
4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage

author:British-Passenger LondonKe
4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage

On June 30, 2024, the UK Day will focus on the following:

● The leaders of the two parties exchanged harsh words ahead of the election: Rishi Sunak said Labour would wreak havoc within 100 days of coming to power, and Starmer said Conservative rule had left Britons hopeless

● Labor has pledged to announce three housing plans within two weeks of winning the general election

● Elizabeth II's favorite castle is open to the public for the first time

● Princess Diana's belongings were auctioned in the United States for a total of £4 million

●The Chinese Embassy and Consulates in the UK remind Chinese tourists to pay attention to safety in the UK

The leaders of the two parties exchanged harsh words before the election: Sunak said that Labour would cause "irreparable" damage within 100 days of taking office, and Starmer said that 14 years of Conservative rule had made British people lose hope

As the UK's election day (next Thursday, July 4 local time) approaches, the leaders of the British political parties have come out en masse to exchange harsh words on the last weekend before the general election to make a last-ditch effort to win votes.

Today (June 30), British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak took the lead in attacking the Labour Party. He warned that if Labour wins the general election, it will cause "irreparable" damage to Britain within 100 days of taking office.

4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage

He pointed out that Labour leader Starmo will immediately introduce a series of controversial policy measures when he takes over 10 Downing Street, including the abolition of the illegal refugee repatriation scheme in Rwanda, the introduction of a 20% VAT on private school fees, and the amendment of the electoral system to lower the legal voting age to 16 in order to consolidate Labour's support with young voters.

Sunak warned that the policy measures would throw schools into chaos, families hit with tax hikes, bankrupt Britain for generations, and make Britain the world's "illegal immigration capital".

4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage

Sunak said: "They [Labour] are not to be trusted. We must not give up taxes, borders and security to them. Only the Conservative Party can bring tax cuts, economic growth, and a brighter, more secure future for everyone. ”

To that end, Sunak called on voters who have not yet confirmed their voting intentions to vote to vote for the Conservative Party. He also stressed that those voters who intend to vote for the British Reform Party are tantamount to sending Labour leader Starmo to the Prime Minister's Office in disguise.

4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage

In the face of Sunak's attack, Labour leader Starmer was not to be outdone.

Writing in The Observer, he pointed out that the Conservative Party's 14 years in power have left many Britons with no hope. Once in power, he will "rekindle the flame of optimism and hope" among the British people and restore trust in politicians and civil servants.

4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage

Starmer also said that if the Conservatives were re-elected, they "would feel empowered to continue to serve themselves rather than putting the needs of the country first".

According to the latest Telegraph poll, Labour's current support is 38 per cent, 17 percentage points ahead of the Conservative Party. The Observer's last poll showed Labour leading the Conservatives by 20 percentage points. The latest Sky News poll also shows that Labour leads the Conservatives by 21 percentage points.

Based on the above projections, Labour will win at least 440 seats in the House of Commons, surpassing the seats won by Blair's Labour Party in the 1997 general election, gaining a "super-majority".

4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage

Labor has pledged to announce three housing plans within two weeks of winning the general election

On June 29, local time, Labour Party leader Starmer and Shadow Finance Minister Reeves said in an exclusive interview with The Times at the same time that once Labour wins the election, it will announce at least three statements on housing within two weeks of taking office.

4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage

The two noted that by the end of July, Labour intends to release a draft national planning policy framework to meet its commitment to build 1.5 million homes during the next parliamentary term.

If all goes according to plan, incoming Housing Secretary Angela Rayner will announce a plan for housing construction at the start of Labour's second week in power. By the third week, she will be writing to the local government asking them to regularly review the green belt boundaries to ensure local housing needs are met.

4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage

It is understood that the British government strictly controls the construction of new houses on the green belt, in order to limit urban sprawl. Studies have shown that as many as 738,000 new homes could be built by reclassifying just 1% of England's land.

Subsequently, the Labour government will also recruit 300 planning officers to speed up the approval of development projects by local governments, in addition to prioritising new homes for local residents to prevent properties from being sold to overseas investors.

Elizabeth II's favorite castle is open to the public for the first time

According to British media reports, Balmoral Castle, the late Queen Elizabeth II's favorite during her lifetime, will be open to the public for the first time from July 1.

4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage

It is understood that Balmoral Castle will be open to the public from July 1 to August 4, and 40 people will be able to take a guided tour of some of the castle's entrance halls, the red corridors, the main dining room and family dining room, the library and the living room every day.

Tickets for a guided tour cost £100 or £150 (including afternoon tea) and tickets sold out within 24 hours of going on sale.

4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage
4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage
4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage
4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage

Balmoral Castle was built in 1852 as the summer residence of the late Queen Elizabeth II, where the Queen and her wife spent their summer holidays each year. On September 8, 2022, Elizabeth II died at Balmoral Castle at the age of 96.

4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage

Princess Diana's belongings were auctioned in the United States for a total of £4 million

According to the BBC, the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills, California, USA, recently held an auction to sell Princess Diana's dresses, coats, letters and other personal belongings.

4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage

With more than 200 items at auction, the auction was the largest collection of Diana's personal belongings since the charity auction held two months before Diana's death in 1997, with a total sale price of more than £4 million, with proceeds going to the British Muscular Dystrophy Society.

4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage

Among them, Diana's lace off-the-shoulder evening gown (designed by the Englishman Victor Edelstein) worn in 1987 sold for $910,000 (about 720,000 pounds), 4.5 times the original estimate and the most expensive lot of the day.

4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage

Another blue off-the-shoulder tulle gown by Diana sold for $780,000 (£617,000).

4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage

The Chinese Embassy and Consulates in the UK remind Chinese tourists to pay attention to safety in the UK

On June 29, the Chinese Embassy in the UK issued a notice on its WeChat official account, reminding Chinese tourists to enhance their awareness of protection and ensure the safety of their persons and belongings.

4 days to go before the UK general election! The British prime minister has warned that Labour's coming to power will cause irreversible damage

The following is the full text of the notice:

At this is the peak period for Chinese citizens to visit the UK, and the Chinese Embassy and Consulates in the UK remind Chinese tourists to enhance their awareness of protection and ensure the safety of their personal and property.

1. Strengthen security precautions to ensure the safety of persons and property

Since the beginning of this year, there have been many criminal cases in the UK, especially the theft and robbery cases in tourist attractions and other crowded places have increased significantly. Chinese tourists are reminded to take precautions in a targeted manner, do not display their mobile phones and money at will, and try to use credit cards to pay. Don't carry large amounts of cash or wear expensive jewelry and watches with you. When arriving or departing from a hotel, taking public transportation or going to crowded places, it is especially important to take care of personal belongings, pay attention to suspicious people around you, and enhance your awareness of anti-theft and anti-robbery.

2. Properly respond to entry and exit inspections and safeguard legitimate rights and interests

Recently, a number of Chinese citizens were interrogated by border control personnel when entering and leaving the British border, and the Chinese embassy and consulates in the UK have made representations to the British side as soon as possible. Chinese tourists who intend to come to the UK are reminded to respond calmly in case of entry and exit checks, truthfully explain the situation and provide relevant supporting materials, and strive for smooth passage. If they are treated unfairly, they should pay attention to retaining evidence and report it to the Chinese embassy or consulate in a timely manner, so as to protect their rights and interests in accordance with the law.

3. Obey traffic laws and regulations to ensure driving safety

Before driving, please understand in detail and strictly abide by the local traffic rules in the UK, pay attention to pedestrians, pay attention to local weather conditions and road conditions, be cautious to sparsely populated remote scenic spots, and do not travel in case of bad weather. Do not drive without a license, fatigue driving, illegal driving, or dangerous driving. Inform your family members of the travel route, planning and your own situation in a timely manner, and pay attention to keeping the emergency contact information of relatives, embassies and consulates.

4. Arrange the itinerary reasonably to ensure the safety of the journey

Choose a regular travel company and a well-qualified car rental company, purchase overseas travel services through formal channels, carefully check the condition of the vehicle to be rented, and leave contact information. Choose travel routes reasonably, do not go to undeveloped and unsafe areas for reasons such as punching in, hunting, and following trends, and try to avoid single "free travel" and "adventure travel".

5. Do a good job of emergency response to ensure the safety of documents

Keep your passport and other important travel documents, separate them from your bank card and cash, and keep copies for future use. Once the documents are lost or stolen, report to the police immediately, keep the record and proof, and apply to the Chinese embassy or consulate for a replacement travel document.

6. Remember the contact information and seek assistance in time

Please pay close attention to the security reminders issued by the official website of the Chinese Embassy and Consulates in the UK, WeChat official account, China Consular Service Network, etc. In case of emergencies, please remember the following contact details:

UK Police 999 (101 for non-emergencies)

Global Emergency Hotline for Consular Protection and Services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (24 hours): +86-10-12308, +86-10-65612308


Consulate General in Manchester: +44-161-2248986



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