
Human life has long been doomed, you have to admit it!

author:Brother Yuan

Today, I saw an article talking about a person's fate on a certain self-media, talking about a person's life, but it was actually predestined.

"People, you can't fight for your life." This is not a negative renunciation of life, but a deep understanding and respect for fate.

Human life has long been doomed, you have to admit it!

As the Analects says: "Thirty to stand, forty not to be confused, fifty to know the destiny of heaven." ”

With the loss and precipitation of the years, we gradually understand that in this world, only by conforming to the arrangement of fate can we write a perfect life.

In a person's life, we are all actors, but fate is like which director. Let our lives reincarnate in good times and bad times. Learn to grow in the process of turning back.

No matter how fate arranges, we should not rely too much on luck, but work diligently and use our own sweat to water the flower of success.

Human life has long been doomed, you have to admit it!

If we put our hopes in luck, what would such a life be like? You may be complacent about this serendipitous success, or you may be debilitated by an unexpected failure.

Such a person's life is destined to be full of variables and uncertainties. On the contrary, a person who believes in fate and fears fate will cherish every opportunity in front of him more and use his own efforts to create his own brilliance.

As said in "Mirror Flowers": "Do your best, listen to the destiny of heaven." ”

Human life has long been doomed, you have to admit it!

What we have to do is to do our best to do everything well, and then accept the arrangement of fate calmly.

Regardless of the outcome, we can say with a clear conscience, "I've done my best." ”

Such an attitude to life not only makes us stronger in the face of difficulties, but also makes us more relaxed when enjoying success.

On the road of life, we will inevitably encounter various challenges and difficulties.

However, it is these challenges and difficulties that shape our character and make us more resilient and mature.

We need to understand that fate is not to be our enemy, but to dance with us.

As long as we face life with a positive attitude and meet challenges with wisdom and courage, we will be able to shine the brightest light on the stage of destiny.

A truly strong person will respect life, fear life, and believe in life.

Human life has long been doomed, you have to admit it!

But at the same time, I can also continue to maintain my enthusiasm and love within a reasonable range, continue to live well, and even get better and better.

As Hemingway wrote in The Old Man and the Sea:

"You can knock me down, but you'll never beat me."

Human life has long been doomed, you have to admit it!

In the decades of life, we have what we should have in life, and we don't force it if we don't have it.

A friend of mine has always believed that his own destiny is in his own hands, and my fate is up to me. Doing business on his own, it looks like a good deal, and when others do it, he loses money as soon as he does it, and it has been like this several times.

There is a cloud in "Shangshu": "The sky is difficult, and life is constant." ”

Fate is always full of unknowns and uncertainties, and we cannot predict the future, but we can choose how to face the present.

Let us cherish every moment and use our actions to write our own chapter of life.

Human life has long been doomed, you have to admit it!

Don't worry too much about gains and losses, don't dwell on past regrets, but learn to let go and be grateful.

Because in this world, there are still many things worth pursuing and cherishing.

There are also many old irons who say this:

Netizen A: No matter what our fate is, we must face it calmly, easily and difficultly, and then come up with a relaxed state, don't care, move forward slowly, and face everything calmly.

Netizen B: People's fate is destined, sometimes there must be in life, and there is no time in life to force it. Do your best to do things, and you can't succeed in the fate of God.

Netizen C: Indeed, I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it completely, I have opened 4-5 building materials stores, and I have lost money again and again. I didn't believe it before, and I thought that there would always be a time when I could make money. There are times in life when you have to have it, and there are times in life when you have to force it.

Netizen D: I have long admitted, I tried so hard to change, but I didn't change after all, and I still scarred myself