
Get along with the sexes: what makes people comfortable at first must be words, and then what makes people comfortable must be character

author:Brother Yuan

Yang Jiang: What makes people comfortable at the beginning must be words, and what makes people comfortable later must be character.

Life is not all about interests, but more about mutual achievement and mutual warmth.

The relationship between people must be respect for talent and character; Long in kindness, finally character!

Get along with the sexes: what makes people comfortable at first must be words, and then what makes people comfortable must be character

Seeing Mr. Yang Jiang's words, I have a deep understanding of me, I have been married for 08 years, I have two children, to be honest, the burden of life has weighed us down.

Running around with life every day. Heartbroken for work and family.

We go to work as a small wing to cope with all kinds of work and relationships in the workplace, and when we get home, we have to face all kinds of housework such as children's education and cooking.

Sometimes, because of a sentence, two people may quarrel and make the family restless. Let the child be frightened too.

Get along with the sexes: what makes people comfortable at first must be words, and then what makes people comfortable must be character

When we first met, we were always attracted by each other's words, those sweet words, meticulous care, as if we were in a dream full of romance and sweetness.

However, as time goes by, when the passion of words gradually fades, we realize that what is really comfortable is actually that person's character.

Get along with the sexes: what makes people comfortable at first must be words, and then what makes people comfortable must be character

As Mr. Yang Jiang said: "What makes people comfortable at the beginning must be words, and then what makes people comfortable must be character." ”

My colleagues Xiaoling and Xiaojie met on the university campus, and at that time, they had endless words and endless conversations every day.

After graduating, as the pressure of work increased, Xiaojie's words gradually became indifferent, and he even began to keep in touch with other women behind Xiaoling's back.

This made Xiaoling feel aggrieved, and she began to wonder if this marriage could continue.

Although, after experiencing countless quarrels and cold wars, Xiaoling realized that marriage is not only the exchange of words, but also the fit of two people's hearts.

Get along with the sexes: what makes people comfortable at first must be words, and then what makes people comfortable must be character

She began to re-examine Xiaojie's character and found that although he was negligent in his words, he could always stand up at critical moments to shield her from the wind and rain.

This made Xiaoling understand that happiness in marriage is not only maintained by words, but also requires the character and responsibility of both parties.

At the same time, Xiaoling also began to reflect on her role in marriage.

She realized that she had always relied too much on Xiaojie's verbal care in the past, but neglected the more important thing in marriage - mutual understanding and support.

Get along with the sexes: what makes people comfortable at first must be words, and then what makes people comfortable must be character

So, she began to try to change herself, learn to be independent, learn to be tolerant, and learn to understand. Gradually, she found that Xiaojie had also changed under her influence, and their marriage gradually returned to its former warmth and sweetness.

In this process, Xiaoling deeply realized the true meaning of marriage: it is not only a feast of love, but also a practice of life.

In this practice, we need to learn to cherish, learn to be grateful, and learn to be tolerant.

Only in this way can we go further and further on the road of marriage and become more and more stable.

Now Xiaoling and Xiaojie have gone through several years of married life, and they are still in love.

Get along with the sexes: what makes people comfortable at first must be words, and then what makes people comfortable must be character

They use their own experience to tell us that the happiness of marriage is not achieved overnight, it requires us to manage and care for it with our hearts.

Only in this way can we go further and further on the road of marriage and reap our own happiness and satisfaction.

There are also many old irons who say:

Netizen A: I slowly like my current self, I can drive a car, I can cook, I can earn money, I don't compare, and I don't take it seriously. can withstand perfunctory, withstand lies, self-discipline in prosperity, and self-healing in depression.

Netizen B: My mother, your past, I am going through, I want to say that I really love you, but when the words come to my mouth, I still swallow it back, it's not that I don't love it, it's really tired!

Get along with the sexes: what makes people comfortable at first must be words, and then what makes people comfortable must be character

Netizen C: Good words are the nectar of the relationship between men and women, whoever speaks first is sweet, and if you have more, you will inevitably become addicted, and it depends on you whether you can control the amount.

Netizen D: A good marriage is nourishing, reciprocal and beneficial, mutually affirmative, and mutually tolerant.