
Why did Mianning Wuzhao ascend to the throne? As a son-in-law, favored by the emperor Qianlong, he was born just right

author:Brother Xiaoyang

On August 27, the 25th year of Jiaqing, a young prince ascended the supreme throne of the Qing Empire. He is the second son of Emperor Jiaqing, Mianning, who was later renamed Minning, and is known as Emperor Daoguang in history. As the first emperor in the history of the Qing Dynasty to inherit the throne as a son-in-law, the accession of Emperor Daoguang seems to be logical. However, a closer look at the reasons reveals that the emperor's path to the throne was not all smooth sailing.

With the whereabouts of the succession edict unknown, how could Emperor Daoguang be able to inherit the throne without dispute? His status as a son-in-law is important, but that alone does not seem to explain his rise to prominence. What kind of coincidence made Mianning the beloved grandson of Emperor Qianlong? What were the factors that made him stand out among the brothers and finally sit on the dragon chair?

What's even more interesting is that Emperor Daoguang did not have any outstanding military achievements before he ascended the throne, and he had few achievements in court politics. So, what kind of trait or experience has given him such prestige? Is there a story of untold twists and turns hidden behind this seemingly peaceful succession to the throne?

On the tenth day of August in the 47th year of Qianlong, the Purple City welcomed a special newborn in the Chufang Palace

This baby was the future Daoguang Emperor, and his birth immersed the entire palace in jubilation. However, behind this joy, there is a deeper meaning.

At that time, the Qing Empire was in a delicate period. Although Emperor Qianlong, who was over the age of old, still held the power of the court, the issue of succession to the throne has been unresolved. Although Emperor Qianlong had more than 20 princes, he always hoped that his son-in-law would inherit the throne. It's a pity that the heavens did not fulfill people's wishes, and his two sons-in-law died early, which made Emperor Qianlong hesitate again and again on the issue of establishing a prince.

In the 38th year of Qianlong, the 63-year-old Emperor Qianlong finally made a decision and secretly appointed Jiaqing, who was only 23 years old at the time, as the crown prince. However, this decision was not made public, and even Jiaqing himself was not aware of it. Six years later, Jiaqing's concubine Jin Xitara gave birth to his eldest son, which was supposed to be a happy event, but unfortunately died, casting a shadow on the royal family.

It is in this context that the birth of Mianning is particularly important. For the 72-year-old Qianlong Emperor, this newborn emperor and grandson is not only the joy of teasing his grandson, but also the hope for the continuation of the Qing Empire. For the young Jiaqing, after the grief of losing his eldest son, it is undoubtedly a great comfort to have a son-in-law.

Mianning's birth timing can be described as just right. His birth not only soothed the previous pain of the royal family, but also relieved Emperor Qianlong of some concerns. After all, with this grandson, the Qing Dynasty has a more stable successor.

However, the importance of Mianning is not just that he is a sister-in-law. In the year he was born, Emperor Qianlong was planning a ceremony for the Zen throne after his reign of sixty years. The birth of Mianning seems to be God's blessing for this ceremony, and it also provides a comfort for Emperor Qianlong, who is about to abdicate.

It is worth mentioning that Mianning's biological mother, Empress Xiao Shurui, died of illness when he was young. It stands to reason that this should have been a major obstacle on the road to Mianning's succession. However, the opposite is true. Mianning, who lost his biological mother, received more love from his imperial grandfather Qianlong, which invisibly paved the way for his future succession.

During Mianning's upbringing, Emperor Qianlong paid special attention to this intelligent imperial grandson. In a Mulan hunt, Mianning, who was only 8 years old, showed an amazing talent for riding and archery, and was hit with three arrows in a row, winning the appreciation and reward of Emperor Qianlong. This is not only a simple performance, but also the beginning of Mianning's gradual improvement in the royal family.

Why did Mianning Wuzhao ascend to the throne? As a son-in-law, favored by the emperor Qianlong, he was born just right

As she grew older, Mianning showed outstanding talent in both martial arts. He is not only proficient in the Four Books and Five Classics, but also has in-depth research on classics such as "Zizhi Tongjian" and "Zhenguan Political Leaders". In terms of poetry and songs, his attainments are also quite recognized. All these made Emperor Qianlong and Jiaqing have high hopes for this prince (imperial grandson).

Mianning's growth trajectory seems to confirm an old proverb: if you are born at the wrong time, everything will not succeed; When you are born, everything is prosperous. His birth coincided with the time, which not only filled the regrets of the royal family, but also laid the foundation for his future succession. However, is the timing of his birth alone enough to explain his eventual ascension to the throne? What are the untold stories? Let's continue to delve into the growth of this special prince.

During the growth of Mianning, Emperor Qianlong's love for this imperial grandson is obvious to all. This special attention is not only due to blood relations, but also because of the extraordinary talent and unique temperament shown by Mianning.

Qianlong's preference for Mianning is first reflected in the details of daily life

According to historical records, whenever Mianning entered the palace to meet him, Qianlong always poured tea and water for him personally, which was extremely rare in the royal etiquette at that time. What's even more interesting is that Qianlong also often trimmed Mianning's nails himself, an intimate gesture that has never been seen in other emperors.

In terms of education, Qianlong also paid special attention to Mianning. He not only selected the best master for Mianning, but also often personally tested Mianning's studies. Once, Qianlong met Mianning who was reciting the Analects in the imperial garden, so he improvised a question to investigate. Mianning not only answered fluently, but also drew inferences from one case and quoted classics, which made Qianlong greatly admired. Since then, Qianlong has often taken Mianning with him and personally taught the way of government.

However, Qianlong's favor for Mianning was not limited to culture and education. As an emperor who advocated martial arts, Qianlong also attached great importance to the cultivation of martial arts in Mianning. In a Mulan hunt, Mianning, who was only eight years old, showed amazing talent for riding and shooting. At that time, a hare suddenly sprang out of the hunting ground, and before everyone could react, the little Mianning had already opened his bow and arrow, and an arrow hit. This scene amazed the civil and military officials present, and Qianlong was even more overjoyed, and gave Mianning a precious treasure bow on the spot.

Since then, Qianlong has often taken Mianning to participate in various hunting activities. In these activities, Mianning not only showed outstanding riding and archery skills, but also showed perseverance. Once, in a hunt that lasted for three days, Mianning, who was only ten years old, always followed Qianlong closely and did not show any fatigue. This spirit of perseverance deeply gratified Qianlong, who believed that this was the quality that a future emperor should have.

In addition to his daily life and education, Qianlong often showed his love for Mianning on major occasions. At the celebration of Qianlong's 60th birthday, Mianning was arranged in an important position in the VIP seat, and this arrangement aroused widespread discussion among the ministers of the DPRK and China. What's even more remarkable is that at the climax of the celebration, Qianlong made an exception to allow Mianning to participate in the ceremony of sacrificing to the sky, which is an honor that other emperors and grandsons have never had.

Qianlong's favor for Mianning is also reflected in the reward. On Mianning's twelfth birthday, Qianlong gave him a precious set of jade ruyi, which was one of Qianlong's favorite collections. At the same time, Qianlong also specially built a small palace for Mianning, named "Changchun Garden", which caused quite a stir at that time.

However, Qianlong's favor is not untargeted. His expectations for Mianning are similarly high. In a lecture before the emperor, Qianlong specially asked Mianning about his understanding of "learning from things" in the "University". Mianning not only gave an incisive interpretation of the scriptures, but also put forward his own opinions in combination with actual government affairs. This reply made Qianlong ecstatic, and gave Mianning a royal jade seal on the spot.

It is worth noting that Qianlong's love for Mianning is not blindly doting. He also often puts forward strict requirements for Mianning. Once, Mianning accidentally fell and injured himself while practicing riding and archery, and instead of being distressed when Qianlong learned about it, he severely criticized Mianning for his carelessness. This kind of harsh teaching made Mianning more diligent, and finally became a royal grandson who was all-round in civil and military affairs.

Qianlong's special attention and favor for Mianning undoubtedly paved the way for Mianning's future succession. However, will this favor ensure that Mianning will successfully ascend to the throne? In the complex royal politics, what other factors affect the fate of Mianning? Let's move on to the growth of this future emperor.

In the process of Mianning's growth, in addition to the favor of his grandfather Qianlong, his father Emperor Jiaqing also contributed to his education and training. As a ruler who was well versed in the way of the emperor, Emperor Jiaqing knew what kind of talents and qualities a future emperor would need to have. Therefore, his cultivation of Mianning can be described as painstaking, strict and comprehensive.

Why did Mianning Wuzhao ascend to the throne? As a son-in-law, favored by the emperor Qianlong, he was born just right

Emperor Jiaqing's education in Mianning was first reflected in cultural accomplishment. From an early age, he arranged for Mianning to have the best masters, including Ji Yun and Ruan Yuan, who were famous scholars at the time. Under the guidance of these famous teachers, Mianning is not only proficient in the Four Books and Five Classics, but also has in-depth research on historical classics such as "Zizhi Tongjian" and "Zhenguan Political Leaders".

Once, Emperor Jiaqing personally tested Mianning's studies in the imperial study. He opened the Analects at random and asked Mianning to recite and explain its meaning. Mianning not only memorized accurately, but also analyzed it in combination with the political situation at the time, which made Emperor Jiaqing greatly appreciated. From then on, Emperor Jiaqing often involved Mianning in court and political discussions as a way to cultivate his political insight.

In addition to the traditional Confucian classics, Emperor Jiaqing also paid special attention to the study of history in Mianning

He often studied with Mianning the ways of governing the country of the emperors of the past dynasties, and asked Mianning to write his own opinions. During a discussion of Tang Taizong's policies, Mianning not only analyzed in detail the factors that led to the success of Zhenguan's rule, but also pointed out its shortcomings. This unique insight made Emperor Jiaqing deeply gratified, and he believed that this was the way a future emperor should think.

In terms of literature, Emperor Jiaqing also put forward high requirements for Mianning. He often encouraged Mianning to write poems and commented on them himself. Once, Mianning created a seven-character poem describing the spring scene of the Forbidden City, which is not only neat and beautiful, but also cleverly integrated with the meaning of governing the country and the country. Emperor Jiaqing was full of praise after reading it, and included this poem in the imperial poetry collection.

However, Emperor Jiaqing knew that a qualified emperor needed not only cultural accomplishments, but also outstanding martial arts. Therefore, he also put a lot of effort into the cultivation of martial arts in Mianning. Every morning, Mianning undergoes rigorous martial arts training, including archery, swordsmanship, and boxing. Emperor Jiaqing often supervised these trainings himself, and sometimes even demonstrated them himself.

Once, in a mounted archery competition, Mianning's performance was not satisfactory. Instead of reproaching, Emperor Jiaqing personally instructed Mianning on how to improve the accuracy of archery. For the next few months, Emperor Jiaqing found time every day to practice with Mianning. This strict and friendly teaching method has made Mianning's riding and archery skills improve by leaps and bounds.

In addition to the cultivation of civil and military talents, Emperor Jiaqing also paid special attention to Mianning's moral cultivation. He often admonished Mianning that a good emperor must not only have talent, but also be benevolent. For this reason, Emperor Jiaqing often took Mianning micro-clothes out on patrol to personally observe the people's feelings. Once, they came to a village on the outskirts of Beijing and saw that the villagers were facing famine because of the drought. Emperor Jiaqing ordered Mianning to formulate a rescue plan on the spot and supervise its implementation. This kind of practical education has given Mianning a deep understanding of the concept of "people-oriented" governance.

Emperor Jiaqing's cultivation of Mianning is also reflected in his participation in practical government affairs. From the age of fifteen in Mianning, Emperor Jiaqing asked him to participate in some less important court and political discussions. As she grew older, the scope of government affairs that Mianning participated in gradually expanded. During a discussion on the issue of the northwest frontier, Mianning put forward a plan that could not only consolidate the border defense but also promote the local economic development, which amazed the ministers present.

However, the cultivation of Emperor Jiaqing was not all smooth sailing. Sometimes, Mianning also makes some mistakes. For example, when dealing with a corruption case involving local officials, Mianning's judgment was too lenient, which caused dissatisfaction among some ministers. In this regard, Emperor Jiaqing did not cover up, but severely criticized Mianning and asked him to retry the case. This strict requirement makes Mianning more cautious about every decision.

Emperor Jiaqing's strict cultivation of Mianning undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for his future succession. However, in the complex politics of the royal family, can talent and education alone ensure that Mianning can successfully ascend to the throne? In this process, what are the unknown twists and turns and challenges? Let's move on to the growth of this future emperor.

Mianning's growth from a favored prince to eventually becoming the prince of the Qing Empire was full of hardships and challenges. This experience not only shaped his character, but also laid the foundation for his later reign.

In Mianning's early childhood, he showed extraordinary intelligence. According to historical records, he was able to recite the Analects at the age of five and write neat regular script at the age of seven. This talent soon attracted the attention of the ministers of the DPRK and China. At that time, Wang Jihua, the secretary of the Ministry of Rites, once publicly praised Mianning at a court meeting, saying that he was "brilliant and worthy of being a pillar of the country". These remarks aroused the dissatisfaction of some ministers in the court, who believed that over-praise of the prince might arouse the suspicion of Emperor Jiaqing.

However, Emperor Jiaqing did not alienate Mianning because of this, but paid more attention to his education. When Mianning was ten years old, Emperor Jiaqing specially chose a strict master for him, the famous scholar Ruan Yuan. Nguyen Yuan was not only knowledgeable, but also known for his strictness. Under his teaching, Mianning had to complete a large number of reading and writing tasks every day. Once, Mianning did not complete his homework because he was playful, and Ruan Yuan disregarded his status as a prince and punished him on the spot for copying "University" a hundred times. Although this strict education method made Mianning suffer, it also made him develop the habit of being diligent and studious.

Why did Mianning Wuzhao ascend to the throne? As a son-in-law, favored by the emperor Qianlong, he was born just right

As she grew older, Mianning began to be exposed to more government affairs. When he was fifteen years old, Emperor Jiaqing made an exception and allowed him to attend the court meeting. This caused quite a stir at the time, because according to the custom, the prince could not participate in political affairs until he reached adulthood. When he observed the court meeting for the first time, Mianning showed extraordinary insight. At that time, the imperial court was discussing the problem of flooding in the south of the Yangtze River, and Mianning proposed a plan that could not only dredge the waterways but also reduce the burden on the people. This suggestion was highly appreciated by Emperor Jiaqing, and also made the ministers present look at the young prince with admiration.

However, Mianning's growth path has not been easy. When he was seventeen years old, a sudden illness nearly took his life. At that time, the Tai Hospital was helpless, and Mianning's condition was getting worse and worse. At this critical moment, a folk doctor stepped forward and treated Mianning with a special prescription. This experience not only gave Mianning a new understanding of life, but also made him deeply appreciate the importance of folk wisdom. Since then, he has often visited the country to personally observe the people's feelings.

In the process of growing up, Mianning also faced competition from other princes

In particular, his elder brother Yong Ying was also a talented prince. The two often competed in literary talent and martial arts, and this kind of healthy competition not only promoted the progress of Mianning, but also laid the groundwork for the future battle for the prince. Once, at a royal poetry conference, Mianning and Yongying were asked to improvise poems at the same time. Yongying's poems are gorgeous and beautiful, and have won the praise of many ministers. Although Mianning's poems seem plain, they imply the way to govern the country, and finally won the approval of Emperor Jiaqing.

When Mianning was twenty years old, a major event occurred that affected his life. At that time, the White Lotus uprising intensified, and the imperial court sent troops to suppress it many times without success. At an urgent military meeting, Mianning proposed a strategy of both fighting and pulling: on the one hand, to intensify military strikes, and on the other hand, to implement a policy of recruiting security to ordinary people who participated in the uprising. This suggestion was adopted by Emperor Jiaqing, and he eventually succeeded in quelling the White Lotus uprising. This experience not only showed Mianning's military prowess, but also gave him a deep understanding of the complexities of governing the country.

As he grew older, Mianning's influence in the court grew. He was not only proficient in civil and martial arts, but also good at dealing with complex court relations. In dealing with a corruption case involving local officials, Mianning displayed great political wisdom. He not only severely punished the main criminals, but also gave some petty officials who had been coerced into participating in the rehabilitation of a new leaf. This kind of handling of the matter, which is both stern and tolerant, has won unanimous praise from both the government and the opposition.

However, with the improvement of Mianning's status, some undercurrents have also begun to surge. Some ministers feared that Mianning's influence was too great, and began to spread rumors against him in the court. There are also attempts to drive a wedge between him and other princes. In the face of these challenges, Mianning has shown extraordinary calmness and wisdom. He neither argues with others nor deliberately curries favor, but proves his ability and loyalty with practical actions.

When Mianning was twenty-five years old, Emperor Jiaqing finally decided to establish a prince. This decision has caused heated discussions in the DPRK and China. Those who support Mianning believe that he is a well-rounded man and a suitable candidate. Opponents argue that he is young and inexperienced. At this critical moment, Mianning took the initiative to ask Ying to go to the border for inspection. During his six-month trip to the frontier, he not only appeased the local ethnic minorities, but also put forward a series of suggestions to improve border governance. This mission not only demonstrated Mianning's ability, but also won the support of the frontier soldiers.

Finally, when Mianning was twenty-six years old, Emperor Jiaqing officially announced that he would be the crown prince. This decision marked Mianning's transition from prince to prince, and also heralded that he was about to shoulder the heavy responsibility of governing the Qing Empire. However, becoming a prince is only the beginning, how to gain a firm foothold in the complex court environment, how to prepare for the future rule, these are the new challenges that Mianning will face.

After Mianning became the prince, she began to think more deeply about her own concept of governance. His political ambitions were both a continuation of tradition and the courage to innovate, a unique approach to statecraft that laid the foundation for his later rule.

In terms of inheritance, Mianning first attached importance to continuing the governing experience of the Qianlong and Jiaqing dynasties. He carefully studied the "Great Qing Huidian" and the "Case of the Great Qing Huidian" to gain an in-depth understanding of the political system and management methods of the Qing Dynasty. In a discussion with Liu Yong, a scholar, Mianning put forward the idea of "taking the ancestral system as the foundation and taking current affairs as the use", emphasizing the need to adapt to the changes of the times while maintaining the stability of the Qing system.

Mianning paid special attention to the study of the policies of the Qianlong Dynasty in its heyday. He believes that the "Ten Complete Martial Arts" of the Qianlong period not only consolidated the rule of the Qing Dynasty, but also expanded the land area, and is a successful experience worth learning from. Therefore, he proposed to continue to strengthen the governance of the frontiers, especially the control of Xinjiang, Tibet and other regions. At a meeting of the Military Aircraft Department, Mianning suggested that a policy of "rule according to customs" should be implemented in these areas, respecting local customs and gradually centralizing power.

In terms of cultural policy, Mianning advocated continuing to implement the policy of "respecting Confucianism and valuing Taoism" during the Kangxi and Qianlong periods. He believed that Confucianism was an important pillar for maintaining social order. To this end, he organized many large-scale classical recitation activities and personally participated in them. During a recitation of the Analects, Mianning gave an in-depth explanation of the concept of "virtue for government", emphasizing that the monarch should influence his subjects with virtue rather than relying solely on force.

However, Mianning is not blindly conformist. He was keenly aware that with the changing times, the Qing Dynasty faced new challenges and needed to reform and innovate in some aspects.

Why did Mianning Wuzhao ascend to the throne? As a son-in-law, favored by the emperor Qianlong, he was born just right

On the economic front, Mianning put forward a series of innovative ideas. He noted that with the growth of the population and the development of the commodity economy, the traditional land tax system could no longer meet the financial needs of the country. To this end, he proposed to reform the tax system and increase taxes on commerce and handicrafts. The proposal sparked a heated debate in the DPRK and China, with some conservative ministers arguing that it would affect social stability. But Mianning insisted on her own views and elaborated on the necessity and feasibility of this reform at a royal council.

In terms of science and technology, Mianning has shown an extraordinary forward-looking. He noted the progress of Western countries in science and technology, and believed that the Qing Dynasty must strengthen its development in this area. At his initiative, the imperial court set up a special "Western-style school" and hired Western missionaries to teach mathematics, physics and other subjects. Mianning often visits the school in person and communicates with the students. During one of his visits, he personally operated a telescope imported from the West and explained its principles, showing a keen interest in new knowledge.

On the military front, Mianning also put forward some innovative ideas

He recognized that the equipment and training methods of the Qing army had lagged behind the Western powers. To this end, he proposed the introduction of advanced Western weapons and military training methods. During a military exercise, Mianning personally demonstrated the use of Western-style rifles, and stressed the need to learn new combat methods while maintaining the traditional cavalry and archery skills of the Qing army.

Mianning's innovative thinking is also reflected in foreign relations. He recognized that as the Western powers advanced eastward, the Qing dynasty had to adjust its foreign policy. At a conference to discuss foreign trade policy, Mianning proposed the strategy of "using commerce to control the country", advocating the expansion of foreign trade to enhance national strength, and at the same time to understand the West. Although this view was opposed by some conservative ministers, it was supported by Emperor Jiaqing.

In dealing with internal affairs, Mianning has also shown an innovative side. He noticed that with the development of society, the traditional eight-share system of taking scholars can no longer select truly talented talents. To this end, he proposed to reform the imperial examination system and increase the content of examinations for practical subjects. In a discussion with the scholars of the Hanlin Academy, Mianning elaborated on the necessity of this reform, arguing that only by selecting people who truly knew how to govern the country could the long-term peace and stability of the Qing Dynasty be maintained.

Mianning's political ambitions are also reflected in his concern for people's livelihood. He has made many private visits to the micro-service and personally understands the people's suffering. During an inspection of the floods in the south of the Yangtze River, Mianning personally inspected the affected areas by boat, regardless of the dangers. In the following recital, he described in detail what he had seen and heard, and proposed a series of disaster relief and flood prevention measures, reflecting his deep concern for people's livelihood.

These political aspirations of Mianning not only reflect his respect for tradition, but also show his innovative spirit in the face of the new era. This philosophy of governance, which attaches equal importance to inheritance and innovation, laid the ideological foundation for his future rule. However, there is often a gap between the ideal and the reality. What kind of resistance will be encountered in the actual implementation of these ambitions? How will Mianning respond to these challenges? The answers to these questions will be revealed over the course of his reign.

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