
There is a 20 cm sink on the outer wall of the balcony of the new house, and I want to cover the roof and seal it, but I am stopped by the property?

author:Qeeka Home bathroom decoration design

The off-plan properties booked by the owners mentioned today many years ago have finally been delivered this year. For the sake of the child's studies, the owner immediately prepared for the renovation. However, when surveying the house, it was found that there was a 20 cm sink on the outer wall of the balcony, which was neither aesthetically pleasing nor practical, so it was planned to seal it. However, this move was promptly blocked by the property.

There is a 20 cm sink on the outer wall of the balcony of the new house, and I want to cover the roof and seal it, but I am stopped by the property?

From the owner's point of view, the intention to cover the sink is reasonable. This not only increases the usable area of the balcony, but also helps to prevent water accumulation and odors caused by clogged sinks on rainy days, and improves the comfort of the living environment.

There is a 20 cm sink on the outer wall of the balcony of the new house, and I want to cover the roof and seal it, but I am stopped by the property?

However, when the owner was about to seal the sink, the property stopped it on the grounds that it affected the overall style of the neighborhood and was seen as altering the appearance of the house, which could have a negative impact on the price of the house. This makes the owner confused, sealing a sink is actually related to the rise and fall of housing prices?

There is a 20 cm sink on the outer wall of the balcony of the new house, and I want to cover the roof and seal it, but I am stopped by the property?

In addition to cosmetic considerations, the property also details that the sink is located on the exterior of the house and has a limited load-bearing capacity. If the cover is filled without authorization, it may bring safety hazards to the structure of the house, thereby endangering the safety of the occupants.

There is a 20 cm sink on the outer wall of the balcony of the new house, and I want to cover the roof and seal it, but I am stopped by the property?

Since it was not feasible to plug the gutter, the owner turned to thinking about how to use the 20 cm space. He planned to install a drain at the bottom of the sink and transform it into a fish pond. However, this design also raises concerns about load-bearing, mosquito breeding and odor problems in summer. Although the property does not stop it directly, it is still not recommended.

There is a 20 cm sink on the outer wall of the balcony of the new house, and I want to cover the roof and seal it, but I am stopped by the property?

In fact, I would recommend either keeping the original function of the sink or using its space to place a few pots of greenery to add life. To reduce the load bearing and optimize drainage, consider using ceramsite filling, which is lightweight and promotes good drainage.

There is a 20 cm sink on the outer wall of the balcony of the new house, and I want to cover the roof and seal it, but I am stopped by the property?

When a sink causes a series of problems, have other homeowners also suffered from such problems? How did you deal with it? But in any case, it is important to follow the property rules and use the space wisely.

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