
What is the reason why young people are in debt nowadays?

author:Financial Insider Lao Pan

#年轻人#前几年花呗这样的软件十分流行, in short, is the epitome of young people spending ahead of time, they can spend a sum of money in advance for the next month, and the money can be repaid before the next month's repayment date. In recent years, such software has become unpopular, but judging from the overall situation of young people now, there are still many young people who have financial problems, and some are even in debt. Why is that?

What is the reason why young people are in debt nowadays?

From the perspective of income and expenditure, if you understand the current situation of job hunting, you will know that a liberal arts student who comes out of a university can get a salary of about 3,000 to 4,000 after graduation. Such a salary is not much for a recent college graduate, if it is only these salaries, young people will not be able to meet their life ideals of buying a car and a house, and may only be able to meet the standard of living expenses for one month.

What is the reason why young people are in debt nowadays?

So we can see that many college students may have to let their parents help them after graduation. In addition to the fact that young people's incomes are generally not high now, for young people, their spending pressure is also increasing. Many male friends are reluctant to fall in love now, and they get married and have children because they don't have enough money to pay the bride price, let alone take on the burden of raising a family after marriage. At this time, some young people will choose some loan services to let themselves have some money on hand in advance to solve their urgent needs.

What is the reason why young people are in debt nowadays?

But this has also caused them to be in debt now, and I have to say that the pressure on young people nowadays is really not small. So what do you think about such a situation? Welcome to leave a message to share.