
Does eating less staple food really affect lifespan?

author:Ancient Medicine White Xiao Bai

In modern society, there is a growing focus on healthy eating, especially the intake of staple foods. Some people think that reducing staple foods can help you lose weight and stay in shape, but others think that eating less staple foods will affect your lifespan. So, does eating less staple foods really affect longevity? This article will combine the theory of Chinese medicine and health knowledge to reveal this mystery for you.

Does eating less staple food really affect lifespan?

1. The importance of staple foods in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that staple food is the main source of energy for the human body, and it is also the basic substance for maintaining life activities. According to the record of the Yellow Emperor's Neijing, the five grains are for nourishment, the five fruits are for help, the five animals are for the benefit, and the five vegetables are for the filling. Among them, five grains refer to food crops such as rice, millet, millet, wheat, and soybean, which are the main sources of nutrients required by the human body.

Staple foods contain a lot of carbohydrates and are the main suppliers of energy to the human body. When we consume enough staple foods, the body is able to obtain sufficient energy to maintain normal physiological functions. If the intake of staple foods is insufficient for a long time, it will lead to insufficient energy supply to the body and affect the normal operation of various organs.

Does eating less staple food really affect lifespan?

2. The impact of eating less staple foods on life expectancy

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, eating less staple foods will have a certain impact on lifespan. First of all, insufficient intake of staple foods can lead to weakened spleen and stomach function. The spleen and stomach are important organs for digestion and absorption, and they convert food into qi and blood to nourish the whole body. If the intake of staple foods is insufficient for a long time, the function of the spleen and stomach will gradually weaken, leading to problems such as indigestion and loss of appetite.

Secondly, eating less staple food will affect the flow of qi and blood in the human body. Qi and blood are important substances that sustain life activities, and they are transported to all parts of the body through the meridian system. If the intake of staple foods is insufficient for a long time, the flow of qi and blood will not be smooth, which will lead to problems such as insufficient qi and blood, fatigue and fatigue.

Does eating less staple food really affect lifespan?

Finally, eating less staple foods can also affect the body's immunity. The immune system is an important line of defense against disease, and it needs adequate nutrients to maintain normal function. If the intake of staple foods is insufficient for a long time, the immune system will be compromised, and various diseases will be easily triggered.

3. How to consume staple foods correctly

Although eating less staple foods will have a certain impact on lifespan, it does not mean that we need to consume staple foods in large quantities. The right way to do this is to mix your diet according to your individual situation and make sure you are getting enough staple foods and other nutrients.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the intake of staple foods according to the individual's physique and activity level. In general, it is more appropriate for adults to consume 300-500 grams of staple foods per day. If you are a manual worker or an athlete, you can appropriately increase the intake of staple foods.

Does eating less staple food really affect lifespan?

Second, choose high-quality staple foods. A good staple food should be rich in nutrients such as dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. For example, whole-grain bread, brown rice, multigrains, etc. are all good choices.

Finally, it should be paired with other foods. In addition to staple foods, we should also consume moderate amounts of foods such as proteins, fats, vegetables, and fruits to ensure a comprehensive nutritional intake.
