
Jumping clown! Yu Beichen boasted that the quality of the pilots of the Taiwan military was the best in the world, and he was really a strong army?

author:Xie Zhichuan Taiwan

Text—Xie Zhichuan

Today we will talk about Yu Beichen. Yu Beichen is here again, from "Brother Tufang" to "Brother Lost", and then to the current "Brother Night Flight", he also said that the quality of Taiwan's air force is the best in the world, because Taiwan's pilots are very suitable for night flight.

Jumping clown! Yu Beichen boasted that the quality of the pilots of the Taiwan military was the best in the world, and he was really a strong army?

At this time, I couldn't help but want to refute his words. Taiwan's Hualien base, which is also a self-propelled base in Taitung, dispatched an F5 fighter plane to conduct night training one night, but the pilot crashed into a mountain and died because of space disorientation. If Taiwan's pilots have good night flight ability, why do they still have accidents when they fly out at night?

After all, to be able to drive to F5, they are all preparing to advance to the newer generation of F-16 Phantom IDF "Women", sacrificing two pilots at a time, coupled with the recent tensions in the Taiwan Strait, there may be a large number of discharges at the end of the year. In this case, Yu Beichen also took great pains to help Taiwanese pilots strive for a little glory, so he said that Taiwan's night flight ability is very good. However, if you criticize or instruct the Air Force from the point of view of an Army, the Air Force may look down on Yu Beichen.

Because Taiwan's three branches of the armed forces have looked down on each other since the time of Chiang Kai-shek. On one occasion, Chiang Kai-shek held a meeting with the commanders-in-chief of the three branches of the Taiwan armed forces, and the commander-in-chief of the army at that time was Sun Liren, and the navy said that it was an international service and the air force said that it was the first line in defending the Taiwan Strait. At this time, Sun Liren stood up, slapped the table and said that he graduated from the Virginia Military Academy, and asked everyone what school they graduated from.

Jumping clown! Yu Beichen boasted that the quality of the pilots of the Taiwan military was the best in the world, and he was really a strong army?

One sentence made Chiang Kai-shek murderous to Sun Liren from then on, so he was later placed under house arrest. As a matter of fact, Taiwan's three branches of the armed forces have always looked down on each other. The Air Force considers itself to be the pride of the sky, and the Navy considers itself an international service. The Navy ridiculed the Air Force for having only one steering stick in its heart and not having a bright head; The Air Force said that the Navy would only float on the sea, and if it was hit, it would sink to the bottom of the sea.

Although Chiang Kai-shek used to uphold the doctrine of the Continental Army, the Air Force looked down on the Army as much as the Navy in these three branches of the armed forces, and gave the Army the nickname "Brother Fengshan Iron Chief". Because the army academy is in Fengshan, and why is it called "Fengshan Iron Head Brother", it means that only the body is relatively good, especially the head can hit a stone, so they are called "Fengshan Iron Head Brother".

At that time, those who could not pass the Navy and Air Force exams went to the Army, or their parents passed on the mantle when they served in the Army. To tell the truth, because there are many positions in the army, the speed of promotion will be relatively fast. When I joined the army, there were 600,000 people in the Taiwan army at that time, so there were many major generals, and the generals were really disproportionate to the soldiers, and there were too many generals.

Jumping clown! Yu Beichen boasted that the quality of the pilots of the Taiwan military was the best in the world, and he was really a strong army?

Now that Yu Beichen has broken out this again, it will only make his fellow talents look down on him even more, and it will also make Huangpu's seniors feel that this person is talking wildly every day. Later, there was a grapevine that Yu Beichen did this on purpose, and the purpose was twofold: the first was to gain traffic, so that there would be a notice fee; The second is that there are already people who want to remove him, and he may also want to be removed because he wants his daughter to take over as the councillor in Taoyuan.

So these people still have their own plans in their hearts, plus they have all been punished anyway, and now they can only brag about how powerful they are. Probably also afraid of the mainland's punishment, so the wind direction has changed, and he specializes in praising his own people. This can make Lai Qingde happier and make the green camp feel good, after all, these people who have taken refuge from the blue camp have to be more positive than the green camp in order to get the love from above.

So Yu Beichen now has a new nickname called "Brother Night Hang", but when he says this, I believe it will cause a wave again. If the Taiwan military's night flight capability loses to the mainland's PLA, it will be another joke. Didn't the military planes of the mainland People's Liberation Army come to Taiwan at night? Of course, there were, but they still took off from different bases in batches to carry out training in different places, and the goal was to "encircle Taiwan." It's just that the Taiwan media don't report it, so they don't know at all how many PLA military planes have ever come at night, and maybe even have flown over Taiwan, but Taiwan's radar can't catch them.

Jumping clown! Yu Beichen boasted that the quality of the pilots of the Taiwan military was the best in the world, and he was really a strong army?

The mainland is also silent, because when it speaks, it will reveal its hole cards, and although Taiwan boasts, after all, the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road. Now it is a war of attrition, psychological warfare, and torture. At present, the mainland is consuming Taiwan's military products, and every time an aircraft takes off, its parts need to be repaired and replaced; The engine has to be overhauled after a long flight, and the cost of tires is a lot of money. Now the reason for not letting the plane get up is to save money, and anyway, the Taiwan military is tired of coping with it, and will only publish news, as if everything is under control. But in fact, it is completely impossible to counteract, so Yu Beichen has no choice but to say this kind of thing now to strengthen the army.

It is not that I personally look down on the Taiwan army, but that the quality of the Taiwan army is the only way to do this, and the people's hearts are fluctuating. In peacetime, there are many people from the military; At the critical juncture of the crisis, we will know who really loves Taiwan. The so-called wind knows the strength of the grass, and the board knows the loyal ministers. Now is probably the time when the yellow bell is destroyed and the clay kettle thunders.

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