
No money, no backing, please keep these 3 in mind in the unit

author:Brother Yuan

In a self-media, I swiped the content of how a person gets along with colleagues in the workplace, saying that a person in the unit, if there is no money and no backer, you must keep these 3 in mind, only in this way can you survive in the unit.

Everyone knows that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and people are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not be stabbed.

No money, no backing, please keep these 3 in mind in the unit

A unit or company is a place where something goes wrong. Everyone wants to achieve their desired results through their own efforts.

However, they can't let you get what you want, because if you do, they won't be happy and they won't be able to see the good of others. Here are 3 rules of law that you should keep in mind?

Learn to say "no" and be brave enough to set boundaries

In the unit, especially if you have no money and no support, don't want others to come to you whenever they have something to do, and you will stand aside whenever there is a good thing. Be an honest person in the eyes of your colleagues.

You have to learn to say no, so that you can not only protect yourself, but also avoid becoming a good old man in the eyes of your colleagues, a soft persimmon. It's better to do more than to do it right.

No money, no backing, please keep these 3 in mind in the unit

Learning to say "no" is an art in the workplace.

When a colleague or leader makes unreasonable demands, be brave enough to speak up what you think and set personal boundaries. In order to make colleagues respect your opinions and choices more.

Xiao Zhang is a personal employee of the company, because he is a newcomer, he always tries his best to meet the various requirements of his colleagues.

However, as time went on, he found that his work load was getting heavier and heavier, even affecting his life and health.

As a result, Zhang began to learn to refuse unreasonable requests and set personal boundaries. Gradually, his colleagues began to respect his opinions more, and his productivity increased.

Find the best work-life balance

Have you noticed that many people are inseparable from work and life, and even regard work as the whole of life?

A leader of our unit, whether it is working hours or not, as long as there is something, will contact you, and if the phone cannot be answered once, he will call WeChat, or even the phone number of his family, which makes the employee very annoyed him.

No money, no backing, please keep these 3 in mind in the unit

The real management master is to combine work and life reasonably and find a balance point for them.

They understand that work is to live better, not to lose the joy and meaning of life for the sake of work. If that's the case, the gains outweigh the losses.

Have a reasonable work plan and ensure that you have enough time to complete the work every day. At the same time, you should also have time for yourself to study, spend time with your family, etc.

Be cautious in your words and deeds, and avoid talking behind your back

Interpersonal relationships in the workplace are complex and changeable, and the slightest carelessness can lead to a whirlpool of right and wrong.

Therefore, we must learn to be cautious in our words and deeds, and avoid talking about colleagues and leaders behind our backs.

Even if you have an opinion or opinion about someone, learn to express it in the right way in the right place. Not only will this maintain your network, but it will also allow you to establish a good reputation in the workplace.

No money, no backing, please keep these 3 in mind in the unit

Observe and learn more in the workplace to understand the personality traits and behavioral habits of colleagues and leaders.

When communicating with them, try to be polite and respectful, and avoid using language that is too direct or sharp. At the same time, we should also learn to listen to the opinions and suggestions of others, and constantly improve our own abilities and qualities.

Many old irons said this:

Netizen A: Leaders should dare to be angry when their words and deeds are inconsistent with your words and deeds

Netizen B: If you pay, you will get something, you don't need to worry about being penniless or unsupported, you can play steadily, and anyone has a chance to become the final winner!

No money, no backing, please keep these 3 in mind in the unit

Netizen C: In the workplace, whether in public or behind the scenes, don't speak ill of your leaders and colleagues. Whatever you think about someone, don't make negative comments behind your back.

Netizen D: Knowing how to refuse can not only protect yourself, but also avoid becoming a "soft persimmon" in the eyes of colleagues and leaders in the future. It's better to do more than to do it right.