
More and more family tiles do not do "beautiful seams"! Nowadays, it is popular to do this, save money and be beautiful

author:Zhengda bright leaf 888

When decorating a home, you will basically put tiles on the ground.

Generally, after the tile is pasted on the ground, it is necessary to add beautiful seams in the tile gaps, and the role of beautiful seams is not only to increase aesthetics, but also to extend the service life of ceramic tiles.

More and more family tiles do not do "beautiful seams"! Nowadays, it is popular to do this, save money and be beautiful

However, the price of beautiful seams is relatively expensive, so more and more family tiles do not do beautiful seams.

Now it is popular to do this, and the high-end beauty is also particularly cost-effective, so you can try it.

More and more family tiles do not do "beautiful seams"! Nowadays, it is popular to do this, save money and be beautiful

Why does everyone do beauty sewing?

As a common choice for modern home decoration, tile seams bring many aesthetic and practical advantages, but there are also some disadvantages that cannot be ignored.

1. The construction is complicated

The construction process of ceramic tile joints is relatively complex, requiring professional technology and fine craftsmanship.

More and more family tiles do not do "beautiful seams"! Nowadays, it is popular to do this, save money and be beautiful

In addition, the curing process of the sewing agent also takes a certain amount of time, and if it is inappropriately stepped on or touched during this period, it may lead to poor sewing results.

More and more family tiles do not do "beautiful seams"! Nowadays, it is popular to do this, save money and be beautiful

2. Poor durability

Over time, the sewing agent may be affected by factors such as moisture and temperature changes, resulting in discoloration, cracking, and even peeling.

More and more family tiles do not do "beautiful seams"! Nowadays, it is popular to do this, save money and be beautiful

This not only affects the aesthetics, but can also cause damage to the longevity of the tile.

3. High maintenance cost

Everyone does not choose beautiful seams, mainly because the maintenance cost of ceramic tile beautiful seams is relatively high.

Moreover, due to the wide variety of types and brands of sewing agents, choosing the right repair material is also a technical task.

More and more family tiles do not do "beautiful seams"! Nowadays, it is popular to do this, save money and be beautiful

4. Poor environmental protection

Nowadays, many families do not choose beauty sewing agents because they may contain chemicals that are harmful to the human body, such as formaldehyde.

More and more family tiles do not do "beautiful seams"! Nowadays, it is popular to do this, save money and be beautiful

During construction, these harmful substances may volatilize into the air, posing a potential threat to human health.

Therefore, when choosing a sewing agent, consumers should pay attention to its environmental performance and choose products with low or no formaldehyde.

More and more family tiles do not do "beautiful seams"! Nowadays, it is popular to do this, save money and be beautiful

What's trending right now?

In addition to beauty sewing, what are the other practices? Let's share it with you below, you can try it.

1. Cement caulking

After applying a beautiful tile, the choice of caulking material is not only related to aesthetics, but also to durability.

If you're hesitating to choose a caulking material, try a traditional and practical cement caulk.

More and more family tiles do not do "beautiful seams"! Nowadays, it is popular to do this, save money and be beautiful

Cement caulking, an ancient and classic way of caulking, seems simple in the modern decoration market, but its cost performance cannot be ignored.

Compared with the dazzling array of beauty joints on the market, the price of cement joint filling is undoubtedly more affordable.

More and more family tiles do not do "beautiful seams"! Nowadays, it is popular to do this, save money and be beautiful

It does not require expensive materials and construction costs, but can achieve the same or even better caulking effect, and truly achieves good quality and low price.

In addition to the price advantage, the durability of the cement joint is even more praiseworthy.

More and more family tiles do not do "beautiful seams"! Nowadays, it is popular to do this, save money and be beautiful

As a building material with a long history, cement's strong and durable properties have long been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

using cement caulking,

More and more family tiles do not do "beautiful seams"! Nowadays, it is popular to do this, save money and be beautiful

Even after the passage of time, the cement grout remains in good condition and provides long-lasting protection for the tiling of the home.

2. Polyurea seam

As an indispensable part of modern home decoration, the material selected for tile beauty is crucial to the overall beauty and practicality.

More and more family tiles do not do "beautiful seams"! Nowadays, it is popular to do this, save money and be beautiful

Among the many sewing agents, polyurea sewing agents stand out with their excellent performance and unique charm.

Polyurea grout, its color is full and delicate, and it can be perfectly integrated into various tile colors, so that the gap and the tile are integrated into one, and the natural effect is achieved.

More and more family tiles do not do "beautiful seams"! Nowadays, it is popular to do this, save money and be beautiful

Not only that, polyurea sewing agent is also highly customizable, and can be customized according to the customer's needs and preferences, making the home space more personalized and unique.

In addition to its good looks, polyurea sewing agent is also highly regarded for its high environmental friendliness.

More and more family tiles do not do "beautiful seams"! Nowadays, it is popular to do this, save money and be beautiful

In today's era of pursuing green and environmental protection, polyurea sewing agent has become the preferred material for home decoration with its non-toxic, tasteless and non-polluting characteristics.

More and more family tiles do not do "beautiful seams"! Nowadays, it is popular to do this, save money and be beautiful

When decorating your home, if you don't want to make beautiful seams on the floor tiles, you can try the practice shared today, which not only saves money, but also is high-end and beautiful.

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