
The father looked for an umbrella in the heavy rain, just so that his daughter would not be drenched: the father's love is silent, and he will always be a strong backing

author:Fireworks in the world 005

Father's love is different from mother's love, which is often described as direct, warm, and meticulous, such as direct expression of love for the child through kisses, hugs, careful care, etc.

Fatherhood, on the other hand, is often seen as deeper and more subtle, and fathers may show more love for their children through actions rather than words, such as providing financial support, educational guidance, or passing on love by participating in activities and solving problems together.

Recently, a netizen casually filmed a touching scene, the father was looking for an umbrella in the heavy rain just to keep his daughter from being drenched, netizens said that father's love is silent and will always be a strong backing.

The father looked for an umbrella in the heavy rain, just so that his daughter would not be drenched: the father's love is silent, and he will always be a strong backing

In the picture, it is raining rain, and a father drives his daughter to school. When I got out of the car, the rain didn't stop.

In desperation, the father got out of the car and went to the trunk to get an umbrella for his daughter in the rain. I walked to the trunk and flipped over for a while before I got to the umbrella. At this time, the rain was too heavy, and after a while, Dad's clothes were soaked.

After getting the umbrella, the father was soaking wet, and quickly stretched the umbrella and walked to the co-pilot seat to pick up his daughter.

My daughter didn't get wet at all, and walked to school with an umbrella and a bag.

At this time, the drenched father stepped into the driver's seat.

Luckily, it's the height of summer, and the hot weather keeps the temperature high, so you don't feel the slightest chill. However, the only thing that made me feel uncomfortable was the sweat-soaked clothes that clinged to my body, giving me a slightly unbearable awkwardness.

Just imagine, if it is a harsh winter, then wouldn't Dad be in trouble?

The father looked for an umbrella in the heavy rain, just so that his daughter would not be drenched: the father's love is silent, and he will always be a strong backing

Still, when the father didn't hesitate to fetch an umbrella for his daughter, all he could think about was his precious daughter, and he didn't want to see her brave the rain to go to school.

This deep and firm father's love is as unswerving as a towering mountain.

Father's love, although not as gentle and delicate as mother's love, touches people's hearts in a deep and unique way. It is like still water, and although it is not often expressed in words, it silently shows unwavering support and reliance.

At the critical moment, father's love is like a towering mountain, giving us the most solid support, making us feel a majestic strength and sense of security different from mother's love.

It teaches us tenacity and independence, demonstrates responsibility and responsibility with actions, and silently lays a solid foundation for our growth.

This kind of love, although not revealed in the smallest details, leaves an indelible mark on the depths of our hearts, which is equally touching and precious.

The father looked for an umbrella in the heavy rain, just so that his daughter would not be drenched: the father's love is silent, and he will always be a strong backing

Many people may think that it is his daughter who is in the car, and this is not the right thing to do? It is indeed the way it should be, and this is the greatness of fatherly love.

They do anything for their children, never thinking about whether they should or shouldn't. As long as their children need it, they will not hesitate.

This scene was inadvertently filmed by a netizen and shared on the Internet.

For this scene, netizens have a lot of discussions, and some netizens said that they are very envious of this girl, she is full of father's love, and when she grows up, it must be right to look for her father according to this standard.

Some netizens said that Dad was drenched in the rain the whole time, and when he took the umbrella, he did not hesitate. This is fatherly love, although it is a very ordinary thing, but it is also touching.

The father looked for an umbrella in the heavy rain, just so that his daughter would not be drenched: the father's love is silent, and he will always be a strong backing

However, some netizens think that it is normal for mothers to do this.

Author's point of view

It is indeed a very small thing for a father to go to the trunk to get an umbrella for his daughter in the rain, and father's love is also reflected in the bits and pieces of life.

Fathers don't show love to their children the way mothers do, but their love is everywhere.

What do you have to say about this?