
A boy was hospitalized many times, and even went to the ICU, because of the lipstick that his mother wiped

author:Henan Business Daily

the other day

Artist Guo Biting in a variety show

It was revealed that he was allergic to rice when he was an adolescent

In severe cases, the mouth ulcerates

Related topics once appeared on the hot search

aroused heated discussions among netizens

Everyone left messages to tell about their strange allergy experiences

The variety of allergens is an eye-opener

A boy was hospitalized many times, and even went to the ICU, because of the lipstick that his mother wiped
A boy was hospitalized many times, and even went to the ICU, because of the lipstick that his mother wiped
A boy was hospitalized many times, and even went to the ICU, because of the lipstick that his mother wiped
A boy was hospitalized many times, and even went to the ICU, because of the lipstick that his mother wiped
A boy was hospitalized many times, and even went to the ICU, because of the lipstick that his mother wiped
A boy was hospitalized many times, and even went to the ICU, because of the lipstick that his mother wiped
A boy was hospitalized many times, and even went to the ICU, because of the lipstick that his mother wiped

The reporter learned from major hospitals in Xiamen

Allergies are more common in children and adolescents than in adults

Mites are the most common allergen

Doctor reminds

Food intolerances and food allergies cannot be equated

A food allergy does not have to be avoided

The specific judgment should be combined with the clinical manifestations

Allergic asthma triggered by the boy's exposure to lipstick

Chief physician Wu Jinzhun, President of Xiamen Maternal and Child Health Hospital

He has been engaged in the prevention and treatment of children's allergic diseases for a long time

I've seen a lot of weird allergies

A young boy was repeatedly hospitalized with asthma, sometimes rushed straight to the ICU. The doctor judged that allergies were causing the asthma, but the allergen could not be detected.

A boy was hospitalized many times, and even went to the ICU, because of the lipstick that his mother wiped

One day, the child's mother suddenly rushed to the hospital and told Wu Jinzhun, "I know what allergies he has!" It turned out that she put on makeup before going out that day, and put her lipstick on the table after applying it. The little boy took the lipstick, wiped it on his lips a few times, and immediately fell to the ground. The mother carefully recalled that the child had several episodes of illness after kissing and hugging her, and it should have been contact with lipstick during the process, which caused allergies.

Since then, the mother has never worn lipstick again, and the child's allergic asthma has been cured without medicine.

At the time of the interview

A parent who was waiting for a doctor happened to pass by

She took the initiative to share her friend's experience

"The father drove the child past an oil mill, and the strong aroma of peanut oil wafted in the air, and the child fainted after a few sips." The parent lamented, "Some allergies are incredible. ”

Lactose intolerance is not an allergy to cow's milk

Allergies change over time

Space changes and changes

Wu Jinzhun once treated a child who had two residences at home, and she was fine if she lived in Kangle New Village, but she had asthma when she lived near Lujiang Road. This is related to specific allergens in the environment.

There are also many children who are allergic to milk and eggs when they are one or two years old, and they are not allergic when they are seven or eight years old. In general, children and adolescents have far more allergies than adults, which is related to the fact that the immune system of children and adolescents is still developing.

Allergen detection, spot prick test, patch test, blood test and other methods, the hospital can routinely detect dozens of allergens. However, some allergens cannot be detected using conventional testing methods.

It is worth noting

Detecting food allergies does not necessarily require avoidance

A boy was hospitalized many times, and even went to the ICU, because of the lipstick that his mother wiped

During the reporter's interview, a father happened to bring his child to consult, he said that the child has not shown any special performance in drinking milk since childhood, and this allergen test found that he was allergic to milk, and planned to let the child stop drinking milk. Wu Jinzhun explained that in this case, although milk allergy was detected, the child had tolerated milk and did not show allergic symptoms, which was equivalent to desensitization, so there was no need to avoid it.

After a food allergy is detected

It is necessary to analyze how to respond in the context of clinical manifestations

The food used in the allergen test is raw food, and the protein is denatured in the cooked state, and some people are found to be allergic to raw food, but not necessarily to cooked food;

Although some people are found to be positive for allergy indicators, they have tolerated it, have no allergic symptoms, and do not need to avoid it.

It is also important to note that food intolerance is not the same as a food allergy. For example, a lactose intolerant person may have diarrhea when drinking milk, but is not allergic to cow's milk.

Nuts are allergic or life-threatening

Many people are confused

Our standard of living has improved

Why are there more and more allergies?

A boy was hospitalized many times, and even went to the ICU, because of the lipstick that his mother wiped

on this

Wu Jinzhun's explanation is:

Our ancestors may have been active within a radius of 10 kilometers all their lives, but now people's range of activities has expanded dramatically, and they are exposed to more and more miscellaneous substances, coupled with the emergence of various new materials, and the drastic reduction of infectious diseases has reduced the chance for the body's immune system to be "sculpted", so allergies have increased.

Wu Jinzhun said

Allergies manifest in a variety of ways

In addition to hair and nails

Other parts of the body may exhibit symptoms of allergies

Common allergic symptoms such as skin eczema, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, migraine, diarrhea, frequent urination and urgency, etc.

Anaphylactic shock and acute laryngeal obstruction are the most fatal and can kill people in a short period of time. Relatively speaking, nut allergies are more likely to cause these serious manifestations.

The principle of allergy treatment is "avoid transfer"

That is, avoid, remove, avoid, and replace

Wu Jinzhun reminded

Patients with severe allergies

It is recommended to use a piece of paper that does not dissolve in water

Write down your name, blood type, contact information, with an oil-based pen.

Allergies to what substances

When you are unable to speak during a seizure

It is convenient for people around you to help call the 120 emergency number

Source: Xiamen Daily

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