
The Lebanese-Israeli war is imminent! Why are Chinese peacekeepers stationed in Lebanon at this time?

author:How to say history

The situation in the Middle East is likely to get out of control, and the Israeli foreign minister has spoken harshly to Iran, saying that the defense minister has the ability to make Lebanon "return to the Stone Age", and now Arab countries are preparing for the worst, a large number of rockets are raiding Israel, and the Houthis say that they are attacking important targets in Israel! Could the Middle East be on the verge of a catastrophe?

The Lebanese-Israeli war is imminent! Why are Chinese peacekeepers stationed in Lebanon at this time?

Now the Middle East has become a mess, the war in the Middle East is expanding, in addition to Yemen, Syria and other Middle East countries, there are also external forces The United States and Western countries are also involved, in addition to the Houthis and other local organizations, so the tension in the Middle East is further escalating!

Tensions between Israel and Allah continue to escalate in recent times!

Defense Minister: Ability to bring Lebanon "back to the Stone Age"

The Lebanese-Israeli war is imminent! Why are Chinese peacekeepers stationed in Lebanon at this time?

On the 26th, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant said on the last day of his visit to the United States, saying that the Israeli army could return Lebanon to the "Stone Age", after which Gallant added that the Israeli government is more inclined to seek a diplomatic solution.

On June 27, Naqoura in southern Lebanon was attacked by Israeli white phosphorus bombs on the same day. Do you know how terrible the white phosphorus bombs used by Israel are? The white phosphorus bomb is extremely harmful, once dropped, the creatures within a radius of 150 meters will be burned, and the degree of burn is particularly deep, once the skin is contaminated, it will smoldering in the human body, penetrating the skin and flesh to the bones. It can also cause damage to the eyes, respiratory tract and central nervous system of the person in contact, and even cause respiratory failure.

The Lebanese-Israeli war is imminent! Why are Chinese peacekeepers stationed in Lebanon at this time?

This is not the first time that Israel has used white phosphorus bombs, as early as June 5, Israel dropped white phosphorus incendiary bombs into southern Lebanon, and the Lebanese Ministry of Health confirmed that more than 170 people have been exposed to white phosphorus and need medical treatment. And the white phosphorus bombs dropped by Israel into Gaza are even more numerous, and the casualties caused are also innumerable, which is simply mad!

"Lebanon is at war"

The Lebanese-Israeli war is imminent! Why are Chinese peacekeepers stationed in Lebanon at this time?

On the 18th, the Israeli military announced that it had approved plans to launch a military operation in Lebanon. On the 28th local time, the Lebanese-Israeli temporary border conflict continued, the Israeli army claimed to have attacked a number of Lebanese Allah armed targets, and the Lebanese Allah armed forces said that they launched drone attacks on the Israeli army.

It is reported that about 35 rockets from Lebanese territory have attacked northern Israel without causing casualties, most of them were intercepted by air defense systems, after which Israel launched a counteroffensive, and the Israeli air force launched an air strike on a facility of the Lebanese Allah air defense forces.

The Lebanese-Israeli war is imminent! Why are Chinese peacekeepers stationed in Lebanon at this time?

On June 29, local time, the prime minister of the Lebanese caretaker government said that Lebanon is in a state of war, and he said that many civilians and non-civilians died in Lebanon, and many villages were destroyed due to Israel. In addition, he said that the psychological warfare is currently escalating, but Lebanon will overcome the difficult stage it is currently in.

Iran warns that in the event of "all-out aggression" against Lebanon, it will suffer a "devastating war"!

According to Xinhua News Agency, Iran's diplomatic mission to the United Nations warned on the 28th that if Israel launches "full-scale military aggression" against Lebanon, it will suffer a "devastating war".

The Lebanese-Israeli war is imminent! Why are Chinese peacekeepers stationed in Lebanon at this time?

Israel's foreign minister spoke harshly about Iran

On June 29, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Israel Katz said: "A regime that threatens to destroy should be destroyed. He also said that if Allah does not stop firing at Israel from Lebanon and leaving the border, Israel will go all out against it.

The Lebanese-Israeli war is imminent! Why are Chinese peacekeepers stationed in Lebanon at this time?

The Lebanese-Israeli war is imminent! Why are Chinese peacekeepers stationed in Lebanon?

The Lebanese-Israeli war is imminent! Why are Chinese peacekeepers stationed in Lebanon at this time?

Now that Lebanon is on the eve of war, why did our peacekeepers choose to enter Lebanon at this time? In fact, because the more difficult and dangerous they are, the more they move forward, they need to go out to carry out their tasks in the face of danger, and the peacekeeping force has only one purpose, that is, to stop the conflict and restore peace!

The Lebanese-Israeli war is imminent! Why are Chinese peacekeepers stationed in Lebanon at this time?

It is reported that Chinese peacekeepers have cleared more than 14,000 mines and unexploded ordnance in Lebanon, and cleared more than 2 million square meters of minefields.

The Lebanese-Israeli war is imminent! Why are Chinese peacekeepers stationed in Lebanon at this time?

Another task should be to provide medical assistance services. Because the southeastern part of Lebanon is close to the border with Israel, it has experienced years of war, difficult living conditions, and lack of medical resources. Another task of the peacekeepers is to build bridges and roads. From 2006 to the present, peacekeepers have repaired more than 300 kilometers of roads and erected dozens of bridges.

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The foreign minister spoke harshly about Iran! Iran warns that in the event of "all-out aggression" against Lebanon, it will suffer a "devastating war"! Lebanon is at war

The prime minister of Lebanon's caretaker government said Lebanon was in a state of war

The Chinese peacekeeping medical contingent to Lebanon carried out medical rounds at the Lebanese-Israeli temporary border

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