
My family had been separated from my sister's family for two years, and I was surprised to see my sister being bullied

author:A minute in the world

This article is a fictional novel, the pictures are all network pictures, and the names of people and places are all apocryphal.

Sitting in this small rental house, I looked through some old photos and couldn't help but feel a sense of loss in my heart.

My name is Li Hua, and I live in this old neighborhood, which is almost my entire childhood, and it is here to witness the bits and pieces of me and my family, including my sister, an existence that made me feel out of place with us since I was a child.

She lives on the other side of the block, always quiet and delicate, which is very different from the lively atmosphere of our house. We have two girls in our family, me and my sister, the difference is that my sister was adopted by my grandmother.

This secret was not gradually revealed until we grew up, but my grandparents raised her like their own daughter, and I often feel deep in my heart.

My family had been separated from my sister's family for two years, and I was surprised to see my sister being bullied

My sister is very introverted and has an extremely considerate attitude towards her family, even if our family background is average, she is willing to sacrifice herself just to ensure that her sister can receive a better education.

Time flies, we all become a family, and there are more and more family members, and the life of the originally close-knit family begins to change.

In order to cope with the increasing tension of life, my sister's family and I had to live separately, and the family was spread across the east and west ends of the block, which made me feel a little sentimental.

Even though the distance has become farther away, my mother still insists on the warmth of the past, and often makes snacks at home and sends them to my sister's house, maintaining this family connection. The good times didn't last long, and a small incident of borrowing money for treatment made the already delicate relationship even more complicated.

Once, my brother-in-law was in urgent need of money due to illness and borrowed money from my family, and although my family was not wealthy, I still supported them as much as possible out of consideration of family affection.

After the treatment, due to some communication problems, the brother-in-law misunderstood his mother and did not repay the money on time, and this small matter eventually deteriorated and turned into an open quarrel.

The quarrel was very intense, and my family and my sister's family stood in the street-for-tat, and accusations and dissatisfaction burst out from their mouths.

The neighbors in the neighborhood were either surprised to see this unusual scene, or whispered about this sudden family conflict, and watched the originally close family members fight each other because of a momentary misunderstanding, and my heart was extremely throbbing and helpless.

Since then, there seems to be an invisible gap between the two families, and the family relationship for many years has been deeply affected at that moment, and they have never been in contact as before, and the warmth and understanding that once seemed to have disappeared overnight.

To this day, there is always a hint of sadness at the mention of my sister's mother, and I will never forget the winter when the laughter and joy of our family were replaced by roar and indifference.

Family affection can be so fragile, just because of a small misunderstanding.

In the past two years, the atmosphere at home has been like a glass of cold and white, with a touch of bitterness. Every time it comes to the New Year's holiday, think about the scene of the family reunion, but now it is a stranger, and my heart seems to be blocked by something.

This embarrassing emotion is like a weed quietly taking root in the bottom of my heart. In such a dull atmosphere, the existence of the niece is like a spring breeze, blowing away the haze in my heart.

Although the communication between the family has been severed, she never seems to forget the blood connection between us, and always expresses her understanding and respect for our family in various ways, and this child's innocence has given us great comfort.

As if to tell us that the emotion between family members is indelible from any misunderstanding and distance.

Two years later, on a winter afternoon, my dad and I went to the South Market to buy New Year's goods, and the market was particularly lively that day, and a poignant scene in the crowd attracted our attention.

My family had been separated from my sister's family for two years, and I was surprised to see my sister being bullied

My sister was in front of an inconspicuous stall, facing a young man with helplessness between her eyebrows, it turned out that the young man had eaten her sister's fruit, but she looked like she didn't want to pay.

Seeing that his sister was in a predicament, Dad did not hesitate at all, stuffed the things in his hand and walked over.

Seeing that his father's back was becoming more and more tall in the crowd, he walked up to his sister and said with that long-lost depth and steadiness: "This little brother, of course he has to give money for eating other people's things." ”

At that moment, time seemed to freeze, and I saw my sister stunned, and the complicated expression that seemed to have re-met family affection after all the vicissitudes of life flashed on her face.

After a few simple words of negotiation from Dad, the young man finally reluctantly paid the money, and this little dispute was over. My sister turned to look at us, her eyes full of intricate emotions.

A simple gesture of Dad is like a key to open a heart that has been closed for a long time. At that moment, we had tears in each other's eyes, but we both tried our best not to let this emotion overflow.

This incident undoubtedly became an important turning point in the relationship between our family and my sister's family, and although it took time to restore communication, at least the invisible wall between us began to slowly disintegrate.

After the change, no matter where we are, we are still a family after all, and this bloodline connection cannot be separated by any external disputes.

That evening, the sky seemed to be sprinkled with a thin layer of gold dust, and the sun shone gently in my small courtyard. I was watering the flowers and plants when I heard a knock at the door, and I felt a little strange.

We haven't had many guests in our house during this time, so who will it be today? I opened the curtain and saw my sister's family standing outside. Holding two large bags of fruit in her hand, looking at her strength, it is estimated that she must be around twenty pounds.

My brother-in-law, nephews, and nieces were also standing next to me, looking at me expectantly, and my heart was flustered and happy at this moment, which was a warm scene that I had never had in two years.

My sister was a little cramped, but she still mustered up the courage to walk into the yard, "Li Hua, this time... We all had something wrong, especially me, who didn't discipline the children well. ”

As he spoke, he handed me a large potato, and his eyes were full of sincerity, and I was a little surprised and invited them into the house to sit down.

The four members of my sister's family in the house seemed a little restrained, and I hurriedly took out the freshly boiled tea to relieve the tension.

Then the nephew seemed to have made a lot of determination and opened his mouth: "Uncle, in fact, the misunderstanding between our family and your family was all because of me. ”

It turned out that the nephew used the money his sister took to return to his brother-in-law two years ago to secretly buy a remote control car that he had long fancied, but he never dared to tell the adult. I listened to the mixed feelings in my heart, not only lamenting the childishness of the child, but also feeling helpless for the estrangement caused by this misunderstanding.

My sister and brother-in-law felt guilty when they realized this and decided to come to our house to apologize in person, hoping to clear up the misunderstandings that had accumulated over the years and start over.

After listening to my nephew's confession, the wall in my heart seemed to collapse at this moment, and my eyes were red, but my heart was full of relief and warmth. From that day on, our relationship was not only re-established, but closer than before.

We started to visit each other to help each other, whether it was my niece's academic problems or my nephew's work problems, we did our best to support and help. As the years go by, the warmth and support between families has become an indispensable part of our daily lives.

My family had been separated from my sister's family for two years, and I was surprised to see my sister being bullied

Especially on holidays, we will have dinner and celebrate together, and the family will sit around the same table to talk and laugh and enjoy the warmth of home.

These days have made me deeply realize that the conflicts between families are indeed irreconcilable, and they will eventually find a warm and harmonious way to make this home that belongs to us and everything prosperous.

This incident made me believe that as long as there is love, tolerance and communication in people's hearts, any rift between families can be repaired, because we all have a common desire in our hearts - the warmth and harmony of home.

This story is purely fictional, the names and events in the story are fictional, and the purpose of using place names is only for the purpose of describing the plot and making it easy to read and understand.