discuss the possibility of forcibly removing Biden from the list of presidential candidates. At the moment, some patrons hope that Biden will have an "epiphany" and voluntarily abandon his candidacy. Other funding patrons offered to contact Jill and ask her to persuade Biden to withdraw from the election.

Biden faces two challenges, the American financier is ready to replace him, and Trump blasts Biden for incompetence

On Friday, Biden struggled in his first debate with Trump in Atlanta, when Biden stammered, paused from time to time, and was unable to express his position, and after the debate, his wife Yoshito helped Biden out of office. Biden's health has made people feel like he is not up to the presidency.

According to a survey by Morning Consultancy, (60%) of American voters believe that Biden's Democratic presidential candidacy is 'likely' to be replaced in the upcoming U.S. presidential election. (57%) of Americans say Trump outperformed Biden. The U.S. presidential election will be held on November 5, 2024, and the main candidates for the U.S. presidency are the current president of the United States, Democratic candidate Joe Biden, and former president, Republican candidate Donald Trump.

The second debate between Biden and Trump is scheduled for September 10. If Biden's speech is not good, it may cause more people to oppose it, after the Biden administration has repeatedly fabricated charges against Trump and tried to prevent Trump from coming back, but Trump has strong willpower, excellent eloquence, and charisma, and his comeback campaign will change the political situation in the United States.

Biden faces two challenges, the American financier is ready to replace him, and Trump blasts Biden for incompetence

On June 28, former U.S. President Donald Trump said that Russia, China, and North Korea would not be enemies of the United States if the White House was led by a "sane president." Trump said that during his administration, the United States was respected by other countries, "there is no problem," and that America's enemies are internal, not external. Mr. Trump said Mr. Biden's problem was not that he was old, but that he was "profoundly incompetent."

Trump sends two signals, on the one hand, he is confident that he will win the US presidential election, replace Biden, and reshape the United States. You know, during Trump's tenure in the United States, the United States did not provoke any foreign participation in any war. But after Biden took the helm of the United States, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine was provoked, the United States assisted Kyiv to counter Russia, the United States regarded China and North Korea as rivals, established suppression, and the United States put great pressure on the outside world. On the other hand, the United States should focus on the inside, not the outside. The United States is facing problems such as border immigration and gun violence, but Biden is at the helm of the United States, and instead of solving these problems, it has exacerbated the internal contradictions in the United States.

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