
Don't want "one country, two systems"? Then "one country, one system"! The mainland's ambassador to France reveals the truth

author:Xie Zhichuan Taiwan

Text—Xie Zhichuan

Lu Shaye, the mainland's ambassador to France, said that Taiwan is now a rebellious regime that occupies Taiwan Province. The "Kuomintang-Communist Civil War" has not yet ended, so the mainland has the right to expel this regime and defend its territorial integrity.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Ambassador Lu's words speak for themselves. In other words, the first cross-strait civil war has not stopped, and the second cross-strait relations have returned to 1949. At this time, there is no suspense about the recovery of Taiwan, so Ambassador Lu said that the current cross-strait relations have left the period of peaceful development between the two sides of the strait from 08 to 16.

Don't want "one country, two systems"? Then "one country, one system"! The mainland's ambassador to France reveals the truth

There are only two ways out for the present and future of the two sides of the strait, that is, for the majority of people in Taiwan, you want "one country, two systems." If the people of Taiwan do not accept "one country, two systems," then "one country, one system." The answer is very clear, after all, strength can speak. At present, Taiwan's strength is getting farther and farther away from the mainland, and the speed at which the mainland is dumpling dumplings is comparable to a miracle in the world just because of its military strength alone.

A Jiangnan shipyard has a total of 13 ships under construction, not including Dalian, Wuhan, and Guangzhou. Therefore, if the mainland's shipbuilding firepower is fully opened, how many ships will be launched in just three to five years, and these ships will form an incomparable deterrent force in the Taiwan Strait, and I believe that the US military will not dare to come if they want to.

Moreover, the US aircraft carrier "Eisenhower" was beaten three times by the "Slipper Army" Houthis in the Red Sea, and they fled in the desert. The Roosevelt was 8,000 kilometers away, and generally speaking, the Eisenhower would have left after the Roosevelt arrived. However, I believe that the "Eisenhower" must have suffered damage, so it had to return to Hong Kong as soon as possible to repair it, so as not to be seen by the whole world.

Don't want "one country, two systems"? Then "one country, one system"! The mainland's ambassador to France reveals the truth

After all, the US aircraft carriers claim to be invincible, and if the Houthis can crack the tactics of the US aircraft carriers, then the whole world will follow suit. When the time comes, the US aircraft carriers will not be able to sail in any direction they want, because the United States has made too many enemies. In particular, even Europe does not intend to continue with the Americans, so it can be seen from this that the US aircraft carriers will be targeted wherever they go in the future.

There are also many people who have long said that the era of US aircraft carriers is over, and if they want to use aircraft carriers to deter small and medium-sized countries, it may become a difficult thing in the future. After all, the Houthis can pick up supersonic missiles and thousands of drones in the desert. Allah in Lebanon has also dug pulse weapons in the desert, so the desert has everything. Moreover, there are so many countries that are hostile to the United States, and I believe that everyone will pass on this technology to the next generation.

So the American aircraft carrier may not be too close to the shore in the future, and it will soon be beaten into a sieve. When the time comes, these will be beaten into a sieve, and the Americans will lose face. Anyway, this is also a good thing for the Americans, and there will be no need to spend a lot of money to raise so many people on aircraft carriers in the future. As long as whoever becomes the president of the United States and the aircraft carrier is knocked down, it is believed that he will soon be blamed and resigned. Because one aircraft carrier is equal to Pearl Harbor twice, who would dare to launch a nuclear attack on the United States? I'm sure he wouldn't dare.

Don't want "one country, two systems"? Then "one country, one system"! The mainland's ambassador to France reveals the truth

After all, they treat you with conventional weapons, and you can't just carry out a nuclear strike on them. Moreover, the United States is now unable to even pay its military salaries, so it really can't think of any other tricks for the United States. If this development continues, the cost of US military intervention in the Taiwan Strait will be very large. If it really arouses the anger of the mainland public, it is not impossible to solve the US Seventh Fleet at once, and I am afraid that the US Seventh Fleet will dare to line up.

Moreover, the sea trials of the Fujian were also very smooth, which made the Americans panic, thinking that the Fujian was equipped with a nuclear reactor. In fact, there is or is not, I believe experts can see it. It's just that the technology used by the mainland is beyond the imagination of the Americans, and this is also a very simple matter. Perhaps the answer lies in the mainland's BYD new energy vehicle, which can travel more than 2,000 kilometers with 65 liters of oil and electricity, and Americans must think deeply about this question.

What level has the mainland improved in terms of technology is definitely not like Tesla, which relies purely on electricity, and how far the car can go. At present, the involution of the mainland is very serious and very intense. Therefore, when the Americans have such an involuted manufacturing industry, if not, they will not want to intervene in the Taiwan Strait.

Don't want "one country, two systems"? Then "one country, one system"! The mainland's ambassador to France reveals the truth

Anyway, the Americans have already made it clear to the Taiwanese that they will give you drones and missiles, and then you will go to "fight street battles" yourself. It is best for the Taiwanese to destroy all their semiconductors, anyway, no one will do what no one does, and then the United States, Japan, Germany, and the mainland will come together to undertake the industries that Taiwan has created over the past few decades. At that time, the most unlucky people are Taiwanese, especially those who work in the semiconductor industry.

When the time comes, you will either leave your hometown or become someone else's laborer, sell your liver and sell your kidneys, and the answer is so simple. Now that they are doing some high salaries in Taiwan, maybe the good days are coming to an end. After all, the Americans who were not blown up will also come to bomb them, so to be able to make a little more money is to make a little money. When the time comes, don't complain about the mortgage and car loan when you can't pay it off.

After all, you voted for it, since you like Lai Qingde so much, you must have the concept of living and dying with Lai Qingde. People will be able to slip away when the time comes, although the mainland has now set up many obstacles, it is difficult to guarantee that the US military will not use other methods to carry them away. But you can only stay in Taiwan, look at the ruined homeland, and cry without tears when the time comes, that's all. We do not want "one country, two systems" and "peaceful reunification," that is, "reunification by force" plus "one country, one system." However, when the time comes, those who vote for the DPP will be listed as targets of sanctions, because you are the accomplices of "Taiwan independence."

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