
On the day of Trump's resounding victory over Biden, Zelensky suddenly relented: he wanted to end the war

author:How to say history

The two old men, who are more than 150 years old, exposed each other's shortcomings, accused each other, and engaged in a war of words in the presidential election televised debate, which turned the serious presidential election debate into a funny and vulgar entertainment program. So what did both sides say in this high-profile debate?


And just after Biden was defeated by Trump, Zelensky suddenly relented, saying that he hoped to end the conflict between Russia and Ukraine as soon as possible and was considering relevant peace talks with Russia. So why did Zelensky change his attitude at this time?

"Absolutely insane" debate

On the day of Trump's resounding victory over Biden, Zelensky suddenly relented: he wanted to end the war

The TV debate between Biden and Trump can be said to have received widespread attention, of course, the reason for such a big attention is not how well the two old men behaved, but that the two behaved very funny! In this debate, the main focus was on criticizing each other's past words and actions and making personal attacks. Let's take a closer look at the ridiculous behavior of the two in the debate!

On the day of Trump's resounding victory over Biden, Zelensky suddenly relented: he wanted to end the war

One. Biden defended his son in the debate

Biden said to Trump, "My son is not a fool and a loser, you are a fool and a loser." Later, Biden posted the video on social media with the caption "Donald Trump is a fool and a loser." This kind of behavior looks as childish as two little children arguing!

On the day of Trump's resounding victory over Biden, Zelensky suddenly relented: he wanted to end the war

Two. The two argue about golf skills

First, Trump began to brag about his golf achievements, saying that he had recently won two club titles. "To do that, you have to be very smart, and I did, and he (Biden) couldn't even hit 50 yards," Trump said.

Biden then expressed his willingness to accept Trump's challenge, saying that he had good football skills as vice president and had a golf handicap index of six.

Then Trump said, "Don't be like a child, okay?" "I've seen your swing," accusing Biden of "lying."

On the day of Trump's resounding victory over Biden, Zelensky suddenly relented: he wanted to end the war

Three. Biden has been extremely poor throughout

First of all, Biden got stuck many times in the debate, paused several times, and suddenly froze for some reason, and there were many slips of the tongue in the middle, and his speech was relatively vague.

Secondly, Biden's voice was hoarse throughout the whole process, and he coughed several times in the middle, and someone quibbled for him afterwards that he had a cold!

What's more, Biden walks like he can't lift his feet, and when he finally steps down, he still needs his wife to come up to the stage to support him before he can be helped off the stage!

On the day of Trump's resounding victory over Biden, Zelensky suddenly relented: he wanted to end the war

This also raised concerns about his health, after all, Biden is 81 years old, but compared to Biden, the 78-year-old Trump looks much better than Biden!

Four. Accuse each other of being unfit to be president

Biden called Trump a "loser" and said Trump was convicted in a criminal case as a "felon." Trump said that Biden is the "worst president in history" of the United States, and that the United States is "declining" under Biden's leadership, and is ridiculed by the whole world.

On the day of Trump's resounding victory over Biden, Zelensky suddenly relented: he wanted to end the war

Biden was terrible in the debate, and Trump wasn't much better!

Trump's rhetoric is full of contradictions, and he doesn't know which one is true and which one is false

On the day of Trump's resounding victory over Biden, Zelensky suddenly relented: he wanted to end the war

Let's talk about the "China-related issue" first, in the debate, Trump said that the biggest enemy of the United States is internal, not external, and said that if the United States has a rational president, then China, Russia, and North Korea will not be enemies of the United States, and everyone will get along well.

This sounds like saying that there is no need for the United States to be enemies of China and Russia, and if he comes to power, he will implement a friendly policy toward China, Russia, and the DPRK, but is this really the case? Apparently not!

On the day of Trump's resounding victory over Biden, Zelensky suddenly relented: he wanted to end the war

Then Trump publicly promised that if he was elected, he would impose tariffs on imported goods, especially Chinese goods by up to 60%. Is this something that someone friendly to China can do? Apparently not! But if the U.S. does do that, the cost will be passed on to U.S. consumers in the form of rising prices. In the end, it was themselves who were hurt! So, whether it's Trump or Biden, let's not believe what they say.

Zelensky said he wanted to end the war as soon as possible!

On the day of Trump's resounding victory over Biden, Zelensky suddenly relented: he wanted to end the war

According to a report by the Ukrainian National News Agency on the 28th, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on the 27th that he would prepare a "comprehensive plan" this year to explain how Kyiv will end the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Someone joked that he must have watched the debate between Biden and Trump, and his heart was cold when he saw Biden losing and retreating, and he had no confidence, so he wanted to end the conflict as soon as possible, after all, Trump had made it clear before that if he won the election, then he would end the conflict in Ukraine before the inauguration!

On the day of Trump's resounding victory over Biden, Zelensky suddenly relented: he wanted to end the war

Now Zelensky has relented, and the Russian side is willing to negotiate on Ukraine, but the negotiations should be based on the terms agreed by Russia and Ukraine at the beginning of the negotiations in Minsk, Belarus, and Istanbul, Turkey, as well as current realities.

I hope the Russian-Ukrainian conflict will end soon!

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Foreign media: Zelensky said that he will prepare a "comprehensive plan" this year to explain how to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict

The election's first televised debate frustrated Americans