
Up to no good! The DPP has exhausted all its tricks and raised the level of tourism to the mainland, which will only punish its own people

author:Xie Zhichuan Taiwan

Text—Xie Zhichuan

The "Mainland Affairs Council" raised the tourism level of Hong Kong, Macao, and the mainland, and immediately raised it to orange. This means that Taiwanese should not be allowed to travel to the mainland, because the more oppression there is, the more people want to go. People are always curious, they all want to know why they can't go to the mainland to play, they used to be good in groups. The more I won't be allowed to go, the more I want to see it.

There is no limit to the group, so my relatives and friends can form a group by themselves, and you can also go to play if you find a tour guide, in short, there are policies and countermeasures. When more and more people go, they see different things, and when they come back, they naturally change.

Up to no good! The DPP has exhausted all its tricks and raised the level of tourism to the mainland, which will only punish its own people

Is the DPP really out of recruits this time? Because the mainland is not open to tourism, nor is it open to degree students to study in Taiwan. Therefore, the DPP was in a hurry, because there was no step down, so it came up with this solution. The most powerful thing for the DPP is to punish itself, and this "anti-infiltration law" has arrested a large number of lieutenant chiefs and retired public servants, saying that they have violated the "anti-infiltration law", especially during the election period.

Now it turns out that they are all imaginary, prosecuting before the election and not guilty after the election, all to achieve the "chilling effect". It is believed that those who are engaged in this trick are some people with bad intentions, who themselves use such harsh punishment methods to control the people of Taiwan, and they also blame the mainland, saying that the mainland's "National Security Law" has been upgraded, and those who go to Taiwan should be careful. Ordinary Taiwanese people don't need to be careful at all, as long as they act right, stand upright, and don't do bad things, who will trouble you.

Anyway, the mainland will open its hands and welcome the people of Taiwan who have never been to the mainland to take a look at the mainland, to see if the mainland's progress is as dilapidated as the DPP said, and whether there is a door to the toilet or not. This time, I also specially photographed the bathroom of Yongwang's Mansion, which was very beautiful, and it had a door. Such facilities are better than many public restrooms in Taiwan. It was a story decades ago that the toilet didn't have a door, and it's ridiculous to bring it up and talk about it now.

Up to no good! The DPP has exhausted all its tricks and raised the level of tourism to the mainland, which will only punish its own people

Therefore, the best way to dispel rumors is to let the people of Taiwan go to the mainland to open their eyes. The "MAC's" move can be said to be picking up a stone and shooting itself in the foot, because the tourism industry has already held back a breath of anger in their hearts when they see that there is no hope for the resumption of sightseeing on both sides of the strait. At present, the vigilance of tourism has been raised, and the livelihood of Taiwan's tourism operators is not taken seriously at all.

Now the tourism industry is probably about to explode, but this can't be blamed. Whoever told Taiwan that forty percent of the people in Taiwan want to vote for Lai Qingde, this is the end. Those elected by a small number of people still have to bear the responsibility of all the majority. Then many people believed Ke Wenzhe's deception and voted for him. Everyone is looking for death together, so you can't complain about others.

Do the people who voted for Ke Wenzhe now regret it, and Ke Wenzhe does not approve of raising the threshold for recall. Anyway, what he is most afraid of now is probably to see the statement when he finally casts distrust. Because he probably also knows that he will not choose no matter how much he chooses, and it is better than January. So he was also afraid, and he also admitted it, but I believe that what he needs more is that he can serve as the representative of the will of the people in the legislature, so that he can have a protective umbrella, after all, three cases are chasing him.

I believe that in the next few months, it will be Ke Wenzhe's turn to be ready to go to the chopping board, and he will be cut by the DPP with a knife. Therefore, Ko Wenzhe is Taiwan's main culprit. Before the election, he called him "dark green", and after the election, he began to dissociate himself, saying that he had nothing to do with the DPP, and he was also chatting about fasting.

Up to no good! The DPP has exhausted all its tricks and raised the level of tourism to the mainland, which will only punish its own people

Therefore, there are too many chats in Taiwan that are full of nonsense, and the former kind of person is elected, and the other kind of person is selected after the election. Lai Qingde himself said that before the election, he said that he was willing to report to the legislature, but after losing the election, he immediately turned his face and did not report, and resorted to various methods just not to go. Now that the "Mainland Affairs Council" has been asked to issue a tourist alert, I really don't know what they are promulgating.

The number of confirmed cases in Taiwan is about to reach its peak, and others will also list Taiwan as a tourist alert area. He doesn't handle his own affairs well, and he wants to make trouble in cross-strait relations all day long. When they encountered PLA military planes and warships, they said that this would not help cross-strait relations. In the more than eight years since the DPP came to power, it believes that it has done nothing that is beneficial to cross-strait relations.

What they want is for the atmosphere of "resisting China and protecting Taiwan" to continue, so that they can profit from the election campaign. However, the "anti-China and Taiwan" campaign has now been brought into full play, otherwise it would not have engaged in any matter of mainland Xinhua News Agency reporters playing chess on political discussion programs, indicating that the DPP has also run out of skills. But I believe that there are still some ideas, and I don't know what will happen next, anyway, the DPP is bad, they are only worse, not the worst.

Up to no good! The DPP has exhausted all its tricks and raised the level of tourism to the mainland, which will only punish its own people

They can keep playing, and it doesn't matter. Anyway, the bigger you play, the more fun you get, and the number of people on the sanctions list is just more. I believe that the release of this sanctions list will also have a great impact on Liu Baojie personally. Otherwise, he would not have openly argued with the DPP for this chess case, and they all knew that if they did not clear themselves at this time, the charges would only be heavier at that time.

Therefore, smart people will begin to turn, and they will not continue to be loyal and continue to spoof like Yu Beichen. Therefore, it does not matter if the "Mainland Affairs Council" tries to raise the level of tourism as much as possible, and it is not without reason for the officials to coerce the people.

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